Research articles

My research articles are presented in four clusters.



A.1.1. The Iceberg Decomposition: A Parsimonious Way to Map the Health of Labour Markets

A.1.1. Belgische arbeidsmarkt valt op door hoge percentage burgers die noch werken noch werk zoeken

Nederlandse samenvatting. Klik hier voor de samenvatting van dit onderzoek en hier voor een video.

Tags. unemployment labour

Abstract. This article introduces the metaphor of the iceberg in the labour market. While policy in most OECD countries has historically focussed on reducing unemployment (the tip of the iceberg), the group of inactive people (below the waterline) is much larger. Therefore, we point to the clear limitations of the unemployment rate as the (single) key macro-economic indicator of the health of the labour market. A parsimonious dashboard approach utilising the unemployment-to-population ratio and the inactivity-topopulation ratio as two highly appropriate and complementary measures is defended. We show that the ratio of these two indices varies greatly between countries, which calls for different policies for different countries.

Downloads. Published as an open access article in Economic Analysis and Policy (URL:

A.1.2. What Shifts Did COVID-19 Year 2020 Bring to the Labour Market in Europe?

A.1.2. Belgische arbeidsmarkt blijft opvallend stabiel na coronajaar 2020

Nederlandse samenvatting. Nieuwe Eurostat-cijfers voor 2020 laten toe te bestuderen wat coronajaar 2020 globaal deed met de Europese arbeidsmarkten. We kennen immers wel de geluiden dat de werkloosheid in ons land amper toenam, maar wat gebeurde er met de inactiviteit? Misschien zijn er gewoon wel veel werklozen ontmoedigd geraakt en in de inactiviteit terechtgekomen. Conclusie? De Belgische arbeidsmarkt bleef, met dank aan tijdelijke werkloosheid en andere maatregelen die de bedrijven ondersteunden, opmerkelijk stabiel in coronajaar 2020. Het percentage werkzoekenden onder de 25- tot 64-jarigen steeg amper: van 3.6 naar 3.7%. België maakt daarmee een sprong in de ranking van Europese landen omtrent werkloosheid: van in het midden van de klas (14e plaats op 27 in 2019) naar de betere middenmoot (10e plaats in 2020). Opvallend: Zweden, vaak gezien als gidsland, kent een grote toename in werkloosheid en staat nu op plaats 23 van 27. Ook qua percentage inactieven blijft ons land volstrekt stabiel. Zowel in 2019 als in 2022 gaat het om 22.8% van de 25- tot 64-jarigen. Dit terwijl op het niveau van de Europese Unie er ongeveer 720 000 inactieven bijkwamen, vooral in de Zuid-Europese landen. Er zijn wel drie nuances op dit goede nieuws: (1) de inactiviteit is dan wel niet toegenomen, ze blijft wel één van de hoogste in Europa (23e op 27 landen), (2) de positieve evolutie in werkloosheid en inactiviteit wordt door die stagnering natuurlijk onderbroken en (3) de Belgische staat gaf natuurlijk wel veel geld uit voor deze ondersteuning.

Tags. unemployment labour

Abstract. This letter discusses the evolution of key labour market indicators in the EU-27 countries between 2019 and 2020, i.e. between the year before the COVID-19 crisis broke out and the year in which it impacted the economy heavily. Whereas earlier policy-oriented studies have dealt with the evolution of unemployment in 2020, often country by country, this letter focuses on the evolution of unemployment as well as inactivity across European countries. Indeed, previous crises have typically lead not only to more unemployment but also to larger numbers of discouraged unemployed and thus more inactivity. It appears that the Southern European countries, in particular, recorded increases in inactivity, while the Baltic States experienced higher unemployment. In many other countries, unemployment and inactivity remained remarkably stable despite COVID-19.

Downloads. Published as an open access article in Applied Economics Letters (URL:

A.1.3. Labour Market Policy if the General Public Was in Charge

A.1.3. Welk draagvlak is er bij de Vlaming voor 24 hangende arbeidsmarkthervormingen? (klik voor Nederlandse samenvatting)

Nederlandse samenvatting. Klik hier voor het Nederlandstalige onderzoeksrapport.

Tags. unemployment labour

Abstract. This study uses survey data among both a random sample (N = 500) and a convenience sample (N = 2,919) of Flemish adults to assess public support for 24 potential labour market reforms. The results show that there is a lot of public support for (both encouraged and mandatory) training and community service for the unemployed and for the so-called 'job bonus', which are all reforms planned by the Flemish government Jambon I. However, there is little public support for reforms which should make the – apparently strongly desired – increase of the minimum pension to 1,500 euro after taxes possible, such as gradually eliminating early retirement possibilities, decreasing how much equated periods (such as periods of sick leave and unemployment) count towards pension accrual, and (partly) unlinking wages from seniority. This indicates that the end-of-career-debate that the Belgian federal government De Croo I wants to have will not be an easy one. For the planned increased monitoring to fight social and fiscal fraud, there is, however, a lot of public support. Somewhat surprisingly, there is little public support for reforms which aim to strengthen the position of women on the labour market, such as more quota for women in boards of directors in private companies, more parental leave for couples who divide this leave more equally, and increased paternity leave from 10 to 20 days.

Co-authors. Prof. dr. Els Clays, prof. dr. Eva Derous, prof. dr. Bert George, Dr. Brecht Neyt, prof. dr. Eveline Schollaert and prof. dr. Bart Wille.

Downloads. Published as an IZA Policy Paper (URL:


A.2.1. Overeducation at the start of the career: Stepping stone or trap?

A.2.1. Eerste baan onder scholingsniveau: springplank of valkuil? (klik voor Nederlandse samenvatting)

Nederlandse samenvatting. Deze studie gaat na in welke mate werkloze afgestudeerden die een baan onder hun scholingsniveau aanvaarden daarmee hun overgang naar een baan op hun scholingsniveau versnellen. We vinden dat overscholing eerder een valkuil is in dit opzicht. Bij het aanvaarden van een baan onder het scholingsniveau in plaats van als werkloze verder naar een geschikte baan te zoeken, verlaagt men zijn maandelijkse instroomkansen in een geschikte baan met 51 tot 98 procent. Voor meer dan de helft van de werkloze schoolverlaters die een job onder hun scholingsniveau aanvaarden, duurt het bijna tien jaar (!) vooraleer ze een job vinden op hun scholingsniveau. Op basis van simulaties tonen we aan dat, in het geval ze deze overscholing niet aanvaard hadden en verder hadden gezocht naar gepast werk, de helft van deze groep dit passend werk al binnen de drie maanden zou gevonden hebben. Meer informatie. Klik hier voor de Nederlandstalige samenvatting van dit onderzoek.

Tags. overeducation unemployment duration analysis labour education

Abstract. This study investigates whether young unemployed graduates who accept a job below their level of education accelerate or delay the transition into a job that matches their level of education. We adopt the Timing of Events approach to identify this dynamic treatment effect using monthly calendar data from a representative sample of Flemish (Belgian) youth who started searching for a job right after leaving formal education. We find that overeducation is a trap. By accepting a job for which one is overeducated rather than only accepting adequate job matches, monthly transition rates into adequate employment fall by 51-98%, depending on the elapsed unemployment duration. These findings challenge the career mobility thesis and imply that the short-term benefits of policies that generate quick transitions into employment must be traded-off against the long-term costs of an inadequate job match.

Co-authors. Prof. dr. Bart Cockx and prof. dr. Dieter Verhaest.

Downloads. Published in Labour Economics (URL: A presentation is downloadable here. A discussion paper version of the study is freely downloadable here.

A.2.2. Unemployment or Overeducation: Which is a Worse Signal to Employers?

A.2.2. Werkloosheid of tewerkstelling onder niveau: wat is het slechtste signaal naar werkgevers? (klik voor Nederlandse samenvatting)

Nederlandse samenvatting. Klik hier voor de Nederlandstalige samenvatting van dit onderzoek.

Tags. hiring overeducation unemployment fictitious job applications labour education

Abstract. This study aims at estimating the stigma effect of unemployment and overeducation within one framework. To this end, we conduct a field experiment in the Belgian labour market. We send out trios of fictitious male job applications to real vacancies. These applications differ only by the labour market history of the candidates. By monitoring the subsequent reactions from the employer side, we find evidence for a larger stigma effect of unemployment than overeducation. The stigma effect of overeducation is found to occur for permanent contract jobs but not temporary ones.

Co-authors. Prof. dr. Dieter Verhaest.

Downloads. Published in Economist (URL: A discussion paper version of the study is freely downloadable here.

A.2.3. Why Are Employers Put Off by Long Spells of Unemployment?

A.2.3. Waarom krijgen langdurig werklozen nog zo weinig positieve reacties op hun sollicitaties? (klik voor Nederlandse samenvatting)

Nederlandse samenvatting. Klik hier voor de Nederlandstalige samenvatting van dit onderzoek.

Tags. hiring unemployment vignettes labour

Abstract. Recent evidence from large-scale field experiments has shown that employers use job candidates' unemployment duration as a sorting criterion. In the present study, we investigate the mechanisms underlying this pattern. To this end, we conduct a lab experiment in which participants make hiring decisions concerning fictitious job candidates with diverging unemployment durations. In addition, these participants rate the job candidates on statements central to four theoretical mechanisms often related to the scarring effect of unemployment: general signalling theory, (perceived) skill loss, queuing theory, and rational herding. We use the resulting data to estimate a multiple mediation model, in which the effect of the duration of unemployment on hiring intentions is mediated by the four theories. The lower hiring chances of the long-term unemployed turn out to be dominantly driven by the perception of longer unemployment spells as a signal of lower motivation.

Co-authors. Dr. Eva Van Belle, prof. dr. Ralf Caers, prof. dr. Marijke De Couck and Dr. Valentina Di Stasio.

Downloads. Published in European Sociological Review (URL: This study was earlier disseminated as a freely downloadable discussion paper titled 'Why Is Unemployment Duration a Sorting Criterion in Hiring?'


A.3.1. Does Student Work Really Affect Educational Outcomes? A Review of the Literature

A.3.1. Factcheck: studentenbaan nefast voor de studievoortgang? (klik voor Nederlandse samenvatting)

Nederlandse samenvatting. Klik hier voor de Nederlandstalige samenvatting van dit onderzoek.

Tags. student work labour education

Abstract. We review the theories put forward, methodological approaches used, and empirical conclusions found in the multidisciplinary literature on the relationship between student employment and educational outcomes. A systematic comparison of the empirical work yields new insights that go beyond the overall reported negative effect of more intensive working schemes and that are of high academic and policy relevance. One such insight uncovered by our review is that student employment seems to have a more adverse effect on educational choices and behaviour (study engagement and the decision to continue studying) than on educational performance (in particular, graduation).

Co-authors. Dr. Brecht Neyt, prof. dr. Eddy Omey and prof. dr. Dieter Verhaest.

Downloads. Published in Journal of Economic Surveys (URL: A discussion paper version of the study is freely downloadable here.

A.3.2. Student Employment and Academic Performance: An Empirical Exploration of the Primary Orientation Theory

A.3.2. Is studentenarbeid tijdens het academiejaar enkel nefast voor wie zich primair focust op dit werk? (klik voor Nederlandse samenvatting)

Nederlandse samenvatting. Deze studie toetst empirisch de stelling dat studentenarbeid alleen nadelig is voor de academische prestaties van studenten met een primaire oriëntatie op werk (versus school). Daartoe analyseren we unieke gegevens over de intensiteit van en de motivatie voor studentenarbeid in het tertiair onderwijs met behulp van een geavanceerd moderatiemodel. We vinden effectief alleen een negatief verband tussen het aantal uren studentenarbeid en het percentage geslaagde cursussen voor studenten met een primaire oriëntatie op werk. Deze bevinding kan een verklaring zijn voor de tegenstrijdige resultaten in de eerdere literatuur waarin deze factor buiten beschouwing werd gelaten.

Tags. student work labour education

Abstract. This study empirically assesses the thesis that student employment only hurts academic performance for students with a primary orientation toward work (versus school). To this end, we analyse unique data on tertiary education students' intensity of and motivation for student employment by means of a state-of-the art moderation model. We find, indeed, only a negative association between hours of student work and the percentage of courses passed for work-oriented students. This finding may explain the contradictory results in the literature neglecting this factor.

Co-authors. Prof. dr. Ive Marx, Dr. Brecht Neyt, Dra. Eva Van Belle en Jasmien Van Casteren.

Downloads. Published in Applied Economics Letters (URL:

A.3.3. Student work during secondary education, educational achievement, and later employment: a dynamic approach

A.3.3. De samenhang tussen studentenarbeid, studieresultaten en eerste arbeidsmarktuitkomsten (klik voor Nederlandse samenvatting)

Nederlandse samenvatting. We onderzoeken de directe en indirecte impact (via onderwijsprestaties) van studentenarbeid tijdens het secundair onderwijs op latere arbeidsmarktuitkomsten. Daartoe modelleren we studentenarbeid en latere school- en arbeidsmarktuitkomsten samen als een keten van discrete keuzes. Om het endogeniteitsprobleem aan te pakken, corrigeren we voor de niet-waargenomen determinanten van deze uitkomsten. Op basis van unieke longitudinale Belgische gegevens stellen we vast dat leerlingen die tijdens de zomervakantie van het secundair onderwijs werken, 15.3% meer kans hebben om drie maanden na het verlaten van de school een baan te hebben. Deze premie voor werkervaring van leerlingen is hoger wanneer leerlingen ook tijdens het academiejaar werken en neemt af voor latere arbeidsmarktuitkomsten. Bij uitsplitsing van dit totale effect blijkt dat het directe rendement van studentenarbeid het niet-positieve indirecte effect via verder studeren in het tertiaire onderwijs overcompenseert.

Tags. student work labour education

Abstract. This study examines the direct and indirect impact (via educational achievement) of student work during secondary education on later employment outcomes. To this end, we jointly model student work and later schooling and employment outcomes as a chain of discrete choices. To tackle their endogeneity, we correct for these outcomes’ unobserved determinants. Using unique longitudinal Belgian data, we find that pupils who work during the summer holidays of secondary education are 15.3% more likely to have a job three months after leaving school. This premium to student work experience is higher when pupils also work during the academic year and diminishes for later employment outcomes. When decomposing this total effect, it turns out that the direct returns to student work overcompensate its non-positive indirect effect via tertiary education enrolment.

Co-authors. Dr. Brecht Neyt, prof. dr. Eddy Omey and prof. dr. Dieter Verhaest.

Downloads. Published in Empirical Economics (URL: This study was earlier disseminated as a freely downloadable discussion paper titled 'Student Work, Educational Achievement, and Later Employment: A Dynamic Approach'.

A.3.4. Student Employment and Later Labour Market Success: No Evidence for Higher Employment Chances

A.3.4. Is studentenarbeid op het cv een troef? (klik voor Nederlandse samenvatting)

Nederlandse samenvatting. Klik hier voor de Nederlandstalige samenvatting van dit onderzoek.

Tags. hiring student work fictitious job applications labour education

Abstract. We investigate the impact of student work experience on later hiring chances. To completely rule out potential endogeneity, we present a field experiment in which various forms of student work experience are randomly disclosed by more than 1000 fictitious graduates applying for jobs in Belgium. Theoretical mechanisms are investigated by estimating heterogeneous treatment effects by the relevance and timing of revealed student work experience. We find that neither form of student work experience enhances initial recruitment decisions. For a number of candidate subgroups (by education level and occupation type), even an adverse effect is found.

Co-authors. Olivier Rotsaert, prof. dr. Dieter Verhaest and prof. dr. Eddy Omey.

Downloads. Published in Kyklos (URL: A presentation is downloadable here. This study was earlier disseminated as a freely downloadable discussion paper titled 'A Signal of Diligence? Student Work Experience and Later Employment Chances'.

A.3.5. What Do Student Jobs on Graduate CVs Signal to Employers?

A.3.5. Werkgevers zien in studentenarbeid op het cv een signaal van motivatie, maturiteit en ambitie (klik voor Nederlandse samenvatting)

Nederlandse samenvatting. Klik hier voor de Nederlandstalige samenvatting van dit onderzoek.

Tags. student work labour hiring vignettes education

Abstract. Due to the prevalence and important consequences of student work, the topic has seen an increased interest in the literature. However, to date the focus has been solely on measuring the effect of student employment on later labour market outcomes, relying on signalling theory to explain the observed effects. In the current study, we go beyond measuring the effect of student work and we examine for the first time what exactly is being signalled by student employment. We do this by means of a vignette experiment in which we ask 242 human resource professionals to evaluate a set of five fictitious profiles. Whereas all types of student work signal a better work attitude, a larger social network, a greater sense of responsibility, an increased motivation, and more maturity, only student employment in line with a job candidate’s field of study is a signal of increased human capital and increased trainability.

Co-authors. Dr. Eva Van Belle, prof. dr. Ralf Caers, Laure Cuypers, prof. dr. Marijke De Couck, Dr. Brecht Neyt and Dr. Hannah Van Borm.

Downloads. Published in Economics of Education Review (URL: A discussion paper version of the study is freely downloadable here.

A.3.6. Work Hard or Play Hard? Degree Class, Student Leadership and Employment Opportunities

A.3.6. Studentenleiders hebben voorsprong bij het solliciteren (klik voor Nederlandse samenvatting)

Nederlandse samenvatting. Klik hier voor de Nederlandstalige samenvatting van dit onderzoek.

Tags. fictitious job applications labour education

Abstract. We investigated the impact on first hiring outcomes of two main curriculum vitae (CV) characteristics by which graduates with a tertiary education degree distinguish themselves from their peers: degree class and extracurricular activities. These characteristics were randomly assigned to 2,800 fictitious job applications that were sent to real vacancies in Belgium. Academic performance and extra-curricular engagement both enhanced job interview rates by about 7%. The effect of a higher degree class was driven by female (versus male) candidates and candidates with a master’s (versus a bachelor’s) degree. We did not find evidence for these CV characteristics to be substitutes or to reinforce each other’s effect.

Co-authors. Prof. dr. Dieter Verhaest.

Downloads. Published in Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics (URL: A discussion paper version of the study is freely downloadable here.

A.3.7. The Impact of Internship Experience during Secondary Education on Schooling and Labour Market Outcomes

A.3.7. Stages tijdens het secundair onderwijs en de overgang van school naar werk: een dynamische analyse (klik voor Nederlandse samenvatting)

Nederlandse samenvatting. Klik hier voor de Nederlandstalige samenvatting van dit onderzoek.

Tags. labour education

Abstract. The literature on workplace learning in secondary education has mainly focussed on vocational education programmes. In this study, we examine the impact of internship experience in secondary education on a student's schooling and early labour market outcomes, by analysing unique, longitudinal data from Belgium. To control for unobserved heterogeneity, we model sequential outcomes by means of a dynamic discrete choice model. In line with the literature on vocational education programmes, we find that internship experience has a positive effect on labour market outcomes that diminishes over time, although within the time window of our study, we find no evidence for a null or negative effect over time.

