For many purposes, logicians will develop
formalisations that are more sophisticated than this one is. For other
purposes, no formalisation is necessary.
To speak or write logically, one should not
contradict explicitly or implicitly any of the principles listed in
the table.
For example:
It is illogical to say of yourself
that you are no thing (which violates
that you are not you (which violates ‘Identity’)
that you are me (which violates ‘Uniqueness’).
It is illogical to say of your cat
that it has no properties
(which violates ‘Specificity’)
that it is dead and not dead
(which violates ‘Non-Contradiction’)
that it is neither in good health nor not in good
health (which violates ‘Excluded middle’).

The word ‘thing’, which occurs in each one of the
principles of logic, refers to anything about which you may want to say
something. Thus, an object (the Eiffel tower, your computer) is a thing. So is
an animal (your cat), a person (me, you, your father), or a fictional
character (Mickey Mouse). An historical or fictional event (the Second Gulf
War, the Big Bang, your birth, your neighbour's marriage, the death of
Sherlock Holmes) is a thing. Other things are a letter of the alphabet, a
word, a sentence, an argument; and so on. In short, a thing is anything that
is or can be the subject of something one says.
What one says about a thing is called its predicate
-- it is what one predicates of it. For example, you might predicate of a
subject that it has, or does not
have, a certain property; or that it stands, or does not stand, in a certain
relation to some thing(s).
Notice that one should always make a clear distinction
between a thing and the names or descriptions by means of which one refers to
it. The name 'Oliver' is composed of six letters, but the person (if any) to
whom the name applies is not composed of letters. The name 'Dracula', as the
proper name of a vampire, does not refer to a real thing--thát Dracula does
not exist--but obviously the name itself does exist. Consequently, in
the context of a description of the real world, the 'axiom of existence'
applies only to the name 'Dracula', but not to the non-existent Dracula. Thus,
one should not read the axiom of existence as if it said 'for every name,
there is a thing to which the name refers'.
Sometimes, we find that a thing is known by more than one
name or description. For example, the names 'the morning star' and 'the
evening star' refer to the same planet. However, that fact does not give us a
counterexample or an exception to the principle of uniqueness. In other words,
it is not the case that we have here a pair of things--the morning star and
the evening star--such that the one thing is the other thing: there is only
the one planet. Nor is the case that we have here a pair of things--the name
'the morning star' and the name 'the evening star'--such that the one name is
identical to the other.
We should note that the principles of logic refer to a given
context. In the Dracula-story, the name 'Dracula' refers to something that is
supposed to be really existing. The story would not make sense, if you did not
make that supposition. Mickey Mouse does not exist in the real physical world, but
he certainly is supposed to exist in the Mickey Mouse stories. Of course,
while you know that the story is fictional, in order to enjoy it, you have to
separate clearly what it tells you from what you know is true in the real
world. Getting mixed up about the context of real life and the context of a
particular piece of fiction or imagination is not going to help you make sense
of either the one or the other.
Keeping track of contexts is an essential move in logic.
Finding out which statements can, and which statements cannot, refer the same
context, is the primary purpose of logic. Your cat may have been alive and well yesterday but ill this
morning—and now it may be dead. That statement is not contradictory.
However, it cannot be true that your cat is alive and well, ill and dead—all
at the same time.
A statement, imagination or story
may not be true, but that does not mean it is illogical. We certainly can
check whether a story is illogical or not, regardless of whether it is meant
to be true. A novel that in chapter one reports that the butler discovered the
body of his employer and in chapter eight states that the butler was already
dead by the time his employer died is illogical. It tells a story that cannot
possibly be true. On the other hand, a logically consistent or coherent story
conceivably could be true even if it is not.
Obviously, checking whether a story is consistent is not
the same thing as checking whether it is true. Checking whether one story
agrees with another is not the same as checking whether it agrees with what we
know of the real world.
