
"Predicting outdoor sound (second edition)", K. Attenborough, T. Van Renterghem; Taylor and Francis, CRC press, Boca Raton-Oxon, 2021, 690 pages. (ISBN 9781498740074) (book)

A1-publications (peer-reviewed, listed in SCI)

1. "Reducing screen-induced refraction of noise barriers in wind with vegetative screens", T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren, W. Cornelis, D. Gabriels; Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 88 (2), p. 231-238, 2002. (paper)

2. "Effect of a row of trees behind noise barriers in wind", T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren; Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 88 (6), p. 869-878, 2002. (paper)

3. Addition to: "Reducing screen-induced refraction of noise barriers in wind with vegetative screens", T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren; Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 89 (2), p. 381, 2003. (paper)

4. "Numerical simulation of the effect of trees on downwind noise barrier performance", T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren; Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 89 (5), p. 764-778, 2003. (paper)

5. "Efficient FDTD-PE model for sound propagation in situations with complex obstacles and wind profiles", T. Van Renterghem, E. Salomons, D. Botteldooren; Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 91 (4), p. 671-679, 2005. (paper)

6.  "Parameter study of sound propagation between city canyons with coupled FDTD-PE model", T. Van Renterghem, E. Salomons, D. Botteldooren; Applied Acoustics, 67 (6), p. 487-510, 2006.(paper)

7. "Time-domain modelling in outdoor sound propagation (Editorial)", T. Van Renterghem; Applied Acoustics 68(2), p. 157, 2007.(paper)

8. "Prediction-step staggered-in-time FDTD: an efficient numerical scheme to solve the linearised equations of fluid dynamics in outdoor sound propagation", T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren; Applied Acoustics, 68 (2), p. 201-216, 2007.(paper)

9. "Comparison of measurements and predictions of sound propagation in a valley-slope configuration in an inhomogeneous atmosphere", T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren, P. Lercher; Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 121 (5), p. 2522-2533, 2007.(paper)

10. "Influence of temporal resolution of meteorological and traffic data on long-term average sound levels", T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren; Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 93 (6), p. 976-990, 2007.(paper)

11. "Numerical evaluation of tree canopy shape near noise barriers to improve downwind shielding", T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren; Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 123 (2), p. 648-657, 2008.(paper)

12. "Numerical evaluation of sound propagating over green roofs", T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren; Journal of Sound and Vibration, 317 (3-5), p. 781-799, 2008. (paper)

13. "Verifying the attenuation of earplugs in situ: Method validation using artificial head and numerical simulations", A. Bockstael, B. de Greve, T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren, W. D'Haenens, H. Keppler, L. Maes, B. Philips, F. Swinnen, B. Vinck; Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 124 (2), p. 973-981, 2008.

14. "Reducing the acoustical façade load from road traffic with green roofs", T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren; Building and Environment, 44 (5), p. 1081-1087, 2009. (paper)

15. "Verifying the attenuation of earplugs in situ: method validation on human subjects including individualized numerical simulations", A. Bockstael, T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren, W. D'Haenens, H. Keppler, L. Maes, B. Philips, F. Swinnen, B. Vinck; Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 125 (3), p. 1479-1489, 2009.

16. "The importance of roof shape for road traffic noise shielding in the urban environment", T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren; Journal of Sound and Vibration, 329 (9), p. 1422-1434, 2010. (paper)

17. "The effects of railway noise on sleep medication intake: results from the ALPNAP-study", P. Lercher, M. Brink, J. Rüdisser, T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren, M. Baulac, J. Defrance; Noise & Health, 12 (47), p. 110-119, 2010.

18. "Meteorological influence on sound propagation between adjacent city canyons: a real-life experiment", T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren; Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 127 (6), p. 3335-3346, 2010. (paper)

19. "In-situ measurements of sound propagating over extensive green roofs", T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren; Building and Environment, 46 (3), p. 729-738, 2011. (paper)

20. "Correlation analysis of noise and ultrafine particle counts in a street canyon", A. Can, M. Rademaker, T. Van Renterghem, V. Mishra, M. Van Poppel, A. Touhafi, J. Theunis, B. De Baets, D. Botteldooren; Science of the Total Environment, 409 (3), p. 564-572, 2011.

21. "Using room acoustical parameters for evaluating the quality of urban squares for open-air rock concerts", P. Thomas, T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren; Applied Acoustics, 72 (4), p. 210-220, 2011.

22. "On the ability of consumer electronics microphones for environmental noise monitoring", T. Van Renterghem, P. Thomas, F. Dominguez, S. Dauwe, A. Touhafi, B. Dhoedt, D. Botteldooren; Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 13 (3), p. 544 - 552, 2011. (paper)

23. "Estimating the effect of semi-transparent low-height road traffic noise barriers with Ultra Weak Variational Formulation", L. Ding, T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren; Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 97 (3), p. 391-402, 2011.

24. "Sampling approaches to predict urban street noise levels using fixed and temporary microphones", A. Can, T. Van Renterghem, M. Rademaker, S. Dauwe, P. Thomas, B. De Baets, D. Botteldooren; Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 13 (10), p. 2710-2719, 2011.

25. "Noise measurements as proxies for traffic parameters in monitoring networks", A. Can, L. De Koninck, M. Rademaker, T. Van Renterghem, B. De Baets, D. Botteldooren; Science of the Total Environment, 410, p. 198-204, 2011.

26. "Evolution of building facade road traffic noise levels in Flanders", T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren, L. Dekoninck; Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 14, p. 677-686, 2012. (paper)

27. "On the choice between walls and berms for road traffic noise shielding including wind effects", T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren; Landscape and Urban Planning, 105, p. 199-210, 2012. (paper)

28. "Road traffic noise shielding by vegetation belts of limited depth", T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren, K. Verheyen; Journal of Sound and Vibration, 331, p. 2404-2425, 2012. (paper)

29. "Multi-Agent Based Data Fusion in Environmental Monitoring Networks", S. Dauwe, T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren, B. Dhoedt; International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 2012, ID 324935, 15 pages, 2012.

30. "Focused study on the quiet side effect at dwellings highly exposed by road traffic noise", T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren; International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 9, p. 4292-4310, 2012. (paper)

31. "The potential of building envelope greening to achieve quietness", T. Van Renterghem, M. Hornikx, J. Forssen, D. Botteldooren; Building and Environment, 61, p. 34-44, 2013. (paper)

32. "Annoyance, detection and recognition of wind turbine noise", T. Van Renterghem, A. Bockstael, V. De Weirt, D. Botteldooren; Science of the Total Environment, 456-457, p. 333-345, 2013. (paper)

33. "Reverberation-based urban street sound level prediction", P. Thomas, T. Van Renterghem, E. De Boeck, L. Dragonetti, D. Botteldooren; Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 133, p. 3929-3939, 2013.

34. "Quantifying scattered sound energy from a single tree by means of reverberation time", H. Yang, J. Kang, C. Cheal, T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren; Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 134, p. 264-274, 2013.

35. "A computational model of auditory attention for use in soundscape research", D. Oldoni, B. De Coensel, M. Boes, M. Rademaker, B. De Baets, T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren; Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 134, p. 852-861, 2013.

36. "Sound absorption of porous substrates covered by foliage: experimental results and numerical predictions", L. Ding, T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren, K. Horoshenkov, A. Khan; Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 134 (6), p. 4599-4609, 2013.

37. "Measured light vehicle noise reduction by hedges", T. Van Renterghem, K. Attenborough, M. Maennel, J. Defrance, K. Horoshenkov, J. Kang, I. Bashir, S. Taherzadeh, B. Altreuther, A. Khan, Y. Smyrnova, H. Yang; Applied Acoustics, 78, p. 19-27, 2014. (paper)

38. "Airborne sound propagation over sea during offshore wind farm piling", T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren, L. Dekoninck; Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 135 (2), p. 599-609, 2014.(paper)

39. "Urban background noise mapping: the multiple-reflection correction term", M. Hornikx, J. Forssén, D. Botteldooren, T. Van Renterghem, W. Wei, M. Ögren, E. Salomons; Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 100 (2), p. 293-305, 2014.

40. "A model of sound scattering by atmospheric turbulence for use in noise mapping calculations", J. Forssén, M. Hornikx, D. Botteldooren, W. Wei, T. Van Renterghem, M. Ögren; Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 100 (5), p. 810-815, 2014.

