Published and Accepted Papers
P58) Epidemic risk perception and social interactions lead to awareness cascades on multiplex networks
T Van Wesemael, LEC Rocha, J Baetens
Journal of Physics: Complexity (2025)
P57) On the potential of quantum walks for modeling financial return distributions
S De Backer, LEC Rocha, J Ryckebusch, K Schoors
Physica A 657:130215 (2025)
P56) Social clustering reinforces external influence on the majority opinion model
N Van Santen, J Ryckebusch, LEC Rocha
Physica A 648:129929 (2024)
P55) The impact of violent behavior on co-offender selection: Evidence of behavioral homophily
J Geeraert, LEC Rocha, C Vandeviver
Journal of Criminal Justice 94:102259 (2024)
P54) Detecting coordinated and bot-like behavior in Twitter: the Jürgen Conings case
B De Clerck, JCF Toledano, F Van Utterbeeck, LEC Rocha
EPJ Data Science 13:40 (2024)
P53) Bursts of communication increase opinion diversity in the temporal Deffuant model
F Zarei, Y Gandica, LEC Rocha
Scientific Reports 14:2222 (2024)
P52) A network-based strategy of price correlations for optimal cryptocurrency portfolios
R Jing, LEC Rocha
Finance Research Letters 58(C):104503 (2023)
P51) Navigating the social maze: An integrative review on the social network properties of deviant peer influence in adolescent network
J Geeraert, LEC Rocha, C Vandeviver
Deviant Behavior 45(7):947 (2023)
P50) LargeNetVis: Visual exploration of large temporal networks based on community taxonomies
CDG Linhares, JR Ponciano, D Pedro, LEC Rocha, A Traina, J Poco
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 29:203 (2023)
P49) Evolution of the public opinion on COVID-19 vaccination in Japan
R Kobayashi, Y Takedomi, Y Nakayama, T Suda, T Uno, T Hashimoto, M Toyoda, N Yoshinaga, M Kitsuregawa, LEC Rocha
Journal Medical Internet Research 24(12):e41928 (2022)
P48) Social network heterogeneity benefits individuals at the expense of groups in the creation of innovation
F Zarei, J Ryckebusch, K Schoors, LEC Rocha
Journal of Physics: Complexity 3:045002 (2022)
P47) Maximum entropy networks for large scale social network node analysis
B De Clerck, LEC Rocha, F Van Utterbeeck
Applied Network Science 7:68 (2022)
P46) Characterisation and Quenching Correction for an Al2O3:C Optical Fibre Real Time System in Therapeutic Proton, Helium, and Carbon-Charged Beams
LF Nascimento, P Leblans, B van der Heyden, M Akselrod, J Goossens, LEC Rocha, A Vaniqui, D Verellen
Sensors 22(23):9178 (2022)
P45) Clustering and stubbornness regulate the formation of echo chambers in personalised opinion dynamics
N Botte, J Ryckebusch, LEC Rocha
Physica A 599:127423 (2022)
P44) The global migration network of sex-workers
LEC Rocha, P Holme, CDG Linhares
Journal of Computational Social Science 5:969–985 (2022)
P43) Indirect inference of sensitive variables with peer network survey
S Chen, X Lu, F Liljeros, Z Jia, LEC Rocha
Journal of Complex Networks 9:6 (2021)
P42) The scaling of social interactions across animal species
LEC Rocha, J Ryckebusch, K Schoors, M Smith
Scientific Reports 11:12584 (2021)
P41) A comparative analysis for visualizing the temporal evolution of contact networks: A user study
CDG Linhares, JR Ponciano, JG Paiva, BAN Travencolo, LEC Rocha
Journal of Visualization 24:1011-1031 (2021)
P40) A streaming edge sampling method for network visualization
JR Ponciano, CDG Linhares, LEC Rocha, ER Faria, BAN Travencolo
Knowledge and Information Systems 63:1717-1743 (2021)
P39) Hepatitis B screening among immigrants: How to successfully reach the Moroccan community
N Hamdiui, J van Steenbergen, LEC Rocha, A Meiberg, A Urbanus, NA Hammou, M van den Muijsenbergh, A Timen, ML Stein
Journal of Viral Hepatitis 28(12) (2021)
P38) A qualitative assessment in acceptability and barriers to use pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) among men who have sex with men: Implications for service delivery in Vietnam