Co-authors. Dr. Brecht Neyt, drs. Lorenzo Navarini and prof. dr. Dieter Verhaest.

Downloads. Published in CESifo Economic Studies (URL: A discussion paper version of the study is freely downloadable here.

A.3.8. Student Internships and Employment Opportunities after Graduation: A Field Experiment

A.3.8. Stage als keuzevak? Meer kans op een jobinterview! (klik voor Nederlandse samenvatting)

Nederlandse samenvatting. Klik hier voor de Nederlandstalige samenvatting van dit onderzoek.

Tags. fictitious job applications labour education

Abstract. Internships during tertiary education have become substantially more common over the past decades in many industrialised countries. This study examines the impact of a voluntary intra-curricular internship experience during university studies on the probability of being invited to a job interview. To estimate a causal relationship, we conducted a randomised field experiment in which we sent 1,248 fictitious, but realistic, resumes to real job openings. We find that applicants with internship experience have, on average, a 12.6% higher probability of being invited to a job interview.

Co-authors. Dr. Brecht Neyt, prof. dr. Thomas Siedler, Dra. Ilse Tobback, and prof. dr. Dieter Verhaest.

Downloads. Published in Economics of Education Review (URL: A discussion paper version of the study is freely downloadable here.

A.3.9. The effects of workplace learning in higher education on employment and match quality: Is there an early-career tradeoff?

A.3.9. Algemeen versus beroepsgericht hoger onderwijs: afruil in korte- en langetermijnsucces op de arbeidsmarkt? (klik voor Nederlandse samenvatting)

Nederlandse samenvatting. We onderzoeken of de keuze voor een hoger onderwijsprogramma met een substantiële werkpleklerencomponent een trade-off inhoudt tussen enerzijds hogere tewerkstellingskansen en betere initiële matches (wanneer men kiest voor een programma met werkplekleren) en anderzijds een lager risico op slechtematchpersistentie (wanneer men kiest voor een programma zonder werkplekleren). Daartoe baseren we ons op longitudinale gegevens van Belgische afgestudeerden. We modelleren hun programmakeuze, overgang naar een goede match en de voorafgaande overgang naar een slechte match simultaan. Om rekening te houden met niet-willekeurige selectie in programma's en in slechte matches, wordt de 'Timing of Events'-methode gecombineerd met een exclusierestrictie. Na correctie voor waargenomen en niet-waargenomen heterogeniteit vinden we geen bewijs voor een associatie. Dit resultaat draagt bij tot het debat over de efficiëntie van de professionalisering van tertiaire onderwijsprogramma's door de invoering van werkplekleren.

Tags. overeducation unemployment duration analysis labour education

Abstract. We investigate whether the choice for a higher education program with a substantial workplace learning component entails an early-career trade-off between on the one hand higher employment chances and better initial matches (when opting for a program with workplace learning) and on the other hand a lower risk of bad match persistence (when opting for a program without workplace learning). To this end, we rely on longitudinal data of Belgian graduates that track their careers up until the age of 29. We model the program choice, the transition to a good match and the preceding transition to a bad match simultaneously. To account for non-random selection into programs and into bad matches, the Timing of Events method is combined with an exclusion restriction. After accounting for observed and unobserved heterogeneity, we do not find evidence for a trade-off. This result contributes to the debate about the efficiency of vocationalising tertiary education programs through the implementation of workplace learning.

Co-authors. Prof. dr. Dieter Verhaest.

Downloads. Published in Empirical Economics (URL:

A.3.10. The Impact of Dual Apprenticeship Programs on Early Labour Market Outcomes: A Dynamic Approach

A.3.10. Deeltijds beroepsgericht onderwijs en de overgang van school naar werk: een dynamische analyse (klik voor Nederlandse samenvatting)

Nederlandse samenvatting. Deze studie meet de impact van het instromen in deeltijds beroepsgericht secundair onderwijs in Vlaanderen met betrekking tot gekwalificeerde uitstroom en eerste arbeidsmarktuitkomsten. Ze draagt bij tot de internationale wetenschappelijke literatuur door een dynamisch econometrisch model te schatten, waarbij opeenvolgende onderwijs- en arbeidsmarktuitkomsten gemodelleerd worden en gecontroleerd wordt voor niet-waarneembare verschillen tussen scholieren die al dan niet instromen in deeltijds beroepsgericht secundair onderwijs. In lijn met de eerdere, internationale literatuur wordt gevonden dat scholieren die instromen in de leertijd sneller werkzaam zijn na het schoolverlaten en sneller een vast contract bemachtigen (in vergelijking met verder gelijkaardige scholieren). Daar staat tegenover dat na het starten in de leertijd er vaker ongekwalificeerde uitstroom is. Beide effecten worden niet teruggevonden voor het instromen in een DBSO-opleiding (deeltijds beroepssecundair onderwijs).

Tags. labour education

Abstract. This study examines the impact of enrolling into dual apprenticeship programmes during secondary education on six early employment outcomes. Our contribution to the literature is threefold. First, we apply a method that has rarely been used in this literature to control for potential selection biases. Second, this method allows us to distinguish between the programmes’ direct effect (conditional on educational achievement) and indirect effect (via educational achievement) on labour market outcomes. Third, we examine the impact of two distinct dual apprenticeship programmes in a novel setting: Flanders (Belgium). We find evidence for short-term labour market advantages only for the programme with the most days of on-the-job training, which fade out quickly over time.

Co-authors. Dr. Brecht Neyt and prof. dr. Dieter Verhaest.

Downloads. Published in Economics of Education Review (URL: A discussion paper version of the study is freely downloadable here.

A.3.11. Student Access to Apprenticeships: Evidence from a Vignette Experiment

A.3.11. Welke zaken beïnvloeden of je als scholier een stage vastkrijgt en waarom? (klik voor Nederlandse samenvatting)

Nederlandse samenvatting. Met behulp van een vignette-experiment schatten we de causale effecten in van onderwijsresultaten, persoonlijke kenmerken, kennis van het bedrijf of de organisatie (motivatie) en verschillende contextuele factoren op de toegang van studenten tot stageplaatsen in het secundair onderwijs en de daaropvolgende klassieke tewerkstelling. We richten ons op minder gekwalificeerde jongeren die willen deelnemen aan een tweeledig leerprogramma om een minimale schoolkwalificatie te behalen. In het algemeen geven onze resultaten aan dat veel van de personen voor wie het probleem van de jeugdwerkloosheid het meest acuut is, minder kans hebben om een stageplaats te vinden. In het bijzonder vinden we dat studenten met een minder gunstige eerdere schoolresultaten minder kans hebben om toegang te krijgen tot een stage en om vervolgens een reguliere baan te krijgen. Ten slotte speelt een migratieachtergrond vooral in het nadeel bij de toegang tot reguliere arbeid maar niet bij de toegang tot een stage. Dit strookt met de idee dat werkgevers selectiever zijn bij het aannemen van functies die een langdurige overeenkomst met zich meebrengen.

Tags. vignettes labour education ethnicity

Abstract. We identify the causal effects of student characteristics on the likelihood of being hired for an apprenticeship and explore the mechanisms underlying the employer’s decision. To this end, we perform a vignette experiment among human resources professionals in Belgium, focusing on less‐qualified youth. Our results indicate that students with favorable educational records and students revealing being motivated are more likely to obtain an apprenticeship. Furthermore, we find that these characteristics are used by human resources professionals as signals of trainability, employability, and quit intentions.

Co-authors. Dra. Ilse Tobback and prof. dr. Dieter Verhaest.

Downloads. Published in Industrial Relations (URL:


A.4.1. Pure Ethnic Gaps in Educational Attainment and School to Work Transitions: When Do They Arise?

A.4.1. Wanneer ontstaan etnische verschillen op school en arbeidsmarkt? (klik voor Nederlandse samenvatting)

Nederlandse samenvatting. In dit artikel worden de waargenomen verschillen in onderwijs- en eerste arbeidsmarktuitkomsten tussen Vlaamse en vreemde jongeren opgedeeld in een stuk verklaard door sociaal-economische achtergrond en een resterend 'zuiver etnisch' verschil. De drie belangrijkste bevindingen zijn de volgende. (1) De lagere sociale afkomst van allochtonen verklaart bijna volledig hun hogere kans om de school voortijdig te verlaten en hun lagere kans om hoger onderwijs aan te vatten. (2) Een heel ander beeld ontstaat wanneer men rekening houdt met de schoolvertraging die autochtonen en allochtonen oplopen. In dit geval spelen zuiver etnische verschillen wel een belangrijke rol: allochtonen zitten vaker over dan allochtonen, los van hun sociale afkomst. (3) Nog sterker is het zuiver etnische verschil op de arbeidsmarkt: sociale afkomst speelt amper nog een rol in de verklaring van de tragere overgang van school naar werk van allochtonen. Het zijn vooral zuiver etnische factoren die dit verklaren. Meer informatie. Klik hier voor de Nederlandstalige samenvatting van dit onderzoek.

Tags. ethnicity dynamic discrete choice labour education

Abstract. This article decomposes the observed gaps in educational attainment and school-to-work transitions in Belgium between grandchildren of natives and of women of "non-Western" nationality into (i) differences in observed family endowments and (ii) a residual "pure ethnic gap". It innovates by explicitly taking delays in educational attainment into account, by identifying the moments at which the pure ethnic gaps arise, by disentangling the decision to continue schooling at the end of a school year from the achievement within a particular grade, and by integrating the language spoken at home among observed family endowments. The pure ethnic gap in educational attainment is found to be small if delays are neglected, but substantial if not and for school-to-work transitions. It is shown that more than 20% of the pure ethnic gap in graduating from secondary school without delay originates in tenth grade. Language usage explains only part of the gap in school-to-work transitions for low educated.

Co-authors. Prof. dr. Bart Cockx.

Downloads. Published in Economics of Education Review (URL: A presentation is downloadable here. A discussion paper version of the study is freely downloadable here.

A.4.2. Native-Immigrant Gaps in Educational and School-to-Work Transitions in the Second Generation: The Role of Gender and Ethnicity

A.4.2. Etnische verschillen op school en arbeidsmarkt: verschillend voor jongens en meisjes? (klik voor Nederlandse samenvatting)

Nederlandse samenvatting. Klik hier voor de Nederlandstalige samenvatting van dit onderzoek.

Tags. ethnicity gender dynamic discrete choice labour education

Abstract. We study how native-immigrant gaps in educational trajectories and school-to-work transitions vary by gender. Using longitudinal Belgian data and adjusting for family background and educational sorting, we find that second-generation immigrants, especially Turks and Moroccans, lag behind natives. In particular, we observe that immigrant students are less likely to finish secondary education or begin tertiary education on time. They are also less likely to transition into work successfully. These performance gaps are substantially larger for female immigrants. In addition, we study demographic behaviors to test the hypothesis that attributes the gender differences in educational and economic ethnic gaps to cultural differences between immigrants and natives.

Co-authors. Prof. dr. Frank Heiland and prof. dr. Sanders Korenman.

Downloads. Published in Economist (URL: A discussion paper version of the study is freely downloadable here.

A.4.3. Do Employers Prefer Overqualified Graduates? A Field Experiment

A.4.3. Ook wanneer Bachelor voldoet, verkiezen werkgevers afgestudeerden met een Master (klik voor Nederlandse samenvatting)

Nederlandse samenvatting. Klik hier voor een samenvatting.

Tags. overeducation fictitious job applications labour education

Abstract. We test the basic assumption underlying the job competition and crowding out hypothesis: that employers always prefer higher educated to lower educated individuals. To this end, we conduct a randomised field experiment in which duos of fictitious applications by bachelor and master graduates are sent to real vacancies requiring only a bachelor degree. Our design allows to look at whether employers' preferences for overqualified versus adequately qualified applicants depend on the demand and supply context, sectoral activity and type of organisation, and characteristics of the posted vacancy. For the overall sample, we find that master graduates are 19% more likely to be directly invited for a job interview. Nonetheless, we conclude that eventual crowding out of bachelor graduates as a consequence of this selection policy is unlikely to be large since the advantage for master graduates is particularly observed for jobs with high overall invitation rates.

Co-authors. Prof. dr. Dieter Verhaest, Elene Bogaert, Jeroen Dereymaeker and Laura Mestdagh.

Downloads. Published in Industrial Relations (URL: This study was earlier disseminated as a freely downloadable discussion paper titled 'Crowding Out in the Labour Market: Do Employers Lend a Hand?'.

A.4.4. A Signal of (Train)ability? Grade Repetition and Hiring Chances

A.4.4. Overzitten schadelijk voor je cv wanneer je solliciteert voor jobs waarbinnen training belangrijk is

Nederlandse samenvatting. Klik hier voor de Nederlandstalige samenvatting van dit onderzoek.

Tags. education labour unemployment fictitious job applications

Abstract. This article contributes to the nascent literature on the effect of grade retention in school on later labour market success. A field experiment is conducted to rule out the endogeneity of both outcomes. More concretely, various treatments of grade retention are randomly assigned to fictitious résumés sent in application to real vacancies. Overall, grade retention does not significantly affect positive call-back by employers. However, when narrowing in on vacancies for occupations where on-the-job training is important, job candidates with a record of grade retention are 16% less likely to receive a positive reaction. This finding is consistent with Queuing theory.

Co-authors. Prof. dr. Matteo Picchio.

Downloads. Published in Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization (URL: A discussion paper version of the study is freely downloadable here.


A.5.1. Does Homeownership Lead to Longer Unemployment Spells? The Role of Mortgage Payments

A.5.1. Leidt huiseigenaarschap tot langere werkloosheidsduur? (klik voor Nederlandse samenvatting)

Nederlandse samenvatting. In dit artikel wordt onderzocht hoe huiseigenaarschap en werkloosheidsduur samenhangen in België. We dragen bij aan de wetenschappelijke literatuur door een onderscheid te maken tussen huiseigenaars met en zonder lopende hypotheek. We vinden dat eigenaars zonder lopende hypotheek het langst werkloos blijven terwijl eigenaars met hypotheek het snelst weer aan de slag zijn. Huurders nemen een tussenpositie in.

Tags. unemployment duration analysis labour

Abstract. This paper examines the impact of housing tenure choice on unemployment duration in Belgium using EU-SILC micro data. We contribute to the literature in distinguishing homeowners with mortgage payments and outright homeowners. Accounting for tenure endogeneity and unobserved heterogeneity, we find that homeowners with a mortgage exit unemployment first, while outright owners stay unemployed the longest. Tenants take an intermediate position. Our results emphasize the key role of housing costs in the link between housing tenure and labour market outcomes. Considered together with the results of recent macroeconomic research on housing and employment in Belgium, this paper provides indirect evidence for significant negative effects of homeownership on the labour market and the economy beyond the owners themselves.

Co-authors. Prof. dr. Freddy Heylen and Dr. Daan Isebaert.

Downloads. Published in Economist (URL:

A.5.2. Facebook profile picture appearance affects recruiters' first hiring decisions

A.5.2. Heeft je Facebook-profielfoto een effect op je aanwervingskansen? (klik voor Nederlandse samenvatting)

Nederlandse samenvatting. Klik hier voor de Nederlandstalige samenvatting van dit onderzoek.

Tags. discrimination gender hiring fictitious job applications labour

Abstract. We investigate whether the publicly available information on Facebook about job applicants affects employers' hiring decisions. To this end, we conduct a field experiment in which fictitious job applications are sent to real job openings in Belgium. The only characteristic in which these candidates differ is the unique Facebook profile that can be found online with their name. Candidates with the most beneficial Facebook picture obtain approximately 38% more job interview invitations compared to candidates with the least beneficial picture. In addition, we find suggestive evidence for a higher effect of Facebook profile picture appearance on hiring chances when candidates are highly educated and when recruiters are female.

Downloads. Published in New Media & Society (URL:

A.5.3. Does it Pay to Care? Volunteering and Employment Opportunities

A.5.3. Verhoogt vrijwilligerswerk de aanwervingskansen? (klik voor Nederlandse samenvatting)

Nederlandse samenvatting. Klik hier voor de Nederlandstalige samenvatting van dit onderzoek.

Tags. gender hiring volunteering fictitious job applications labour

Abstract. We investigate whether volunteering has a causal effect on individual employment opportunities. To this end, a field experiment is conducted in which volunteering activities are randomly assigned to fictitious job applications sent to genuine vacancies in Belgium. We find that volunteers are 7.3 percentage points more likely to get a positive reaction to their job applications. The volunteering premium is higher for females but invariant with respect to the number of engagements.

Co-authors. Prof. dr. Suncica Vujic.

Downloads. Published in Journal of Population Economics (URL: This study was earlier disseminated as a freely downloadable discussion paper titled 'Does It Pay to Care? Prosocial Engagement and Employment Opportunities'.

A.5.4. Costly Mistakes: Why and When Spelling Errors in Resumes Jeopardise Interview Chances

A.5.4. Wetenschappelijk aangetoond: spellingsfouten in cv kunnen je een jobgesprek kosten (klik voor Nederlandse samenvatting)

Nederlandse samenvatting. Klik hier voor de Nederlandstalige samenvatting van dit onderzoek.

Tags. hiring vignettes labour

Abstract. Earlier research has associated spelling errors in resumes with reduced hiring chances. However, the analysis of hiring penalties due to spelling errors has thus far been restricted to white-collar occupations and relatively high numbers of errors per resume. Moreover, the mechanisms underlying the spelling error penalty have remained unclear. To fill these gaps in the peerreviewed literature, we conducted a scenario experiment with 445 genuine recruiters. Results show that, compared to error-free resumes, hiring penalties are being inflicted for both error-laden resumes (18.5 percent points lower interview probability) and resumes with fewer errors (7.3 percent points lower interview probability). Furthermore, we find substantial heterogeneity in penalties inflicted based on various applicant, job and participant characteristics. About half of the spelling error penalty can be explained by the perception that applicants who make spelling errors have lower interpersonal skills (9.0%), conscientiousness (12.1%) and mental abilities (32.2%).

Co-authors. Drs. Philippe Sterkens, prof. dr. Ralf Caers, prof. dr. Marijke De Couck, Michael Geamanu and Victor Van Driessche.

Downloads. Published in Plos One (URL:


A.6.1. Contracting Out Mandatory Counselling and Training for Long-Term Unemployed: Private For-Profit or Non-Profit, or Keep It Public?

A.6.1. Het uitbesteden van de begeleiding van langdurig werklozen aan de privé, de non-profit-sector of gewoon publiek houden? (klik voor Nederlandse samenvatting)

Nederlandse samenvatting. Klik hier voor een Nederlandstalige samenvatting.

Tags. unemployment duration analysis labour

Abstract. This study evaluates the effectiveness of contracting out mandatory publicly provided counselling and training for long-term unemployed in Flanders (Belgium) to private for-profit and non-profit organisations (FPOs and NPOs). A multivariate transition model exploits timing-of-events and novel exclusion restrictions to account for selection on unobservables. Overall, the intervention was highly effective in reducing unemployment duration, but also spurred employment instability and withdrawals from the labour force. FPOs slightly, but significantly enhanced exits to employment without reinforcing recidivism relative to the public provider but not significantly relative to NPOs. FPOs also charged lower prices and hence were the best performing providers.

