UGent - Thierry Marchant
Former positions :
Visitor at the Indian
Statistical Institute, New Delhi
from February to July 2009.
Visitor at the Institute
for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences, University of California, Irvine
from September 98 until July 99.
Teaching assistant at the Service de Mathématiques de la Gestion, Université Libre de
Bruxelles (Brussels), 1991-1999.
Product manager and account manager, G.I.B., 1990.
Research :
- Axiomatic foundations of multicriteria decision aiding.
- Voting theory with specific interest for the Borda method and
scoring methods. Axiomatic and probabilistic aspects.
- Measurement theory.
- Decision under uncertainty.
- Bibliometrics.
Books :
- Bouyssou, D., Marchant, T., Pirlot, M., Tsoukias, A. and
Vincke P. Evaluation and Decision
models with multiple criteria : stepping stones for the
analyst, Springer, 445 pp. (2006).
- Bouyssou, D., Marchant, T., Perny, P., Pirlot, M., Tsoukias, A. and
Vincke P. Evaluation and Decision
models : a critical perspective, Kluwer, 288 pp. (2000).
Special issue :
- Marchant, T. and Pirlot, M. (2021), Special issue on multiple criteria sorting methods. Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, 28: 129-130.
Articles :
- Marchant, T. and Sen, A.,
"Stochastic Choice with Bounded Processing Capacity",
Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 14 (2023).
(Preliminary version)
- Bouysou, D., Marchant, T. and Pirlot, M.,
"A theoretical look at ELECTRE TRI-nB and related sorting models",
4OR, 21, 1-31 (2023).
(Preliminary version)
- Bouysou, D., Marchant, T. and Pirlot, M.,
"A note on ELECTRE TRI-nB with few limiting profiles",
4OR, 20, 443-463 (2022).
(Preliminary version)
- Bouysou, D., Marchant, T. and Pirlot, M.,
"Axiomatic characterization of the chi squared dissimilarity measure",
Aequationes mathematicae, 96, 307-323 (2022).
(Preliminary version)
- Bouysou, D., Marchant, T. and Pirlot, M.,
"The size of the maximum antichains in products of linear orders",
TOP, 29(3), 648-659 (2021).
(Preliminary version)
- Bouysou, D., Marchant, T. and Pirlot, M.,
"An axiomatic characterization of two disproportionality and malapportionment indices: the Duncan and Duncan index and the Lijphart index",
Annals of Operations Research, 284, 147-163 (2020).
(Preliminary version)
- Lorenzoni, V., Staley, J., Marchant, T., Onderdijk, K. E., Maes, P.-J. and Leman, M.,
"The sonic instructor: a music-based biofeedback system for improving weightlifting technique",
PLOS ONE, 14, 8 (2019). Open access.
- Marchant, T.,
"Utilitarianism without individual utilities",
Social Choice and Welfare, 53, 1-19 (2019).
(Preliminary version)
- Lorenzoni, V., De Bie, T., Marchant, T., Van Dyck, E. and Leman, M.,
"The effect of (a)synchronous music on runners' lower leg impact loading",
Musicae Scientiae, 23, 332-347 (2019).
(Open access)
- Gravel, N., Marchant, T. and Sen, A.,
"Conditional Expected Utility Criteria for Decision Making under Ignorance or Objective Ambiguity",
Journal of Mathematical Economics, 18, 79-95 (2018).
- Marchant, T. and Mishra, D.,
"The characterization of affine maximizers on restricted domains with two alternatives",
European Journal of Operations Research, 266, 3, 1038-1043 (2018).
- Allard, D. and Marchant, T.,
"Means and covariance functions for geostatistical compositional data: an axiomatic approach",
Mathematical Geosciences, 50, 3, 299-325 (2018).
(Preliminary version)
- Bouysou, D. and Marchant, T.,
"The beta-ranking and the beta-measure for directed networks: axiomatic characterizations",
Social Networks, 52, 145-153 (2018).
This version of the text contains an unfortunate error in Theorem 2. It
was pointed out to us by Yan-An Hwang in the
following note.
The following amended version
incorporates the suggestion of the referee, that we deem superior, and is
fully self contained. We apologize to the readers for the inconvenience.
- Bouysou, D. and Marchant, T.,
"Ranking authors using fractional counting of citations: An axiomatic approach",
Journal of Informetrics, 10, 183-199 (2016).
(Preliminary version)
- Bouysou, D. and Marchant, T.,
"Bi-semiorders with frontiers on finite sets",
Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 66, 6-15 (2015). (Preliminary version)
- Fonteyne, L., De Fruyt, F., Dewulf, N., Duyck, W., Erauw, K., Goeminne, K., Lammertyn, J., Marchant, T., Moerkerke, B., Oosterlinck, T. and Rosseel, Y.,
"Basic mathematics test predicts statistics achievement and overall first year academic success",
European Journal of Psychology of Education, 30, 95-118 (2015).
