This text describes the contents of the release files of SoilGen3.8 It may be useful to consult this book: Peter Finke. 2024. Modelling soil development under global change. SpringerBriefs in Earth System Sciences 10032. ISBN: 978-3-031-55582-4. The main folder contains the following files: ReadMe.txt = this file agpl-3.0.txt = The GNU Affero General Public License under which SoilGen is released (from: SoilGen3.8_code.pdf = a very brief summary of the structure of the code units SoilGen.exe = an executable of SoilGen3.8 (compiled for Windows 10 with FreePascal in Lazarus version 2.2.6) SoilGen.inf = the file to be opened in the Lazarus IDE to consult and change source code The other files make up the source code (see unt*.pas=Pascal code program statements, ascii unt*.lfm=the layout of the forms ("windows", ascii) unt*.o =compiled unit, from compilation by Free Pascal (binary) unt*.ppu=unit description file (binary) SoilGen.res=compiled resource (binary) SoilGen.lps=Lazarus Project Session file SoilGen.lpr=Lazarus Program file, contains Pascal source of main program Folders: backup = folder produced and filled by the Lazarus software and: copy SoilGen.exe to each of the folders and start running...: Newformation_5climates = 5 subfolders, with inputfiles for 5 climate regimes to evaluate their effect on newformation and weathering of minerals (book: section 5.2.4) OC-protection_Lanna = inputfiles to investigate the effect of OC-protection mechanisms (book: section 8.2.4) SoilProduction_Ash_final = inputfiles to investigate Soil production in volcanic ash (book: section 5.2.6) SoilProduction_Sediment_final= inputfiles to investigate Soil production in an alluvial sediment (book: section 5.2.6) Under GPL, the codes are free to be used, modified, etc. Appropriate referece to the book would be appreciated. Perhaps also a good idea to give your variant a different name than SoilGen... Happy computing! Peter Finke June 2024