If two people disagree on some point, at least one of them
must be saying something that is not true. It also is
possible that both are saying something that is false. However, if they were
not pretending to discuss the real world or the same fictional story but merely producing stories for the
enjoyment of their readers then they presumably would not care about the
correspondence of their literary products with the facts of reality or the
facts of any story but their own.
While there are statements that are true in one context and
false in another, tautologies are true in all contexts and contradictions are
false in all contexts. That is just another way of saying that tautologies
necessarily are true and therefore cannot be falsified no matter what is or is
not the case; and that contradictions necessarily are false and therefore
cannot be verified no matter what is or is not the case.

To say something illogical is to say something that, if
taken literally, cannot be true. It is to say something that we even
cannot imagine being true—and not because of a lack of imaginative power.
If someone says ‘My cat is dead and not dead’ then what
he says cannot be true, at least if we take him literally. To make sense of
his assertion, we have to assume that he uses the word ‘dead’ in two
different senses, for example, ‘My cat is alive but she is so listless that
she might as well be dead’. That interpretation removes the contradiction
but it does so only by taking him to be saying something else than what he
literally said.
When someone says ‘I am not myself today’ then we tend
to assume that he means something like ‘I do not know what is wrong with me
today but my present behaviour is unusual for me’. However, if he insists
that we take his words literally then we cannot make sense of what he says. It
could not possibly be true.
When someone deliberately says something that prima facie
is illogical, there is a good chance that he does not want his audience to
interpret it literally. He probably is speaking rhetorically to make or
emphasise a point. There is nothing wrong per se with such rhetorical
flourishes but they should be used with care because they increase the risk of
misunderstanding. After all, one is saying something that should not be taken
literally but one leaves it to the audience to find out what one really wants
to say.
In addition, rhetorical expressions can be misleading. Demagogues and
tricksters often use them to divert their audience's attention from relevant
facts or to induce them to associate one thing with another when there is no
objective basis for the association. The less trained in logic the audience
is, the easier it is for the demagogues and tricksters to mislead them. As
Bertrand Russell said, 'Logic is the best defense against trickery.'
Often the illogical nature of what a person says
is not obviously, or is obviously not, an intended result. It may be that it
appears only on closer analysis of what he said or by combining different
parts of his message. Alternatively, it may appear only by making explicit
what he did not say in so many words but should affirm because it is implied
in what he did say explicitly. Sometimes a speaker is not fully aware of all
the logical implications of what he says. Sometimes he may be unaware of the
existence of factual or theoretical knowledge that applies to what he is
saying. Consider the following message:
I bought a piece of flat land that is a perfect
rectangular triangle.
One side is 30 meters long.
One side is 40 meters long.
The third side is 55 meters long
That looks like a simple description of a piece of land
with no hint of rhetorical embellishment or exaggeration. However, an
elementary knowledge of geometry (in particular, of the relevant Pythagorean
theorem) reveals that no rectangular triangle with the dimensions that the
speaker mentions can exist. If what the speaker said were true then the
Pythagorean theorem is wrong! On the other hand, if the theorem is true then
at least one of his measurements, or his description of the shape of his land,
is wrong. Therefore, assuming reasonably that the theorem is true we can infer
that the speaker made a mistake or lied about the land he claims to have

Suppose that Jane is a student and that her teacher tells
you that all the students in Jane’s class passed the examination. Although
the teacher is not saying it in so many words, you are entitled to infer that
Jane passed the examination. After all, Jane is a student in her class.
Premise 1: All the students in Jane’s class passed the
Premise 2: Jane is a student in Jane’s class.
Conclusion: Jane passed the examination.
This inference is valid. However, it does not prove
that Jane passed the examination. After all, the statement that Jane passed
the examination is inferred merely from what the teacher said. Did the teacher
speak the truth? Suppose that it turns out that Jane did not pass
the examination. Then we can prove that what the teacher told Jane was
not true. The proof goes as follows:
Fact 1: The teacher said that all the students in
Jane’s class passed the examination.
