Selien De Schryder
Associate Professor in Empirical Macroeconomics at the faculty of Economics and Business Administration of Ghent University
Ghent University - Department of Economics
Sint-Pietersplein 5
B-9000 Ghent, Belgium
Phone: +32 (0)9 264 34 91
E-mail: selien(dot)deschryder(at)ugent(dot)be
Download my CV here (update May 2024)

Research interest
Empirical macroeconomics, monetary policy, macroprudential policy, panel data econometrics
Working papers and work in progress
'Evaluating heterogeneous effects of housing-sector-specific macroprudential policy tools on Belgian house price growth' (with Lara Coulier) - National Bank of Belgium Working Paper No. 421, October 2022.
'Countercyclical Capital Buffer and Bank Risk-Taking Behaviour: Compromising Ends with Means?' (with Deasy Ariyanti)
'Exploring the heterogeneous transmission of the COVID-19 shock to the Belgian macroeconomy and its welfare redistribution effects' (with Nikolaos Koutounidis, Koen Schoors & Johannes Weytjens)
'Housing affordability trends in Belgium' (with Lara Coulier and Tobias Verlaeckt)
'Examining the impact of borrower-based tools on housing affordability in Belgium' (with Lara Coulier)
‘Export Dynamics Since the Great Trade Collapse: a Cross-Country Analysis’ (with John Lewis) - Bank of England Working Paper No. 535, November 2015.
(Forthcoming) Publications
'Assessing the effects of borrower-based macroprudential policy on credit in the EU using intensity-based indices’ (with Lara Coulier), 2024, Journal of International Money and Finance, Vol. 142.
‘Macroprudential policy and its impact on the credit Cycle' (with Frederic Opitz), 2021, Journal of Financial Stability, Vol. 53.
‘Heterogeneous Government Spending Multipliers in the Era Surrounding the Great Recession' (with Marco Bernardini and Gert Peersman), 2020, The Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 102(2), 304-322.
‘Wage Indexation and the Monetary Policy Regime’ (with Gert Peersman and Joris Wauters), 2020, Journal of Macroeconomics, Vol. 63, 103-166.
'Inflation during times of economic slack and deleveraging: a panel data analysis', 2017, Oxford Economic Papers, Vol. 69(3), 612-631.
‘The U.S. Dollar Exchange Rate and the Demand for Oil’ (with Gert Peersman), , 2015, Energy Journal, Vol. 36(3), 263-285.
Course of Monetary Economics for MA students Banking and Finance (Ghent University)
Course of Monetary Policy for Master student in Economics (Ghent University)
Course "Seminariewerk" for Bachelor students in Economics (Ghent University) - in Dutch (Bachelor papers)
-> Visit the Ufora study platform of Ghent University for the detailed course material (note: login required).
Supervision PhD students
Current PhD students: Lara Coulier, Nikolaos Koutounidis, Deasy Ariyanti, Tobias Verlaeckt
Former PhD students: Frederic Opitz
Annually returning call for PhD assistants at the department level (during spring, see department's website)
European Economic Review, September 2023, Vol. 158.
Betalen met een digitale euro : hebben wij daar nood aan? (with Frank Smets and Rudi Vander Vennet)
Gentse Economische Inzichten, March 2023
Key findings of the Macroprudential and Financial Stability Report of the National Bank of Belgium (an external vision)
Belgian Financial Forum, 2022, Vol. 6