LH Nguyen, HLT Nguyen, B Xuan Tran, M Larsson, LEC Rocha, A Thorson, S Stromdahl
BMC Infectious Diseases 21:472 (2021)
P37) Applications and recruitment performance of web-based respondent-driven sampling: A scoping review
YB Helms, N Hamdiui, MEE Kretzschmar, LEC Rocha, JE van Steenbergen, L Bengtsson, A Thorson, A Timen, ML Stein
J Medical Internet Research 23(1):e17564 (2021)
P36) On the connection between real-world circumstances and online player behaviour: The case of EVE Online
AM Belaza, J Ryckebusch, K Schoors, LEC Rocha, B Vandermarliere
PLoS ONE 15(10):e0240196 (2020)
P35) Dynamic contact networks of patients and MRSA spread in hospitals
LEC Rocha, V Singh, M Esch, T Lenaerts, F Liljeros, A Thorson
Scientific Reports 10:9336 (2020)
P34) Ethical implications of network data in business and management settings
B Cronin, N Perra, LEC Rocha, Z Zhu, F Pallotti, G Conaldi, R de Vita, S Gorgoni
Social Networks 67:29 (2020)
P33) An exploratory assessment of the preference for eHealth interventions to prevent HIV and sexually transmitted infections among men who have sex with men in Hanoi, Vietnam
LH Nguyen, HLT Nguyen, M Larsson, BX Tran, M Stein, LEC Rocha, S Stromdahl
BMC Public Health 20:1387 (2020)
P32) Clustering of chronic hepatitis B screening intentions in social networks of Moroccan immigrants in the Netherlands
N Hamdiui, V Buskens, JE van Steenbergen, MEE Kretzschmar, LEC Rocha, AE Thorson, A Timen, A Wong, M van den Muijsenbergh, ML Stein
BMC Public Health 20:344 (2020)
P31) Visual analysis for evaluation of community detection algorithms
CDG Linhares, JR Ponciano, FSF Fernandes, LEC Rocha, JGS Paiva, BAN Travencolo
Multimedia Tools and Applications 79:17645 (2020)
P30) Persistence of sociality in group dynamics of dairy cattle
LEC Rocha, O Terenius, I Veissier, B Meunier, PP Nielsen
Applied Animal Behaviour Science 223:104921 (2020)
P29) A scalable node ordering strategy based on community structure for enhanced temporal network visualization
CDG Linhares, JR Ponciano, FSF Pereira, LEC Rocha, JGS Paiva, BAN Travencolo
Computers & Graphics 84:185-198 (2019)
P28) Modelling opinion dynamics in the age of algorithmic personalisation
N Perra, LEC Rocha
Scientific Reports 9:7261 (2019)
P27) A systematic review of eHealth interventions addressing HIV/STI prevention among men who have sex with men
L Nguyen, B Tran, LEC Rocha, H Nguyen, C Yang, C Latkin, A Thorson, S Stromdahl
AIDS and Behavior 23(9):2253-2272 (2019)
P26) Assessing student's achievement gap between ethnic groups in Brazil
LEC Rocha, L de F Nascimento
Journal of Intelligence 7(1):7 (2019)
P25) Impact of misinformation in temporal network epidemiology
P Holme, LEC Rocha
Network Science 7(1):52-69 (2019)
P24) A Gillespie algorithm for non-Markovian stochastic processes
N Masuda, LEC Rocha
SIAM Review 60(1) (2018)
P23) Correlations and forecast of death tolls in the Syrian conflict
K Fujita, S Shinomoto, LEC Rocha
Scientific Reports 7:15737 (2017)
P22) Sampling temporal networks: Methods and biases
LEC Rocha, N Masuda, P Holme
Physical Review E 96:052302 (2017)
P21) Dynamics of air transport networks: A review from a complex systems perspective
LEC Rocha
Chinese Journal of Aeronautics 30(2):469-478 (2017)
P20) Respondent-driven sampling bias induced by community structure and response rates in social networks
LEC Rocha, A Thorson, R Lambiotte, F Liljeros
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society A 180:99-118 (2017)
P19) Individual-based approach to epidemic processes on arbitrary dynamic contact network
LEC Rocha, N Masuda
Scientific Reports 6:31456 (2016)
P18) Temporal and structural heterogeneities emerging in adaptive temporal networks
T Aoki, LEC Rocha, T Gross
Physical Review E 93:040301R (2016)
P17) Connectivity of diagnostic technologies: Improving surveillance and accelerating tuberculosis elimination
E Andre, LEC Rocha et al.