Fact 2: Jane is a student in Jane’s class.
Fact 3: Jane did not pass the examination.
Inference: At least one student in Jane’s class did not pass the
Inference: It is not true that all students in Jane’s class passed the
Conclusion: What the teacher said was not true.
Another proof of the same conclusion would be
Fact 1: The teacher said that all the students in
Jane’s class passed the examination.
Fact 2: Jane is a student in Jane’s class.
Inference: If what the teacher said were true then Jane passed the
Fact 3: Jane did not pass the examination.
Conclusion: What the teacher said was not true.
Again, the conclusion is validly inferred from the
statements that precede it (the premises of the argument). However, because it
is inferred from facts by means of other valid inferences, we can now say that
we have a proof that the conclusion is true. A proof is a valid inference
starting from facts (which are communicated by means of true statements).
However, valid inferences can be made from statements that are not true.
Clearly, a proof is a valid inference but not every valid
inference is a proof. Consider
Premise 1: Lions are birds
Premise 2: Birds have wings
Conclusion: Lions have wings
The conclusion is validly inferred from the premises but we
should not say we have proven that lions have wings. The conclusion is
false—and we logically cannot claim to be able to prove what is false.
Consider also
Premise 1: Lions are birds
Premise 2: Birds are animals
Conclusion: Lions are animals
Again, the conclusion is validly inferred from the
premises. This time the conclusion is true: lions are animals. However,
the inference still is not a proof of the conclusion. One of the premises is
false—and we logically cannot claim that a falsehood provides support for a
Obviously, neither inference proves that its conclusion is
true. Yet, both of them are valid inferences because each of the following
hypothetical statements is a tautology:
In these hypothetical statements, nothing is said about the
truth or falsehood of the premises or the conclusions of the inferences. The
statements merely affirm that if the premises are true then the
conclusion is true.
For example, the inference about Jane’s examination
result is valid because the following hypothetical statement is a
Again, nothing is said about the truth or the falsehood of
the premises or the conclusion of the inference. All that is said is that
Moreover, because that pattern represents here a tautology,
which is true no matter what may or may not be the case, we can say
Because the hypothetical statements with which we are
dealing here are tautologies, their negations are contradictions. With respect
to the inferences we took as our examples, those negations satisfy the pattern
For example, ‘All the students in Jane’s class passed
the examination and Jane is a student in Jane’s class but Jane did not pass
the examination’; ‘Lions are birds and birds have wings but some lion has
no wings’.
Moreover, because the said pattern represents here the
negation of a tautology, it represents a contradiction:
Thus, if we are dealing with a valid inference, one
logically cannot affirm the premises of the inference without also affirming
its conclusion. Affirming the premises of a valid inference while refusing to
affirm its conclusion involves one in a contradiction—in holding something
to be true that simply cannot be true. In other words, it involves one in
incoherent speech.
From what we have said so far, it is easy to understand how
a logician goes about checking the validity of an inference. He does so by
trying to find, construct or imagine a situation in which the premises are
true but the conclusion is false. In other words, he tries to come up with a counterexample.
If he succeeds in his attempt, he has proven that the inference is not valid.
However, the mere fact that he does not succeed in producing
a counterexample gives us no compelling reason to say that he has proven the
validity of the inference in question. It may be that his search for a
counterexample was not exhaustive—that he did not consider all
Unless he can show that his attempt has considered all
possibilities and therefore amounts to a proof that the search for a
counterexample is futile and hopeless, his negative result is inconclusive. On
the other hand, if he can show that he has considered all possibilities and
still could not find a counterexample, then he is entitled to say that no
counterexample can exist and that, therefore, the inference he is
investigating is valid.
Hence, we can also understand that logical thought consists
primarily in taking account of all possible cases and contexts.
[ About argumentation in general, see section 2 on Fallacies