



Contact us

What can you find in these webpages ?

The link 'Research' will give you a short survey of the research being conducted in our researchgroup 'Mechanics of Materials and Structures'. You will also find the topic of my doctoral research and my graduate thesis. Finally, there is a list of my publications posted.

The link 'Links' will lead you to a link for the annual report, a link to a page with interesting sites about composites and compositetechnology (special thanks to prof. dr. ir. Wim Van Paepegem). Furthermore there are links to the personal sites of the other members of our researchgroup, with a short description of their research interests

'Contact us' will give you the possibilities to contact us. There is also a link to a webpage with directions on how to reach us.

You can also reach the site of Faculty of Applied Sciences, as well as the site of the department by clicking on the logos on top of the page.

Remarks or suggestions ? Contact me here :