- Bouyssou, D. and Marchant, T.,
"On the relations between ELECTRE TRI-B and ELECTRE TRI-C and on a new variant of ELECTRE TRI-B", European Journal of Operational Research, 242, 201-211 (2015). (Preliminary version)
- Vrijdags, A. and Marchant, T.,
"From Uniform Expected Utility to Uniform Rank-Dependent Utility: An Experimental Study", Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 64-65, 76-86 (2015). (Preliminary version)
- Marchant, T., Mishra, D.
"Mechanism design with two alternatives in quasi-linear environments"
Social Choice and Welfare, 44, 433-455 (2015).
- Bouyssou, D., Marchant, T.
"An axiomatic approach to bibliometric rankings and indices"
Journal of Informetrics, 8, 449-477 (2014).
- Bouyssou, D., Marchant, T.
''Multiattribute preference models with reference points"
European Journal of Operational Research, 229, 470-481 (2013). The proofs of the results are available online on ScienceDirect as supplementary material.
version with proofs included)
- Gravel, N., Marchant, T. and Sen, A.
''Uniform Expected Utility Criteria for Decision Making under Ignorance or Objective Ambiguity"
Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 56, 297-315 (2012).
- Dimitrov, D., Marchant, T. and Mishra, D.
"Separability and Aggregation of Equivalence Relations",
Economic Theory, 51, 191-212 (2012).
- Bouyssou, D. and Marchant, T.
"Subjective expected utility without preferences",
Journal of Mathematical Psychology,
55, 457-468 (2011).
(Preliminary version)
- Bouyssou, D. and Marchant, T.
"Ranking scientists and departments in a consistent manner",
International Journal of the American Society for Information
Science and Technology, 62, 1761-1769 (2011).
- Bouyssou, D. and Marchant, T.
"Bibliometric rankings of journals based on Impact Factors: An axiomatic approach" ,
Journal of Informetrics, 5, 75-86 (2011).
- Bouyssou, D. and Marchant, T.
"Biorders with frontier" ,
Order, 28, 53-87 (2011).
- Bouyssou, D. and Marchant, T.
"Consistent bibliometric rankings of authors and of journals" ,
Journal of Informetrics, 4, 365-378 (2010).
- Bouyssou, D. and Marchant, T.
"Additive conjoint measurement with ordered categories",
European Journal of Operational Research, 203, 195-204 (2010). The proofs of the results are available online on ScienceDirect as supplementary material.
version with proofs included)
- Marchant, T.
"Score-based bibliometric rankings of authors",
International Journal of the American Society for Information
Science and Technology, 60, 1132-1137 (2009).
- Marchant, T.
"An axiomatic
characterization of the ranking based on the h-index and some other
bibliometric rankings of authors", Scientometrics,
80, 325-342 (2009). (Preliminary
- Bouyssou, D. and Marchant, T.
"Ordered categories and additive conjoint measurement on connected sets",
Journal of Mathematical Psychology,
53, 92-105 (2009).
(Preliminary version)
- Marchant, T., "Scale Invariance and similar Invariance
Conditions for Bankruptcy Problems", Social Choice and Welfare,
31, 693-707 (2008). Some errors in this version were pointed out to me by
William Thomson (erratum). In
this somewhat different version, the
errors have been corrected.
- Marchant, T., "A
measurement-theoretic axiomatization of
trapezoidal membership functions", IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy
Systems, 15, 238-242 (2007).
(Preliminary version)
- Desimpelaere, C. and Marchant, T.,
"An empirical test of some
measurement-theoretic axioms for fuzzy sets", Fuzzy Sets and
Systems, 158, 1348-1359 (2007). (Preliminary version)
- Marchant, T.,
"An axiomatic characterization of different majority
concepts", European Journal of Operational Research, 179,
(2007). (Preliminary version)
- Bouyssou, D. and Marchant, T.,
"An axiomatic
approach to noncompensatory sorting methods in MCDM, I: The case of
two categories", European Journal of Operational Research,
178, 217-245
(Preliminary version)
- Bouyssou, D. and Marchant, T.,
"An axiomatic
approach to noncompensatory sorting methods in MCDM, II: More than
two categories", European Journal of Operational Research,
178, 246-276
(Preliminary version)
- Marchant, T.,
"Maximal orness weights with a
fixed variability for owa operators",
International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based
Systems, 14, pp. 271-276 (2006). (Preliminary
- Marchant, T.,
"The measurement of membership by subjective ratio
estimation", Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 148, pp. 179-199 (2004).
(Preliminary version)
- Marchant, T.,
"The measurement of membership by comparisons",
Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 148,
157-177 (2004).