Co-authors. Prof. dr. Bart Cockx.

Downloads. A discussion paper version of the study is freely downloadable here.

A.6.2. The Signal of Applying for a Job under a Vacancy Referral Scheme

A.6.2. Sollicitant doorverwezen via VDAB? Slecht signaal voor werkgevers

Nederlandse samenvatting. Klik hier voor de Nederlandstalige samenvatting van dit onderzoek.

Tags. hiring unemployment vignettes labour

Abstract. Persistent unemployment across OECD countries has led to increasing investments in activation programmes and, as a consequence, rigorous evaluations of the effectiveness of these programmes. The results of these evaluations have been mixed at best. To improve the effectiveness of the activation programmes, it is important to know why we observe these unsatisfactory results. One possible explanation that has been largely underexplored is the signal these programmes send to prospective employers. We investigate this signalling effect in the context of a job-vacancy referral system. To this end, we conduct a state-ofthe-art vignette experiment in which HR professionals make hiring decisions concerning fictitious job candidates who apply either under a job-vacancy referral system or directly (without referral). By analysing the experimental data, we provide first causal evidence for a substantial adverse effect of referral on the probability of being hired. In addition, our experimental design allows us to explore whether this effect is heterogeneous by job candidate and recruiter characteristics and what exactly is signalled by the job-vacancy referral. In particular, we find that employers perceive referred candidates as being less motivated than other candidates.

Co-authors. Dr. Eva Van Belle, prof. dr. Ralf Caers, prof. dr. Marijke De Couck and Dr. Valentina Di Stasio.

Downloads. Published in Industrial Relations (URL: A discussion paper version of the study is freely downloadable here.

A.6.3. A Poisoned Gift? The Hireability Signals of an Income-Support Program for the Senior Unemployed

A.6.3. Slechts 0,62% van de swt’ers zijn een jaar later terug aan het werk, maar niet omdat werkgevers de neus voor hen ophalen!

Nederlandse samenvatting. Klik hier voor de Nederlandstalige samenvatting van dit onderzoek.

Tags. hiring unemployment vignettes labour

Abstract. Many OECD countries invest heavily in labour-market programs to prolong careers. Although active labour-market programs designed for this purpose have frequently been evaluated, less is known about the employment impact of more passive regimes that make labour-market participation later in life feasible. This study focuses on the latter by investigating the hiring opportunities of senior job candidates who partake in a system that ensures older labour-market participants a company supplement in addition to unemployment benefits when they are dismissed. Therefore, we conduct a state-of-the-art scenario experiment in which 360 genuine recruiters evaluate fictitious job candidates who have spent varying durations unemployed in regimes with and without the company supplement. Because they evaluate candidates with respect to both hireability and productivity perceptions, we can identify the mechanisms at play. Overall, we find no evidence of employer-side stigma hindering the re-employment of older unemployed in the program. On the contrary, the longer-term unemployed even benefit – in terms of hiring chances – from partaking in this regime because it seemingly mitigates the regular stigmatisation of long-term unemployment, especially for men. More concretely, recruiters judge the long-term unemployed more mildly, especially with respect to perceived flexibility, when they receive the company supplement and still apply.

Co-authors. Dra. Axana Dalle and drs. Philippe Sterkens

Downloads. A discussion paper version of the study is freely downloadable here.



B.0. The state of hiring discrimination: A meta-analysis of (almost) all recent correspondence experiments

B.0. Wereldwijde praktijktesten geven aan dat leeftijdsdiscriminatie nog problematischer is dan etnische discriminatie (klik voor Nederlandse samenvatting)

Nederlandse samenvatting. Klik hier voor de Nederlandstalige samenvatting van dit onderzoek.

Tags. discrimination hiring ethnicity unemployment fictitious job applications

Abstract. Notwithstanding the improved integration of various minority groups in the workforce, unequal treatment in hiring still hinders many individuals’ access to the labour market. To tackle this inaccessibility, it is essential to know which and to what extent minority groups face hiring discrimination. This meta-analysis synthesises a quasi-exhaustive register of correspondence experiments on hiring discrimination published between 2005 and 2020. Using a random-effects model, we computed pooled discrimination ratios concerning ten discrimination grounds upon which unequal treatment in hiring is forbidden under United States federal or state law. Our meta-analysis shows that hiring discrimination against candidates with disabilities, older candidates, and less physically attractive candidates is at least equally severe as the unequal treatment of candidates with salient ethnic characteristics. Remarkably, hiring discrimination against older applicants is even more outspoken in Europe than in the United States. Furthermore, unequal treatment in hiring based on sexual orientation seems to be prompted mainly by signalling activism rather than same-sex orientation in itself. Last, aside from a significant decrease in ethnic hiring discrimination in Europe, we find no structural evidence of recent temporal changes in hiring discrimination based on the various other grounds within the scope of this review.

Co-authors. Drs. Louis Lippens and Siel Vermeiren.

Downloads. Published as an open access article in European Economic Review (URL:


B.1.1. Is There Less Discrimination in Occupations Where Recruitment is Difficult?

B.1.1. Neemt etnische discriminatie af met arbeidsmarktkrapte in beroep? (klik voor Nederlandse samenvatting)

Nederlandse samenvatting. In dit onderzoek testen we de samenhang tussen aanwervingsdiscriminatie enerzijds en arbeidsmarktkrapte (i.e. het aantal vacatures in een bepaald beroep in verhouding tot het aantal werklozen dat ervoor in aanmerking komt). Daartoe sturen we paren van fictieve sollicitanten naar bestaande vacatures die verschillen naar arbeidsmarktkrapte. Aan deze paren worden op een lukrake manier een Vlaamse naam (ene kandidaat) en Turkse naam (andere kandidaat) toegevoegd. Enerzijds vinden we dat Vlaamse en Turkse kandidaten geen ongelijke behandeling ondergaan wanneer ze solliciteren voor knelpuntberoepen (hoge krapte). Anderzijds krijgen Vlaamse kandidaten meer dan dubbel zoveel uitnodigingen voor een jobgesprek voor niet-knelpuntberoepen (lage krapte). Meer informatie. Klik hier voor de Nederlandstalige samenvatting van dit onderzoek.

Tags. discrimination hiring ethnicity unemployment fictitious job applications

Abstract. We empirically test the cross-sectional relationship between hiring discrimination and labor market tightness at the level of the occupation. To this end, we conduct a correspondence test in the youth labor market. In line with theoretical expectations, we find that, compared to natives, candidates with a foreign sounding name are equally often invited to a job interview if they apply for occupations for which vacancies are difficult to fill, but they have to send twice as many applications for occupations for which labor market tightness is low. Our findings are robust against various sensitivity checks.

Co-authors. Prof. dr. Bart Cockx, dr. Niels Gheyle and Cora Vandamme.

Downloads. Published in Industrial & Labor Relations Review (URL: This study was earlier disseminated as a freely downloadable discussion paper titled 'Do Employers Discriminate Less If Vacancies Are Difficult to Fill? Evidence from a Field Experiment'.

B.1.2. Immigrant Volunteering: A Way Out of Labour Market Discrimination?

B.1.2. Worden allochtonen die aan vrijwilligerswerk doen minder gediscrimineerd op de arbeidsmarkt? (klik voor Nederlandse samenvatting)

Nederlandse samenvatting. Klik hier voor de Nederlandstalige samenvatting van dit onderzoek.

Tags. discrimination hiring ethnicity unemployment fictitious job applications labour

Abstract. Many governments encourage migrants to participate in volunteer activities as a stepping stone to labour market integration. In the present study, we investigate whether this prosocial engagement lowers the hiring discrimination against them. To this end, we use unique data from a field experiment in which fictitious job applications are sent in response to real vacancies in Belgium. Ethnic origin and volunteer activities are randomly assigned to these applications. While non-volunteering native candidates receive more than twice as many job interview invitations as non-volunteering migrants, no unequal treatment is found between natives and migrants when they reveal volunteer activities.

Co-authors. Prof. dr. Suncica Vujic.

Downloads. Published in Economics Letters (URL: A discussion paper version of the study is freely downloadable here.

B.1.3. Does Work Experience Mitigate Discrimination?

B.1.3. Worden allochtonen met meer werkervaring minder gediscrimineerd? (klik voor Nederlandse samenvatting)

Nederlandse samenvatting. Klik hier voor de Nederlandstalige samenvatting van dit onderzoek.

Tags. discrimination hiring ethnicity fictitious job applications labour

Abstract. We test whether ethnic discrimination is heterogeneous by job candidates' work experience. Fictitious applications are sent to vacancies. We find significant discrimination when candidates have no or little experience but no unequal treatment when they have twenty years of experience.

Co-authors. Dr. Andrea Albanese, Sofie du Gardein, Jolien Ovaere and dr. Jarno Stappers.

Downloads. Published in Economics Letters (URL: ).

B.1.4. Does Size Matter? Hiring Discrimination and Firm Size

B.1.4. Hangt aanwervingsdiscriminatie samen met bedrijfsgrootte? (klik voor Nederlandse samenvatting)

Nederlandse samenvatting. We bestuderen het verband tussen bedrijfsgrootte en aanwervingsdiscriminatie van vrouwen, etnische minderheden en oudere sollicitanten. Daartoe voegen wij veldexperimentele metingen van ongelijke behandeling van deze groepen samen met gegevens op bedrijfsniveau. Deze gegevens stellen ons in staat na te gaan of discriminatie varieert volgens indicatoren van bedrijfsgrootte, waarbij andere bedrijfskenmerken constant worden gehouden. In tegenstelling tot onze theoretische verwachtingen, vinden wij geen bewijs voor een verband tussen bedrijfsgrootte en aanwervingsdiscriminatie. Daarentegen vinden we wel aanwijzingen dat er minder discriminatie bij aanwerving is bij overheidsbedrijven en non-profitbedrijven (vergeleken met commerciële bedrijven).

Tags. discrimination hiring fictitious job applications labour

Abstract. We study the association between firm size and hiring discrimination against women, ethnic minorities and older job candidates. To this end, we merge field experimental measures on unequal treatment against these groups with firm-level data. These data enable us to assess whether discrimination varies by indicators of firm size, keeping other firm characteristics constant. In contrast with our theoretical expectations, we find no evidence for an association between firm size and hiring discrimination. On the other hand, we do find suggestive evidence for hiring discrimination being lower in respect of public or non-profit firms (compared to commercial firms).

Co-authors. Ann-Sofie De Meyer, Yentl Moerman, and prof. dr. Eddy Omey.

Downloads. Published in International Journal of Manpower (URL:

B.1.5. Is Ethnic Discrimination due to Distaste or Statistics?

B.1.5. Komt etnische discriminatie door voorkeuren of statistieken? (klik voor Nederlandse samenvatting)

Nederlandse samenvatting. Met behulp van een vignette-experiment testen we de empirische waarden van twee sleuteltheorieën die discriminatie kunnen verklaren. Enerzijds is er de theorie van de voorkeursdiscriminatie: werkgevers discrimineren op basis van hun algemeen voorkeur voor of afkeer van samenwerking met bepaalde minderheidsgroepen (of de voorkeuren van hun klanten of andere werknemers). Anderzijds is er de theorie van de statistische discriminatie: werkgevers worden bij het beoordelen van jobkandidaten geconfronteerd met beperkte informatie en leiden uit bepaalde kenmerken andere niet-waargenomen zaken (zoals motivatie en algemene aanleg) af. Daarbij is het mogelijk dat individuen die tot minderheidsgroepen behoren ongunstig behandeld worden op basis van percepties omtrent de groep waartoe zij behoren. Onze onderzoeksbevindingen bieden, specifiek voor etnische discriminatie, ondersteuning voor de eerste theorie: werkgevers discrimineren vanuit de perceptie dat hun klanten en andere werknemers samenwerking met autochtonen verkiezen.

Tags. discrimination hiring vignettes labour

Abstract. Employing a vignette experiment, we test the empirical importance of key attitudes underlying the models of taste-based and statistical discrimination in explaining ethnic hiring discrimination. We find that employer concern that co-workers and customers prefer collaborating with natives drives discrimination.

Co-authors. Prof. dr. Ann-Sophie De Pauw.

Downloads. Published in Economics Letters (URL: A discussion paper version of the study is freely downloadable here.

B.1.6. Is Labour Market Discrimination against Ethnic Minorities Better Explained by Taste or Statistics? A Systematic Review of the Empirical Evidence

B.1.6. Factcheck: waarom discrimeren sommige werkgevers jegens etnische minderheden? (klik voor Nederlandse samenvatting)

Nederlandse samenvatting. Wetenschappers hebben zich veel moeite getroost om het voorkomen van etnische arbeidsmarktdiscriminatie in kaart te brengen. Om deze discriminatie doeltreffend tegen te gaan, moeten we echter de onderliggende mechanismen ervan begrijpen, want verschillende mechanismen vragen om verschillende tegenmaatregelen. Daartoe hebben wij de recente literatuur bestudeerd die de theorieën van smaak- en statistische discriminatie confronteert met de empirische realiteit via een systematische literatuurstudie. Ten eerste stelden we vast dat de operationalisering van de mechanismen sterk varieerde tussen de studies. Ten tweede stelden we vast dat 20 van de 30 studies die smaakdiscriminatie onderzochten en 18 van de 34 studies die statistische discriminatie beoordeelden, ondersteunend bewijs leverden voor de genoemde mechanismen. Experimenteel (veld)onderzoek, dat zich voornamelijk richt op aanwervingsbeslissingen, leverde echter meer bewijs op ten gunste van smaak- dan van statistische discriminatie, wat suggereert dat het smaak-mechanisme etnische discriminatie bij aanwerving beter zou kunnen verklaren.

Tags. discrimination hiring ethnicity labour

Abstract. Scholars have gone to great lengths to chart the incidence of ethnic labour market discrimination. To effectively mitigate this discrimination, however, we need to understand its underlying mechanisms because different mechanisms lead to different counteracting measures. To this end, we reviewed the recent literature that confronts the seminal theories of taste-based and statistical discrimination against the empirical reality. First, we observed that the measurement operationalisation of the mechanisms varied greatly between studies, necessitating the development of a measurement standard. Second, we found that 20 out of 30 studies examining taste-based discrimination and 18 out of 34 studies assessing statistical discrimination produced supportive evidence for said mechanisms. However, (field) experimental research, which predominantly focuses on hiring outcomes, yielded more evidence in favour of taste-based vis-à-vis statistical discrimination, suggesting that the taste-based mechanism might better explain ethnic discrimination in hiring.

Co-authors. Drs. Louis Lippens, drs. Abel Ghekiere, prof. dr. Pieter-Paul Verhaeghe and prof. dr. Eva Derous.

Downloads. Published as an open access article in Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies (URL:

B.1.7. Loss Aversion in Taste-Based Employee Discrimination: Evidence from a Choice Experiment

B.1.7. Kent discriminatie een prijs? (klik voor Nederlandse samenvatting)

Nederlandse samenvatting. Klik hier voor de Nederlandstalige samenvatting van dit onderzoek.

Tags. discrimination hiring ethnicity labour

Abstract. Using a choice experiment, we test whether taste-based employee discrimination against ethnic minorities is susceptible to loss aversion. In line with empirical evidence from previous research, our results indicate that introducing a hypothetical wage penalty for discriminatory choice behaviour lowers discrimination and that higher penalties have a greater effect. Most notably, we find that the propensity to discriminate is significantly lower when this penalty is loss-framed rather than gain-framed. From a policy perspective, it could therefore be more effective to financially penalise taste-based discriminators than to incentivise them not to discriminate.

Co-authors. Drs. Louis Lippens and prof. dr. Eva Derous.

Downloads. Published in Economics Letters (URL: A discussion paper version of the study is freely downloadable here.

B.1.8. Ethnic discrimination on paper: uncovering realtors’ willingness to discriminate with mystery mails

B.1.8. Nieuwe manier om discriminatie te meten: geen mystery calls maar mystery e-mails (klik voor Nederlandse samenvatting)

Nederlandse samenvatting. Wordt spoedig ter beschikking gesteld.

Tags. discrimination ethnicity

Abstract. Introducing a new method, we measure real estate agents’ intentions to act upon a discriminatory request on the housing market. Our results show that realtors are willing to discriminate on request and that the method of mystery mails allows scholars to measure and contextualize these discriminatory intentions in a detailed and elaborate way.

Co-authors. Drs. Abel Ghekiere, drs. Louis Lippens and prof. dr. Pieter-Paul Verhaeghe.

Downloads. Published in Applied Economics Letters (URL:

B.1.9. Introducing a vignette experiment to study mechanisms of ethnic discrimination on the housing market

B.1.9. Een vignettenexperiment om mechanismen van etnische discriminatie op de woningmarkt te bestuderen (klik voor Nederlandse samenvatting)

Nederlandse samenvatting. Etnische discriminatie op de woningmarkt is al jaren onderwerp van onderzoek. Hoewel een veldexperimentele aanpak wijdverbreid is, zijn alternatieve pogingen om de mechanismen van discriminatie op de woningmarkt objectief te meten schaars. In overeenstemming met het arbeidsmarktonderzoek benadrukken wij dat om huurdiscriminatie van etnische minderheden te verminderen, inzicht moet worden verkregen in de onderliggende mechanismen. Dit is het eerste artikel dat daartoe een vignettenexperiment introduceert. In een multifactorieel vignettenexperiment onder 576 vastgoedstudenten maken wij onderscheid tussen vier mechanismen die in de literatuur naar voren zijn gebracht maar nauwelijks empirisch zijn getest: smaakdiscriminatie door de agent, smaakdiscriminatie door de eigenaar, smaakdiscriminatie door de buurt en statistische discriminatie. Bovendien stelt onze experimentele opzet ons in staat te onderzoeken of ongelijke behandeling heterogeen is naar eigenaar en buurtkenmerken.

Tags. discrimination ethnicity

Abstract. Ethnic discrimination on the housing market has been subject of research for years. While a field experimental approach is widespread, alternative attempts to objectively measure mechanisms of discrimination on the housing market are scarce. In line with labor market research, we stress that to reduce rental discrimination against ethnic minorities, we need understanding its underlying mechanisms. This is the first paper that introduces a vignette experiment to do so. We distinguish between four mechanisms put forward in the literature but hardly ever empirically tested: agent taste-based discrimination, owner taste-based discrimination, neighborhood taste-based discrimination and statistical discrimination, in a multifactorial vignette experiment among 576 pre graduate real estate student. In addition, our experimental design allows us to examine whether unequal treatment is heterogeneous by property owner and neighborhood characteristics.

Co-authors. Drs. Abel Ghekiere, prof. dr. Pieter-Paul Verhaeghe, prof. dr. Eva Derous and dr. Stijn Schelfhout.

