Welcome to my homepage with Haskell related stuff.
Below are links to the different topics I am working (or have worked) on.
Feel free to ask for any more information on these topics via email
(kenneth [dot] hoste [at] ugent [dot] be).
I'm also online quite a lot on the Haskell channel (#haskell) on
My first experience with Haskell was at university (Ghent, Belgium), where we had to code a little game, where you have to make all the squares on a plane the same color, while coloring one square results in coloring the surrounding squares. The code is available here, but don't look at it, because it's just ugly.
A much bigger project in Haskell was to write a simple raytracer (HRay) in Haskell. I chose the subject of modelling a raytracer in Funmath (a formal and declarative functional system) and implementing the model using Haskell for my Masters thesis at Ghent university. I've created a seperate project page for it.
While writing HRay, the need arose for a simple GUI. Because I had quite some problems with getting started with the Gtk2Hs library, I decided to write a small article for The Monad.Reader, a Haskell e-zine. The text (pdf) can be downloaded here, and the corresponding Haskell code is located here.
Some of the things that I'm currently working on include a 3D modeller (H3D), a Lindenmayer System (or L-System) implementation (HaskLS) and some playing around with HOpenGL.