De Cocker, K.; Chastin, S.; De Bourdeaudhuij, I.; Imbo, I.; Cardon, G. (2018). Citizen science to communicate about public health messages: The reach of a playful online survey on sitting time and physical activity. Health Communication.
Xu, C., Wells, E., LeFevre J.-A., & Imbo, I. (2014). Strategic flexibility in computational estimation for Chinese- and Canadian-educated adults. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 40, 1481-1497.
Imbo, I., Vanden Bulcke, C., De Brauwer, J., & Fias, W. (2014). Sixty-four or four-and-sixty? The influence of language and working memory on children's number transcoding. Frontiers in Psychology, 5. ![]()
Zhao, N., Valcke, M., Desoete, A., Burny, E., & Imbo, I. (2014). Differences between Flemish and Chinese primary students' mastery of basic arithmetic operations. Educational Psychology, 34, 818-837.
Desmet, C., Imbo, I., De Brauwer, J., Brass, M., Fias, W., & Notebaert, W. (2012). Error adaptation in mental arithmetic. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 65, 1059-1067.
Imbo, I., De Brauwer, J., Fias, W., & Gevers, W. (2012). The development of the SNARC-effect: Evidence for early verbal coding. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 111, 671-680.
Imbo, I., & LeFevre, J.-A. (2011). Cultural differences in strategic behavior: A study in computational estimation. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 37, 1294-1301.
Imbo, I., Vandierendonck, A., & Fias, W. (2011). Passive hand movements disrupt adults' counting strategies. Frontiers in Cognition.
Imbo, I., & Vandierendonck, A. (2010). Instruction and load effects on high-skill and low-skill individuals: A study in the domain of mental arithmetic. European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 22, 964-989.
Gevers, W., Imbo, I., Cohen Kadosh, R., Fias, W., & Hartsuiker, R. (2010). Bidirectionality in synesthesia: Evidence from a multiplication verification task. Experimental Psychology, 57, 178-184.
Imbo, I., & LeFevre, J.-A. (2010). The role of phonological and visual working memory in complex arithmetic for Chinese- and Canadian-educated adults. Memory & Cognition, 38, 176-185.
Imbo, I. (2009). Rekenstrategieen: Een vergelijking tussen verschillende culturen met implicaties voor de klinische praktijk. Signaal, 66, 4-24.
Imbo, I., Szmalec, A., & Vandierendonck, A. (2009). The role of structure on age-related increases in visuo-spatial span performance. Psychologica Belgica, 49, 275-291.
Imbo, I., & Vandierendonck, A. (2009). Cognitieve psychologie en wiskundeonderwijs: Een discussiebijdrage met methodologische en theoretische commentaren. Pedagogische Studien, 86, 401-408.
Imbo, I., & LeFevre, J.-A. (2009). Cultural differences in complex addition: Efficient Chinese versus adaptive Belgians and Canadians. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 35, 1465-1476.
Imbo, I., & Vandierendonck, A. (2008). Effects of problem size, operation, and working-memory span on simple-arithmetic strategies: Differences between children and adults? Psychological Research, 72, 331-346.
Imbo, I., & Vandierendonck, A. (2008). Practice effects on strategy selection and strategy efficiency in simple mental arithmetic. Psychological Research, 72, 528-541.
Imbo, I., Duverne, S., & Lemaire, P. (2007). Working memory, strategy execution, and strategy selection in mental arithmetic. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 60, 1246-1264.
Imbo, I., & Vandierendonck, A. (2007). The development of strategy use in elementary-school children: Working memory and individual differences. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 96, 284-309.
Imbo, I., & Vandierendonck, A. (2007). The role of the phonological loop and the central executive in simple-arithmetic strategies. European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 19, 910-933.
Imbo, I., & Vandierendonck, A. (2007). Do multiplication and division strategies rely on executive and phonological working-memory resources? Memory & Cognition, 35, 1759-1771.
Imbo, I., Vandierendonck, A., & De Rammelaere, S. (2007). The role of working memory in the carry operation in mental arithmetic: Number and value of the carry. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 60, 708-731.
Imbo, I., Vandierendonck, A., & Rosseel, Y. (2007). The influence of problem features & individual differences on strategic performance in simple arithmetic. Memory & Cognition, 35, 454-463.
Imbo, I., Vandierendonck, A., & Vergauwe, E. (2007). The role of working memory in carrying and borrowing. Psychological Research, 71, 467-483.
Imbo, I., De Rammelaere, S., & Vandierendonck, A. (2005). New insights in the role of working memory in carry and borrow operations. Psychologica Belgica, 45, 101-121. ![]()
Proceedings / Published abstracts / Comments
Xu, C., Imbo, I., Herdman, C.M., & LeFevre, J.-A. (2012). The role of working memory and the language effect for the bilingual-Chinese in complex mental multiplication. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology, 66, 286-286.
Imbo, I., Van Opstal, F., & Fias, W. (2011). Are the effects of TDCS on numerical abilities specific and long lasting? A comment on Cohen Kadosh et al. (2010). Current Biology, online comment.
Imbo, I. & LeFevre, J.-A. (2008). Complex-arithmetic problem solving: Differences among Belgian, Canadian, and Chinese participants. In B.C. Love, K. McRae, & V.M. Sloutsky (Eds.), Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 2144-2149). Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society.
Imbo, I., & LeFevre, J.-A. (2008). Cultural differences in complex addition. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology, 62, 319-319.
Vandierendonck, A., & Imbo, I. (2008). Instruction effects in mental arithmetic: The role of working memory and the influence of gender. International Journal of Psychology, 43, 736-736.