Downloads. Published in Plos One (URL:

B.1.10. An Arab, an Asian, and a Black Guy Walk into a Job Interview: Ethnic Stigma in Hiring after Controlling for Social Class

B.1.10. Een Arabier, een Aziaat en een Afrikaan lopen een sollicitatiegesprek binnen: Etnisch stigma bij aanwerving na controle voor sociale klasse (klik voor Nederlandse samenvatting)

Nederlandse samenvatting. De afgelopen decennia hebben onderzoekers overtuigend bewijs gevonden van discriminatie bij aanwerving tegen etnische minderheden op basis van veldexperimenten met fictieve sollicitaties. Ondanks toenemende inspanningen, heeft de academische wereld nog geen bevredigend antwoord gevonden waarom etnische minderheden aanwervingsnadelen ondervinden. Met deze studie vullen wij deze leemte in de literatuur deels op door een state-of-the-art scenario-experiment met echte Amerikaanse recruiters. In het experiment beoordelen recruiters fictieve sollicitanten van verschillende etniciteiten maar met een consistente sociale klasse. De sollicitanten worden beoordeeld op 22 stellingen die verband houden met de dominante verklaringen voor etnische discriminatie bij aanwerving die de modellen van smaak- en statistische discriminatie bieden. We vinden dat verschillende ras-etnische groepen tamelijk gelijk worden beoordeeld, behalve Aziatische Amerikanen, die geacht worden betere intellectuele capaciteiten en organisatorische vaardigheden te hebben en meer ambitieus, gemotiveerd, efficiënt en open zijn. Deze resultaten suggereren dat de discriminatie gevonden in eerder experimenteel onderzoek overschat zou kunnen zijn, omdat een deel van de gerapporteerde discriminatie bij aanwerving kan worden toegeschreven aan andere aspecten dan ras-etniciteit

Tags. hiring ethnicity fictitious job applications vignettes labour

Abstract. Over the last decades, researchers have found compelling evidence of hiring discrimination toward ethnic minorities based on field experiments using fictitious job applications. Despite increasing efforts to discover why ethnic minorities experience hiring penalties, the academic world has not yet found a satisfying answer. With this study, we aim to close this gap in the literature by conducting a state-of-the-art scenario experiment with genuine American recruiters. In the experiment, we ask recruiters to assess fictitious job applicants of various race-ethnicities but consistent social class. The applicants are rated on 22 statements related to the dominant explanations for ethnic discrimination in hiring that the models of taste-based and statistical discrimination have offered. We find that different race-ethnicity groups are evaluated rather similarly, except for Asian Americans, who are perceived to have better intellectual abilities and organizational skills and to be more ambitious, motivated, efficient, and open. These results suggest that the hiring discrimination found in previous experimental research might be overestimated because part of the reported hiring penalty may be attributed to aspects other than race-ethnicity.

Co-authors. Drs. Louis Lippens and dr. Hannah Van Borm.

Downloads. A discussion paper version of the study is freely downloadable here.

B.1.11. Selecting Names for Experiments on Ethnic Discrimination

B.1.11. Welke namen signaleren een andere etnische achtergrond maar dezelfde sociale klasse? (klik voor Nederlandse samenvatting)

Nederlandse samenvatting. De afgelopen decennia hebben onderzoekers op basis van veldexperimenten met fictieve sollicitaties overtuigende bewijzen gevonden van discriminatie van etnische minderheden op de arbeidsmarkt en de woningmarkt. Deze bevindingen kunnen echter overdreven zijn, aangezien de namen die in verschillende experimenten voor etnische minderheden werden gebruikt, ook een signaal kunnen zijn van een lage sociaal-economische klasse. Daarom voeren wij in deze studie een naamcategoriseringsexperiment uit in de Verenigde Staten dat 56 namen oplevert die geassocieerd worden met zes etnische groepen, die verschillende etniciteiten en geslachten signaleren maar vergelijkbare sociale klassen. Deze namen zouden de validiteit van toekomstige experimenten over etnische discriminatie aanzienlijk moeten verbeteren.

Tags. hiring ethnicity fictitious job applications vignettes labour

Abstract. In recent decades, researchers have found compelling evidence of discrimination in the labor and housing market toward ethnic minorities based on field experiments using fictitious applications. However, these findings may be exaggerated as the names used for ethnic minorities in various experiments may have also signaled low socioeconomic class. Therefore, in this study, we perform a name categorization experiment in the United States that yields 56 names associated with six ethnicity groups, which signal different ethnicities and genders but similar social classes. These names should greatly improve the validity of future experiments on ethnic discrimination.

Co-authors. Drs. Louis Lippens and dr. Hannah Van Borm.

Downloads. A discussion paper version of the study is freely downloadable here.


B.2.1. Do Employer Preferences Contribute to Sticky Floors?

B.2.1. Dragen werkgeversvoorkeuren bij tot het minder snel maken van promotie door vrouwen? (klik voor Nederlandse samenvatting)

Nederlandse samenvatting. Klik hier voor de Nederlandstalige samenvatting van dit onderzoek.

Tags. discrimination gender hiring fictitious job applications labour

Abstract. We investigate the importance of employer preferences in explaining Sticky Floors, the pattern that women are, compared to men, less likely to start to climb the job ladder. To this end we perform a randomised field experiment in the Belgian labour market and test whether hiring discrimination based on gender is heterogeneous by the promotion characteristics of the selected jobs. We find that women get 33% less interview invitations when they apply for jobs implying a first promotion in functional level. On the other hand, their hiring chances are not significantly affected by the job authority level of the job.

Co-authors. Prof. dr. Ann-Sophie De Pauw and prof. dr. Nick Deschacht.

Downloads. Published in Industrial & Labor Relations Review (URL: A presentation is downloadable here. A discussion paper version of the study is freely downloadable here.

B.2.2. Field Experimental Evidence on Gender Discrimination in Hiring: Biased as Heckman and Siegelman Predicted?

B.2.2. Onderzoeksresultaten genderdiscriminatie op basis van veldexperimenten: vertekend? (klik voor Nederlandse samenvatting)

Nederlandse samenvatting. Correspondentiestudies worden tegenwoordig beschouwd als de beste manier om discriminatie bij aanwerving te meten. Deze studies hebben echter te lijden onder een fundamenteel methodologisch probleem, zoals geformuleerd door Heckman en Siegelman (The Urban Institute audit studies: Their methods and findings. In M. Fix, and R. Struyk (Eds.), Clear and convincing evidence: Measurement of discrimination in America, 1993), namelijk de vertekening van hun resultaten in geval van groepsverschillen in de variantie van niet-waargenomen determinanten van aanwervingsuitkomsten. In deze studie onderzoeken we deze vertekening empirisch in de context van genderdiscriminatie. We vinden geen significant bewijs voor deze vertekening.

Tags. discrimination gender hiring fictitious job applications labour

Abstract. Correspondence studies are nowadays viewed as the most compelling avenue to test for hiring discrimination. However, these studies suffer from one fundamental methodological problem, as formulated by Heckman and Siegelman (The Urban Institute audit studies: Their methods and findings. In M. Fix, and R. Struyk (Eds.), Clear and convincing evidence: Measurement of discrimination in America, 1993), namely the bias in their results in case of group differences in the variance of unobserved determinants of hiring outcomes. In this study, the authors empirically investigate this bias in the context of gender discrimination. The authors do not find significant evidence for the feared bias.

Downloads. Published in Economics E-journal (URL:

B.2.3. Do gender differences in career aspirations contribute to Sticky Floors?

B.2.3. Dragen de eigen voorkeuren bij tot het minder snel maken van promotie door vrouwen? (klik voor Nederlandse samenvatting)

Nederlandse samenvatting. Klik hier voor de Nederlandstalige samenvatting van dit onderzoek.

Tags. gender vignettes labour

Abstract. This study tests hypotheses regarding the importance of employee preferences in explaining Sticky Floors, the pattern that women are, compared to men, less likely to start to climb the job ladder. To this end we conduct a vignette study in which participants had to score the likeliness with which they would accept job offers with different promotion characteristics. In addition, they were surveyed on a number of preferences and attitudes. The main findings are that female young professionals have a less pronounced preference for jobs implying a promotion in terms of job content and that this effect is mediated by the greater risk aversion and anticipated gender discrimination among the women in our sample. No gender differences were found in the relative likeliness to apply for jobs that involve a promotion in terms of job authority.

Co-authors. Prof. dr. Ann-Sophie De Pauw and prof. dr. Nick Deschacht.

Downloads. Published in International Journal of Manpower (URL: A discussion paper version of the study is freely downloadable here.

B.2.4. Diving in the Minds of Recruiters: What Triggers Gender Stereotypes in Hiring?

B.2.4. Worden mannen en vrouwen nog steeds anders bekeken door recruiters? (klik voor Nederlandse samenvatting)

Nederlandse samenvatting. Klik hier voor de Nederlandstalige samenvatting van dit onderzoek.

Tags. gender vignettes labour

Abstract. We investigate the drivers of gender differentials in hiring chances. More concretely, we test (i) whether recruiters perceive job applicants in gender stereotypical terms when making hiring decisions and (ii) whether the activation of these gender stereotypes in recruiters’ minds varies by the salience of gender in a particular hiring context and the gender prototypicality of a job applicant, as hypothesised in Ridgeway and Kricheli-Katz (2013). To this end, we conduct an innovative vignette experiment in the United States with 290 genuine recruiters who evaluate fictitious job applicants regarding their hireability and 21 statements related to specific gender stereotypes. Moreover, we experimentally manipulate both the gender prototypicality of a job applicant and the salience of gender in the hiring context. We find that employers perceive women in gender stereotypical terms when making hiring decisions. In particular, women are perceived to be more social and supportive than men, but also as less assertive and physically strong. Furthermore, our results indicate that the gender prototypicality of job applicants moderates these perceptions: the less prototypical group of African American women, who are assumed to be less prototypical, are perceived in less stereotypical terms than white women, while some stereotypes are more outspoken when female résumés reveal family responsibilities.

Co-authors. Dr. Hannah Van Borm.

Downloads. A discussion paper version of the study is freely downloadable here.


B.3.1. Career lesbians. Getting hired for not having kids?

B.3.1. Jonge lesbiennes hebben betere aanwervingskansen in Vlaanderen (klik voor Nederlandse samenvatting)

Nederlandse samenvatting. Klik hier voor de Nederlandstalige samenvatting van dit onderzoek.

Tags. discrimination gender hiring fictitious job applications labour

Abstract. Using a field experiment, we investigate whether discrimination based on women's sexual orientation differs by age and family constraints. We find weakly significant evidence of discrimination against young heterosexual women. This effect is driven by age (and fertility) rather than by motherhood. We do not find any unequal treatment at older ages. This age effect is consistent with our theoretical expectation that, relative to lesbian women, young heterosexual women are penalised for getting children more frequently and taking on, on average, more at‐home‐caring tasks.

Downloads. Published in Industrial Relations Journal (URL: A discussion paper version of the study is freely downloadable here.

B.3.2. Hiring a gay man, taking a risk? A lab experiment on employment discrimination and risk-aversion

B.3.2. Discrimineren werkgevers die risico's schuwen vaker (tegenover homoseksuelen)? (klik voor Nederlandse samenvatting)

Nederlandse samenvatting. De deelnemers aan dit experiment dienden fictieve aanwervingsbeslissingen te nemen over hetzij een heteroseksuele, hetzij een homoseksuele jobkandidaat. Daarnaast werd ook hun risico-aversie gemeten. Wat bleek? Over alle deelnemers heen was er, in lijn met een eerder experiment met fictieve sollicitaties met lesbiennes en heteroseksuele vrouwelijke kandidaten, geen discriminatie. Interessanter was wat we zagen als we de resultaten opdeelden naar de risico-aversie van de deelnemers. De kans op een gunstige aanwervingsbeslissing voor de homoseksuele kandidaat was substantieel lager bij deelnemers die niet graag risico’s nemen. Dit kan dan weer verklaard worden door schrik dan andere werknemers en klanten minder graag zouden interageren met minderheidskandidaten (“risico op heibel op de werkvloer”).

Tags. discrimination hiring vignettes labour

Abstract. We investigate risk-aversion as a driver of labour market discrimination against homosexual men. We show that more hiring discrimination by more risk-averse employers is consistent with taste-based and statistical discrimination. To test this hypothesis we conduct a scenario experiment in which experimental employers take a hiring decision concerning a heterosexual or homosexual job candidate. In addition, participants are surveyed on their risk-aversion and other characteristics which might correlate with this risk-aversion. Analysis of the (post-)experimental data confirms our hypothesis. The probability of a beneficial hiring decision for homosexual candidates decreases by 31.7% when employers are a standard deviation more risk-averse.

Downloads. Published in Journal of Homosexuality (URL: A discussion paper version of the study is freely downloadable here.

B.3.3. Homosexuality’s Signalling Function in Job Candidate Screening: Why Gay is (Mostly) OK

B.3.3. LGBTQ’s door de ogen van recruiters: homo’s minder leuk om mee samen te werken, lesbiennes leuker (klik voor Nederlandse samenvatting)

Nederlandse samenvatting. Klik hier voor de Nederlandstalige samenvatting van dit onderzoek.

Tags. discrimination hiring vignettes labour

Abstract. To explain the mixed findings on hiring discrimination against homosexual applicants, we explore the perceptual drivers behind employers’ evaluations of gay men and lesbian women. Therefore, we conduct an extensive vignette experiment among 404 genuine recruiters, for which we test systematically-selected perceptions theoretically associated with homosexual job candidates in earlier studies. We find causal evidence for distinct effects of sexual identities on candidate perceptions and interview probabilities. In particular, interview probabilities are positively (negatively) associated with the perception of lesbian women (gay men) as being more (less) pleasant to work with compared to heterosexual candidates. In addition, interview chances are negatively associated with the perception of gay men and lesbian women as being more outspoken. Furthermore, our data align well with the idea of a concentrated discrimination account, whereby a minority of employers who privately hold negative attitudes towards homosexual individuals are responsible for most instances of hiring discrimination.

Downloads. A discussion paper version of the study is freely downloadable here.

B.3.4. What Drives Hiring Discrimination Against Transgenders

B.3.4. Wat drijft arbeidsmarktdiscriminatie jegens transvrouwen? (klik voor Nederlandse samenvatting)

Nederlandse samenvatting. Klik hier voor de Nederlandstalige samenvatting van dit onderzoek.

Tags. discrimination hiring vignettes labour

Abstract. We explore the mechanisms underlying hiring discrimination against transgender men. To this end, we conduct a scenario experiment with final-year business students in which fictitious hiring decisions are made about transgender or cisgender male job candidates. More importantly, these candidates are scored on statements related to theoretical reasons for hiring discrimination given in the literature. A multiple mediation model is run on the resulting data. Suggestive evidence is found for co-worker and customer taste-based discrimination, but not for employer taste-based discrimination. In addition, results show that transgender men are perceived as being in worse health, being more autonomous and assertive, and have a lower probability to go on parental leave, compared with cisgender men, revealing evidence for (positive and negative) statistical discrimination.

Co-authors. Dr. Hannah Van Borm.

Downloads. Published in International Journal of Manpower (URL:

B.3.5. What Does Someone's Gender Identity Signal to Employers?

B.3.5. Wat drijft arbeidsmarktdiscriminatie jegens transmannen? (klik voor Nederlandse samenvatting)

Nederlandse samenvatting. We onderzoeken de mechanismen die ten grondslag liggen aan de aanwervingsdiscriminatie van transgendervrouwen. Daartoe voeren we een scenario-experiment uit waarin fictieve aanwervingsbeslissingen worden genomen over transgender of cisgender vrouwelijke sollicitanten. Daarnaast worden deze kandidaten beoordeeld op stellingen die verband houden met theoretische redenen voor aanwervingsdiscriminatie uit de literatuur. De resulterende gegevens worden geanalyseerd met behulp van een meervoudig mediatiemodel. Onze resultaten suggereren dat vooroordelen ten aanzien van de gezondheid van transgenderpersonen een rol spelen bij de ongunstige behandeling van deze personen. Dit mechanisme wordt echter gecompenseerd door een gunstige perceptie met betrekking tot de autonomie en assertiviteit van transgendervrouwen.

Tags. discrimination hiring vignettes labour

Abstract. We explore the mechanisms underlying hiring discrimination against transgender women. To this end, we conduct a scenario experiment in which fictitious hiring decisions are made about transgender or cisgender female job candidates. In addition, these candidates are scored on statements related to theoretical reasons for hiring discrimination given in the literature. The resulting data are analysed by means of a multiple mediation model. Our results suggest that prejudices with respect to the health of transgender individuals mediate unfavourable treatment of them. However, this mechanism is compensated by a beneficial perception concerning transgender women's autonomy and assertiveness.

Co-authors. Dr. Hannah Van Borm, Marlot Dhoop and Allien Van Acker.

Downloads. Published in International Journal of Manpower (URL: A discussion paper version of the study is freely downloadable here.


B.4.1. Getting Grey Hairs in the Labour Market: An Alternative Experiment on Age Discrimination

B.4.1. Discrimineren werkgevers op basis van oudere leeftijd? (klik voor Nederlandse samenvatting)

Nederlandse samenvatting. Klik hier voor de Nederlandstalige samenvatting van dit onderzoek.

Tags. discrimination hiring fictitious job applications labour

Abstract. This study presents a new field experimental approach for measuring age discrimination in hiring. In addition to the classical approach in which candidates' ages are randomly assigned within pairs of fictitious resumes that are sent to real vacancies, we randomly assign between these pairs the activities undertaken by the older candidates during their additional post-educational years. When applying this design to the case of Belgium, we find that age discrimination depends fundamentally on the older candidates' career patterns. Older age only robustly affects call-back if the older candidate was employed in an out-of-field job during his or her extra post-educational years.

Co-authors. Jennifer Norga, Dr. Yannick Thuy and Marieke Van Hecke.

Downloads. Published in Journal of Economic Psychology (URL: A presentation is downloadable here. A discussion paper version of the study is freely downloadable here.

B.4.2. What Does a Job Candidate’s Age Signal to Employers?

B.4.2. 50-plussers door de ogen van recruiters: minder flexibel en minder mee met technologie (klik voor Nederlandse samenvatting)

Nederlandse samenvatting. Klik hier voor de Nederlandstalige samenvatting van dit onderzoek.

Tags. discrimination hiring vignettes labour

Abstract. Research has shown that hiring discrimination is a barrier for older job candidates in many OECD countries. However, little research has delved into why older job candidates are discriminated against. Therefore, we have conducted an online scenario experiment involving recruiters to empirically investigate 15 potential stigma related to older age drawn from a systematic review of the literature. We found that older age particularly signals to recruiters that the applicant has lower technological skill, flexibility, and trainability levels. Together, these perceptions explain about 41% of the effect of age on the probability of being invited to a job interview. In addition, we found that the negative association between age and invitation probability is smaller when recruiters work for firms with a higher percentage of older employees.

