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SoilGen model

updating and upgrading methods for soil information systems

Updating soil information systems may involve the re-mapping of thematic information displayed on the soil map. Upgrading soil information systems means that new attributes are added to the information systems. Both activities involve sampling, but not any type of sampling will do. I am interested in the design of sampling schemes in function of the data use.

In my previous life at Alterra (Netherlands) I led a project aimed primarily to the remapping of ground watertable classes (updating), and additionally aimed to an extension of the number of parameters (upgrading) to describe the seasonal dynamics of water tables.

See: Finke et al., Geoderma

Recent past activities involved the development of methods to update the drainage class map of Flanders (PhD-project Johan van de Wauw) and the spatial reconstruction of the soil drainage situation at specific periods in the Holocene (PhD project Ann Zwertvaegher).

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