41. "Urban background noise mapping: the general model" W. Wei, D. Botteldooren, T. Van Renterghem, M. Hornikx, J. Forssén, E. Salomons, M. Ögren; Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 100(6), p. 1098-1111, 2014.

42. "Guidelines for optimizing road traffic noise shielding by non-deep tree belts", T. Van Renterghem; Ecological Engineering, 69, p. 276–286, 2014.(paper)

43. "Influence of rainfall on the noise shielding by a green roof", T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren; Building and Environment, 82, p. 1-8, 2014. (paper)

44. "Multi-criteria anomaly detection in urban noise sensor networks", S. Dauwe, D. Oldoni, B. De Baets, T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren, B. Dhoedt; Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 16, p. 2249-2258, 2014.

45. "Efficient outdoor sound propagation modeling with the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method: a review", T. Van Renterghem; International Journal of Aeroacoustics, 13 (5-6), p. 385-404, 2014. (paper)

46. "Corrigendum to urban background noise mapping: the general model" W. Wei, D. Botteldooren, T. Van Renterghem, M. Hornikx, J. Forssén, E. Salomons, M. Ögren; Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 101 (1), p. 204, 2015.

47. "Using natural means to reduce surface transport noise during propagation outdoors", T. Van Renterghem, J. Forssen, K. Attenborough, P. Jean, J. Defrance, M. Hornikx, J. Kang; Applied Acoustics, 92, p. 86-101, 2015. (paper).

48. "Simplified analytical model for sound level prediction at shielded urban locations involving multiple diffraction and reflections", W. Wei, T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren; Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 138 (5), p. 2744–2758, 2015.

49. "Dynamic noise mapping: a map-based interpolation between noise measurements with high temporal resolution", W. Wei, T. Van Renterghem, B. De Coensel, D. Botteldooren; Applied Acoustics, 101, p. 127-140, 2016.

50. "Exploiting supporting poles to increase road traffic noise shielding of tree belts", T. Van Renterghem; Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 101, p. 1-7, 2016. (paper)

51. "The effect of street canyon design on traffic noise exposure along roads", G. Echevarria-Sanchez, T. Van Renterghem, P. Thomas, D. Botteldooren; Building and Environment, 97, p. 96-110, 2016.

52. "View on outdoor vegetation reduces noise annoyance for dwellers near busy roads", T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren; Landscape and urban planning, 148, p. 203–215, 2016. (paper)

53. "Finite difference time domain modelling of sound scattering by the dynamically rough surface of a turbulent open channel flow", K. Horoshenkov, T. Van Renterghem, A. Nichols, A. Krynkin; Applied Acoustics, 110, p. 13-22, 2016.

54. "Numerical investigation of the effect of crosswind on sound propagation outdoors", M. Hornikx, T. Van Renterghem; Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 102, p. 558-565, 2016.

55. "Measurement-based auralization methodology for the assessment of noise mitigation measures", P. Thomas, W. Wei, T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren; Journal of Sound and Vibration, 379, p. 232–244, 2016.

56. "An airborne acoustic method to reconstruct a dynamically rough flow surface", A. Krynkin, K. Horoshenkov, T. Van Renterghem; Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 140, p. 2064-2073, 2016.

57. "Meteorological effects on the noise reducing performance of a low parallel wall structure", T. Van Renterghem, S. Taherzadeh, M. Hornikx, K. Attenborough; Applied Acoustics, 121, p. 74-81, 2017. (paper)

58. "Sound propagation from a ridge wind turbine across a valley", T. Van Renterghem; Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering sciences, 375, 20160105, 2017. (paper)

59. "Using Virtual Reality for assessing the role of noise in the audio-visual design of an urban public space", G. Echevarria-Sanchez, T. Van Renterghem, K. Sun, B. De Coensel, D. Botteldooren; Landscape and urban planning, 167, p. 98-107, 2017.

60. "Effect of interaction between attention focusing capability and visual factors on road traffic noise annoyance", K. Sun, B. De Coensel, G. Echevarria-Sanchez, T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren; Applied Acoustics, 134, p. 16-24, 2018.

61. "Personal audiovisual aptitude influences the interaction between landscape and soundscape appraisal", K. Sun, G. Echevarria-Sanchez, B. De Coensel, T. Van Renterghem, D. Talsma, D. Botteldooren; Frontiers in Psychology: Environmental Psychology, 9, 780, 2018. (paper)

62. "Improving the noise reduction by green roofs due to solar panels and substrate shaping", T. Van Renterghem; Building Acoustics, 25, p. 219-232, 2018. (paper)

63. "Influence of personal factors on sound perception and overall experience in urban green areas. A case study of a cycling path highly exposed to road traffic noise", F. Aletta, T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren; International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15, 1118, 2018. (paper)

64. "Variability due to short-distance favorable sound propagation and its consequences for immission assessment", T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren; Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 143, p. 3406-3417, 2018. (paper)

65. "Landscaping for road traffic noise abatement : model validation", T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren; Environmental Modelling and Software, 109, p. 17-31, 2018. (paper)

66. "Porous stones increase the noise shielding of a gabion", T. Van Renterghem, I. Vanginderachter, P. Thomas; Applied Acoustics, 145, 82-88, 2019. (paper)

67. "Computational modeling of a single-element transcranial focused ultrasound transducer for subthalamic nucleus stimulation", M. Samoudi, T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren; Journal of Neural Engineering, 16, 026015, 2019.

68. "Classification of soundscapes of urban public open spaces", K. Sun, B. De Coensel, K. Filipan, F. Aletta, T. Van Renterghem, T. De Pessemier, W. Joseph, D. Botteldooren; Landscape and urban planning, 189, p. 139-155, 2019.

69. "Towards explaining the positive effect of vegetation on the perception of environmental noise", T. Van Renterghem; Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 40, p. 133–144, 2019. (paper)

70. "Interactive soundscape augmentation by natural sounds in a noise polluted urban park", T. Van Renterghem, K. Vanhecke, K. Filipan, K. Sun, T. De Pessemier, B. De Coensel, W. Joseph, D. Botteldooren; Landscape and urban planning, 194, 103705, 2020. (paper)

71. "Sound absorption by tree bark", M. Li, T. Van Renterghem, J. Kang, K. Verheyen, D. Botteldooren; Applied Acoustics 165, 107328, 2020.

72. "Multi-stage sound planning methodology for urban redevelopment", T. Van Renterghem, L. Dekoninck, D. Botteldooren; Sustainable Cities and Society, 62, 102362, 2020. (paper)

73. "Measuring infrasound outdoors with a focus on wind turbines: the benefits of a wind-shielding dome", S. D'Amico, T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren; Applied Acoustics 178, 108015, 2021.

74. "Changes in the soundscape of the public space close to a highway by a noise control intervention", T. Van Renterghem, F. Aletta, D. Botteldooren; Sustainability, 13, 5284, 2021. (paper)

75. "Effect of tree species and season on the ability of forest floors to abate environmental noise", T. Van Renterghem, F. Huyghe, K. Verheyen; Applied Acoustics, 184, 108349, 2021. (paper)

76. "Associations between personal attitudes towards COVID-19 and public space soundscape assessment: an example from Antwerp, Belgium", F. Aletta, T. Van Renterghem; International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18 (22), 11774, 2021. (paper).

77. "Getting insight in the performance of noise interventions by mobile sound level measurements", T. Van Renterghem, P. Thomas, L. Dekoninck, D. Botteldooren; Applied Acoustics, 185, 108385, 2022. (paper)

78. "Statistical analysis of sound level predictions in refracting and turbulent atmospheres", T. Van Renterghem, K. Horoshenkov, J. Parry, D. Williams; Applied Acoustics, 185, 108426, 2022. (paper)

79. "Enhancing the park experience by giving visitors control over the park’s soundscape", T. De Pessemier, T. Van Renterghem, K. Vanhecke, A. All, K. Filipan, K. Sun, B. De Coensel, L. De Marez, L. Martens, D. Botteldooren, W. Joseph; Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments, 14, p. 99-118, 2022. (paper).

80. "Influence of atmospheric conditions on measured infrasound from wind turbines", S. D'Amico, T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren; Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 225, 105021, 2022.

81. "Early environmental quality and life-course mental health effects: The Equal-Life project", I. van Kamp, K. Persson Waye, K. Kanninen, J. Gulliver, A. Bozzon, A. Psyllidis, H. Boshuizen, J. Selander, P. van den Hazel, M. Brambilla, ... , T. Van Renterghem, ... .; Environmental Epidemiology, 6, e183, 2022. (paper).

