- Methods to map soil classes in areas with scarce soil data & full cover ancillary data

- Methods to predict occurences and events from observations, soil maps and ancillary data by Bayesian statistics

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- Mojtaba ZeraatpisheH (Digital soil mapping, downscaling and updating conventional soil maps using GIS, RS, Statistics and auxiliary data; with Isfahan University of Technology, Iran; 23-8-2017)

- Azam Jafarisirizi (Comparison of digital and traditional soil mapping in a selected arid landscape in southeastern Iran; with Isfahan University of Technology, Iran, 19-6-2012)

Visiting Postdocs

- Wellewatte Arachchige Udayakantha VitHArana, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka (Bayesian calibration of a regional Modflow model) - 2009

- Azam Jafarisirizi, Kerman University, Iran (Uncertainty analysis of model-based landscape reconstruction for prehistoric land evaluation) - 2016

Topic 2: predictive soil mapping

- Development of a process-based model for soil genesis in various parent materials

- Model application and testing on topo-, climate– and chronosequences and palaeosoils

- Modelling hydrology and pedogenesis for landscape reconstruction

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- Sastrika ANINDITA (Land use effects on geochemical properties and their control on soil organic carbon in volcanic soils in Java, Indonesia; with Steven Sleutel, UGent; 9-2-2023)

- Nirmani Ranathunga (Modeling paleosol formation on the Chinese Loess Plateau during the Quaternary interglacials; with Qiuzhen Yin, Université Catholique de Louvain; 30-6-2022)

- Saba KEYVANSHOKOUHI (Projecting the evolution of soil due to global change; with Sophie Cornu  and François Lafolie, INRA, 7-3-2018)

- Emmanuel OPOLOT (Modeling of soil evolution to assess soil system behavior under global change; 27-5-2016)

- Ann Zwertvaegher (The use of integrated process models in a geoarchaeological context: a proof of concept; 21-12-2012)

Visiting Postdoc

- Yanyan Yu, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Application and calibration of  SoilGen model on data from Chinese loess plateau) -2010, 2011, 2017

Topic 3: modelling pedogenesis



Research & PhD-studnts

Teaching & services


Thesis subjects


SoilGen model

Current research interests

- Methods to update and re-map water table dynamics (Netherlands)

- Methods to upgrade Soil Information Systems via purposive and design based sampling

- Methods to update the drainage class information on soil maps (Flanders)

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- Johan van de Wauw (Spatial prediction of water table dynamics in Flanders; 22-10-2012)

Topic 1: updating and upgrading soil information systems

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