Expert Meeting for Math Researchers 2011

We are pleased to invite you to the third expertmeeting for mathematic researchers from Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg. This meeting will take place on Friday, the 11th of February at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of Ghent University. We are pleased to announce prof. dr. Marie-Pascale Noel (Universite catholique de Louvain) as the keynote speaker of this meeting. She is a leading researcher on dyscalculia and mathematics development. In contrast to the previous editions, the main language of this meeting will be English to give researchers in the French speaking part of Belgium the opportunity to attend this meeting. The main goal of this day is to strengthen the relationships between the different research groups working on mathematics. Therefore, researchers are invited to present their recent research in a talk or a poster. Of course there will also be plenty of time for informal discussions.
If you want to register for this day, please send an e-mail with the completed Registration Form in attachment to Frauke De Weerdt before November, the 20th. Attendance to this meeting will cost 30 euro (lunch, coffee breaks and reception included) or 60 euro (closing dinner included, starting at 19h). Please mark your preference by putting an X in the respective box of the registration form. Payments will only be accepted cash on the day of the meeting. Because of practical arrangements to be made, cancelling your registration is only possible until January, the 25th. After that day, we are obliged to send you an invoice of 30 euro.
[Registration Closed]
Keynote Speaker
Prof. dr. Marie-Pascale Noel (Universite Catholique de Louvain)The paper corresponding to Prof. dr. Noel's keynote talk is now published in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience and can be downloaded here.
Paper presentations
If you want to present your research, you are also kindly invited to fill in your title and abstract (max. 300 words) in the Registration Form and send it to Frauke De Weerdt before November, the 20th. We would like to have one presentation from each research group. If necessary, a selection of talks will be made.
[Submission Closed]Click on the
icon if you want to see/download the presentation!
Sanne van der Ven, Evelyn Kroesbergen, Jan Boom, Paul Leseman (Universiteit Utrecht): The role of working memory in the development of strategy use when learning multiplication Annelies Ceulemans, Annemie Desoete, Karel Hoppenbrouwers, Karla Van Leeuwen (Ghent University): Exploring number discrimination abilities from infancy to toddlerhood Linda P.M. Essers., Lisa Jonkman, Erik van Loosbroek (Maastricht University): An early ERP marker for arithmetic abilities in 7-year-old children Iro Xenidou-Dervou, Ernest C. D.M. van Lieshout, Menno van der Schoot (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam): Nonsymbolic approximate arithmetic and working memory: A dual-task study Valerie Goffaux, Danielle Hoffmann, R. Martin, Christine Schiltz (Universite de Luxembourg): When numbers act as attentional cues: behavioral and neuroimaging investigations Cornelis M. van Putten, Kees Buijs (Universiteit Leiden): Quantitative methods and statistical testing in educational design research: The program "Verder met Rekenen" in junior vocational schools Marthe Straatemeier, Brenda R.J. Jansen, Sharon Klinkenberg, Han L. J. van der Maas (Universiteit van Amsterdam): Problem difficulties of simple and complex addition and subtraction problems Alain Content, Julie Nys, Jacqueline Leybaert (Universite Libre de Bruxelles): Does school arithmetic training enhance the approximate number system ? Bert De Smedt (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven): Defective number module vs. access deficit in first graders with mathematical difficulties
Poster presentations
There will also be an informal poster session. We propose that all attendees, except the presenters, bring a poster to the meeting. There are no requirements concerning this poster. Don't worry to bring an existing one or a combination of A4's. Please mark your preference (presentation or poster) by putting an X in the respective box of the registration form.
[Submission Closed]Click on the
icon if you want to see/download the poster!
Baert & Desoete (Ghent University): Verbal versus nonverbal inference tasks. Does modality matters in basic cognitive processes related to arithmetic? Brackx ('t Veld): Analysis of arithmetic facts Burny, Valcke, & Desoete (Ghent University): Clock Reading: an Underestimated Topic in Children with Mathematics Difficulties De Weerdt, Desoete, & Roeyers (Ghent University): Working memory in children with mathematical disabilities in control of reading and spelling Friso-van den Bos, Xenidou-Dervou, Essers, Kroesbergen, van der Schoot, van Loosbroek, van Lieshout, Jonkman, & van Luit (Utrecht University, VU Amsterdam, Maastricht University): The MathChild study: An introduction Guillaume & Content (Universite Libre de Bruxelles): Numbers Comparison during Arithmetic Task: Evidence from the Compatibility Effect. Hickendorff & Van Putten (Leiden University): Complex multiplication and division in Dutch educational assessments: What can solution strategies tell us? Hoffmann, Goffaux, & Schiltz (University of Luxembourg, Maastricht University): Facilitation and inhibition of return using numbers as attentional cues Hornung, Brunner, Schiltz, & Martin (University of Luxembourg): Longitudinal predictors of early mathematics: Number-specific versus domain-general mechanisms? Houben & Menten (Vocvo): Basic mathematical skills for low-educated adults in Basic Education Luwel, Foustana, Verschaffel, & Papadatos (HU Brussel, KU Leuven, University of Athens): Effects of Intelligence and Feedback on Children's Strategic Competence in Numerosity Determination Pieters, Desoete, Roeyers, & Van Waelvelde (Ghent University): Are children with motor problems also impaired in reading, spelling and mathematics? Sasanguie, Defever, De Smedt, & Reynvoet (KU Leuven): Comparison and number line estimation performance: relation with mathematics achievement Smits, Meersschaert, & De Brauwer (Lessius Antwerp): Dyscalculia in young adulthood: A diagnostic tool as the starting point for support Tops, Callens, & Brysbaert (Ghent University): Fact retrieval in postsecondary students with dyslexia Van Lieshout (VU Amsterdam): Working memory load during number sentence writing with pictorial math problems in typically and poor performing children Van Steenbrugge, Valcke, & Desoete (Ghent University): A wizard at mathematics as teacher? A study into the knowledge of fractions of preservice elementary school teachers More to come...!!!
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Expert Meeting for Math Researchers |
Accommodation suggestions
If you are looking for a hotel we can suggest these websites:
Visit Gent Gent te veel voor een Nacht Bed & Breakfast Gent
Organizing committee
Ineke Imbo*, Jolien De Brauwer++, Frauke De Weerdt**, Stefanie Pieters**, Elise Burny+, Annelies Ceulemans**, Hendrik Van Steenbrugge+, Seppe Santens*, Annemie Desoete**, Wim Fias*, Martin Valcke+, Tom Verguts*, and Lieven Verschaffel+++* Ghent University, Department of Experimental Psychology
** Ghent University, Department of Experimental-Clinical and Health Psychology
+ Ghent University, Department of Educational Studies
++ Lessius University College Antwerp, Expertise Centre CODE
+++ Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Center for Instructional Psychology and Technology
The Scientific Network on 'Developing Critical and Flexible Thinking' of the Fund for Scientific Research - Flanders
List of Expert Meetings
April 2008 in Amsterdam. Thema "Rekenontwikkkeling gemeten" November 2009 in Utrecht. Thema "Individuele verschillen in rekenvaardigheid" February 2011 in Gent. February 2012 in Leuven.
Expertmeeting 2011 on Facebook