82. "Equations for finite-difference, time-domain simulation of sound propagation in moving media with arbitrary Mach numbers", V. Ostashev, T. Van Renterghem; Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 153, p. 2203-2208, 2023.

83. "Protective effect of restorative possibilities on cognitive function and mental health in children and adolescents: A scoping review including the role of physical activity", A. Dzhambov, P. Lercher, N. Vincens, K. Persson Waye, M. Klatte, L. Leist, T. Lachmann, D. Schreckenberg, C. Belke, G. Ristovska, K. Kanninen, D. Botteldooren, T. Van Renterghem, S. Jeram, J. Selander, A. Arat, K. White, J. Julvez, C. Clark, M. Foraster, I. van Kamp; Environmental Research, 233, 116452, 2023. (paper).

84. "Adopting a child perspective for exposome research on mental health and cognitive development - Conceptualisation and opportunities", K. Persson Waye, J. Löve, P. Lercher, A. Dzhambov, M. Klatte, D. Schreckenberg, C. Belke, L. Leist, G. Ristovska, S. Jeram, ... , T. Van Renterghem, ... .; Environmental Research, 239, 117279, 2023. (paper).

85. "Advanced noise indicator mapping relying on a city microphone network", T. Van Renterghem, V. Le Bescond, L. Dekoninck, D. Botteldooren; Sensors, 23, 5865, 2023. (paper)

86. "Road traffic noise annoyance mitigation by green window view : optimizing green quantity and quality", T. Van Renterghem, E. Vermandere, M. Lauwereys; Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 88, 128072, 2023. (paper)

87. "Sound augmentation for people with dementia: Soundscape evaluation based on sound labelling", A. Talebzadeh, D. Botteldooren, T. Van Renterghem, P. Thomas, D. Van de Velde, P. De Vriendt, T. VanderMynsbrugge, Y. Hou, P. Devos; Applied Acoustics, 215, 109717, 2023.

88. "A daily time-step hydrological-energy-biomass model to estimate green roof performances across Europe to support planning and policies", E. Quaranta, C. Arkar, C. Branquinho, E. Cristiano, R. Cruz de Carvalho, M. Dohnal,I. Gnecco, D. Gößner, V. Jelinkova, C. Maucieri, M. Mohri, P. A. Nektarios, N. Ntoulas, S. A. Palermo, A. Palla, P. Piro, H. C. Serrano, K. X. Soulis, M. Turco, T. Van Renterghem, Z. Varela, F. Viola, G. Zanin, A. Pistocchi; Urban Forestry and Urban Greening 93, 128211, 2024. (paper)

89. "In-situ co-creative soundscape augmentation with fountains : balancing sound preference and road traffic noise masking in urban parks", T. Van Renterghem; Applied Acoustics, 222, 110001, 2024. (paper)

90. "The audio-visual incongruency asymmetry. Natural sounds in an urban visual setting are more relaxing than urban sounds in visual nature", T. Van Renterghem, A. Lippens; Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 101, 128514, 2024. (paper)


Publications in national journals

1. "Bomenrijen ter verbetering van de efficiëntie van geluidsschermen in wind", T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren; Geluid, 26 (2), p. 50-52, 2003. (paper)

2. "Geluidspropagatie in stedelijk gebied onder de numerieke loupe", T. Van Renterghem, E. Salomons, D. Botteldooren; Geluid, 28 (3), p. 92-94, 2005. (paper)

3. "Meten en simuleren van het effect van groenschermen", K. De Ridder, S. Janssen, B. De Maerschalck, F. Lefebre, M. Bruse, T. Van Renterghem; Groencontact, 35 (1), p. 8-11, 2009. (paper)

4. "Utilisation de donnees acoustiques pour l'estimation des polluants lies au trafic routier", A. Can, T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren, M. Rademaker, B. De Baets, V. Mishra, M. Van Poppel, J. Theunis; Acoustique & Techniques no. 60, 2010.

5. "Het belang van houtige vegetatiestroken voor de reductie van verkeersgeluid", L. Depauw, K. Verheyen, T. Van Renterghem; BOSrevue 46, okt-dec. 2013. (paper)

6. "Ĺtgärder i utomhusmiljön för att minska buller frĺn väg- och tĺgtrafik", J. Forssén, M. Hornikx, B. Van Der Aa, M. Nilsson, M. Rĺdsten-Ekman, J. Defrance, P. Jean, F. Koussa, J. Maillard, D. Van Maercke, K. Attenborough, I. Bashir, S. Taherzadeh, H. Benkreira, K. Horoshenkov, A. Khan, J. Kang, Y. Smyrnova, D. Botteldooren, B. De Coensel, T. Van Renterghem, R. Klćboe, M. Mosslemi, K. Veisten, M. Mannel, B. Vincent, J.-Y. Jeon, H.-S. Jang, J.-Y. Hong; LjudBladet, 3, p. 16-28, 2013.

7. "Het belang van houtige vegetatiestroken voor de reductie van verkeersgeluid", L. Depauw, K. Verheyen, T. Van Renterghem; Vakblad Natuur-bos-landschap, p. 20-23, april 2014.

8. "Stedelijk groen voor geluidsreductie", T. Van Renterghem; tijdschrift Publieke Ruimte, 34, p. 42-43, juni-juli-augustus 2020.


Publications in Conference Proceedings

1. "Effect of flow on performance of reactive acoustic structures using finite-difference time-domain simulations", T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren. Proceedings of the 4th European conference on noise control (Euronoise 2001), Patras, Griekenland.

2. "Modifying wind profiles to improve the efficiency of noise barriers in wind", T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren, W. Cornelis, D. Gabriels. Proceedings of the 30th international congress and exhibition on noise control engineering (Internoise 2001), Den Haag, Nederland.

3. "Improving noise barrier performance in wind using a row of trees : a field experiment", T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren, Proceedings of 9th International Congres on Sound and Vibration (ICSV 2002), Orlando, VSA.

4. "Using windscreens to improve the efficiency of noise barriers in wind : finite-difference time-domain simulations", T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren, Proceedings of Forum Acusticum 2002, Sevilla, Spanje.

5. "Numerical simulation of sound propagation over rows of houses in the presence of wind", T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren. Proceedings of 10th International Congres on Sound and Vibration (ICSV 2003), Stockholm, Zweden, p. 1381-1388.

6. "Street canyons and quiet side : Comparing FDTD simulations and engineering models", T. De Muer, T. Van Renterghem, B. de Greve, D. Botteldooren. Proceedings of the Joint Congress : congres francais d'acoustique-Deutsche Jahrestagung für Akustik (CFA/DAGA 2004), Straatsburg, Frankrijk.

7. "Efficiency of FDTD and hybrid techniques for outdoor sound propagation modeling", T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren, E. Salomons. Proceedings of Long Range Sound Propagation Symposium 2004, Fairlee, Vermont, VSA.

8.  "Solving the linearized Euler equations for outdoor sound propagation in a moving grid", D. Botteldooren, T. Van Renterghem, B. de Greve. Proceedings of 11th International Congres on Sound and Vibration 2004, Sint-Petersburg, Rusland.

9. "A hybrid model for outdoor sound propagation based on coupling between FDTD and PE", T. Van Renterghem, E. Salomons, D. Botteldooren. Proceedings of the 33th international congress and exhibition on noise control engineering (Internoise 2004), Praag, Tsjechië.

10. "Parameter study of sound propagation between city canyons with coupled FDTD-PE model", T. Van Renterghem, E. Salomons, D. Botteldooren. Proceedings of Forum Acusticum 2005, Budapest, Hongarije.

11. "Long range FDTD over undulating terrain", B. de Greve, T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren. Proceedings of Forum Acusticum 2005, Budapest, Hongarije.

12. "3D numerical model of secondary streaming in an acoustic-resonance tube refrigerator", E. Galioullina, T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren. Proceedings of 12th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV 2005), Lissabon, Portugal.

13. "Influence of correlation between diurnal traffic pattern and meteorological conditions on long-term average Lden", T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren. Proceedings of the 6th European conference on noise control (Euronoise 2006), Tampere, Finland.

14. "Modelling outdoor sound propagation in mountainous areas", D. Botteldooren, T. Van Renterghem, B. de Greve; Proceedings of the Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 120, p. 3334, 2006. (only ABSTRACT)

15. "Sound propagation in a valley-slope configuration: measurements and simulations", T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren, P. Lercher; Proceedings of the 19th international congress on acoustics (ICA 2007), Madrid, Spanje.