International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases 20(8) 999-1003(5) (2016)
P16) The non-linear health consequences of living in larger cities
LEC Rocha, A Thorson, R Lambiotte
Journal of Urban Health 92(5):785-799 (2015)
P15) Diffusion on networked systems is a question of time or structure
J-C Delvenne, R Lambiotte, LEC Rocha
Nature Communications 6:7366 (2015)
[Published][Pre-print][email me for a copy][News]
P14) Random walk centrality for temporal networks
LEC Rocha, N Masuda
New Journal of Physics 16:063023 (2014)
P13) Flow motifs reveal limitations of the static framework to represent human interactions
LEC Rocha, VD Blondel
Physical Review E 87:042814 (2013)
P12) Bursts of vertex activation and epidemics in evolving networks
LEC Rocha, VD Blondel
PLoS Computational Biology 9(3):e1002974 (2013)
P11) Exploiting temporal network structures of human interaction to effectively immunize populations
S Lee, LEC Rocha, F Liljeros, P Holme
PLoS ONE 7(5) e36439 (2012)
P10) Analyzing and modeling real-world phenomena with complex networks: A survey of applications
L da F Costa, ON Oliveira Jr, G Travieso, FA Rodrigues, PR Villas Boas, L Antiqueira, MP Viana, LEC Rocha
Advances in Physics 60(3):329-412 (2011)
P9) Simulated epidemics in an empirical spatiotemporal network of 50,185 sexual contacts
LEC Rocha, F Liljeros, P Holme
PLoS Computational Biology 7(3):e1001109 (2011)
P8) The network organisation of consumer complaints
LEC Rocha, P Holme
EPL 91(2):28005 (2010)
P7) Information dynamics shape the sexual networks of Internet-mediated prostitution
LEC Rocha, F Liljeros, P Holme
PNAS 107(13):5706-5711 (2010)
P6) Size dependent word frequencies and translational invariance of books
S Bernhardsson, LEC da Rocha, P Minnhagen
Physica A 389(2):330-341 (2010)
P5) The meta book and size-dependent properties of written language
S Bernhardsson, LEC da Rocha, P Minnhagen
New Journal of Physics 11:123015 (2009)
P4) Structural evolution of the Brazilian airport network
LEC da Rocha
Journal of Statistical Mechanics P04020 (2009)
P3) Notícia ruim corre depressa! (Bad news travels fast!)
LEC da Rocha
Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Física 31(3):3303 (2009)
[Published (Pt)][Published (En)]
P2) 2D pattern evolution constrained by complex network dynamics
LEC da Rocha, L da F Costa
New Journal of Physics 9:108 (2007)
P1) A generalized approach to complex networks
L da F Costa, LEC da Rocha
European Physical Journal B 50:237-242 (2006)
For citations, see:
Google Scholar
Book Chapters
B5) The non-causal scaling of health indicators and city size
LEC Rocha, F Zarei, R Jing
Editor: Luca S D'Assi. In: Urban Scaling: Allometry in Urban Studies and Spatial Science. Routledge Advances in Regional Economics, Science and Policy book series. Routledge (2024).
B4) Visualisation of structure and processes on temporal networks
CDG Linhares, JR Ponciano, JGS Paiva, BAN Travencolo, LEC Rocha
Editors: P Holme and J Saramaki. In: Temporal Network Theory. Computational Social Sciences. Springer, Cham (2019).
B3) Sensitivity to temporal and topological misinformation in predictions of epidemic outbreaks
P Holme, LEC Rocha
Editors: N Masuda and P Holme. In: Temporal Network Epidemiology. Springer (2017).
B2) Sexual and communication networks of Internet-mediated prostitution
LEC Rocha, F Liljeros, P Holme
Editors: Scott Cunningham and Manisha Shah. In: The Oxford Handbook of the Economics of Prostitution. Oxford Press (2016).
B1) Epidemics on a stochastic model of temporal network
LEC Rocha, A Decuyper, V Blondel
Editors: A Mukherjee, M Choudhury, F Peruani, N Ganguly, B Mitra. In: Dynamics On and Of Complex Networks, Volume 2. Springer, New York (2013).
