This was a combination of family holiday and getting a short list of targets. Sardinia is a great destination for this combo. It is very straightforward to bird - the butterflies and dragonflies required a bit more effort to find. A good part of the time was spent relaxing, visiting charmful villages and some beach/water activities. Great place for children!
Many thanks go out to Pieter Vantieghem and Wout Opdekamp for some recent information & literature.
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We drove all the way from Belgium to Genoa with a Sixt rental car. In Genoa we took the Moby ferry back and forth. One time during daytime for some sea watching, one time overnight for convenience and saving time. Make sure to check whether you are allowed to take your rental car on the ferry - some companies specifically forbid it.
Accommodation & food
We camped all the time, except near Aritzo. We didn't find any campsite in the area. Via AirBnb we booked an apartment in the tiny village of Aritzo. Needless to say that in the touristic areas there is a huge range of accommodation and restaurants.
ATM's all around and credit cards are widely accepted.
We had very warm and dry weather throughout. Read more at the Weather And Climate site.
Health and safety
No problems were encountered. Make sure to bring sufficient sun protection. No vaccinations needed. (reference: Institute of Tropical Medicine).
All plugs are type C/F - the standard European plugs. Read more at the Worldstandards website.
Below is a basic list of the sites we birded with some short notes. Information is well covered in the Crossbill Guides and birding site guides by Clarke & Gosney. To gather additional information www.cloudbirders.com was consulted for bird trip reports.
- dragonfly spot [40.6778609912, 8.2257490002]
dragonflies: Bladetail, Black Pennant
- backside of the small lake for dragonflies [39.967054, 8.5080899]
birds: Western Swamphen, Slender-billed Gull
dragonflies: Northern Banded Groundling, Bladetail, Island Bluetail
- first butterfly roadside stop above Aritzo along the old road [39.967754, 9.216923]
- second butterfly roadside stop above Aritzo along the old road [39.976049, 9.2298599]
- butterfly spot near Riu Istidda abive Aritzo [40.006719, 9.2661227]
- birding spot near restaurant above Desulo [40.030996, 9.2321375]
- birding spot high above Desulo [40.024566, 9.2713654]
- butterfly spot near Desulo [40.034771, 9.2423302]
birds: Corsican Finch, Marmora's Warbler, Moltoni's Warbler, Red Crossbill (unknown type), Blue Rock Thrush
butterflies: Corsican Red-underwing Skipper, Corsican Swallowtail, Corsican Idas Blue, Corsican Fritillary, Corsican Small Tortoiseshell, Sardinian Meadow Brown, Corsican Wall Brown, Southern Grayling, Corsican Grayling, Corsican Heath
- parking lot, start walking from here [39.9170467578, 9.41616277357]
- rocky area for butterflies [39.9093377724, 9.41125336203]
birds: Corsican Finch, Marmora's Warbler, Moltoni's Warbler, Rock Sparrow, Tawny Pipit
butterflies: Corsican Chalk-hill Blue, Corsican Fritillary, Sardinian Meadow Brown, Corsican Wall Brown, Southern Grayling, Corsican Grayling, Corsican Heath
- parking area with finches [39.814336, 9.4876759]
birds: Corsican Finch, Eleonora's Falcon
- stream for dragonflies [40.2750027279, 9.34727637706]
dragonflies: Green Hooktail, Island Bluetail
- stream for dragonflies near Nuraghe Pontes [40.2500126041, 8.86370632595]
birds: Balearic Woodchat Shrike
dragonflies: Yellow-veined skimmer, Island Bluetail
- Sos Alinos river and marshy area [40.4344063408, 9.76769820648]
birds: Western Swamphen
dragonflies: Black Percher
Taxonomy strictly follows the IOC checklist version 8.2.
[105 species]