16.  "Outdoor sound propagation in mountainous areas : Comparison of reference and engineering models", B. de Greve, T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren; Proceedings of the 19th international congress on acoustics (ICA 2007), Madrid, Spanje.

17. "Optimal tree canopy shape for improving downwind noise barrier efficiency", T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren; Proceedings of Acoustics '08, Paris, Frankrijk. (abstract also in : J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 123, p. 3531, 2008.)

18. "Green roofs to enhance quiet sides", T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren; Proceedings of Acoustics '08, Paris, Frankrijk. (abstract also in : J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 123, p. 3531, 2008.)

19. "Green roofs for quietness", T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren; lay-language paper, Acoustical Society of America, World Wide Press Room, july 2008

20. "Comparison of numerical prediction techniques for sound propagation in complex outdoor environments", B. Bergen, B. Van Genechten, T. Van Renterghem, B. Pluymers, D. Vandepitte, W. Desmet, D. Botteldooren. Proceedings 15th international Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV 2008), Daejeon, Korea.

21. "The urban soundscape : a different perspective", D. Botteldooren, B. De Coensel, T. Van Renterghem, L. Dekoninck, D. Gillis; Proceedings of "Duurzame mobiliteit Vlaanderen : de leefbare stad", Gent, Belgie, p. 177-204 (published by Universiteit Gent, Instituut voor Duurzame Mobiliteit, ISBN 978-90-8756-046-1, 2008).

22. "Sound propagation between city canyons as influenced by meteorological conditions – experimental results", T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren; Proceedings of the 8th European conference on noise control (Euronoise 2009), Edinburgh, Verenigd Koninkrijk.

23. "The importance of roof shape in the urban acoustic environment", T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren; Proceedings of the 8th European conference on noise control (Euronoise 2009), Edinburgh, Verenigd Koninkrijk.

24. "Estimating the effect of semi-transparent traffic noise barrier using the UWVF method", L. Ding, T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren; Proceedings of the 8th European conference on noise control (Euronoise 2009), Edinburgh, Verenigd Koninkrijk.

25. "Acoustic evaluation of public squares for outdoor concerts", P. Thomas, T. Van Renterghem, L. De Koninck, D. Botteldooren; Proceedings of the 8th European conference on noise control (Euronoise 2009), Edinburgh, Verenigd Koninkrijk.

26. "Modelling outdoor sound propagation: a careful balance between physical rigour and engineering practice", D. Botteldooren, T. Van Renterghem; Proceedings of the 8th European conference on noise control (Euronoise 2009), Edinburgh, Verenigd Koninkrijk.

27. "Utilisation de donnees acoustiques pour l'estimation des polluants lies au trafic routier" A. Can, M. Rademaker, V. Mishra, M. Van Poppel, J. Theunis, T. Van Renterghem, B. De Baets, D. Botteldooren; Proceedings of 10eme Congres Francais d'Acoustique, Lyon, Frankrijk, 2010.

28. "The use of cheap microphones in extensive outdoor noise monitoring networks", T. Van Renterghem, P. Thomas, D. Botteldooren, F. Dominguez, A. Touhafi, S. Dauwe, B. Dhoedt; Proceedings of the Joint Institute of Acoustics (IOA) and Belgium Acoustical Society (ABAV) congress, Gent, Belgie, 2010.

29. "Urban square sound fields during rock concerts", P. Thomas, T. Van Renterghem, L. De Koninck, D. Botteldooren; Proceedings of the Joint Institute of Acoustics (IOA) and Belgium Acoustical Society (ABAV) congress, Gent, Belgie, 2010.

30. "The effects of noise calculation methods on annoyance and health association estimation", P. Lercher, T. Van Renterghem, L. De Koninck, D. Botteldooren, M. Baulac, J. Defrance; Proceedings of the Joint Institute of Acoustics (IOA) and Belgium Acoustical Society (ABAV) congress, Gent, Belgie, 2010.

31. "Imitating human auditory processing for urban soundscape measurement", D. Oldoni, B. De Coensel, M. Rademaker, T. Van Renterghem, B. De Baets, D. Botteldooren; Proceedings of the Joint Institute of Acoustics (IOA) and Belgium Acoustical Society (ABAV) congress, Gent, Belgie, 2010.

32. "Observed correlations between noise and air pollution in two measurement campaigns" A. Can, M. Rademaker, T. Van Renterghem, M. Van Poppel,V. Mishra, J. Theunis, B. De Baets, D. Botteldooren; Proceedings of 10th Urban Environment Symposium, Gothenborg, Zweden, 2010. (only ABSTRACT)

33. "Assessment of low-cost gas sensors for use in the IDEA urban air quality and noise sensor network" R. O’Donoghue, B. Elen, J. Theunis, T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren; Proceedings of 10th Urban Environment Symposium, Gothenborg, Zweden, 2010. (only ABSTRACT)

34. "Towards an extensive noise and air quality measurement network", T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren, P. Thomas, S. Dauwe, B. Dhoedt, A. Can, M. Rademaker, B. De Baets, A. Touhafi, F. Dominguez, J. Theunis, R. O’Donoghue; Proceedings of the 39th international congress and exposition on noise control engineering (Internoise 2010), Lissabon, Portugal.

35. "Sound propagation in a park over the year", T. Van Renterghem, D. Oldoni, D. Botteldooren; Proceedings of the 39th international congress and exposition on noise control engineering (Internoise 2010), Lissabon, Portugal.

36. "Sound-field research of urban squares used for outdoor rock concerts", P. Thomas, T. Van Renterghem, L. Dekoninck, D. Botteldooren; Proceedings of the 39th international congress and exposition on noise control engineering (Internoise 2010), Lissabon, Portugal.

37. "Context-dependent environmental sound monitoring using SOM coupled with LEGION", D. Oldoni, B. De Coensel, M. Rademaker, T. Van Renterghem, B. De Baets, D. Botteldooren; Proceedings of World Congress for Computational Intelligence 2010 (WCCI 2010), Barcelona, Spanje.

38. "Measurement methodology for the acoustic scattering of a single tree", L. Ding, T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren; Proceedings of the 20th international congress on acoustics (ICA 2010), Sydney, Australia.

39. "Detailed analysis of the reproducibility of the sound field in a street canyon on a scale model", P. Thomas, L. Dragonetti, T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren; Proceedings of the EAA Euregio 2010 congress, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

40. "Computational soundscape analysis based on human-like auditory processing model", D. Oldoni, B. De Coensel, M. Rademaker, T. Van Renterghem, B. De Baets, D. Botteldooren; Proceedings of the EAA Euregio 2010 congress, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

41. "3D numerical assessment of road traffic noise reduction by ordered planting schemes", T. Van Renterghem, K. Verheyen, D. Botteldooren; Proceedings of Forum Acusticum 2011, Aalborg, Denemarken.

42. "Scale model study of road traffic noise reduction by planting schemes", L. Dragonetti, T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren; Proceedings of Forum Acusticum 2011, Aalborg, Denemarken.

43. "Creating an urban street reverberation map", P. Thomas, E. De Boeck, L. Dragonetti, T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren; Proceedings of Forum Acusticum 2011, Aalborg, Denemarken.

44. "Noise measurements as proxies for traffic parameters in monitoring networks", A. Can, L. Dekoninck, M. Rademaker, T. Van Renterghem, B. De Baets, D. Botteldooren; Proceedings of Forum Acusticum 2011, Aalborg, Denemarken.

45. "Modelling of scattering of sound from trees by the PSTD method", M. Hornikx, D. Botteldooren, T. Van Renterghem, J. Forssen; Proceedings of Forum Acusticum 2011, Aalborg, Denemarken.

46. "Sound reduction by vegetated roof tops (green roofs): a measurement campaign", T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren; Proceedings of the 40th international congress and exposition on noise control engineering (Internoise 2011), Osaka, Japan.

47. "Pilot study of the presence of quiet sides in Flanders", T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren; Proceedings of the 40th international congress and exposition on noise control engineering (Internoise 2011), Osaka, Japan.

48. "Conclusions from 13 years of repeated traffic noise exposure measurements in Flanders-Belgium", D. Botteldooren, T. Van Renterghem; Proceedings of the 40th international congress and exposition on noise control engineering (Internoise 2011), Osaka, Japan.