Conference Proceedings
C13) Simulation de comportement d’une vache a l'aide d'un processus Markovien
V Guien, V Antoine, R Lardy, I Da Rocha Moreira, LEC Rocha, I Veissier
Proc 32emes Rencontres Francophones sur la Logique Floue et ses Applications November 9-10, 2023. Bourges, France
C12) Social network analysis of youth offender networks: the role of connectivity in violence transmission
J Geeraert, LEC Rocha, C Vandeviver
Proc 23rd Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology 2023
C11) An integrative review on the social network dynamics of peer influence in youth networks
J Geeraert, LEC Rocha, C Vandeviver
Proc 23rd Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology 2023
C10) Of feathers and birds: the role of offending peers in the transmission of violent offending in offender networks
J Geeraert, C Vandeviver, LEC Rocha
Proc 22nd Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology 2022. Malaga, Spain
C9) Combining clutter reduction methods for temporal network visualization
JR Ponciano, CDG Linhares, LEC Rocha, ER Faria, BAN Travençolo
Proc 37th ACM/SIGAPP Symp Appl Comp April 2022. Madrid, Spain
C8) Maximum Entropy Networks Applied on Twitter Disinformation Datasets
B De Clerck, F Van Utterbeeck, J Petit, B Lauwens, W Mees, LEC Rocha
Complex Networks & Their Applications X. COMPLEX NETWORKS 2021. Madrid, Spain
C7) DyNetVis - An interactive software to visualize structure and epidemics on temporal networks
CDG Linhares, JR Ponciano, JGS Paiva, LEC Rocha, BAN Travencolo
IEEE/ACM Int Conf Adv Soc Net Anal and Min (ASONAM). December 7-10, 2020. the Hague, the Netherlands
C6) Example A : using online respondent-driven sampling among men who have sex with men in Vietnam
AE Thorson, LEC Rocha
Eur J Public Health 29(suppl 4), 2019
C5) Example B : using online respondent-driven sampling among Moroccan immigrants in the Netherlands
N Hamdiui, JE van Steenbergen, A Thorson, LEC Rocha, A Urbanus, A Meiberg, A Timen, M van den Muijsenbergh
Eur J Public Health 29(suppl 4), 2019
C4) Real-Time Locating System to study the persistence of sociality in large-mammal group dynamics
LEC Rocha, I Veissier, O Terenius, B Meunier, PP Nielsen
9th European Conference on Precision Livestock Farming, ECPLF 2019. p 894-898. August 26-29, 2019. Cork, Ireland
C3) Analise temporal de uma rede de contato hospitalar utilizando tecnicas de visualizacao de informacao
CDG Linhares, JR Ponciano, LEC Rocha, JGS Paiva, BAN Travencolo
XXXVII Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Computacao. July 2-6, 2017. Sao Paulo, Brazil
C2) DyNetVis: A system for visualization of dynamic networks
CDG Linhares, BAN Travencolo, JGS Paiva, LEC Rocha
The 32nd ACM Symposium on Applied Computing. April 3-7, 2017. Marrakesh, Morocco
C1) Lifetime of transient dynamics on networks
J-C Delvenne, R Lambiotte, LEC Rocha
21st International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems. July 7-11, 2014. Groningen, The Netherlands
Submitted Papers
S14) Violence by Association and Participation: Engaging in Violence with Violent Co-Offenders Increases Future Violence
J Geeraert, A Blokland, LEC Rocha, C Vandeviver
Submitted (2025)
S13) Homophily Promotes Stable Connections in Co-Offending Networks but Limits Information Diffusion: Insights from a Simulation Study
R Klymentiev, LEC Rocha, C Vandeviver
Submitted (2025)
S12) Economic Integration and Growth in Africa from a complex network perspective
TT Choramo, J Abafita, Y Gandica, LEC Rocha
Working Paper (2025)
S11) Empowering wellness: Exploring PrEP willingness, access, and utilization among men who have sex with men in Vietnam
LH Nguyen, HLT Nguyen, TT Nguyen, M Larsson, LEC Rocha, A Thorson, S Str\"omdahl
Submitted. (2025)
S10) Detection of anomalies in cow activity using wavelet transform based features
V Guien, V Antoine, R Lardy, I Veissier, LEC Rocha
Submitted. On ArXiv (2025)
S9) Critical node detection in temporal social networks, based on global and semi-local centrality measures
Z Farahi, A Kamandi, R Abedian, LEC Rocha
Submitted. On ArXiv (2024)
S8) Comparative analysis of graph randomization: Tools, methods, pitfalls, and best practices
