PPV: Processor Performance Visualizer

Ghent University, Belgium

Kenneth Hoste and Lieven Eeckhout

kehoste@elis.ugent.be , leeckhou@elis.ugent.be

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What is PPV?

PPV (Processor Performance Visualizer) is an interactive Java applet that enables quick and easy navigation through a large data set containing performance numbers for a set of commercial machines. By using a powerful statistical data analysis technique called PCA (Principal Components Analysis), we are able to significantly reduce the dimensionality of the data set. This allows us to visualize all the commercial machines as dots in a 3D space. When combined with an interactive Java applet the user is able to quickly identify interesting patterns, which represent performance trends in the data set.

Click here for a demo on SPEC CPU2000 data: medium resolution (600x950), large resolution (800x1200).


Oct. 1st 2009

Paper published:

A Methodology for Analyzing Commercial Processor Performance Numbers (pdf)
Kenneth Hoste and Lieven Eeckhout
IEEE Computer, October 2009, vol 42 (10), pp. 70-76

Jan. 10th 2008

Sneak preview of the tool, together with paper submission.


Example: SPEC CPU2000

An example of a combination of the Java applet with a transformed data set is available here: medium resolution (600x950), large resolution (800x1200). For this example, we used the data set available at the SPEC website (http://www.spec.org/cpu2000/results), which contains performance numbers for the 26 SPEC CPU2000 benchmarks on over 1000 commercial machines. This results in a data set containing performance numbers for each of the 26 benchmarks on 1123 commercial machines (Intel, AMD, IBM, ...). We use the base speed performance numbers. More details on the benchmark suite can be found here.

Interpreting the dimensions

A key requirement to be able to reason about the patterns visible in the 3D space is interpreting each of the various dimensions. Once the data set is pushed through PCA, we obtain a limited number of so called principal components (PCs), which represent the main underlying characteristics present in the data set. It suffices to know that each principal component is a linear combination of input dimensions and that all principal components are orthogonal to each other. Hence for each PC of interest, a linear weight is assigned to each of the benchmarks. By comparing the weights across the benchmarks for a particular PC, we are able to determine which underlying behavior is represented by it.
1st principal component: average performance

The first principal component shows similar weights across all benchmarks. This leads to the conclusion that this underlying behavior corresponds to average performance across all benchmarks; a machine with a high value along PC1 shows better average performance than a machine with a low value. Correlation coefficients with the SPECint and SPECfp base scores are 96.9% and 97.4%, respectively.
One benchmark shows a somewhat lower weight: art. This is due to an aggressive compiler optimization specifically targeted towards this benchmark, which causes huge speedup ratios on some machines. About 10% of all speedup ratios for this benchmark is larger than 8,236 (the maximum speedup across the other benchmarks), reaching up to 26,443.

2nd principal component: integer vs floating-point performance

Looking at the weights for the second principal component, we observe that all SPECint benchmarks get a negative weight, while most of the floating-point benchmarks get a positive weight. Thus, a machine with a high value along PC2 will shows better relative floating-point performance, compared to integer performance, and vice versa.
Two notable exceptions here are mesa and wupwise, which show a negative weight as opposed to the other floating-point benchmarks. Detailed performance characterization performed with MICA shows that both benchmarks lean closer towards integer benchmarks regarding their dynamic behavior than to floating-point benchmarks. A small overview is shown in the table below.

characteristic SPECint SPECfp mesa wupwise
ILP (instruction window of 32 entries) 2.98 - 9.74 11.66 - 44.61 (galgel: 10.23) 7.12 11.51
% of instructions which read memory 6.01% - 30.86% 2.47% - 12.56% (fma3d: 18.43%) 21.23% 12.51%
% floating-point instructions 6.00% - 17.64% (eon: 44.54%) 30.85% - 92.27% (facerec: 30.85%) 27.40% 54.30%
stack instructions (POP/PUSH) 0.21% - 22.25% 0.00% - 1.96% 6.83% 5.05%
bit shift instructions 0.02% - 9.44% 0.00% - 1.47% 2.53% 1.15%%
branch predictability (PPM, Gag, 4 bits) 1.61% - 5.44% mispredicted 0.01% - 1.06% mispredicted 1.89% mispredicted 2.05% mispredicted
probability register reuse distance = 0 22.20% - 49.72% 5.74% - 17.81% (equake: 23.34%) 30.55% 24.65%
3rd principal component: memory-intensive workloads

The linear weights for the third principal component show that two benchmarks get a significantly higher weight compared to the others: art and mcf. Both benchmarks are known to heavily stress the memory subsystem, which leads to the conclusion that PC3 discriminates machines based on performance for memory-intensive workloads. A machine with a high value on the third principal component will show better performance for memory-intensive workloads than a machine with a low value.
To quantify this, we can again use the detailed performance characterization done using MICA. When we look at the probability that the LRU stack memory reuse distances are smaller than 1MB (thus will hit in a fully associative 1M cache), we see that most benchmarks have at least a 95% probability for that to occur. The only two benchmarks which show different numbers are exactly art and mcf, which show a 67% and 77% probability, respectively.

Download source

The source of the Java applet is available here, with the SPEC CPU2000 data set included in it. Because Java applets can not read files due to security contraints, we hardcode the data set into the applet. Plugging in a different data set can be done by using a script that generates the needed Java files and by subsequently recompiling the applet.


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