49. "Soundscape analysis by means of a neural network-based acoustic summary", D. Oldoni, B. De Coensel, M. Boes, T. Van Renterghem, S. Dauwe, B. De Baets, D. Botteldooren; Proceedings of the 40th international congress and exposition on noise control engineering (Internoise 2011), Osaka, Japan.

50. "Sound dispersion and reverberation by a single tree", H. Yang , J. Kang , C. Cheal, T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren; Proceedings of the 40th international congress and exposition on noise control engineering (Internoise 2011), Osaka, Japan.

51. "Sound monitoring networks new style", D. Botteldooren, B. De Coensel, D. Oldoni, T. Van Renterghem, S. Dauwe; Proceedings of Acoustics 2011 conference of the Australian Acoustical Society, Gold Coast, Australia.

52. "Exploring the use of mobile sensors for noise and black carbon measurements in an urban environment", A. Can, T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren; Proceedings of Acoustics 2012, Joint meeting : 11th Congrčs Français d'Acoustique and 2012 IOA annual meeting, Nantes, France.

53. "Intelligent system for data quality assurance in extensive urban noise monitoring networks", D. Oldoni, R. Muthuraman, B. De Coensel, S. Dauwe, M. Boes, T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren; Proceedings of Acoustics 2012, Joint meeting : 11th Congrčs Français d'Acoustique and 2012 IOA annual meeting, Nantes, France. (only ABSTRACT)

54. "The potential of vegetation for reducing road traffic noise at urban quiet sides", M. Hornikx, T. Van Renterghem; Proceedings of the 9th European conference on noise control (Euronoise 2012), Praag, Tsjechie.

55. "Noise shielding by tree belts of finite length and depth along roads", T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren; Proceedings of the 9th European conference on noise control (Euronoise 2012), Praag, Tsjechie.

56. "Road traffic noise reduction by vegetated low noise barriers in urban streets", T. Van Renterghem, M. Hornikx, Y. Smyrnova, P. Jean, J. Kang, D. Botteldooren, J. Defrance; Proceedings of the 9th European conference on noise control (Euronoise 2012), Praag, Tsjechie.

57. "An efficient model for background noise mapping", W. Wei, T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren, M. Hornikx, J. Forssén, E. Salomons, M. Ögren; Proceedings of the 9th European conference on noise control (Euronoise 2012), Praag, Tsjechie.

58. "Auralisation of a car pass-by behind a low finite-length vegetated noise barrier", P. Thomas, M. Boes, T. Van Renterghem, M. Hornikx, W. Desmet, D. Botteldooren; Proceedings of the 9th European conference on noise control (Euronoise 2012), Praag, Tsjechie.

59. "Comparing downwind shielding of noise walls and berms", T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren; Proceedings of the 41th international congress and exposition on noise control engineering (Internoise 2012), New York, USA.

60. "On the improved point-to-point calculations for noise mapping in shielded urban areas", M. Hornikx, J. Forssén, D. Botteldooren, T. Van Renterghem, W. Wei, M. Ögren, E. Salomons; Proceedings of the 41th international congress and exposition on noise control engineering (Internoise 2012), New York, USA.

61. "A computational auditory attention model for urban soundscape design", D. Oldoni, B. De Coensel, M. Boes, T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren; Proceedings of the 41th international congress and exposition on noise control engineering (Internoise 2012), New York, USA.

62. "Efficient approach to evaluate multiple scattering by foliage in a 3D-FDTD model", L. Ding, T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren; Proceedings of the 41th international congress and exposition on noise control engineering (Internoise 2012), New York, USA.

63. "An efficient method to calculate the insertion loss of a rigid barrier", W. Wei, T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren; Proceedings of AIA-DAGA and EAA Euroregio 2013 conference on acoustics, Merano, Italy.

64. "Designing canopies to improve downwind shielding at various barrier configurations at short and long distance", T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren; Proceedings of the 21th international congress on acoustics (ICA 2013), Montreal, Canada.

65. "The internet of sound observatories", D. Botteldooren, T. Van Renterghem, D. Oldoni, S. Dauwe, L. Dekoninck, P. Thomas, W. Wei, M. Boes, B. De Coensel, B. De Baets, B. Dhoedt; Proceedings of the 21th international congress on acoustics (ICA 2013), Montreal, Canada.

66. "Loudness evaluation of road traffic noise abatement by tree belts", T. Van Renterghem, B. De Coensel, D. Botteldooren; Proceedings of the 42nd international congress and exposition on noise control engineering (Internoise 2013), Innsbruck, Austria.

67. "Improving the accuracy of engineering models at shielded building facades : experimental analysis of turbulence scattering", T. Van Renterghem, W. Wei, J. Forssén, M. Hornikx, M. Ogren, D. Botteldooren, E. Salomons; Proceedings of the 42nd international congress and exposition on noise control engineering (Internoise 2013), Innsbruck, Austria.

68. "Cost-benefit analyses of tree belts for noise reduction, including aesthetic and amenity values", R. Klćboe, K. Veisten, M. Mosslemi, T. Van Renterghem, D. Van Maercke, T. Leissing; Proceedings of the 42nd international congress and exposition on noise control engineering (Internoise 2013), Innsbruck, Austria.

69. "Cost-benefit analysis of various tree belt configurations", R. Klćboe, K. Veisten, T. Van Renterghem, D. Van Maercke, T. Leissing; Proceedings of the 42nd international congress and exposition on noise control engineering (Internoise 2013), Innsbruck, Austria.

70. "Exploring underlying mechanisms for human response to wind turbine noise", A. Bockstael, T. Van Renterghem, V. De Weirt, D. Botteldooren; Proceedings of the 42nd international congress and exposition on noise control engineering (Internoise 2013), Innsbruck, Austria.

71. "Airborne construction and operation sound of offshore and on shore wind turbines", D. Botteldooren, T. Van Renterghem, L. Dekoninck; Proceedings of the 1st workshop of the Belgian Energy Research Alliance (BERA) - Wind, Brussels, Belgium, 2013. (only ABSTRACT)

72. "Efficient outdoor sound propagation modelling in time-domain", T. Van Renterghem; Proceedings of 17th workshop of the Aeroacoustics Specialists’ Committee of CEAS (Council of European Aerospace societies), simultaneously 3rd scientific workshop of the European X-Noise EV network, Sevilla, Spain, 2013. (only ABSTRACT)

73. "Toolbox from the EC FP7 HOSANNA project for the reduction of road and rail traffic noise in the outdoor environment", J. Forssén, M. Hornikx, B. Van Der Aa, M. Nilsson, M. Rĺdsten-Ekman, J. Defrance, P. Jean, F. Koussa, J. Maillard, D. Van Maercke, K. Attenborough, I. Bashir, S. Taherzadeh, H. Benkreira, K. Horoshenkov, A. Khan, J. Kang, Y. Smyrnova, D. Botteldooren, B. De Coensel, T. Van Renterghem, R. Klćboe, M. Mosslemi, K. Veisten, M. Männel, B. Vincent, J. Y. Hong, J. Y. Jeon; Proceedings of Transport Research Arena 2014, Paris, France.

74. "Monitoring sound exposure by real time measurement and dynamic noise map", W. Wei, D. Botteldooren, T. Van Renterghem ; Proceedings of Forum Acusticum 2014, Krakau, Poland.

75. "Propagation distance-of-concern for offshore wind turbine airborne sound during piling and normal operation", T. Van Renterghem, L. Dekoninck, D. Botteldooren; Proceedings of Forum Acusticum 2014, Krakau, Poland.

76. "Experimental analysis of the noise shielding by a green roof in response to rainfall", T. Van Renterghem, M. Despriet, D. Botteldooren; Proceedings of the 43rd international congress and exposition on noise control engineering (Internoise 2014), Melbourne, Australia.

77. "Wind turbine noise propagation – results of numerical modelling techniques to investigate specific scenarios", J. Sims, A. Bullmore, T. Van Renterghem, K. Horoshenkov; Proceedings of Wind Turbine Noise 2015, Glasgow, UK.

78. "The effect of outdoor vegetation as seen from the dwelling’s window on self-reported noise annoyance", T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren; Proceedings of the 10th European conference on noise control (Euronoise 2015), Maastricht, The Netherlands.

79. "The influence of urban canyon design on noise reduction for people living next to roads", G. Echevarria-Sanchez, T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren; Proceedings of the 10th European conference on noise control (Euronoise 2015), Maastricht, The Netherlands.