B De Clerck, F Van Utterbeeck, LEC Rocha
on ArXiv (2024)
S7) Terms of trade, its volatility, and economic growth in Africa in the 21st century: Panel data analysis
S Esmael, K Schoors, B Wolteji, LEC Rocha
Working paper (2024)
S6) Trade Integration, Institutions, and Environmental Quality in Africa: Network-based approach
TT Choramo, J Abafita, Y Gandica, LEC Rocha
Working paper (2024)
S5) Economic Integration of Africa in the 21st Century: Complex Network and Panel Regression Analysis
TT Choramo, J Abafita, Y Gandica, LEC Rocha
Submitted. on arXiv (2024)
S4) Epidemic impact of sexual exposure to Ebola Virus: A modelling study based on empirical data from Sierra Leone
N Habib*, C Althaus*, LEC Rocha*, E Roos*, A Legand, KT Bernstein, WJ Liu, GF Deen, N Broutet, P Formenty, AE Thorson
S3) The temporal dynamics of partnerships and sexual contacts of men-who-have-sex-with-men in Stockholm
D Hansson, LEC Rocha, S Stromdahl
S2) Multiple seed structure and disconnected networks in respondent-driven sampling
J Malmros, LEC Rocha
on ArXiv (2016)
S1) Multiple complex networks emerging from individual interactions
LEC da Rocha, L da F Costa
on ArXiv (2007)
PhD and Master Theses
T2) Exploring patterns of empirical networks
LEC da Rocha
PhD Thesis (2011)
T1) Redes acopladas: Estrutura e dinâmica
LEC da Rocha
Master Thesis (2007)
[Published (Pt)][Published (En)]
Press Coverage
About paper P37 "On the connection between real-world circumstances and online player behaviour: The case of EVE Online" (2020)
* PsyPost (August 2021)
"New study examines how real-world circumstances influences online gaming behavior" - [web]
* The Horizons tracker (January 2021)
"Can Virtual Worlds Provide A Glimpse Into Real-World Behavior?" - [web]
* EurekAlert (October 2020)
"Player behavior in the online game EVE Online may reflect real world country" - [web]
* Clarence Valley Independent, Australia (October 2020)
"What can online gaming reveal about the real world?" - [web]
*, UK (October 2020)
"Player behavior in the online game EVE Online may reflect real world country" - [web]
* Occupy Independent, USA (October 2020)
"Online gaming and the real world" - [web]
T35) Bursts of communication increase opinion diversity in the temporal Deffuant model
T34) Scrapping online reviews for insights into the dynamics of high-end prostitution
T33) Network Analytics: An Introduction
T32) Inference of sensitive variables with social networks
T31) Epidemic processes on temporal networks
T30) Networks of sex-workers, patients and friends
T29) A brief intro to social physics and econophysics
T28) Complex Systems: Econophysics and Social Physics
T27) Sex-workers, dairy cows and hospitalised patients
T26) Sex-workers, dairy cows and hospitalised patients
T25) Using online respondent-driven sampling among men who have sex with men in Vietnam
T24) Correlations and forecast of death tolls in the Syrian conflict
T23) Simulating epidemics in sexual contact networks
T22) Respondent-driven sampling bias induced by community structure and response rates in social networks
T21) Diffusion of information and epidemics on dynamic contact networks
T20) Complex Networks
T19) Individual-based approximation for epidemics in time-evolving networks
T18) Epidemics on Temporal Networks
T17) Diffusion of information and epidemics on dynamic contact networks
T16) Epidemics and diffusion of information on Human contact networks
T15) Epidemics and diffusion in temporal networks
T14) Temporal Networks
T13) Epidemics in temporal networks
T12) TempoRank: Random walk centrality for temporal networks
T11) Simulacao de Epidemias em Redes Sexuais
T10) TempoRank: Random walk centrality for temporal networks
T9) TempoRank: Random walk centrality for temporal networks
T8) Flow Motifs Reveal Limitations of the Static Framework to Represent Human Interactions
T7) Bursts of vertex activation and epidemics in evolving networks
T6) Temporal structures and spreading processes
T5) Young Research Award, Bursts of vertex activation and epidemics in evolving networks
T4) Measuring and representing time-varying networks of human contacts
T3) Simulation of disease dynamics co-evolving with network structure (and vaccination)
