

Research & PhD-students

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Thesis subjects


SoilGen model

- (actimng as co-supervisor) Frank Anyoka Adekilae @ Aarhus

MSc-theses in progress


- H. Edward RUSSELL Jr. 2022. Developing a key for the identification of diagnostic soil horizons for the international soil classification system WRB. Mundus MSc Soils and Global Change (IMSOGLO). Oral presentation at 22nd World Congress of Soil Science (2022).

- Daniel Arntzenius Hjortnæs. 2022. Applying the empirical model NLES5 for estimating nitrate leaching in different land use scenarios for policy making on Endelave. Erasmus Mundus MSc Soils and Global Change (IMSOGLO).

- Nathalie Ylenia TRICHES. 2021. Climate signals on biogeochemistry in Europe: CO2, CH4 and N2O emissions in a temperate forest in eastern Austria. Erasmus Mundus MSc Soils and Global Change (IMSOGLO). Article

- Nicklas KULP. 2021. Optimizing and Extending a Soil Simulation Model via its Architecture. MSc  Applied Informatics, Göttingen University

- Filippo BENEDETTI. 2018. Soil development in Italian soils under vinyards: Change in “terroir ”. MSc. Physical Land Resources. Poster presentation at EGU.

- Albert NIYONZIMA. 2017. Digital Soil Nutrients Mapping based on Available Legacy Maps and Point Data in Rwanda. MSc. Physical Land Resources.

- Sastrika ANINDITA, 2016. Analysing land use effects on soil development at Lembang, Bandung district, Indonesia. MSc. Physical Land Resources.

- Filippo BENEDETTI, 2016. Soil bioturbation. BSc Univ. La Sapienza, Roma.

- Nicholas John BERNARDINI, 2015. Comparing the climate effects of MIS-5e and MIS-13 on soil formation over the Chinese Loess Plateau by simulation modelling. MSc Geology. Eurosoil2016, Article

- Humphrey ATUBA, 2015. Predicting aspects of the long-term evolution of example urban soils using pedogenetic modeling . MSc. Physical Land Resources.

- Afah REMONE, 2015. Indigenous soil suitability classification and implications on food security in the North west region of Cameroon. MSc. Physical Land Resources.

- Ineke De JONGH, 2014. Romeinse en Vroegmiddeleeuwse bewoning in de Vlaamse oostkust (Roman and early Medieval occupation at the eastern Flemish coast). MSc. Archeologie

- Timothy NUYTS, 2014. Bronstijd grafheuvels in Oost– en West-Vlaanderen: een predictief model (bronze age mounds in east and west Flanders provinces: a predictive model). MSc. Archeologie

- Thanh Thuy DOAN, 2013. Evaluating the potential of digital soil mapping to map soil types in Vietnam. MSc. Physical Land Resources

- Juma Maingu, 2012. Mapping Phreatic water tables in the Zeveneken area between Lochristi and Lokeren. MSc. Physical Land Resources.

- Ruben VERGAUWE. 2012. Studie omtrent bodemgenese en degradatieprocessen bij bronstijd grafheuvels in het zuiden van de Lage Landen (Soil genesis and degradation processes in Bronze Age burial mounds in the Low Countries) MSc. Archeologie. Article.

- Johannes A.M. Vermeer. 2012. Een finaalpleistocene paleotopografie. (A final Pleistocene palaeotopography) MSc. Archeologie. Article.

- Johannes DE GROEVE. 2010. Inventarisatie van metaaltijdvondsten in het Antwerpse scheldebekken -een geoarcheologische benadering. (an inventory of Metal age objects in the Antwerp Scheldt area: a geoarchaeological approach) MSc. Archeologie.

- Joachim ROZEK, 2009. Merovingische bewoning in Oost­België ­geoarcheologische beschouwing. (Merovingian occupation in eastern Belgium: geoarchaeological perspectives) MSc. Archeologie

- Lise COX, 2009. Een bodemkundige en geomorfologische benadering van de zoutsites rond de Noordzee in de ijzertijd geïmplementeerd in GIS. (A pedological and geomorphological approach to iron age salt extraction sites in GIS) MSc Archeologie

- Yasmine CRYNS. 2008. De toepassing van een archeologische deductieve verwachtingskaart met behulp van Bayesiaanse statistiek binnen het Benedenschelde-bekken (Deductive predictive modelling in the lower Scheldt basin) MSc. Archeologie.

- Yousef O.Y. Zidan. 2008. Mapping Phreatic Water Tables to Update the Drainage Class Map 1:20.000 in the Scheldt valley near Ghent. MSc. Physical land Resources.


Recently finished theses (published)

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