80. "Fast evaluation of sound diffraction over complex and multiple rigid obstacles", W. Wei, T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren; Proceedings of the 10th European conference on noise control (Euronoise 2015), Maastricht, The Netherlands.

81. "Dynamic noise mapping based on fixed and mobile sound measurements", B. De Coensel, K. Sun, W. Wei, T. Van Renterghem, M. Sineau, C. Ribeiro, A. Can, P. Aumond, C. Lavandier, D. Botteldooren; Proceedings of the 10th European conference on noise control (Euronoise 2015), Maastricht, The Netherlands.

82. "Array-based HRTF pattern emulation for auralization of 3D outdoor sound environments with direction based muffling of sources", P. Thomas, T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren; Proceedings of the 139th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society 2015, New York, USA.

83. "Use of scattered airborne acoustics wave-field to recover profile of surface of shallow water flow", A. Krynkin, G. Dolcetti, K. Horoshenkov, T. Van Renterghem; Proceedings of Acoustics 2015, Institute of Acoustics IOA, Harrogate, UK.

84. "Using large microphone arrays for locating sound sources in industrial areas", B. De Coensel, T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren; ABAV General Assembly, Kallo, Belgium, 2016. (only ABSTRACT)

85. "Long-distance sound propagation from a ridge wind turbine across a valley" (extended ABSTRACT), T. Van Renterghem; Proceedings of the Euromech Colloquium 576 : Wind farms in complex terrains, 2016, Stockholm, Sweden.

86. "Meteorological effects on the noise shielding by low parallel wall structures", T. Van Renterghem, M. Hornikx, S. Taherzadeh, K. Attenborough; Proceedings of the 45th international congress and exposition on noise control engineering (Internoise 2016), Hamburg, Germany.

87. "Time varying sound propagation for a large industrial area", F. van der Eerden, P. Wessels, A. Segers, T. Basten, B. De Coensel, D. Botteldooren, T. Van Renterghem, L. Dekoninck, V. Spruytte, A. Makovec; Proceedings of the 45th international congress and exposition on noise control engineering (Internoise 2016), Hamburg, Germany.

88. "Fusion of multiple microphone array data for localizing sound sources in an industrial area", D. Botteldooren, T. Van Renterghem, B. De Coensel, V. Spruytte, F. van der Eerden, P. Wessels, T. Basten, L. Dekoninck, A. Makovec; Proceedings of the 45th international congress and exposition on noise control engineering (Internoise 2016), Hamburg, Germany.

89. "The relative importance of visual and sound design in the rehabilitation of a bridge connecting a highly populated area and a park", G. Echevarria-Sanchez, T. Van Renterghem, K. Sun, B. De Coensel, D. Botteldooren; Proceedings of the 45th international congress and exposition on noise control engineering (Internoise 2016), Hamburg, Germany.

90. "Effects of sound source visibility on sound perception in living room environment", K. Sun, B. De Coensel, G. Echevarria-Sanchez, T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren; Proceedings of the 45th international congress and exposition on noise control engineering (Internoise 2016), Hamburg, Germany.

91. "Bridging the gap between architecture/city planning and urban noise control", G. Echevarria-Sanchez, T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren; Proceedings of the 45th international congress and exposition on noise control engineering (Internoise 2016), Hamburg, Germany.

92. "Robust microphone array beamforming for long-term monitoring of industrial areas", B. De Coensel, D. Botteldooren, T. Van Renterghem, L. Dekoninck, V. Spruytte, A. Makovec, P. Wessels, F. van der Eerden, T. Basten; Proceedings of the 22nd International Congress on Acoustics (ICA 2016), Buenos Aires, Argentina.

93. "Removing local sound disturbances from industrial noise monitoring at long distance", P. Wessels, F. van der Eerden, T. Basten, B. De Coensel, D. Botteldooren, T. Van Renterghem, L. Dekoninck, V. Spruytte, A. Makovec; Proceedings of the 22nd International Congress on Acoustics (ICA 2016), Buenos Aires, Argentina.

94. "Sound propagation from a wind turbine in a hilly environment", T. Van Renterghem; Proceedings of the 22nd International Congress on Acoustics (ICA 2016), Buenos Aires, Argentina.

95. "Immersive toolbox for urban soundscape quality assessment", P. Thomas, G. Echevarria-Sanchez, T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren; Meeting of Belgian Young Acousticians network (B-YAN), joint with International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering (ISMA 2016), Leuven, Belgium. (ABSTRACT+POSTER)

96. "Sound propagation from a wind turbine in a hilly environment", T. Van Renterghem; Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics (POMA), Acoustical Society of America, 2016.

97. "Soundscape aspects of covering the Antwerp ring road", D. Botteldooren, T. Van Renterghem, G. Echevarria-Sanchez; ABAV General Assembly, Limelette, 2017 (only ABSTRACT).

98. "The influence of audio-visual aptitude on audio-visual interaction in appraisal of the environment", D. Botteldooren, K. Sun, G. Echevarria-Sanchez, B. De Coensel, T. Van Renterghem; Proceedings of ICBEN (International Commission on Biological Effects of Noise) Congress on Noise as a public health problem, Zurich, Switzerland, 2017.

99. "Green roofs for noise reduction : literature review and new insights", T. Van Renterghem; Proceedings of the 46th international congress and exposition on noise control engineering (Internoise 2017), Hong Kong, China.

100. "Industrial sound source localization using microphone arrays under difficult meteorological conditions", D. Botteldooren, T. Van Renterghem, F. van der Eerden, P. Wessels, T. Basten, B. De Coensel; Proceedings of the 46th international congress and exposition on noise control engineering (Internoise 2017), Hong Kong, China.

101. "Personal factors affecting the audio-visual perception of the urban public space", G. Echevarria-Sanchez, T. Van Renterghem, K. Sun, B. De Coensel, D. Botteldooren; Proceedings of the 46th international congress and exposition on noise control engineering (Internoise 2017), Hong Kong, China.

102. "Effects of human factors on the interaction between visual scene and noise annoyance", K. Sun, B. De Coensel, G. Echevarria-Sanchez, T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren; Proceedings of the 46th international congress and exposition on noise control engineering (Internoise 2017), Hong Kong, China.

103. "Long-term monitoring of time-varying sound propagation from a large industrial area", F. van der Eerden, P. Wessels, T. Basten, D. Botteldooren, T. Van Renterghem, B. De Coensel; Proceedings of the 46th international congress and exposition on noise control engineering (Internoise 2017), Hong Kong, China.

104. "Validating sound propagation predictions with increasing complexity near multi-lane roads", T. Van Renterghem, C. Meeussen, Y. Hiraguri, L. Dekoninck, F. Aletta, D. Botteldooren; Proceedings of the 11th European conference on noise control (Euronoise 2018), Crete, Greece.

105. "Can attitude towards greenery mitigate road traffic noise perception? A case study of a highly-noise exposed cycling path", F. Aletta, T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren; Proceedings of the 11th European conference on noise control (Euronoise 2018), Crete, Greece.

106. "Early stage sound planning in urban re-development: the Antwerp case study", D. Botteldooren, L. Dekoninck, C. Meeussen, T. Van Renterghem; Proceedings of the 47th international congress and exposition on noise control engineering (Internoise 2018), Chicago, US.

107. "Interaction of electrical and ultrasonic neuromodulation: a computational study", T. Tarnaud, W. Joseph, L. Martens, T. Van Renterghem, E. Tanghe; Proceedings of the 3rd international brain stimulation conference, Vancouver, Canada, 2019.(Extended abstract in: Brain Stimulation, 12, 563, 2019).

108. "Measuring infrasound from wind turbines: the benefits of a wind-shielding dome", S. D'Amico, T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren; Proceedings of the 8th international conference on wind turbine noise (Wind turbine noise 2019), Lisbon, Portugal.

109. "Acoustic street design", T. Van Renterghem; 1st International Urban Sound Symposium 2019, Ghent, Belgium (only ABSTRACT).

110. "Greening and sound", T. Van Renterghem; 1st International Urban Sound Symposium 2019, Ghent, Belgium (only ABSTRACT).

111. "Using vegetation to tackle environmental noise problems – combining exposure level reduction and noise perception improvement", T. Van Renterghem; Proceedings of the 48th international congress and exposition on noise control engineering (Internoise 2019), Madrid, Spain.