T2) Unrevealing the similarity of complaints through networks
T1) 2D pattern evolution constrained by complex network dynamics
About paper P35 "Dynamic contact networks of patients and MRSA spread in hospitals" (2020)
* Infection Control Today, USA) (November, 2021)
"The Long Arm of MRSA" - [web]
About paper P16 "The non-linear health consequences of living in larger cities" (2015)
* Pesquisa FAPESP (November, 2015)
"As medidas do crescimento urbano" - [web]
* MIT Technology Review (June 18, 2015)
"Data Mining Reveals How Human Health Varies with City Size" - [web]
* Press-release UNamur (July 27, 2015)
"Vivre dans une grande ville: Quel impact sur la sante?" - [web]
* Heise Technology Review (July 30, 2015)
"Stadt-Allometrie mit Computerhilfe" - [web]
About paper P15 "Diffusion on networked systems is a question of time or structure" (2015)
* Press-release UCL (June 30, 2015)
"L'analyse des transmissions d'informations permet d'eviter de grandes catastrophes" - [web]
About paper P9 "Simulated epidemics in an empirical spatiotemporal network of 50,185 sexual contacts" (2010)
* MIT Technology Review (June 18, 2010)
"Prostitution Unlikely To Cause HIV Epidemics" - [web]
About paper P7 "Information dynamics shape the sexual network of Internet-mediated prostitution" (2010)
* MIT Technology Review (March 18, 2010)
"Patterns of Prostitution Captured in Social Network" - [web]
* InfoTech Umeå (March 16, 2010)
"Prostitution på nätet undersöks" - [web]
* Ars technica (March 16, 2010)
"Brazilian hooker-John hookups used for network analysis" - [web]
* Nrchandelsblad (March 16, 2010)
"Overal data, heel veel data: van twitteraars tot hoerenlopers" - [web]
* Metroteknik (March 16, 2010)
"Omdömen pa nätet viktiga för eskorter" - [web]
* Eurasia Review (March 16, 2010)
"Brazilian Prostitution Gives Clues To Internet-Based Communication" - [web]
* Spreadingscience (March 16, 2010)
"The world's oldest profession provides modern insights" - [web]
* Science Daily (March 16, 2010)
"Web Creates Snowball Effects in Real Life'" - [web]
* Folkbladet (March 16, 2010)
"Webben påverkar verkliga livet" - [web]
* Corriere della sera (March 18, 2010)
"Il web cambia anche il mondo della prostituzione" - [web]
* Descopera (March 19, 2010)
"Cum transforma web-ul prostitutia" - [web]
* Techmez (March 22, 2010)
"Crean patrones de la prostitución gracias a las redes sociales" - [web]
* Agência Fapesp (April 8, 2010)
"Dinâmica de rede" - [web]
* IDG Now (April 8, 2010)
"Comunicação online influencia relação entre prostitutas e seus clientes" - [web]
* Diário da Saúde (April 9, 2010)
"Interações online beneficiam comunidades da vida real" - [web]
* Новости науки (April 11, 2010)
"Всемирная паутина создаёт эффект снежного кома в реальной жизни"[web]
* Ciência Hoje (April 20, 2010)
"Rede social-sexual" - [web]
About paper P5 "The meta book and size-dependent properties of written language" (2009)
* Science News (Volume 327, Number 5961, Issue of 01 January 2010)
"Name That Author" - [web] [cached]
* BBC News (December 10, 2009)
"Rare words 'author's fingerprint'" - [web]
* Telegraph (December 10, 2009)
"Physicists develop formula to calculate 'literary footprint'" - [web]
* Science Daily (December 10, 2009)
"Formula to detect an Author's Literary 'fingerprint'" - [web]
* Physics central (December 10, 2009)
"Reading by numbers" - [web]
* Scientific American Podcast (December 11, 2009)
"Call me Melville, Based on New Word Use" - [web]
* RIA Novosti (December 10, 2009)
"Cientificos descubren 'senas de identidad' estadisticas de escritores - [web]
* Prajdzisvet (December 11, 2009)
"Навукоўцы знайшлі "матэматычныя адбіткі пальцаў" пісьменнікаў" [web]
* The Independent (December 12, 2009)
"Authors' word choices create unique 'fingerprints'" - [web]
* The lousy linguist (December 13, 2009)
"On Linguistic Fingerprinting" - [web]
* Cosmos Magazine (December 17, 2009)
"Physicists uncover authors' literary fingerprint" - [web]
* Nrchandelsblad (December 19, 2009)
"Schrijver ontmaskerd door woorden te tellen" - [web]
* Geo Maganize (February, 2010)
"Kuriose Wissenschaft: Melvilles Kurve" [web]
Magazines, Newspapers, etc...
