Welcome to my academic website.
- a researcher on the foundations of probabilistic reasoning;
- responsible for a number of courses on mathematical systems science and probability theory;
- a founding member and erstwhile president of SIPTA, The Society for Imprecise Probabilities: Theories and Applications;
- a Senior Full Professor of Uncertainty Modelling and Systems Science at Ghent University’s Department of Electronics and Information Systems;
- a member of Ghent University’s Board of Governors;
- and the head of the Foundations Lab research group.
If you want to learn more about the research field I’m in, or find out more about my contributions to it, head over to the Research section.
For a short CV and a few personal details, go to the Bio section.
A few years ago, I kept a Wordpress blog for some time, and I’m planning to get back to blogging as a way to communicate about my current research and a book I’m writing on what I think is essential to the field I’m in.
And, finally, there’s a section with details about how to Contact me.