Co-authors. Dr. Hannah Van Borm and Dr. Ian Burn.

Downloads. Published as an open access article in Labour Economics (URL: A replication with Flemish recruiters is published in Gedrag & Organisatie (URL:

B.4.3. Self-experienced barriers in the labour market: A study among employed, inactive and unemployed people over fifty

B.4.3. Zelfervaren drempels op de arbeidsmarkt: een onderzoek onder werkende, inactieve en werkloze 50-plussers (klik voor Nederlandse samenvatting)

Nederlandse samenvatting. Vergrijzing is een universeel probleem. Een veelvoorkomende oplossing om de negatieve gevolgen van vergrijzing op te vangen is burgers langer aan het werk te houden door de pensioenleeftijd op te trekken. Echter, de werkzaamheidsgraad van 50-plussers blijft in vele landen relatief laag. Het doel van deze studie is achterhalen welke drempels 50-plussers ervaren op de arbeidsmarkt die het uitoefenen van een baan hinderen, inactiviteit verklaren en het vinden van een baan bemoeilijken. We bevragen deze drempels aan de hand van een online enquête met 3963 Vlaamse 50-plussers. We vinden dat zowel werkende, inactieve als werkloze 50-plussers voornamelijk werk-gerelateerde drempels ervaren op de arbeidsmarkt. Zo geeft meer dan twee vijfde van de werkende respondenten aan dat een gebrek aan (1) een goede werkorganisatie (44.1%), (2) een goede leidinggevende (43.1%) en (3) waardering (41.9%) het uitoefenen van hun baan belemmert. Ook inactieve respondenten geven deze drempels als voornaamste verklaringen voor inactiviteit. Voorts ervaart 71.0% van de werkzoekende respondenten leeftijdsdiscriminatie in het selectieproces als drempel en geeft 35.2% van deze respondenten aan dat de persoonsgebonden drempel omtrent hun hoge loonverwachtingen, naar eigen aanvoelen, het vinden van een baan bemoeilijkt. De mate waarin men bepaalde drempels ervaart, verschilt tevens naar geslacht en opleidingsniveau.

Tags. discrimination hiring labour

Abstract. Ageing of the population is a universal problem. A common solution to deal with the negative effects of an ageing population is to keep citizens employed longer by raising the retirement age. However, the employment rate of people over fifty remains relatively low in many countries. This study aims to find out which barriers people over fifty experience in the labour market that hamper employment, explain inactivity, and make it more difficult to find a job. We examine these barriers using an online survey with 3 963 Flemish individuals over fifty. We find that both working, inactive, and unemployed individuals mainly experience work-related barriers on the labour market. More concretely, more than two-fifths of the working respondents indicate that a lack of (1) a good work organisation (44.1%), (2) a good manager (43.1%), and (3) appreciation (41.9%) hinders them from doing their job. Inactive respondents also give these barriers as the main explanations for inactivity. Furthermore, it appears that 71.0% of the job-seeking respondents experience age discrimination in hiring as a barrier and that 35.2% of these respondents indicate that their high salary expectations, according to their impression, makes finding a job more difficult. The extent to which one experiences certain barriers also seems to differ by gender and level of education.

Co-authors. Dr. Hannah Van Borm and Sharon Van Impe.

Downloads. Published in Gedrag & Organisatie (URL:


B.5.1. Wage Subsidies and Hiring Chances for the Disabled: Some Causal Evidence

B.5.1. Helpen loonsubsidies om aanwervingskansen van personen met een beperking te verhogen? (klik voor Nederlandse samenvatting)

Nederlandse samenvatting. We evalueren de effectiviteit van loonsubsidies als instrument om personen met een functiebeperking aan werk te helpen. Om causale effecten te identificeren voerden we een grootschalig veldexperiment uit in België. Uit onze resultaten blijkt dat de kans dat een kandidaat met een beperking een positief antwoord ontvangt op een sollicitatie niet positief beánvloed wordt wanneer deze weergeeft dat zijn werkgever recht heeft op een Vlaamse ondersteuningspremie (VOP) bij anwerving. Verder blijkt, algemeen, dat de kans op een jobgesprek sterk terugvalt wanneer men een functiebeperking (blindheid, doofheid of autisme) vermeldt. Meer informatie. Klik hier voor de Nederlandstalige samenvatting van dit onderzoek.

Tags. discrimination hiring unemployment fictitious job applications labour work and health

Abstract. We evaluate the effectiveness of wage subsidies as a policy instrument to integrate disabled individuals into the labour market. To identify causal effects, we conduct a large-scale field experiment in Belgium. Our results show that the likelihood of a disabled candidate receiving a positive response to a job application is not positively influenced by revealing entitlement to the Flemish Supporting Subsidy.

Downloads. Published in in European Journal of Health Economics (URL: A presentation is downloadable here. A discussion paper version of the study is freely downloadable here.

B.5.2. First Depressed, Then Discriminated Against?

B.5.2. Depressie of niet-verklaarde werkloosheid: wat is meest nefast voor aanwervingskansen? (klik voor Nederlandse samenvatting)

Nederlandse samenvatting. Elk jaar lijdt een aanzienlijk deel van de Europese bevolking aan een zware depressie. Deze psychische aandoening kan indirect van invloed zijn op de latere levensloop van mensen door het stigma dat ermee gepaard gaat. Deze studie beoordeelt aanwervingsdiscriminatie op basis van openheid over een eerdere depressie. Daartoe verstuurden we tussen mei 2015 en juli 2015 288 trio's van sollicitaties van fictieve kandidaten naar echte vacatures in België. Binnen elk trio beweerde één kandidaat pas recent werkloos te zijn geworden, terwijl de andere twee kandidaten gedurende een volledig jaar een vroegere depressie of helemaal geen reden voor hun werkloosheid onthulden. Het bekendmaken van een jaar inactiviteit wegens een vroegere depressie verlaagt de kans op een uitnodiging voor een sollicitatiegesprek met ongeveer 34% in vergelijking met kandidaten die net werkloos werden, maar het stigma-effect van een jaar depressie is niet significant groter dan het stigma-effect van een jaar onverklaarde werkloosheid. Bovendien vonden we dat deze stigma's van depressie en werkloosheid werden gedreven door onze mannelijke trio's van fictieve kandidaten. Bijgevolg pleiten onze resultaten voor verder onderzoek naar genderheterogeniteit in het stigma van depressie en andere gezondheidsproblemen.

Tags. hiring gender unemployment fictitious job applications labour education work and health

Abstract. Each year a substantial share of the European population suffers from major depression. This mental illness may affect individuals' later life outcomes indirectly by the stigma it inflicts. The present study assesses hiring discrimination based on disclosed depression. To this end, between May 2015 and July 2015, we sent out 288 trios of job applications from fictitious candidates to real vacancies in Belgium. Within each trio, one candidate claimed to have become unemployed only recently, whereas the other two candidates revealed former depression or no reason at all for their unemployment during a full year. Disclosing a year of inactivity due to former depression decreases the probability of getting a job interview invitation by about 34% when compared with candidates who just became unemployed, but the stigma effect of a year of depression is not significantly higher than the stigma effect of a year of unexplained unemployment. In addition, we found that these stigmas of depression and unemployment were driven by our male trios of fictitious candidates. As a consequence, our results are in favour of further research on gender heterogeneity in the stigma of depression and other health impairments.

Co-authors. Sarah De Visschere, prof. dr. Koen Schoors, Dr. Désirée Vandenberghe and prof. dr. Eddy Omey.

Downloads. Published in Social Science & Medicine (URL: A discussion paper version of the study is freely downloadable here.


B.6.1. Better sexy than flexy? A lab experiment assessing the impact of perceived attractiveness and personality traits on hiring decisions

B.6.1. Spelen aantrekkelijkheid en persoonlijkheid een rol bij eerste aanwervingsbeslissingen? (klik voor Nederlandse samenvatting)

Nederlandse samenvatting. In dit onderzoek dienden deelnemers in de rol te kruipen van werkgevers en daarbij fictieve aanwervingbeslissingen te nemen omtrent fictieve jobkandidaten. Deze jobkandidaten verschilden in aantrekkelijkheid en de zogenaamde "big five" persoonlijkheidsdimensies: inschikkelijkheid, zorgvuldigheid, emotionele stabiliteit en openheid. Vooral aantrekkelijkheid en ingeschatte zorgvuldigheid blijken een belangrijke rol te spelen. Kandidaten die ervaren worden als beduidend aantrekkelijker of zorgvuldiger dan gemiddeld hebben ook beduidend meer kans om uitgenodigd te worden op een jobgesprek. Het belang van emotionele stabiliteit blijkt ongeveer de helft zo groot. Verder wordt openheid gewaardeerd door vrouwen terwijl het geen significant effect heeft op de beslissing van mannen om een kandidaat uit te nodigen voor een jobgesprek. Meer informatie. Klik hier voor de Nederlandstalige samenvatting van dit onderzoek.

Tags. discrimination gender hiring vignettes labour

Abstract. We present a laboratory experiment to assess the relative and independent effect of perceived attractiveness and personality traits on hiring decisions. Our results indicate that attractiveness and conscientiousness, followed by emotional stability, are important drivers of recruiters' decisions.

Co-authors. Lynn Decuypere.

Downloads. Published in Applied Economics Letters (URL: A discussion paper version of the study is freely downloadable here.

B.6.2. The Impact of Military Work Experience on Later Hiring Chances in the Civilian Labour Market. Evidence from a Field Experiment

B.6.2. Werkervaring bij het leger: plus- of minpunt op cv? (klik voor Nederlandse samenvatting)

Nederlandse samenvatting. Deze studie gaat op een directe manier het effect van werkervaring hij het leger op het cv na. Daartoe worden fictieve jobapplicaties door individuen met twee jaar werkervaring uitgestuurd naar bestaande vacatures in Vlaanderen. Deze kandidaten verschillen enkel in de plaats waar zij hun werkervaring opdeden: in het leger of in een privébedrijf. Op basis van een statistische analyse blijkt het opgedaan hebben van de werkervaring bij het leger geen significant effect te hebben op de aanwervingskansen.

Tags. discrimination hiring fictitious job applications labour

Abstract. This study directly assesses the impact of military work experience compared with civilian work experience in similar jobs on the subsequent chances of being hired in the civilian labour market. It does so through a field experiment in the Belgian labour market. A statistical examination of our experimental dataset shows that in general we cannot reject that employers are indifferent to whether job candidates gained their experience in a civilian or a military environment.

Co-authors. Pieter Balcaen.

Downloads. Published in Economics E-journal (URL:

B.6.3. Labour Market Discrimination against Former Juvenile Delinquents: Evidence from a Field Experiment

B.6.3. Discrimineren werkgevers op basis van eerdere jeugddelinquentie? (klik voor Nederlandse samenvatting)

Nederlandse samenvatting. Deze studie meet ongelijke behandeling in de Vlaamse arbeidsmarkt op basis van vermelde jeugddelinquentie. We vinden dat kandidaten die een geschiedenis van jeugdcriminaliteit onthullen bij hun sollicitatie in Vlaanderen, ongeveer 22 procent minder positieve reacties krijgen op hun sollicitatie dan gelijkaardige kandidaten die dit niet vermelden. De mate van discriminatie verschilt naargelang het beroep waarvoor men solliciteert. Meer informatie. Klik hier voor de Nederlandstalige samenvatting van dit onderzoek.

Tags. discrimination hiring fictitious job applications labour

Abstract. In view of policy action to integrate ex-offenders into society, it is important to identify the underlying mechanisms of the negative relationship between criminal record on the one hand and later employment and earnings on the other hand. In this study, we identify hiring discrimination against former juvenile delinquents in a direct way. To this end, we conduct a field experiment in the Belgian labour market. We find that labour market discrimination is indeed a major barrier in the transition to work for former juvenile delinquents. Labour market entrants disclosing a history of juvenile delinquency get about 22 percent less callback compared to their counterparts without a criminal record. This discrimination is heterogeneous by the occupation for which one applies.

Co-authors. Prof. dr. Elsy Verhofstadt.

Downloads. Published in Applied Economics (URL: A discussion paper version of the study is freely downloadable here.

B.6.4. Hiring Discrimination against Pro-Union Applicants: The Role of Union Density and Firm Size.

B.6.4. Discrimineren werkgevers jobkandidaten op basis van hun vakbondslidmaatschap? (klik voor Nederlandse samenvatting)

Nederlandse samenvatting. Klik hier voor de Nederlandstalige samenvatting van dit onderzoek.

Tags. discrimination hiring fictitious job applications labour

Abstract. We study the causal impact of revealing pro-unionism during the recruitment stage on hiring chances. To this end, we conduct a randomised field experiment in the Belgian labour market. When matched with employer and sector data, the experimentally gathered data enable us to test the heterogeneity of discrimination against pro-union applicants by the union density in the sector and the size of the firm. We find that disclosure of pro-unionism affects hiring chances in a negative way and that -- in line with our expectations based on the literature -- this negative impact is stronger in highly unionised sectors.

Co-authors. Joint with prof. dr. Eddy Omey.

Downloads. Published in Economist (URL: A discussion paper version of the study is freely downloadable here.



C.1.1. As If It Weren't Hard Enough Already: Breaking down Hiring Discrimination Following Burnout

C.1.1. Gewezen burn-outpatiënten door de ogen van recruiters: minder stressbestending, minder zelfstandig en minder goed aan te sturen (klik voor Nederlandstalige samenvatting)

Nederlandse samenvatting. Klik hier voor de samenvatting van dit onderzoek.

Tags. work and health

Abstract. Hiring discrimination towards (former) burnout patients has been extensively documented in the literature. To tackle this problem, it is important to understand the underlying mechanisms of such discrimination. Therefore, we conducted a vignette experiment with 425 genuine recruiters and jointly tested the potential stigma against job candidates with a history of burnout that were mentioned earlier in the literature. We found candidates revealing a history of burnout elicit perceptions of requiring work adaptations, likely having more unpleasant collaborations with others as well as diminished health, autonomy, ability to work under pressure, leadership capacity, manageability, and learning ability, when compared to candidates with a comparable gap in working history due to physical injury. Led by perceptions of a reduced ability to work under pressure, the tested perceptions jointly explained over 90% of the effect of revealing burnout on the probability of being invited to a job interview. In addition, the negative effect on interview probability of revealing burnout was stronger when the job vacancy required higher stress tolerance. In contrast, the negative impact of revealing burnout on interview probability appeared weaker when recruiters were women and when recruiters had previously had personal encounters with burnout.

Co-authors. Drs. Philippe Sterkens, dra. Claudia Rooman and prof. dr. Eva Derous.

Downloads. Published as an open access article in Economics & Human Biology (URL:

C.1.2. Why Making Promotion after a Burnout Is like Boiling the Ocean

C.1.2. Burn-out en latere promotiekansen (klik voor Nederlandstalige samenvatting)

Nederlandse samenvatting. In dit onderzoek lieten we een internationale kwaliteitsvolle steekproef van managers in een online experiment in totaal 1620 werknemersprofielen beoordelen omtrent de wenselijkheid om deze kandidaten te promoveren. Onderzoek dat we aanwervingskansen na burn-out naging kenden en deden we al, omtrent promotiekansen was voorlopig veel minder geweten. Dit zijn onze belangrijkste bevindingen. (1) Burn-out in verleden verlaagt kans op promotie met 25.4 procentpunt in het experiment, wat gigantisch veel meer is dan breaks door ziekte of ouderschap (en een veel grotere impact heeft dan alle andere kandidaatskenmerken in het experiment, zoals geslacht, leeftijd, duur van de tewerkstelling, recente evaluatiescore, zwaartepunt in persoonlijkheid en genoten training). Het effect is ook een stuk hoger dan dat dat we vonden omtrent de impact van eerdere burn-out op latere aanwervingskansen (wat natuurlijk problematisch is aangezien velen na hun burn-out terugkeren bij de werkgever). (2) We vinden zuivere empirische evidentie voor zowat alle stigma die beschreven zijn in de wetenschappelijke literatuur. Dat wil zeggen: werknemers die een burn-out achter de rug hadden en terugkeren naar hun bedrijf worden lager ingeschat qua: (a) leiderschapsvaardigheden; (b) voorbeeldrollen; (c) motivatie; (d) autonomie; (e) stresstolerantie; (f) leervaardigheden; (g) huidige gezondheid; (h) ziekteverzuim in de toekomst; en (i) samenwerking met anderen. Verder wordt wie een burn-out had ook minder “outside options” toegedicht (18.7 procentpunt minder waarschijnlijk geacht om een andere baan te vinden). (3) Vier van deze stigma verklaren in sterke mate de achterstelling qua promotiekansen. Concreet: de perceptie van lagere (i) leiderschapscapaciteiten, (ii) voorbeeldfunctie, (iii) stresstolerantie en (iv) outside options verklaren samen ongeveer de helft (49.2%) van de achterstelling.

Tags. work and health

Abstract. Hiring discrimination towards (former) burnout patients has been extensively documented in the literature. To tackle this problem, it is important to understand the underlying mechanisms of such discrimination. Therefore, we conducted a vignette experiment with 425 genuine recruiters and jointly tested the potential stigma against job candidates with a history of burnout that were mentioned earlier in the literature. We found candidates revealing a history of burnout elicit perceptions of requiring work adaptations, likely having more unpleasant collaborations with others as well as diminished health, autonomy, ability to work under pressure, leadership capacity, manageability, and learning ability, when compared to candidates with a comparable gap in working history due to physical injury. Led by perceptions of a reduced ability to work under pressure, the tested perceptions jointly explained over 90% of the effect of revealing burnout on the probability of being invited to a job interview. In addition, the negative effect on interview probability of revealing burnout was stronger when the job vacancy required higher stress tolerance. In contrast, the negative impact of revealing burnout on interview probability appeared weaker when recruiters were women and when recruiters had previously had personal encounters with burnout.

Co-authors. Drs. Philippe Sterkens, Dra. Claudia Rooman and prof. dr. Eva Derous.

Downloads. A discussion paper version of the study is freely downloadable here.