* Revista Super Interessante (March 2011)
"A nova profissão mais antiga do mundo" - [web]
"Prostituição na era da tecnologia" - [web]
* Jornal Nossa Cidade - Cambé, Brazil (2008)
[cache] [web]
* Jornal Folha de Londrina - Londrina, Brazil (2008)
[cache] [web]
Invited Talks
Social Network Analysis in Scotland group, Edinburgh Napier University, 12.12.2023 Edinburgh, Scotland
In: DataBeers Brussels Chapter, 10.10.2023 Brussels, Belgium
INRAE Clermont-Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, 13.06.2023 Clermont Ferrand, France
In: 3rd Association of British Chinese Professors (ABCP) Annual Conference, 01-02.07.2022 Birmingham, United Kingdom
In: (keynote) The first national conference on complex systems with a focus on network science, 9-10.03.2022 Tehran, Iran
Department Data Analysis and Mathematical Modelling, Ghent University, 24.11.2021, Ghent, Belgium
Dept of Physics, Florida International University, 22.10.2021, Miami FL, USA
Vereniging voor Natuurkunde/Physics, Ghent University, 29.04.2021, Ghent, Belgium
Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, Tokyo University, 26.03.2021, Shiba, Japan
Principles of Informatics Research Division, National Institute of Informatics, 16.03.2020, Tokyo, Japan
In: 12th European Public Health Conference - Reaching out to engaging the risk groups: online respondent-driven methods for public health, 22.11.2019, Marseille, France
In: 6th Complex Systems Society (CSS) Initiative London, 26.03.2018, London, UK
Dept of Sociology, Stockholm University, 14.12.2017, Stockholm, Sweden
In: Royal Statistical Society Annual Conference, 4-7.09.2017, Glasgow, Scotland
Dept of Physics, Kyoto University, 07.06.2016, Kyoto, Japan
Dept of Physics, Pukyong National University, 03.06.2016, Busan, South Korea
In: When complex networks meet complex data: Higher-order models in network science, 30.05.2016, Seoul, Republic of Korea
In: Symposium on complexity science in air transportation, 12.04.2016, Beijing, China
In: Application of network theory on computational social science, 1.12.2015, Cologne, Germany
Dept of Computer Sciences, Free University of Brussels, 19.11.2015, Brussels, Belgium
In: (sick) Dynamics on and of complex networks VIII. 09.2015, Zaragoza, Spain
In: Dynamical processes on networks – Theory and applications in social sciences and biology, 16.06.2015, Sigtuna, Sweden
In: (sick) Temporal Networks in Human Dynamics. 09.2014, Lucca, Italy
In: (sick) Dynamics on and of complex networks VII. 09.2014, Lucca, Italy
Dept of Computer Sciences, Federal University of Uberlandia, 13.08.2014, Uberlandia, Brazil
In: Complex networks & dynamics ICCSA2014, 23.06.2014, Le Havre, France
In: NetSci 2014 - Higher-order models in network science, 03.06.2014, Berkeley CA, USA
In: Dynamics on and of complex networks VI, 18.09.2013, Barcelona, Spain
Dept of Mathematics, University of Namur, 19.03.2013, Namur, Belgium
Dept Mathematical Engineering and Information Physics, University of Tokyo, 05.07.2013, Tokyo, Japan
In: (plenary) NetSci 2013. 07.06.2013, Copenhagen, Denmark
In: Statistical Network Science, Lorentz Center, 04.04.2013, Leiden, the Netherlands
Nordita, Applications of network theory: From mechanisms to large-scale structure, 20.04.2011, Stockholm, Sweden
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, 03.12.2009, Daejeon, South Korea
Dept of Physics, Umea University, 04.2007, Umea, Sweden