112. "Comparing noise policies of 8 European cities using a noise intervention classification scheme", T. Van Renterghem, H. Hernalsteen, L. Brown; Proceedings of the 22nd International Congress on Acoustics (ICA 2019), Aachen, Germany.

113. "Interactive soundscape augmentation of an urban park in a real and virtual setting", T. Van Renterghem, K. Sun, K. Filipan, K. Vanhecke, T. De Pessemier, B. De Coensel, W. Joseph, D. Botteldooren; Proceedings of the 22nd International Congress on Acoustics (ICA 2019), Aachen, Germany.

114. "Sound absorption by tree bark", M. Li, J. Kang, T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren; Proceedings of the 22nd International Congress on Acoustics (ICA 2019), Aachen, Germany.

115. "Classifying urban public spaces according to their soundscape", K. Sun, K. Filipan, F. Aletta, T. Van Renterghem, T. De Pessemier, W. Joseph, D. Botteldooren, B. De Coensel; Proceedings of the 22nd International Congress on Acoustics (ICA 2019), Aachen, Germany.

116. "Transcranial focused ultrasound energy delivery at a deep brain structure with single element transducers", T. Van Renterghem, M. Samoudi, D. Botteldooren; Proceedings of the International congress of ultrasonics (ICU 2019), Brugge, Belgium.

117. "Ultrasonic neuromodulation in multi-compartmental neuron models", T. Tarnaud, W. Joseph, L. Martens, T. Van Renterghem, E. Tanghe; Proceedings of the 28th Computational Neuroscience Meeting CNS*2019, Barcelona, Spain, 2019.

118. "Influence of stand characteristics on the acoustic forest floor effect", T. Van Renterghem, F. Huyghe, K. Verheyen; Proceedings of the 49th international congress and exposition on noise control engineering (Internoise 2020), Seoul, South Korea.

119. "Infrasound measurements from wind turbines under various atmospheric conditions", S. D'Amico, T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren; Proceedings of Forum Acusticum 2020, Lyon, France.

120. "Adequacy of engineering predictions of soft ground effect", K. Attenborough, T. Van Renterghem; Proceedings of Forum Acusticum 2020, Lyon, France.

121. "Predicting tree belt noise shielding with neural networks", T. Van Renterghem; Proceedings of Forum Acusticum 2020, Lyon, France.

122. "Robustness of ultrasonic modulation of the subthalamic nucleus to GABAergic perturbation", T. Tarnaud, W. Joseph, R. Schoeters, L. Martens, T. Van Renterghem, E. Tanghe; Proceedings of the 29th Computational Neuroscience Meeting CNS*2020, Melbourne, Australia, 2020.

123. "Prediction of wind turbine infrasound from meteorological parameters", S. D'Amico, T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren; Proceedings of the 9th international conference on wind turbine noise (Wind turbine noise 2021), E-conference.

124. "New approaches to noise reduction", K. Horoshenkov, T. Van Renterghem, J. Kang; 2nd International Urban Sound Symposium 2021, Ghent – Montreal – Nantes – Zurich – Berlin – London, E-conference, Abstracts of the Second Urban Sound Symposium, Proceedings 2021, 72(1), 4 (proceedings).

125. "Landscape depressions can create silent zones in noise polluted parks", T. Van Renterghem, P. Thomas, D. Botteldooren; Proceedings of the 50th international congress and exposition on noise control engineering (Internoise 2021), Washington, USA.

126. "Landscaping for environmental noise reduction", T. Van Renterghem, ABAV meeting "Outdoor sound propagation symposium", 2022. (only ABSTRACT)

127. "Urban advanced noise indicator mapping relying on street categorization and measurements", T. Van Renterghem, W. Van Hauwermeiren, V. Le Bescond, L. Dekoninck, D. Botteldooren; Proceedings of the 51st international congress and exposition on noise control engineering (Internoise 2022), Glasgow, UK.

128. "Turbulent scattering in upwardly refracting atmospheres : towards a practical approach", T. Van Renterghem, K. Horoshenkov; Proceedings of the 51st international congress and exposition on noise control engineering (Internoise 2022), Glasgow, UK.

129. "Using psychoacoustic parameters to select suitable sounds to augment soundscapes for people with dementia", A. Talebzadeh, T. Van Renterghem, P. Thomas, P. Devos, D. Botteldooren; Proceedings of the 51st international congress and exposition on noise control engineering (Internoise 2022), Glasgow, UK.

130. "Designing a composite indicator for sleep with emphasis on children", D. Botteldooren, T. Van Renterghem, L. Dekoninck, K. Persson Waye, M. Smith, P. Lercher, A. Dzhambov, M. Hornikx, M. Evangelos Terzakis, C. Clark, M. Foraster; Proceedings of the 23rd International Congress on Acoustics (ICA 2022), Gyeongju, South-Korea.

131. "Noise annoyance reduction by green window view : How much greenery do we need?", T. Van Renterghem, E. Vermandere, W. Bekers; Proceedings of the 23rd International Congress on Acoustics (ICA 2022), Gyeongju, South-Korea.

132. "Audio-visual interaction in environmental noise perception", T. Van Renterghem; 3rd International Urban Sound Symposium 2023, Barcelona, Spain. (only ABSTRACT)

133. "Development of a sleep disturbance protocol collecting simultaneous indoor and outdoor noise, motility and heart rate", L. Dekoninck, I. Wolters, P. Thomas, B. Devuyst, D. Botteldooren, M. Verlaek, P. Van Haver, G. Pée, E. Den Hond, T. Van Renterghem; Proceedings of 14th ICBEN congress on Noise as a public health problem (2023), Belgrade, Serbia.

134. "Noise indicators for sleep disturbance and how to model them", D. Botteldooren, T. Van Renterghem, A. Can, A. Dzhambov, P. Lercher; Proceedings of 14th ICBEN congress on Noise as a public health problem (2023), Belgrade, Serbia.

135. "Noise annoyance reduction by green window view : The effect of green quality", T. Van Renterghem, M. Lauwereys; Proceedings of Forum Acusticum 2023, Torino, Italy.

136. "Region-wide environmental noise monitoring in Flanders through Citizen Science: Protocol to integrate surveys and measurements", L. Dekoninck, P. Thomas, D. Botteldooren, J. Van Laer, A. Duerinckx, K. Van Campenhout, M. Verlaek, P. Van Haver, R. Geens, T. Van Renterghem; Proceedings of Forum Acusticum 2023, Torino, Italy.

137. "Memory efficient GPU-accelerated 3D FDTD Acoustic simulations in turbulent fields", H. Montanaro, D. Lincke, T. Van Renterghem, K. Heutschi, R. Pieren; Proceedings of Forum Acusticum 2023, Torino, Italy.

138. "Soundscape augmentation for people with dementia", A. Talebzadeh, T. Van Renterghem, P. Thomas, P. Devos, D. Botteldooren; Proceedings of Forum Acusticum 2023, Torino, Italy.

139. "A 3D complex urban sound propagation benchmark case", T. Van Renterghem; Proceedings of the 52nd international congress and exposition on noise control engineering (Internoise 2023), Tokyo, Japan.

140. "Acoustic design of urban tranquil oases", T. Van Renterghem, ABAV meeting "The sound of silence", 2023. (only ABSTRACT)

141. "The right fountain for the right place? An in-situ co-creative soundscaping methodology", T. Van Renterghem; Proceedings of the 53rd international congress and exposition on noise control engineering (Internoise 2024), Nantes, France.

142. "Enriching noise environment analysis with spectrally sensitive event detectors: potential and examples from a citizen science project", L. Dekoninck, P. Thomas, T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren; Proceedings of the 53rd international congress and exposition on noise control engineering (Internoise 2024), Nantes, France.

143. "Sound propagation modelling in a street canyon based on an image source model and impulse response measurements", V. Vos, M. Hornikx, R. Aalmoes, T. Van Renterghem, P. Thomas; Proceedings of the 53rd international congress and exposition on noise control engineering (Internoise 2024), Nantes, France.

144. "Monitoring the short-term biological response of environmental noise in real-life sleep conditions", L. Dekoninck, T. Van Renterghem; Proceedings of the 53rd international congress and exposition on noise control engineering (Internoise 2024), Nantes, France.

145. "Drone noise emission characterization using a compact on-board measurement system", J. Meister, J. Jaeggi, T. Van Renterghem, R. Pieren; Proceedings of Quiet Drones 2024, Manchester, UK.

146. "Audio-visual interactions in environmental noise perception and the link to urban greening", T. Van Renterghem; Proceedings of Acoustics in the sun 2024, Gold Coast, Australia.