C.1.3. Successful return to work after burnout: an evaluation of job, person- and private-related burnout determinants as determinants of return-to-work quality after sick leave for burnout

C.1.3. Wat zien gewezen burn-outpatiënten zelf als redenen voor hun uitval en succesfactoren voor hun herintegratie? (klik voor Nederlandstalige samenvatting)

Nederlandse samenvatting.Dit onderzoek is gebaseerd op basis van een bevraging die samen met De Morgen werd uitgevoerd. Het Nederlandstalige rapport is hier na te lezen. Opvallende bevindingen zijn de volgende. 1. Bijna 9 op 10 geeft aan dat de eigen neiging om constant hard te willen werken heeft bijgedragen tot hun burn-out. 2. Meer dan 7 op 10 van de bevraagden legt een deel van de oorzaak van hun burn-out bij de ervaren druk om constant bereikbaar te moeten zijn. 3. 5 op 10 van de jongere respondenten (jonger dan 45) geven aan dat zich vergelijken met succesvollere personen meespeelde bij de totstandkoming van hun burn-out. 4. Drie kwart van de bevraagden ziet een werkomgeving die opnieuw evenveel verwacht als een belangrijke drempel om de carrière verder te zetten. 5. 4 op 10 vreest dat te weinig steun van collega's een drempel zal zijn

Tags. work and health

Abstract. Burnout literature has primarily studied determinants and rehabilitation. Remarkably, ways to enable qualitative return to work after burnout are considered considerably less and were studied here. Specifically, building on the Job Demands-Resources model and Effort-Recovery model, this study investigated determinants of the quality of return to work. Hierarchical regression analyses were conducted to evaluate the quality of reintegration among 786 workers who were surveyed about their return to work after a burnout episode. Restarting work at a new employer and especially getting supervisor support appeared beneficial, whereas remaining burnout symptoms, stressors in one’s private environment and – mostly – neuroticism hampered the quality of return to work. Given the high prevalence and important costs burnout entails, primary prevention alone proves insufficient. Current study findings inform on how to optimize the quality of reintegration in the workplace after a burnout episode, demonstrating that supportive managers and inclusive workplaces (i.e., open to hire applicants with a burnout history) are important levers for qualitative return to work, next to ensuring workers are not (so much) impaired by their burnout rest symptoms.

Co-authors. Dra. Claudia Rooman, drs. Philippe Sterkens, Dr. Stijn Schelfhout, Annelies Van Royen and prof. dr. Eva Derous.

Downloads. Published in Disability and Rehabilitation (URL:

C.1.4. I Won't Make the Same Mistake Again: Burnout History and Job Preference

C.1.4. Maken gewezen burn-outpatiënten andere keuzes in hun verdere carrière? (klik voor Nederlandstalige samenvatting)

Nederlandse samenvatting. Klik hier voor de Nederlandstalige samenvatting van dit onderzoek.

Tags. work and health

Abstract. The existing burnout literature has predominantly focussed on the determinants of burnout, whereas its consequences for individual careers have received little attention. In this study, we investigate whether recently burned-out individuals and persons with a very high risk of clinical burnout differ in job preferences from non-burned-out workers. Moreover, we link these differences in preferences with (1) diverging perceptions of job demands and resources in a job, as well as (2) distinct weighting of such perceptions. To this end, a high-quality sample of 582 employees varying in their history and current risk of burnout judged fictitious job offers with experimentally manipulated characteristics in terms of their willingness to apply as well as perceived job demands and resources. We find that recently burned-out employees appreciate possibilities to telework and fixed feedback relatively more, while being relatively less attracted to opportunities for learning on the job. Moreover, employees with a very high risk of burnout are more attracted to part-time jobs. These findings can be partially explained by differences in the perceived resources offered by jobs.

Co-authors. Drs. Philippe Sterkens, dra. Eline Moens, prof. dr. Eva Derous and Joey Wuyts.

Downloads. A discussion paper version of the study is freely downloadable here.

C.1.5. Beyond the Hype: (How) Are Work Regimes Associated with Job Burnout?

C.1.5. Risico op burn-out niet lager onder deeltijds werkenden (klik voor Nederlandstalige samenvatting)

Nederlandse samenvatting. Klik hier voor de Nederlandstalige samenvatting van dit onderzoek.

Tags. work and health

Abstract. Job burnout affects countless workers and constitutes a major issue in working life. Prevention strategies such as offering part-time options and shorter working weeks have been widely advocated to address this issue. However, the relationship between shorter work regimes and burnout risk has not yet been investigated across diverse working populations applying validated measures and frameworks for job burnout. Building on the most recent operationalisation of job burnout and the seminal job demands–resources theory, the purpose of the current study is to investigate whether shorter work regimes are associated with lower burnout risk and whether the job demands–resources explain this association. To this end, a heterogenous sample of 1006 employees representative for age and gender completed the Burnout Assessment Tool (BAT) and Workplace Stressors Assessment Questionnaire (WSAQ). Our mediation analyses yield a very small but significant indirect association between work regimes and burnout risk through job demands, but no significant total or direct association between work regimes and burnout risk. Our result suggests that employees in shorter work regimes experience slightly fewer job demands, but are equally prone to developing burnout as their full-time counterparts. The latter finding raises concerns about the sustainability of burnout prevention that focuses on mere work regimes instead of the root causes of burnout.

Co-authors. Dra. Kristen du Bois, drs. Philippe Sterkens, drs. Louis Lippens and prof. dr. Eva Derous.

Downloads. Published in International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (URL:


C.2.1. Labour Market Outcomes for Cancer Survivors: A Review of the Reviews

C.2.1. Hoe doen kankeroverlevers het op de arbeidsmarkt?

Nederlandse samenvatting. We maken een synthese van de bestaande onderzoeken naar de arbeidsmarktuitkomsten van overlevenden van kanker. Hierbij richten we ons op (i) de convergenties en divergenties in deze uitkomsten, (ii) de modererende factoren die tot nu toe zijn onderzocht, en (iii) een identificatie van relevant vervolgonderzoek. Het zelfgerapporteerde werkvermogen was consistent lager na kanker. We vonden ook sterke aanwijzingen voor zelfgerapporteerde discriminatie na kanker. Factoren die de carrière na een kankerervaring beïnvloeden blijken onder andere leeftijd, burgerlijke staat en kankertype.

Tags. work and health

Abstract. We synthesise the existing reviews conducted on the labour market outcomes of cancer survivors by focusing on (i) the convergences and divergences on the overall work-related outcomes, (ii) the moderating factors studied to date, and (iii) an identification of areas where more research is needed in the future. More concretely, we conduct a systematic review of the existing reviews on labour market outcomes for cancer survivors was performed. Bibliographic search for eligible studies published before January 2019 involved the following three core concepts: (i) cancer survivors, (ii) work, and (iii) review. The quality of the included reviews was assessed based on the Johns Hopkins Hospital Evidence Level and Quality Guide. Following this, a narrative synthesis of the findings was completed. In total, 35 articles met the inclusion criteria. The average return to work (RTW) rate varied between 54% and 66%. The self-reported work ability was consistently lower following cancer. This review also found strong converging evidence of self-reported discrimination after cancer. The effects on work performance showed several inconsistencies, possibly due to the use of different definitions of work performance. Most moderating factors for successful work outcomes showed converging evidence, except for age, marital status, cancer type, and country. We provide several possible explanations and linkages for these divergencies.

Co-authors. Dra. Adelina Sharipova.

Downloads. A discussion paper version of the study is freely downloadable here.

C.2.2. Disclosing the 'Big C': What Does Cancer Survivorship Signal to Employers?

C.2.2. Hoe kijken recruiters naar kandidaten die solliciteren na een kankerervaring?

Nederlandse samenvatting. Zie de blogpost over het onderzoek bij UGent @ Work.

Tags. work and health

Abstract. To study hiring discrimination against cancer survivors, we conduct a vignette experiment in which American and British recruiters evaluate fictitious job candidates. Candidates differed by periods of non-employment in their career, including non-employment due to suffering from cancer. We study the effect of cancer experiences on the recruiters' hiring decisions, as well as its effect on underlying candidate perceptions, related to various potential forms of stigma identified in the literature. We find that employment opportunities are lower for candidates with a history of cancer, compared to candidates without such a gap. This penalty is particularly explained by perceptions that these candidates will have higher sick leave probabilities and create additional costs. However, relative to candidates with a comparable gap due to depression or personal reasons, former cancer patients are less stigmatised, with relatively favourable assessments of their emotional abilities, social abilities, motivation and positive impact on workplace culture.

Co-authors. Drs. Philippe Sterkens and Dra. Adelina Sharipova.

Downloads. Accepted for publication in European Journal of Health Economics. A discussion paper version of the study is freely downloadable here.


C.3.1. How do employees think the COVID-19 crisis will affect their careers?

C.3.1. Wat denken Vlaamse werknemers over de gevolgen van de coronacrisis voor hun carriere?

Nederlandse samenvatting. Klik hier voor de Nederlandstalige samenvatting van dit onderzoek. Een duidend interview vindt u hier.

Tags. work and health

Abstract. This study is the first in the world to investigate the expected impact of the COVID-19 crisis on career outcomes and career aspirations. To this end, high-quality survey research with a relevant panel of Belgian employees was conducted. About 21% of them fear losing their jobs due to the crisis—14% are concerned that they will even lose their jobs in the near future. In addition, 26% expect to miss out on promotions that they would have received had the COVID-19 crisis not occurred. This fear of a negative impact is higher in vulnerable groups, such migrants. In addition, we observe that many panel members believe they will look at the labour market differently and will have different work-related priorities in the future. In this respect, more than half of the panel members indicate that they have attached more importance to working conditions and work-life balance since the COVID-19 crisis.

Co-authors. Drs. Louis Lippens, dra. Eline Moens, drs. Philippe Sterkens and drs. Johannes Weytjens.

Downloads. Published as an open access article in Plos One (URL: This study was earlier disseminated as a freely downloadable discussion paper titled 'How Do We Think the COVID-19 Crisis Will Affect Our Careers (If Any Remain)?'.

C.3.2. The COVID-19 crisis and telework: a research survey on experiences, expectations and hopes

C.3.2. Wat denken Vlaamse werknemers over de gevolgen van de coronacrisis voor hun carriere?

Nederlandse samenvatting. Klik hier voor de Nederlandstalige samenvatting van dit onderzoek. Een duidend interview vindt u hier.

Tags. work and health

Abstract. While a considerable number of employees across the globe are being forced to work from home due to the COVID-19 crisis, it is a guessing game as to how they are experiencing this current surge in telework. Therefore, we examined employee perceptions of telework on various life and career aspects, distinguishing between typical and extended telework during the COVID-19 crisis. To this end, we conducted a state-of-the-art web survey among Flemish employees. Notwithstanding this exceptional time of sudden, obligatory and high-intensity telework, our respondents mainly attribute positive characteristics to teleworking, such as increased efficiency and a lower risk of burnout. The results also suggest that the overwhelming majority of the surveyed employees believe that teleworking (85%) and digital conferencing (81%) are here to stay. In contrast, some fear that telework diminishes their promotion opportunities and weakens ties with their colleagues and employer.

Co-authors. Drs. Louis Lippens, dra. Eline Moens, drs. Philippe Sterkens and drs. Johannes Weytjens.

Downloads. Published in European Journal of Health Economics (URL: A discussion paper version of the study is freely downloadable here.


C.4.1. Disentangling the Attractiveness of Telework to Employees: A Factorial Survey Experiment

C.4.1. Hoeveel loon zijn werknemers bereid op te geven voor meer telewerk? (klik voor Nederlandse samenvatting)

Nederlandse samenvatting. Klik hier voor de Nederlandstalige samenvatting van dit onderzoek.

Tags. work and health

Abstract. This research adds to the literature on the attractiveness of telework to employees. To this end, we set up an innovative factorial survey experiment in which a high-quality sample of employees evaluates job offers with diverging characteristics, among which a wide variation in telework possibilities. We find that the relationship between the possibility to telework and job attractiveness is approximately linear: 10 percentage points more telework hours yield a rise of 2.2 percentage points in job attractiveness and, therefore, the willingness to give up an increase of 2.3 percentage points in wage in the new job. Our experimental design also allows us to investigate the underlying mechanisms of this relationship as well as its moderators. We find that the attractiveness of telework is particularly explained by expectations of an improved work-life balance, more work scheduling autonomy, a higher job satisfaction, and more work methods autonomy in jobs with a greater possibility to telework. In addition, our analyses show that less conscientious employees are on average more attracted to jobs with greater telework possibilities, so that it is important that self-selection in jobs with more telework is well-monitored.

Co-authors. Dra. Eline Moens, prof. dr. Elsy Verhofstadt and prof. dr. Luc Van Ootegem.

Downloads. A discussion paper version of the study is freely downloadable here.


C.5.1. The Effectiveness of Medical and Vocational Interventions for Reducing Sick Leave of Self-Employed Workers

C.5.1. Zijn dokters en ergotherapeuten effectief in het activeren van zieke zelfstandigen? (klik voor Nederlandse samenvatting)

Nederlandse samenvatting. We onderzoeken of interventies door (i) artsen en (ii) arbeidsdeskundigen erin slagen het ziekteverzuimduur onder zelfstandigen te verminderen. Daartoe maken we gebruik van unieke administratieve gegevens die alle ziekteverzuimclaims omvatten van zelfstandigen die tussen januari 2009 en maart 2014 verzekerd waren bij de grootste Nederlandse particuliere verzekeraar. We schatten een multivariaat duurmodel dat rekening houdt met niet-willekeurige selectie voor de twee interventietypen door te controleren voor waarneembare en niet-waarneembare kenmerken van de aanvrager. We vinden nadelige (!) effecten van beide interventies, die heterogeen zijn naargelang de fysieke zwaarte van het beroep van de aanvrager.

Tags. duration analysis labour work and health

Abstract. We investigate whether interventions by (i) medical doctors and (ii) occupational specialists are effective in reducing sick leave durations among self-employed workers. To this end, we exploit unique administrative data comprising all sick leave claims by self-employed workers insured with the major Dutch private insurer between January 2009 and March 2014. We estimate a multivariate duration model dealing with non-random selection into the two intervention types by controlling for observable and unobservable claimant characteristics. We find adverse treatment effects for both interventions, which are heterogeneous by the physical toughness of the claimants' occupation.

Co-authors. Prof. dr. Bas van der Klaauw and Dr. Gijsbert van Lomwel

Downloads. Published in Health Economics (URL: A discussion paper version of the study is freely downloadable here.

C.5.3. Does loneliness lurk in temp work? Exploring the associations between temporary employment, loneliness at work and job satisfaction

C.5.3. Hoe is tijdelijke arbeid geassocieerd met eenzaamheid op het werk en professioneel welbevinden?

Nederlandse samenvatting. In deze studie dragen we bij tot de recente literatuur omtrent eenzaamheid op het werk. Enerzijds gaan we na hoe dit geassocieerd is met tijdelijke arbeid. Anderzijds bekijken we of eenzaamheid op het werk de eerder gevonden associatie tussen tijdelijke arbeid en lager welbevinden kan verklaren. Op beide vragen is het antwoord positief: wie een tijdelijke baan heeft, voelt zich eenzamer op het werk en die eenzaamheid op het werk verklaart ten dele waarom wie een tijdelijke baan heeft, minder professioneel welbevinden ervaart. De resultaten zijn gebaseerd op een bevraging bij een gestratificeerde steekproef van 1358 Vlamingen. Meer informatie. Klik hier voor de Nederlandstalige samenvatting van dit onderzoek.

Tags. work and health

Abstract. This research contributes to the limited literature concerning the determinants of loneliness at work, as well as to the literature on psychological outcomes associated with temporary work. More specifically, we are adding to the literature by exploring whether there is an association between working temporarily and loneliness at work and whether loneliness at work partly explains the association between working temporarily and job satisfaction. To this end, we analyse—by means of a mediation model—a unique sample of Flemish employees in the private sector. We find that employees with a temporary contract experience more loneliness at work as opposed to employees with a permanent contract. In addition, we discover that loneliness at work mediates the association between working temporarily and job satisfaction.

Co-authors. Dra. Eline Moens, prof. dr. Elsy Verhofstadt and prof. dr. Luc Van Ootegem.

Downloads. Published an an open access article in Plos One (URL:

C.5.4. Perceived Discrimination in Primary Health Care in Europe: Evidence from the cross-sectional QUALICOPC-Study

C.5.4. Welke patiënten voelen zich gediscrimineerd in de Europese zorgverlening? (klik voor Nederlandse samenvatting)

Nederlandse samenvatting. Gegevens van de QUALICPC-studie worden gebruikt om de waargenomen discriminatie in zorgverlening in 31 Europese landen te beschrijven. We vinden dat in Europa in totaal 7% van de respondenten zich gediscrimineerd voelde, variërend van 1.4% tot 12.8% op landniveau. Wat de sociaaleconomische determinanten van ervaren discriminatie betreft, zijn inkomen en leeftijd beide belangrijke indicatoren, waarbij lagere inkomensgroepen en jongeren een grotere kans hebben om zich gediscrimineerd te voelen. Daarnaast vinden we in verschillende landen significante invloeden van opleiding, geslacht, leeftijd en etniciteit. In de meeste landen zijn hogeropgeleiden, ouderen, vrouwen en de autochtone bevolking beter af als het gaat om het gevoel gediscrimineerd te worden.

Tags. discrimination work and health

Abstract. Data of the QUALICPC-study is used to describe perceived discrimination in 31 European countries. Independent sample T- and One Way ANOVA-tests are used to estimate the impact of each socioeconomic indicator on discrimination. In a next step, binomial logistic regressions estimate the unique effect of each indicator. We find that in Europe, overall 7% of the respondents felt discriminated, ranging between 1.4% and 12.8% at the country-level. With regard to socio-economic determinants in perceived discrimination, income and age are both important indicators, with lower income groups and younger people having a higher chance to feel discriminated. In addition, we find significant influences of education, gender, age and ethnicity in several countries. In most countries higher educated people, older people, women and the indigenous population are better off when it comes to feeling discriminated.

Co-authors. Dra. Lise Hanssens, dr. Jens Detollenaere, dra. Amelie Van Pottelberge and prof. dr. Sara Willems.

Downloads. Published in Health & Social Care in the Community (URL:

C.5.5. Association between cultural distance and migrant self-rated health

C.5.5. Zijn migranten met een grotere culturele afstand tot hun gastland in minder goede gezondheid? (klik voor Nederlandse samenvatting)

Nederlandse samenvatting. Klik hier voor de Nederlandstalige samenvatting van dit onderzoek.

Tags. ethnicity gender work and health

Abstract. We study whether migrants' health in Europe is associated with the cultural distance between their host country and country of origin. To this end, we run multilevel regression models on data merging (i) self-rated health and social background of more than 3,800 migrants from the European Social Survey with (ii) an index of cultural distance based on country differences in values, norms and attitudes measured in the World Values Survey. We find that higher levels of cultural distance are associated with worse health of migrants. This association is comparable in size to the negative association between health and female gender (compared to male gender) but less important than the association between health and education level. In addition, this association is less significant among second-generation migrants than among first-generation migrants.

Co-authors. Dr. Jens Detollenaere and prof. dr. Sara Willems.

Downloads. Published in European Journal of Health Economics (URL:

C.5.6. Volunteering, income and health

C.5.6. Wat is de samenhang tussen vrijwilligerswerk, inkomen en gezondheid? (klik voor Nederlandse samenvatting)

Nederlandse samenvatting. Klik hier voor de Nederlandstalige samenvatting van dit onderzoek.

Tags. volunteering labour work and health

Abstract. Separate literatures have related volunteering to health gains and income gains. We study the association between volunteering, income and health within one statistical framework. A state-of-the-art mediation analysis is conducted on data concerning the health, volunteering and sociodemographic characteristics of 42926 individuals within 29 European countries. We find that volunteering is positively associated to self-rated health. This association is partially mediated by household income.

