As part of its mission, Ghent University offers a number of (paid) services to the community. The Department of Translation, Interpreting and Communication offers limited translation, terminology, revision and interpreting services for non-commercial clients; in-service training and refresher courses (CPD - Continuing Professional Development); and academic consultancy services. My main contribution towards the Faculty’s Academic Services has been in the area of CPD courses and in academic consultancy.
Examples: CPD: One-day Wordfast Workshop for the BKVTF Two-day seminars on terminology for translators of the Council of the EU, Brussels Two-day IATE training seminars for translators of the European parliament, Luxembourg Two-day terminology training seminars for translators of the European Commission, Brussels and Luxembourg Host of one of the CLP courses of TILP. Consultancy: Subcontracted research on language recognition, word filters and e-dictionaries for KULeuven’s McKnow project Advice on aspects of the IATE termbase, in the context of the CPD seminars mentioned above. All services are subject to the terms and conditions laid down by the Department, by Faculty Council and by Ghent University. |
Joost Buysschaert - Department of Translation, Interpreting and Communication