Titular courses
- 2019-20: Algemene literatuurwetenschap (Theory of Literature) (co-lecturer Prof. Dr. B. Keunen)
- 2019-20: Antieke retoriek (Ancient Rhetoric) (co-lecturer Dr. T. Scheijnen)
- 2018-19: Antieke retoriek (Ancient Rhetoric) (co-lecturer Dr. T. Scheijnen)
- 2017-18: Antieke retoriek (Ancient Rhetoric) (co-lecturer Dr. T. Scheijnen)
- 2016-17: Europese talen in contact: geschiedenis en methodologie (European Languages in Contact: History and Methodology) (co-lecturer Prof. D. Willems)
- 2016-17: Antieke retoriek (Ancient Rhetoric)
- 2015-16: De literatuur van de Oudheid (Classics in Translation) (co-lecturer Prof. M. Formisano)
- 2015-16: Antieke retoriek (Ancient Rhetoric)
- 2014-15: Antieke retoriek (Ancient Rhetoric) (co-lecturer Dr. J. Nelis)
- 2013-14: Antieke retoriek (Ancient Rhetoric)
- 2013-14: Receptiegeschiedenis: de klassieke traditie (The Classical Tradition in Western History)
- 2012-13: Receptiegeschiedenis: de klassieke traditie (The Classical Tradition in Western History)
- 2012-13: Greek literature
- 2012-13: Antieke retoriek (Ancient Rhetoric) (co-lecturers Prof. K. Demoen and Dr. J. Nelis)
- 2010-11: Oudgriekse letterkunde I (Ancient Greek literature I)
- 2010-11: Antieke retoriek (Ancient Rhetoric) (co-lecturers Proff. K. Demoen and D. Praet)
- 2009-10: Antieke retoriek (Ancient Rhetoric)(co-lecturers Proff. K. Demoen and D. Praet)
- 2008-9: Antieke retoriek (Ancient Rhetoric)(co-lecturers Proff. K. Demoen and D. Praet)
- 2007-8: Antieke retoriek (Ancient Rhetoric)(co-lecturers Proff. K. Demoen and D. Praet)
Co-lectured courses
- 2017-18: Europese talen in contact: geschiedenis en methodologie (European Languages in Contact: History and Methodology) (with Prof. M. Janse)
- 2014-15: Receptiegeschiedenis: de klassieke traditie (The Classical Tradition in Western History) (with Prof. N. Sels)
- 2011-12: Lectuur van Oudgriekse teksten (Reading ancient Greek texts) (with Dr. F. Bernard and Prof. G. De Boel)
- 2007-8: Lectuur van Oudgriekse teksten (Reading ancient Greek texts) (with Prof. M. De Groote)
- 2008-9: Beginners' Greek at the International Latin and Greek Summer School, University College Cork
Guest lectures
- Ancient novels: the turns and twists of homodiegetic narration (December 2011, Princeton University)
- Characterization in Petronius and the ancient novel (November 2011, Hofstra University, NY)
- Simplicity and characterization in Xenophon of Ephesus' Ephesiaca (December 2010, Tartu University)
- Acta, facta et ficta. Apostles and ancient novel heroes in the Apocryphal Acts (December 2010, Tartu University)
- Novelistic and biographical forms in the Apocryphal Acts of the Apostles (October 2010, Ghent University)
- Old Comedy and Aristophanes' Clouds (February 2010, Ghent University)
- The female voice in the ancient Greek novel (October 2009, Ghent University)
- Euripides' Bacchae (February 2009, Ghent University)
- The Greek novel and the Second Sophistic (October 2008, Ghent University)
- Desire in Achilles Tatius and the Greek novel (March 2007, Stanford University)
- Ecphrasis in the Greek novel (October 2005, Ghent University)
- Characterization in ancient narrative (October 2004, Ghent University)
- Longus and the Greek novel (October 2002, 2003, 2004, Ghent University)