147. "Clustering individuals based on performance in audio-visual testing", T. Van Renterghem; Proceedings of Forum Acusticum Euronoise 2025, Malaga, Spain. (submitted)

148. "Self-shielding windows : scale model measurements and numerical simulations", T. Van Renterghem, P. Thomas; Proceedings of Forum Acusticum Euronoise 2025, Malaga, Spain. (submitted).

149. "A citizen science approach to collect combined noise exposure and survey data for the Flemish Government", L. Dekoninck, P. Thomas, T. Van Renterghem; Proceedings of Forum Acusticum Euronoise 2025, Malaga, Spain. (submitted).

150. "Towards large-scale environmental noise mapping in Europe's natural areas", S. Rangaswamy Chandrashekar, T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren; Proceedings of Forum Acusticum Euronoise 2025, Malaga, Spain. (submitted).

151. "Differences in sound emission of multi-rotor UAS during hover and cruise", J. Meister, J. Jaeggi, T. Van Renterghem, R. Pieren; Proceedings of Forum Acusticum Euronoise 2025, Malaga, Spain. (submitted).


Phd thesis

"The finite-difference time-domain method for sound propagation in a moving medium", T. Van Renterghem, Universiteit Gent,  2003. (phd)



1. "Detailed sound propagation calculations outdoors", T. Van Renterghem, D. Botteldooren. (poster)

2. "The IDEA-project : Intelligent, Distributed, Environmental Assessment". (poster)

3. "Novel solutions for quieter and greener cities". (brochure)

4. "Urban greening reduces noise pollution", Science for Environment Policy, issue 328, 2013. (article)

5. "Are motorways the best spot for wind turbines?", Science for Environment Policy, Thematic issue 47, 2015. (article)

6. "Conifer is top tree in urban sound absorption test", April 3, 2020. (BBC news, scientific article)

7. "C3places: using ICT for Co-creation of Inclusive Public Spaces". (E-book)

8. "Geluidsluwe straten", presentatie in het kader van "Antwerpen Breekt uit" inspiratiesessies, mei 2022. (Video)

9. "Waarom klinkt geluid anders onder water?", EOS Wetenschap, juni 2022. (Podcast)

10. "Ontwerpgids Luwte-oases", BUUR/SWECO en UGent (T. Van Renterghem), mei 2023. (Ontwerpgids)

11. "Hoe kan je met geluid ander geluid bestrijden?", interview op Radio 1 ("De wereld vandaag"), woensdag 20 september, 2023. (Interview)

12. "Domme vragen bestaan niet : In welke douche kan je het best zingen?", EOS Wetenschap, november 2024. (article)



1. Euronoise 2001, 14-17 jan. 2001, Patras, Greece.

2. Internoise 2001, 27-30 aug. 2001, The Hague, The Netherlands.

3. ABAV annual meeting 2002, 22 may 2002, Ghent, Belgium.

4. Forum Acusticum 2002, 16-20 sept. 2002, Sevilla, Spain.

5. International Congress of Sound and Vibration 2003, 7-10 sept. 2003, Stockholm, Sweden.

6. 11th Long Range Sound Propagation Symposium 2004, 2-3 june 2004, Fairlee, Vermont, USA.

7. Internoise 2004, 22-25 aug. 2004, Prague, Tsjech Republic.

8. Lecturer at Mechanik Kolloqium Technische Universitaet Braunschweig, 16 dec. 2004, Braunschweig, Germany.

9. Forum Acusticum 2005, 30 aug. - 2 sept. 2005, Budapest, Hongary.

10. Euronoise 2006, 30 may - 1 june 2006, Tampere, Finland.

11. International Congress on Acoustics (ICA) 2007, 2-7 sept. 2007, Madrid, Spain.

12. ABAV annual meeting 2008, 28 may 2008, Liege, Belgium.

13. Acoustics '08, 29 june - 4 july 2008, Paris, France.

14. Euronoise 2009, 26-28 oct. 2009, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.

15. IOA/ABAV meeting 2010, 29-30 apr. 2010, Ghent, Belgium.

16. Internoise 2010, 14-16 june 2010, Lisbon, Portugal.

17. Forum Acusticum 2011, 26 june-1 july 2011, Aalborg, Denmark.

18. Internoise 2011, 4-7 sept. 2011, Osaka, Japan.

19. Euronoise 2012, 9-13 june 2012, Prague, Tsjech Republic.

20. Internoise 2012, 19-22 aug. 2012, New York, USA.

21. "Novel solutions for quieter and greener cities", Stockholm (10 jan. 2013), London (28 jan. 2013, 13 mar. 2013).

22. Lecturer at the Winter school of acoustics of porous materials (CeLyA), 12-14 febr. 2013, Lyon, France.

23. International Congress on Acoustics (ICA) 2013, 2-7 jun. 2013, Montreal, Canada.

24. Belgian Energy Research Alliance (BERA) - Wind, 13 sept. 2013, Brussels, Belgium.

25. Internoise 2013, 15-18 sept. 2013, Innsbruck, Austria.

26. keynote lecture on 17th workshop of the Aeroacoustics Specialists’ Committee of CEAS (Council of European Aerospace societies), simultaneously 3rd scientific workshop of the European X-Noise EV network, 24-25 sept. 2013, Sevilla, Spain.

27. Lecturer at the winter school on "Urban sound propagation", 3-8 November 2013, Ghent, Belgium.

28. Forum Acusticum 2014, 7-12 sept. 2014, Krakow, Poland.

29. Internoise 2014, 16-19 nov. 2014, Melbourne, Autralia.

30. Euronoise 2015, 31 may - 3 june 2014, Maastricht, The Netherlands.

31. Euromech Colloqium 576 : Wind farms in complex terrains, 8-10 june 2016, Stockholm, Sweden.

32. Internoise 2016, 21-24 aug. 2016, Hamburg, Germany.

33. International Congress on Acoustics (ICA) 2016, 5-9 sept. 2016, Buenos Aeres, Argentina.

34. Internoise 2017, 27-30 aug. 2017, Hong Kong, China.

35. Euronoise 2018, 27-31 may 2018, Crete, Greece.

36. keynote lecture on first Urban Sound Symposium, 3-5 apr. 2019, Ghent, Belgium.

37. Internoise 2019, 16-19 jun. 2019, Madrid, Spain.

38. International Congress on Ultrasonics (ICU) 2019, 3-6 sept. 2019, Bruges, Belgium.

39. Lecturer at Euroregio 2019 EAA Summer School, 6-8 sept. 2019, Leuven, Belgium.

40. International Congress on Acoustics (ICA) 2019, 9-13 sept. 2019, Aachen, Germany.

41. 18th Long Range Sound Propagation Symposium 2020 (e-congress), 3-4 aug. 2020, Washington, USA.

42. Internoise 2020 (e-congress), 23-26 aug. 2020, Seoul, South Korea.

43. Forum Acusticum 2020 (e-congress), 7-11 dec. 2020, Lyon, France.

44. keynote lecture on second Urban Sound Symposium (e-congress), 19-21 apr. 2021, Ghent – Montreal – Nantes – Zurich – Berlin – London (proceedings).

45. Lecture at joint seminar of Department of Acoustics of Adam Mickiewicz University and Committee on Acoustics of the Polish Academy of Sciences, 12 May 2021, Poznan, Poland. (video)

46. Internoise 2021 (e-congress), 1-5 aug. 2021, Washington, USA.

47. "Outdoor sound propagation symposium", ABAV meeting, 29 mar. 2022, Leuven, Belgium.

48. Internoise 2022, 21-24 aug. 2022, Glasgow, UK.

49. International Congress on Acoustics (ICA) 2022, 23-28 oct. 2022, Gyeongju, South Korea.

50. keynote lecture on third Urban Sound Symposium, 19-21 apr. 2023, Barcelona, Spain. (proceedings)

51. Internoise 2023, 20-23 aug. 2023, Tokyo, Japan.

52. Forum Acusticum 2023, 11-15 sept. 2023, Torino, Italy.

53. "The sound of silence", ABAV meeting, 26 sept. 2023, Brussels, Belgium.

54. Internoise 2024, 25-29 aug. 2024, Nantes, France.

55. Plenary lecture on Acoustics in the sun 2024, 6-8 nov. 2024, Gold Coast, Australia.

56. ABAV research day, 21 nov. 2024, Ghent, Belgium.