Co-authors. Dr. Jens Detollenaere and prof. dr. Sara Willems.

Downloads. Published in Plos One (URL:

C.5.7. Too sick or not too sick?: The importance of stress and satisfaction with supervisor support on the prevalence of sickness presenteeism

C.5.7. Het belang van stress en tevredenheid omtrent aansturing in het verklaren van doorwerken bij ziekte.

Nederlandse samenvatting. Uit een steekproef van 3274 voltijdse Belgische werknemers blijkt dat 62% van de werknemers in de afgelopen 12 maanden ten minste eenmaal ziek naar het werk ging ('presenteïsme'). Terwijl eerdere studies aantoonden dat goede ondersteuning van de leidinggevende zieke werknemers productiever kan maken als ze toch op het werk verschijnen, toont deze studie aan dat goede ondersteuning van de leidinggevende de kans verlaagt dat zieke werknemers überhaupt op het werk verschijnen.

Tags. work and health

Abstract. In a sample of 3,274 full-time Belgian workers, this article found that 62% of workers went to work while being sick (sickness presenteeism) at least once over the past 12 months. Of all workers who did not show sickness presenteeism themselves, another 6 out of 10 saw or heard about sickness presenteeism in their own organization. This turns sickness presenteeism into an important physical and mental health risk, demanding new policy measures from organizational and governmental decision makers. Women were more likely to report sickness presenteeism than men and junior workers were more prone to sickness presenteeism than senior workers. Education did not explain the choice for sickness presenteeism. Satisfaction with the supervisor had a direct negative effect on sickness presenteeism. Finally, indirect effects were found between satisfaction with the supervisor and sickness presenteeism via the prevalence of stress. While previous studies showed that good supervisor support could make sick workers more productive when they show up at work anyway, this study shows that good supervisor support lowers the probability that sick workers turn up at work at all.

Co-authors. Prof. dr. Ralf Caers, Key Lales Akgul, prof. dr. Tim De Feyter, and prof. dr. Marijke De Couck.

Downloads. Published in International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics. (URL:



D.1.1. No Better Moment to Score a Goal than Just Before Half Time? A Soccer Myth Statistically Tested

D.1.1. Geen beter moment om een doelpunt te scoren dan net voor de rust? (klik voor Nederlandse samenvatting)

Nederlandse samenvatting. Klik hier voor de Nederlandstalige samenvatting van dit onderzoek.

Tags. soccer

Abstract. We test the soccer myth suggesting that a particularly good moment to score a goal is just before half time. To this end, rich data on 1,179 games played in the UEFA Champions League and UEFA Europa League are analysed. In contrast to the myth, we find that, conditional on the goal difference and other game characteristics at half time, the final goal difference at the advantage of the home team is 0.520 goals lower in case of a goal just before half time by this team. We show that this finding relates to this team's lower probability of scoring a goal during the second half.

Co-authors. Simon Amez.

Downloads. Published in Plos One (URL:

D.1.2. And at the end, the Germans always win, don't they? An evaluation of country-specific scoring behaviour in the dying seconds of international club soccer games

D.1.2. En op het einde winnen de Duitsers? Een evaluatie van land-specifiek scoringsgedrag op het einde van internationale voetbalwedstrijden (klik voor Nederlandse samenvatting)

Nederlandse samenvatting. Dit artikel levert een bijdrage aan de literatuur over prestatiebepalende factoren in het voetbal door landverschillen te onderzoeken in het scoren van doelpunten in de 90e minuut of later van internationale voetbalwedstrijden. We analyseren dit doelpuntengedrag in 1.008 recente voetbalwedstrijden gespeeld in de Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) Champions League en Europa League. In tegenstelling tot de bekende uitspraak van Gary Lineker dat 'aan het eind de Duitsers altijd winnen', vinden we geen significant bewijs dat Duitse teams vaker een doelpunt maken in de dying seconds dan andere teams. Onze resultaten wijzen er echter op dat Europese clubs er wel degelijk belang bij hebben te leren van de tactiek aan het einde van de wedstrijd die Franse en Spaanse clubs in recente internationale wedstrijden hebben gebruikt, aangezien deze teams minder vaak een doelpunt tegen kregen in de dying seconds.

Tags. soccer

Abstract. This article contributes to the literature on performance determinants in soccer by investigating country differences in goal scoring in the dying seconds of international soccer games (i.e. in the 90th minute or later). We analyse this goal-scoring behaviour in 1,008 recent soccer games played in the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) Champions League and Europa League. In contrast to Gary Lineker’s well-known quote that “at the end, the Germans always win”, no significant evidence is found for German teams scoring a goal in the dying seconds more often than other teams. Our results indicate, however, that European clubs do have an interest in learning from the end-of-game tactics used by French and Spanish clubs in recent international games as these teams were less likely to concede a goal during the dying seconds. English teams were also in this situation but only if they had an English coach.

Co-authors. Louis Van Den Broucke.

Downloads. Published in Plos One (URL:

D.1.3. Player Dismissal and Full Time Results in the UEFA Champions League and Europa League

D.1.3. Uitteams doen het beter na een late rode kaart (klik voor Nederlandse samenvatting)

Nederlandse samenvatting. Klik hier voor de Nederlandstalige samenvatting van dit onderzoek.

Tags. soccer

Abstract. This study is the first to estimate the effects of the sending-off of a player on the full time results in international club soccer. To this end, we analyse data of more than 2,000 recent games in the UEFA Champions League and UEFA Europa League. We find that when home teams receive a red card, it harms their goal scoring and victory probabilities. By contrast, a red card for away teams can have a positive, negative, or neutral effect for them, depending on the timing of the player dismissal.

Co-authors. Andrea Albanese, Arne De Meyere and Ward Vanruymbeke.

Downloads. Published in International Journal of Sport Finance (URL: A discussion paper version of the study is freely downloadable here.

D.1.4. Home advantage in European international soccer: Which dimension of distance matters?

D.1.4. Thuisvoordeel in het Europees bekervoetbal: welke dimensie van afstand tussen thuis- en uitploeg doet ertoe? (klik voor Nederlandse samenvatting)

Nederlandse samenvatting. Wordt later ter beschikking gesteld.

Tags. soccer

Abstract. We investigate whether the home advantage in soccer differs by various dimensions of distance between the (regions of the) home and away teams: geographical distance, climatic differences, cultural distance, and disparities in economic prosperity. To this end, we analyse 2,012 recent matches played in the UEFA Champions League and UEFA Europa League. We find that when the home team plays at a higher altitude, they benefit substantially more from their home advantage. Every 100 meters of altitude difference is associated with an increase in expected probability to win the match, as the home team, by 1.1 percentage points.

Co-authors. Nils Van Damme.

Downloads. Published in Economics E-journal (URL:

D.1.5. Twelve eyes see more than eight. Referee bias and the introduction of additional assistant referees in soccer

D.1.5. Zorgen bijkomende scheidsrechters voor minder scheidsrechterlijke fouten? (klik voor Nederlandse samenvatting)

Nederlandse samenvatting. In deze studie wordt voor het eerst onderzocht of de introductie van extra assistent-scheidsrechters in de UEFA Europa League (seizoen 2009-2010) en de UEFA Champions League (seizoen 2010-2011) geassocieerd is met een lagere scheidsrechtersvooringenomenheid in termen van vriendjespolitiek ten opzichte van de thuisploeg en het 'grote' team. Hiertoe analyseren we een unieke database met kenmerken voor en tijdens de wedstrijd van alle wedstrijden in zeven recente seizoenen in deze competities met behulp van bivariate probit regressiemodellen. We vinden bewijs voor substantiële partijdigheid van scheidsrechters vóór de introductie van extra scheidsrechters, terwijl dit bewijs niet gevonden wordt na de introductie. Bovendien gaan extra assistenten hand in hand met meer gele kaarten voor zowel thuis- als uitploegen. We laten zien dat deze bevindingen robuust zijn voor meerdere operationalisaties van scheidsrechtersvooroordelen en dat ze niet alleen een algemene tijdsevolutie naar minder scheidsrechtersvooroordelen of het effect van parallelle hervormingen oppikken.

Tags. soccer

Abstract. We are the first to investigate whether the introduction of additional assistant referees in the UEFA Europa League (in season 2009-2010) and the UEFA Champions League (in season 2010-2011) was associated with lower referee bias. To this end, we analyse a unique database with pre- and within-game characteristics of all games in seven recent seasons in these leagues by means of bivariate probit regression models. We find evidence for substantial referee bias before the introduction of additional referees, while no such evidence is found after the introduction. Furthermore, additional assistants go hand in hand with more yellow cards for both home and away teams. We show that these findings are robust to multiple operationalisations of referee bias and that they are not just picking up a general time evolution towards less referee bias or the effect of parallel reforms.

Co-authors. Andrea Albanese and Olivier Verstraeten.

Downloads. Published in Plos One (URL:

D.1.6. No evidence for second leg home advantage in recent seasons of European soccer cups

D.1.6. Best eerst op verplaatsing? Voetbalmythe overleeft confrontatie met de harde data niet (klik voor Nederlandse samenvatting)

Nederlandse samenvatting. Klik hier voor de Nederlandstalige samenvatting van dit onderzoek.

Tags. soccer

Abstract. Previous research on the advantage experienced by soccer teams playing the second leg of a knock-out confrontation at home yielded ambiguous evidence. Some studies confirmed the well-established soccer myth that this advantage is substantial while others did not find any significant evidence. We contribute to this literature by analysing all ‘non-seeded’ two-leg confrontations in the UEFA Champions League and the UEFA Europa League between 2010 and 2017. We find that playing the second leg of a knock-out confrontation at home is not associated with a substantially higher chance of proceeding to the next stage of the tournament.

Co-authors. Dr. Simon Amez, dr. Brecht Neyt and Maarten Vandemaele.

Downloads. Published in Applied Economics Letters (URL:

D.1.7. The right man in the right place? Substitutions and goal-scoring in soccer

D.1.7. Wat doen wissels met het scoreverloop in voetbalwedstrijden? (klik voor Nederlandse samenvatting)

Nederlandse samenvatting. We onderzoeken hoe de kans om een goal te maken in het internationale clubvoetbal evolueert na spelerswissels. Daartoe analyseren we rijke data over 2025 recente voetbalwedstrijden gespeeld in de twee meest prestigieuze competities voor clubvoetbal, namelijk de UEFA Champions League en de UEFA Europa League. Als eerste in de wetenschappelijke literatuur controleren we voor dynamiek binnen de wedstrijd door een bivariate probit-benadering per minuut toe te passen. We stellen vast dat teams een grotere scoringskans hebben na hun eerste en tweede wissel en een kleinere scoringskans na wissels van hun tegenstander. Deze associatie is minder duidelijk gedurende de eerste drie minuten na de wissel, wat consistent is met moeilijkheden om zich aan te passen aan (i) de spelintensiteit door de wisselspeler of (ii) tactische veranderingen door het hele team. Verder vinden we dat de verandering in de scoringskans aanzienlijk groter is als het team op verlies staat op het moment van de wissel.

Tags. soccer

Abstract. We investigate how the goal-scoring probability in international club soccer evolves after player substitutions. To this end, we analyse rich data concerning 2,025 recent soccer games played in the two most prestigious club soccer competitions, i.e. the UEFA Champions League and the UEFA Europa League. As first in the literature, we control for within-game dynamics by applying a minute-by-minute bivariate probit approach. We find that teams experience increased goal-scoring probabilities after their first and second substitution and a decreased probability of scoring after the three substitutions made by their opponent. This association is less distinct during the first three minutes after the substitution, which is consistent with difficulties to adapt to (i) the game intensity by the substitute player or (ii) tactical changes by the entire team. Furthermore, we find that the change in the goal-scoring probability is substantially bigger if the team is losing at the moment of the substitution.

Co-authors. Dr. Simon Amez, dr. Brecht Neyt and Maarten Vandemaele.

Downloads. Published in Psychology of Sport and Exercise (URL:

D.1.8. Which Former Professional Football Players Become Successful Professional Head Coaches?

D.1.8. Welke gewezen profvoetballers worden een succesvolle coach? (klik voor Nederlandse samenvatting)

Nederlandse samenvatting. Klik hier voor de Nederlandstalige samenvatting van dit onderzoek.

Tags. soccer

Abstract. One of the potential avenues for former professional football players to pursue their career is to become a head coach of a club’s first team. An important question is how to best prepare for such a reconversion. This letter is the first in the academic literature quantifying the association between success as a professional head coach and prior experience of former professional players as a youth coach, player-coach, head coach at a lower division, assistant coach, in other staff positions and in club management positions. Our regression analyses, based on unique coach career data, show a significant positive association for the jobs of assistant or youth coach.

Co-authors. Dr. Matteo Balliauw and Marco Verheuge.

Downloads. Published in Applied Economics Letters (URL: A discussion paper version of the study is freely downloadable here.


D.2.1. Smartphone Use and Academic Performance: Correlation or Causal Relationship?

D.2.1. Studenten die vaker met smartphone bezig zijn, behalen lagere punten

Nederlandse samenvatting. Klik hier voor de Nederlandstalige samenvatting van dit onderzoek.

Tags. education

Abstract. After a decade of correlational research, this study is the first to measure the causal impact of (general) smartphone use on educational performance. To this end, we merge survey data on general smartphone use, exogenous predictors of this use, and other drivers of academic success with the exam scores of first-year students at two Belgian universities. The resulting data are analysed with instrumental variable estimation techniques. A onestandard-deviation increase in daily smartphone use yields a decrease in average exam scores of about one point (out of 20). When relying on ordinary least squares estimations, the magnitude of this effect is substantially underestimated.

Co-authors. Prof. dr. Suncica Vujic., dr. Simon Amez, Matteo Claeskens, Thomas Daman, Arno Maeckelberghe, prof. dr. Eddy Omey, and prof. dr. Lieven De Marez.

Downloads. Published in Kyklos (URL: A discussion paper version of the study is freely downloadable here.

D.2.2. Smartphone Use and Academic Performance: A Literature Review

D.2.2. Factcheck: slechtere examenresultaten voor hevige smartphonegebruikers?

Nederlandse samenvatting. In deze studie wordt de internationale wetenschappelijke literatuur omtrent smartphonegebruik en studieresultaten op een systematische manier samengevat. Dit zijn de voornaamste bevindingen:

  1. Doorheen de studies, in verschillende continenten uitgevoerd, wordt bijna altijd gevonden dat heviger smartphonegebruik samengaat met slechtere studieresultaten.
  2. In de synthese van de literatuur komt een neiging tot sociaal wenselijk antwoorden naar voren: uit onderzoek met meer subjectieve designs (vragenlijsten omtrent smartphonegebruik en/of zelfgerapporteerde studieresultaten) komt typisch een lagere samenhang tussen smartphonegebruik en studieresultaten naar voren dan uit objectiever onderzoek (objectieve logging van smartphonegebruik en/of officiële studieresultaten).
  3. Dit is een synthese van de verklaringen voor de negatieve samenhang: (i) time trade-off (tijd op smartphone is geen tijd om te studeren), (ii) inefficiëntie wegens multitasking en (iii) negatieve impact van smartphonegebruik op gezondheid en slaapkwaliteit.

Tags. education

Abstract. We present the first systematic review of the scientific literature on smartphone use and academic success. We synthesise the theoretical mechanisms, empirical approaches, and empirical findings described in the multidisciplinary literature to date. Our analysis of the literature reveals a predominance of empirical results supporting a negative association between students' frequency of smartphone use and their academic success. However, the strength of this association is heterogeneous by (a) the method of data gathering, (b) the measures of academic performance used in the analysis, and (c) the measures of smartphone use adopted. The main limitation identified in the literature is that the reported associations cannot be given a causal interpretation. Based on the reviewed findings and limitations, directions for further research are discussed.

Co-authors. Dr. Simon Amez.

Downloads. Published in International Journal of Educational Research (URL: A discussion paper version of the study is freely downloadable here.

D.2.3. Smartphone Use and Academic Performance: First Evidence from Longitudinal Data

D.2.3. Studenten die smartphone vaker gaan gebruiken tijdens de les, doen het vervolgens minder goed bij de examens

Nederlandse samenvatting. Klik hier voor de Nederlandstalige samenvatting van dit onderzoek.

Tags. education

Abstract. To study the causal impact of smartphone use on academic performance, we collected—for the first time worldwide—longitudinal data on students’ smartphone use and educational performance. For three consecutive years we surveyed all students attending classes in eleven different study programmes at two Belgian universities on general smartphone use and other drivers of academic achievement. These survey data were merged with the exam scores of these students. We analysed the resulting data by means of panel data random effects estimation controlling for unobserved individual characteristics. A one standard deviation increase in overall smartphone use results in a decrease of 0.349 points (out of 20) and a decrease of 2.616 percentage points in the fraction of exams passed.

Co-authors. Prof. dr. Suncica Vujic., dr. Simon Amez and prof. dr. Lieven De Marez.

Downloads. Published in New Media & Society (URL: A discussion paper version of the study is freely downloadable here.

D.2.4. Yawning while scrolling? Examining gender differences in the association between smartphone use and sleep quality

D.2.4. Vrouwelijke studenten die smartphone intensief gebruiken slapen minder goed

Nederlandse samenvatting. Klik hier voor de Nederlandstalige samenvatting van dit onderzoek.

Tags. education

Abstract. The negative consequences of deteriorated sleep have been widely acknowledged. Therefore, research on the determinants of poor sleep is crucial. A factor potentially contributing to poor sleep is the use of a smartphone. This study aims to measure the association between overall daily smartphone use and both sleep quality and sleep duration. To this end, we exploit data on 1,889 first‐year university students. Compared with previous research we control for a large set of observed confounding factors. Higher overall smartphone use is associated with lower odds of experiencing a good sleep. In addition, we explore heterogeneous differences by socioeconomic factors not yet investigated. We find that the negative association between smartphone use and sleep quality is mainly driven by female participants.

Co-authors. Dr. Simon Amez, prof. dr. Suncica Vujic. and Pieter Soffers.

Downloads. Published in Journal of Sleep Research (URL:

D.2.5. Deteriorated Sleep Quality Does Not Explain the Negative Impact of Smartphone Use on Academic Performance

D.2.5. Verminderde slaapkwaliteit verklaart niet het effect van smartphonegebruik of examenresultaten

Nederlandse samenvatting. Recent is aangetoond dat smartphonegebruik door universiteitsstudenten een negatieve invloed heeft op hun academische prestaties. Verrassend genoeg is het onderzoek naar de onderliggende mechanismen zeer beperkt. Met name negatieve gezondheidsgevolgen als mediator zijn nog nooit onderzocht. Om in deze leemte in te vullen, onderzoeken we of een verslechterde slaapkwaliteit de oorzaak is van de negatieve invloed op de schoolprestaties. Daartoe analyseren we longitudinale gegevens van 1635 studenten aan twee grote Belgische universiteiten. We vinden geen statistisch significant mediërend effect van slaapkwaliteit in de relatie tussen smartphonegebruik en academische prestaties.