(Preliminary version)
- Marchant, T. and Luce, R.D.,
"Technical note on the joint receipt
of quantities of a single good", Journal of Mathematical
Psychology, 47, pp. 66-74 (2003). (Preliminary version)
- Marchant, T.,
"Towards a theory of MCDM; Stepping away from social
choice theory", Mathematical Social Sciences, 45, pp.
343-363 (2003). (Preliminary version)
- Marchant, T.,
"Cooperative phenomena in crystals and the
probability of tied Borda count elections", Discrete Applied
Mathematics, 119, pp. 265-271 (2002). (Preliminary version)
- Marchant, T.,
"The probability of
ties with scoring methods: some results", Social
Choice and Welfare, 18, pp. 709-735 (2001).
(Preliminary version)
- Marchant, T.,
"The Borda rule and Pareto stability: a further
comment", Fuzzy sets and systems, 120/3, pp. 423-428 (2001).
- Marchant, T., "Group Decision Support Systems: a short review",
INFOR, 38/1, pp. 1-13 (2000).
- Marchant, T., "Does the Borda rule
provide more than a ranking?",
Social Choice and Welfare, 17/3, pp. 381-391 (2000).
- Marchant, T. and Pirlot, M., "Modern decisive wives don't wear
corsets", Journal of Multi-citeria Decision Analysis, 8-104, pp.
237-238 (1999).
- Marchant, T., "Cognitive maps and fuzzy implication", European
Journal of Operational Research, 114, pp. 626-637 (1999).
- Marchant, T.,
"Cardinality and the Borda score", European Journal
of Operational Research, 108, pp. 464-472 (1998).
(Preliminary version)
- Marchant, T., "Les systèmes d'aide à la décision
en groupe", Nouvelles de la Science et des Technologies , 15, pp.
73-80 (1997).
- Marchant, T., "PROMETHEE and GAIA in a multi-decision maker
setting", Ricerca Operativa, 26-79, pp. 19-43 (1997).
- Marchant, T., "Valued relations aggregation with the Borda method",
Journal of multi-criteria decision analysis, 5, pp. 127-132
(1996). (Preliminary version)
Chapters in books :
- Gravel, N., Marchant, T., Sen, A.
Comparing Societies with Different Numbers of Individuals on the Basis of Their Average Advantage, in Fleurbaey, M., Salles, M. and Weymark, J. A., Eds,
Social Ethics and Normative Economics. Springer, 357 pp. (2011).
(Preliminary version)
- Bouyssou, D., Marchant, T., Perny, P.
Social Choice Theory and Multicriteria Decision Aiding, in Bouyssou, D., Dubois, D., Pirlot, M. and Prade, H., Eds,
Concepts and Methods of the Decision-making Process. ISTE & Wiley, 912 pp. (2009).
(Preliminary version)
- Bouyssou, D., Marchant, T., Pirlot, M.
A conjoint measurement approach to the discrete Sugeno integral,
in Brams, S., Gehrlein, W. V. and Roberts, F. S., Eds,
The mathematics of preference, choice and order. Essays in honor
of Peter C. Fishburn. Springer (2009).
- Bouyssou, D., Marchant, T., Perny, P.
Théorie du choix social et aide multicritère à la
décision, in Bouyssou, D., Dubois, D., Pirlot, M. and Prade,
H., Eds,
Concepts et méthodes pour l'aide à la décision, 3 : Analyse
multicritère. Hermès, 324 pp. (2006).
Working papers, reports, preprints :
- Bouyssou, D., Marchant, T., and Pirlot, M.
ELECTRE TRI-nB, pseudo-disjunctive: axiomatic and combinatorial results", arXiv:2410.18443 (2024).
- Bouyssou, D., Marchant, T., and Pirlot, M.
About maximal antichains in a product of two chains:A catch-all note", arXiv:2410.16243 (2024).
- Marchant, T., Bouyssou, D., Perny, P., Pirlot, M., Tsoukias, A. and
Vincke, Ph.
Les indicateurs en perspective", Preprints of the
Service de mathématiques de la gestion, 2003-09 (2003).
- Marchant, T.
Rationing : dynamic considerations, equivalent sacrifice and links between the
two approaches", Working Papers of Faculty of Economics and Business Administration,
Ghent University, 04/244 (2004).
- Marchant, T. and Bouyssou, D.
A common framework for describing most aggregation procedures in
decision aiding", Preprints of the
Service de mathématiques de la gestion, 99-23 (1999).
Editorial activities :
Address :
Ghent University
Department of Data analysis
H. Dunantlaan 2
B-9000 Ghent
Tel. +32+9 - 264 63 73
Fax. +32+9 - 264 64 87
Rubriek 3.1 van het AEP
Rubriek 2.3 van het AEP
Last modification in April 2022