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Srđan Lazendić

Postdoctoral Assistant and Researcher

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Academic year 2024/2025

In this academic year I am giving the theory and/or exercises for the following courses:

WISIR: Complex Analysis
-third year bachelor in applied physics-


Lecturer: Srdan Lazendic

Teaching language: Dutch

In-depth study of different concepts from the complex analysis. The student will get familiar with the complex plane, holomorphic functions and complex integration, and their special properties, as well as with some of the more advanced topics in complex analysis.

WISIR: Linear algebra
-second year bachelor in applied physics-


Lecturer: Srdan Lazendic

Teaching language: Dutch

In-depth study of basic concepts from linear algebra to provide a sound basis for a number of courses of the bachelor and master in engineering/option physics. The fundamental concepts of the operator and spectral theory will be explained and applied to diverse problems.

BaWi - Basic Mathematics
-first year bachelor in engineering-


Lecturer: Hennie De Schepper

Teaching language: Dutch

The aim of this course is threefold: (1) to rehearse the fundamental mathematics knowledge for starting academic engineering studies; (2) to make clear what is the expected mathematics level in academic engineering studies; (3) to establish a uniform starting level for all students.

Mathematics 1: Calculus
-first year bachelor in architecture-


Lecturer: Hennie De Schepper

Teaching language: Dutch

The student is guided through the essential concepts, methods and techniques, needed for handling basis mathematics problems by hand or by means of a computer package. The main aim is to teach the student how to reason in a critical, logical and structured way, on the appropriate level of abstraction, while paying attention also to completeness and precision.

Mathematical Analysis II: Functions of Several Variables

-first year bachelor in engineering-


Lecturer: Hendrik De Bie

Teaching language: Dutch

It is the aim of the course to provide insight in the basic concepts of the theory of functions of one and several real variables and the application of the corresponding analysis techniques. Moreover the students acquire skills in using these techniques and applying them, as well as in the analytic and mathematical modelling of basic problems from basic sciences.