Tags. education

Abstract. University students' smartphone use has recently been shown to negatively affect their academic performance. Surprisingly, research testing the empirical validity of potential mechanisms underlying this relationship is very limited. In particular, indirect effects of negative health consequences due to heavy smartphone use have never been investigated. To fill this gap, we investigate, for the first time, whether deteriorated sleep quality drives the negative impact on academic performance. To this end, we examine longitudinal data on 1,635 students at two major Belgian universities. Based on a combination of a random effects approach and seemingly unrelated regression, we find no statistically significant mediating effect of sleep quality in the relationship between smartphone use and academic performance.

Co-authors. Dr. Simon Amez, prof. dr. Suncica Vujic and Margo Abrath.

Downloads. A discussion paper version of the study is freely downloadable here.

D.2.6. Mobile DNA and Sleep Quality

D.2.6. Studenten die meer apps laden per smartphonesessie slapen slechter

Nederlandse samenvatting. Klik hier voor de Nederlandstalige samenvatting van dit onderzoek.

Tags. education

Abstract. Previous studies have demonstrated a strong negative association between smartphone use and sleep quality. However, the majority of these studies quantified smartphone use with subjective self-reported metrics. In contrast, the current study contributes to the literature by objectively logging university students’ smartphone use and investigating the association thereof with sleep quality. The extensive, nuanced smartphone usage information obtained from this logging also enables us to explore the validity of several mechanisms theorised to underlie the previously reported negative association between smartphone use and sleep quality. In contrast to earlier research, we do not find a significant association between sleep quality and the duration or frequency of students’ daily smartphone use. However, students with the internalised habit of launching a greater number of applications per session (‘gateway habits’) experience worse sleep quality. This finding is consistent with literature showing that smartphone-related stress is more strongly associated with checking habits stemming from ‘fear-ofmissing- out’ than with overall screen time.

Co-authors. Dr. Simon Amez, Floor Denecker, prof. dr. Koen Ponnet and prof. dr. Lieven De Marez.

Downloads. A discussion paper version of the study is freely downloadable here.


D.3.1. Modeling the Effects of Grade Retention in High School

D.3.1. Wat zijn de effecten van overzitten op verdere studieresultaten? (klik voor Nederlandse samenvatting)

Nederlandse samenvatting. Klik hier voor de Nederlandstalige samenvatting van dit onderzoek.

Tags. dynamic discrete choice education

Abstract. A dynamic discrete choice model is set up to estimate the effects of grade retention in high school, both in the short- (end-of-year evaluation) and long-run (drop-out and delay). In contrast to regression discontinuity designs, this approach captures treatment heterogeneity and controls for grade-varying unobservable determinants. A method is proposed to deal with initial conditions and with partial observability of the track choices at the start of high school. Forced track downgrading is considered as an alternative remedial measure. In the long-run, grade retention and its alternative have adverse effects on schooling outcomes and, more so, for less able pupils.

Co-authors. Prof. dr. Bart Cockx and prof. dr. Matteo Picchio.

Downloads. Published in Journal of Applied Econometrics (URL: A discussion paper version of the study is freely downloadable here.

D.3.2. Secondary School Success in Times of Parental Divorce

D.3.2. Schoolresultaten van kinderen zijn lager in jaar dat ouders scheiden

Nederlandse samenvatting. Verschillende theorieën leiden tot verschillende voorspellingen omtrent hoe de echtscheiding van ouders de studieresultaten van hun kinderen in het secundair onderwijs beïnvloedt. Sommige voorspellen vooral een negatief effect in de jaren voordien (door conflict tussen ouders), andere vooral een negatief effect in het jaar van de scheiding (door stress door scheiding zelf en aanpassing aan nieuwe situatie) en nog andere (vooral) een negatief effect in de jaren die volgen (door verwijdering van één van de ouders en lager gezinsinkomen). Onze onderzoeksresultaten geven aan dat vooral tijdens het jaar van de scheiding de resultaten van leerlingen lager zijn. Het beleid dient zich dan ook vooral op deze fase te concentreren.

Tags. education

Abstract. We investigated how educational performance during secondary education evolves in the years before, during, and after parental divorce. Theoretical models predict different divorce effect patterns in the school year of the divorce and in the years around it. However, we are not aware of any existing studies attempting to measure this pattern. The study was based on unique panel data capturing parental divorce and school results for 2,685 Belgian pupils. We employed this panel to correct for time‐invariant, unobservable drivers of educational performance, as well as to take into account time‐variant unobserved drivers. The results indicate that the divorce penalty peaks in the school year of the divorce. A zero treatment effect in the preceding and subsequent years cannot be rejected. Moreover, simpler econometric strategies tended to overestimate the divorce penalty. Our findings are mostly in line with the parental adjustment and life stress theories. From a policy perspective, we suggest that it is essential to support children in the months before and after parental divorce, while special treatment in later years may be less necessary.

Co-authors. Greet Van der Straeten.

Downloads. Published in Family Relations (URL:

D.3.3. Mister Sandman, Bring Me Good Marks! On the Relationship Between Sleep Quality and Academic Achievement

D.3.3. Beïnvloedt slaapkwaliteit de studieresultaten tijdens het hoger onderwijs? (klik voor Nederlandse samenvatting)

Nederlandse samenvatting. We onderzoeken de relatie tussen de slaapkwaliteit van eerstejaarsstudenten aan de universiteit en hun examenresultaten. Daartoe meten we hun slaapkwaliteit middels de Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) en verschillende andere determinanten van examenresultaten. Deze data wordt gekoppeld aan hun examenresultaten tijdens de eerste examenperiode. Aan de hand van instrumentschattingen vinden we dat wanneer de slaapkwaliteit van de studenten toeneemt met een standaardafwijking, hun punten met 4,85 procentpunten stijgen. Meer informatie. Klik hier voor de Nederlandstalige samenvatting van dit onderzoek.

Tags. education work and health

Abstract. There is growing evidence that health factors affect tertiary education success in a causal way. This study assesses the effect of sleep quality on academic achievement at university. To this end, we surveyed 804 students about their sleep quality by means of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) before the start of their first exam period in December 2013 at Ghent University. PSQI scores were merged with course marks in this exam period. Instrumenting PSQI scores by sleep quality during secondary education, we find that increasing total sleep quality with one standard deviation leads to 4.85 percentage point higher course marks. Based on this finding, we suggest that higher education providers might be incentivised to invest part of their resources for social facilities in professional support for students with sleep and other health problems.

Co-authors. Prof. dr. Eddy Omey, prof. dr. Dieter Verhaest and Aurélie Vermeir.

Downloads. Published in Social Science and Medicine (URL: A discussion paper version of the study is freely downloadable here.

D.3.4. Bye, Bye, Hotel Mama, Bye, Bye Good Grades? Living in a Student Room and Exam Results in Tertiary Education

D.3.4. Kost op kot gaan je punten aan de universiteit?

Nederlandse samenvatting. Klik hier voor de Nederlandstalige samenvatting van dit onderzoek.

Tags. education

Abstract. We study whether living in a student room as a tertiary education student (instead of commuting between one's parental residence and college or university) affects exam results. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to study this relationship beyond cross-sectional analysis. That is, we exploit rich longitudinal data on 1,653 Belgian freshmen students' residential status and exam scores to control for observed heterogeneity as well as for individual fixed (or random) effects. We find that after correcting for unobserved heterogeneity, the association found in earlier contributions disappears. This finding of no significant impact of living in a student room on exam results is robust for other methods used for causal inference including instrumental variable techniques.

Co-authors. Dr. Simon Amez.

Downloads. A discussion paper version of the study is freely downloadable here.


D.2.1. Are Men Intimidated by Highly Educated Women? Undercover on Tinder

D.2.1. Vrouwen gaan (ook) op Tinder voor hoogopgeleide mannen (klik voor Nederlandse samenvatting)

Nederlandse samenvatting. Klik hier voor de Nederlandstalige samenvatting van dit onderzoek.

Tags. fictitious job applications

Abstract. In this study, we examine the impact of an individual's education level on her/his mating success on the mobile dating app Tinder. To do so, we conducted a field experiment on Tinder in which we collected data on 3,600 profile evaluations. In line with previous research on mating preferences from multiple fields, our results indicate a heterogeneous effect of education level by gender: while women strongly prefer a highly educated potential partner, this hypothesis is rejected for men. In contrast with recent influential studies from the field of economics, we do not find any evidence that men would have an aversion to a highly educated potential partner. Additionally, in contrast with most previous research – again from multiple fields – we do not find any evidence for preferences for educational assortative mating, i.e. preferring a partner with a similar education level.

Co-authors. Dr. Brecht Neyt and Sarah Vandenbulcke.

Downloads. Published in Economics of Education Review (URL: This study was earlier disseminated as a freely downloadable discussion paper titled "Education Level and Mating Success: Undercover on Tinder".

D.2.2. Job Prestige and Mobile Dating Success: A Field Experiment

D.2.2. Mannen spreken minder snel werkloze vrouwen aan op Tinder (klik voor Nederlandse samenvatting)

Nederlandse samenvatting. Klik hier voor de vermelding van het onderzoek in De Morgen.

Tags. fictitious job applications

Abstract. Research exploiting data on classic (offline) couple formation has confirmed predictions from evolutionary psychology in a sense that males attach more value to attractiveness and women attach more value to earnings potential. We examine whether these human partner preferences survive in a context of fewer search and social frictions. We do this by means of a field experiment on the mobile dating app Tinder, which takes a central place in contemporary couple formation. Thirty-two fictitious Tinder profiles that randomly differ in job status and job prestige are evaluated by 4,800 other, real users. We find that both males and females do not use job status or job prestige as a determinant of whom to show initial interest in on Tinder. However, we do see evidence that, after this initial phase, males less frequently begin a conversation with females when those females are unemployed but also then do not care about the particular job prestige of employed females.

Co-authors. Dr. Brecht Neyt and Jana Vynckier.

Downloads. A discussion paper version of the study is freely downloadable here.

D.2.3. Never mind I'll find someone like me – Assortative mating preferences on Tinder

D.2.3. Tindergebruikers zoeken partner die op hen gelijkt qua mildheid en openheid (klik voor Nederlandse samenvatting)

Nederlandse samenvatting. Eerdere literatuur heeft 'assortative mating', i.e. op elkaar lijkende personen die een liefdeskoppel worden, bestudeerd. Verschillende recente studies hebben echter gesuggereerd dat assortative mating aan het vervagen is door de komst van mobiele dating apps. Daarom onderzoeken we in deze studie of voorkeuren voor assortative mating nog steeds aanwezig zijn op de populairste mobiele dating app, Tinder. Daartoe analyseren we experimentele en surveydata over 7846 Tinder-profiel-evaluaties. We stellen vast dat Tinder-gebruikers een voorkeur hebben voor een potentiële partner die ze als gelijkaardig beschouwen in de persoonlijkheidskenmerken inschikkelijkheid en openheid voor nieuwe ervaringen. We vinden geen bewijs voor voorkeuren voor assortatieve paring op basis van aantrekkelijkheid, i.e. gebruikers gaan eerder voor een zo knap mogelijke match.

Tags. vignettes

Abstract. Previous literature has identified assortative mating as the most frequent deviation from random mating both in offline dating and on classic online dating websites. However, several recent studies have suggested that assortative mating is fading due to the advent of mobile dating apps. Therefore, in this study we examine whether preferences for assortative mating are still present on the most popular mobile dating app of the moment, Tinder. For this means, we analyze experimental and survey data on 7846 Tinder profile evaluations. We unambiguously find that Tinder users prefer a potential partner whom they perceive to be similar in the personality traits agreeableness and openness to experience. With respect to similarity in perceived age, we find either no assortment or positive assortment, depending on whether we condition on other participant characteristics. Finally, we do not find any evidence for preferences for assortative mating based on attractiveness. We examine heterogeneous preferences by the gender and age of the experiment participants.

Co-authors. Dr. Brecht Neyt and Sarah Vandenbulcke.

Downloads. Published in Personality and Individual Differences (URL:


D.3.1. Younger, dissatisfied, and unhealthy – Relative age in adolescence

D.3.1. Ervaart wie eerder in het jaar geboren is minder levenstevredenheid? (klik voor Nederlandse samenvatting)

Nederlandse samenvatting. We onderzoeken als eerste ter wereld of leeftijdsverschillen tussen klasgenoten bij het begin van het onderwijs de verschillen in levenstevredenheid in de adolescentie beïnvloeden. Daartoe analyseren we gegevens uit de HBSC-enquête die in meerdere landen is gehouden. We vinden aanwijzingen dat relatieve leeftijd effectief een negatieve invloed heeft op de levenstevredenheid van adolescenten. Een leeftijdsverschil van twaalf maanden verlaagt de levenstevredenheid, beoordeeld op een schaal van 0 tot 10, met 0.3 punten. Dit negatieve effect niet af met de stijging van de absolute leeftijd.


Abstract. This is the first study to investigate whether age gaps between classmates (that is, relative age) affect life-satisfaction gaps in adolescence. To this end, we analyse data from the multi-country Health Behaviour in School-Aged Children (HBSC) survey. We find evidence that relative age negatively impacts adolescents’ life-satisfaction. A twelve-month age gap decreases life-satisfaction, rated on a 0-10 scale, by 0.3 points. This negative effect is consistent across countries. Finally, this negative effect does not decrease with the increase in absolute age.

Co-authors. Dr. Luca Fumarco.

Downloads. Published in Economics and Human Biology (URL: This study was earlier disseminated as a freely downloadable discussion paper titled "Younger and Dissatisfied? Relative Age and Life-satisfaction in Adolescence".

D.3.2. Relative Age Effect on European Adolescents' Social Network

D.3.2. Ervaart wie eerder in het jaar geboren is een slechter sociaal netwerk? (klik voor Nederlandse samenvatting)

Nederlandse samenvatting. We leveren een bijdrage aan de literatuur over relatieve leeftijdseffecten door de impact van jonger te zijn binnen de klas bij de start van het onderwijs op het sociale netwerk van leerlingen te bestuderen. We gebruiken een instrumentele variabelenbenadering om rekening te houden met endogeniteit van relatieve leeftijd terwijl we controleren voor confounders, namelijk absolute leeftijd, geboorteseizoen en sociaaleconomische status van het gezin. We vinden robuuste aanwijzingen voor het bestaan van een substitutie-effect: de jongste leerlingen binnen een klas e-communiceren vaker dan relatief oudere klasgenoten, maar hebben minder vrienden en spreken minder vaak met hen af.


Abstract. We contribute to the literature on relative age effects on pupils’ (non-cognitive) skills formation by studying students’ social network. We investigate data on European adolescents from the Health Behaviour in School Aged Children survey and use an instrumental variables approach to account for endogeneity of relative age while controlling for confounders, namely absolute age, season-of-birth, and family socio-economic status. We find robust evidence that suggests the existence of a substitution effect: the youngest students within a class e-communicate more frequently than relatively older classmates but have fewer friends and meet with them less frequently.

Co-authors. Dr. Luca Fumarco.

Downloads. Published in Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization (URL: A discussion paper version of the study is freely downloadable here.

D.3.3. Does Relative Age Affect Speed and Quality of Transition from School to Work?

D.3.3. Jongeren die kort na Nieuwjaar geboren zijn, doen het beter op school en op arbeidsmarkt (klik voor Nederlandse samenvatting)

Nederlandse samenvatting. Binnen schoolklassen zijn sommige jongeren (abstractie makend van degenen die moeten overzitten) tot 12 maanden jonger dan anderen. Dit gaat typisch over kinderen die op het einde van het jaar geboren zijn. Op jonge leeftijd kan dat een groot verschil in maturiteit geven. Eerder internationaal wetenschappelijk onderzoek toonde al aan dat de relatief jongere leerlingen doorheen hun jonge leven minder scoren qua o.a. schoolresultaten, sportprestaties en sociaal contact. Dit kan zelfversterkende gevolgen hebben aangezien wie goed scoort op jonge leeftijd later ook een stap voor heeft. Het onderzoek maakt gebruik van data waarin een representatieve steekproef van 6000 Vlamingen, geboren in 1978 en 1980, werden gevolgd tot de leeftijd van 26 of 29 jaar. Op die manier waren heel rijke gegevens beschikbaar omtrent zowel de school- als de eerste arbeidsmarktuitkomsten van deze Vlamingen. Deze data werd door een internationaal onderzoeksteam geanalyseerd met state-of-the-art econometrische technieken om het oorzakelijke verband tussen leeftijdsverschillen bij de start van het secundair onderwijs enerzijds en eerste arbeidsmarktuitkomsten anderzijds te schatten. Wat blijkt? Duidelijk jonger zijn dan klasgenoten bij de start van het lager onderwijs vertaalt zich in een significant lagere kans om een jaar na het schoolverlaten aan het werk te zijn. Binnen de steekproef was 8.8% niet aan het werk op dat moment. 12 maanden jonger zijn doet die kans toenemen met 3.5 procentpunt. Ook de kans op een eerste kwaliteitsvolle job een jaar na het schoolverlaten is lager voor wie jonger is binnen de klas bij de start van het lager onderwijs. Bijvoorbeeld, 12 maanden jonger zijn leidt tot 5.1 procentpunt minder kans op een vast contract. Een stuk van dit effect kan verklaard worden doordat maturiteitsverschillen in de klas zich ook vertalen in het uitvoeren van een studentenjob, wat zich dan weer vertaalt in een snellere overgang van school naar werk, zo tonen onze verdere analyses.


Abstract. We contribute to the literature on relative age effects on pupils’ (non-cognitive) skills formation by studying students’ social network. We investigate data on European adolescents from the Health Behaviour in School Aged Children survey and use an instrumental variables approach to account for endogeneity of relative age while controlling for confounders, namely absolute age, season-of-birth, and family socio-economic status. We find robust evidence that suggests the existence of a substitution effect: the youngest students within a class e-communicate more frequently than relatively older classmates but have fewer friends and meet with them less frequently.

Co-authors. Dr. Luca Fumarco.

Downloads. A discussion paper version of the study is freely downloadable here.


D.4.1. Voting with your wallet? Municipal budget policy and election results

D.4.1. Vlaming stemt niet met portemonnee bij gemeenteraadsverkiezingen

Nederlandse samenvatting. Klik hier voor de Nederlandstalige samenvatting van dit onderzoek.


Abstract. In this paper, the authors examine the impact of municipal budget policy on the percentage of votes for the incumbent majority parties in subsequent elections. They contribute to the academic literature by examining the combined influence of taxes, expenditures and debt. Based on data for Flanders (Belgium) between 1994 and 2012, they find no significant association between these budget variables and the actual election results.

Co-authors. Prof. dr. Herman Matthijs and Ilse Verdievel.

Downloads. Published in Plos One (URL: