Current projects & interests- Liselotte Van der Gucht: Exquisite defects. Detoxing the female literary genius at the crossroads of Critical Disability Studies and Neurophenomenology (Funded by: Research Council UGent)
- Lore Goossens: ((Funded by: Research Council UAntwerp).
- (computational) stylistics
- Narrativity, Knowledge and the Rhetorical Interface. A diachronic study of the evolution of the encyclopaedic novel in German literature (funded by Research Council, Ghent University)
- Texttheatralität (FWO research project, with Katharina Pewny, Inge Arteel, Benjamin Biebuyck; researcher: Nico Theisen)
Completed PhD projects:
- Lore De Greve: TALKLITMINING: Evaluation of literature by professional and layperson critics: A digital and literary sociological analysis of evaluative talk of literature through the prism of literary prizes (2007-2017). Funded by the Flemish Research Fund FWO (G087119N). Defended 30.4.2024.
- as co-director: Charlotte D'Eer (UGent): Women editors in the German-Language periodial press (1740-1920): transnational emotional networks (2020)
- as co-director: Warda El-Kaddouri: German authors of Iraqi/Irani descent (funded by Flemish Research Fund)
- as co-director: Lieselot De Taeye (VUB): ‘Autobiographical documentary prose in the sixties and early seventies of the 20th century’. Directors: Hans Vandevoorde. Research Project VUB/UGent (OZR1891/NVT).
- Die Performanz des Dokuments. Neuere dokumentarische Strategien in der deutschsprachigen Literatur seit 2000 (funded by Research Council, Ghent University; researcher: dr. Thijs Festjens)
- Co-director of FWO Project G.0672.09: A rhetorical-narratological approach to figurativeness in narrative settings, with an application to eventful narrative texts (1660-1880) (with Benjamin Biebuyck, UGent; predoctoral researcher: dr. Helena Elshout, UGent)
- as director: Tobias Hermans: Schumann und Wagner as music critics (funded by FWO Flemish Research Fund)
- as co-director: Deborah Van den Brande: Russischdeutsche Literatur (funded by FWO Flemish Research Fund)
- as co-director: Saartje Gobyn, Metalepse in six selected prose works written by Günter Grass (1961-2010)
- as co-director: Maaike Van Liefde: Research Project UGent (01D25610): Humor en intertekstualiteit als ideologiekritische strategieën in het oeuvre van Thomas Brussig. Predoctoral researcher: (UGent).
- as director: Carolin Benzing: Verweigerung als Lebensentwurf. Eine Analyse der Strukturen literarischer Verweigerung bei Robert Walser, Wilhelm Genazino und Kurt Aebli (January 2014)
- as co-director: Thorsten Ries: Gottfried Benn (July 2013)
- as co-director: Daniela Puplinkhuizen; Gwendolin Engels. Der gute Europäer. Onderzoek naar de evoluties van het ideopoëem ‘Europa’ in geselecteerde Duitstalige prozaliteratuur van 1870 tot 1933 (2006-2011). Research project (UGent).
Previous research projects:
- Narratology workshop series. In the framework of Narratology Workgroup Universiteit Gent
- Conference: Literature and subversion (in cooperation with Antwerp University).
- European Network for Avant-Garde and Modernist Studies: founding conference 2008
- "Narrative Unreliability": Workshop en edition in the framework of FWO Research Community OLITH: ‘Literaturen, literatuuropvattingen, literatuurwetenschap: interactie en conflict’. (in samenwerking met: Elke D'hoker)
- 2006-2009: personal FWO project: Literary polemics between fiction, non-fiction and hybrid-fiction (Heine, Kraus, Alexander Kluge)
- 2003-2006: FWO Project: A narratological approach to overt narrator profiles: a theoretical and diachronic point of view (from Heine to Elfriede Jelinek)
- 1999-2003: personal FWO project: Robert Musil and Hermann Broch