Report by Hans, all bird pictures by Joachim
Download kml file with all gps coordinates.
All sound recordings made during this trip can be found and downloaded (in the future) on xeno-canto. All bird sightings are also available as an eBird trip report.
Many thanks to Rene Valdes as he helped us a lot both prior and during our trip on birds and logistics! Other people who helped us were Dani Lopez, Mark Stackhouse, Oveth Fuentes, Jim Holmes, Charles Davies, Stephan Lorenz - thanks!
Notes on our itinerary
Our initial plan was slightly modified as one piece of luggage didn’t arrive with us. We had to wait till the next day to pick it up and hence we did some more birding than planned in the Chapala area. In hindsight we probably would have spent a bit more time and took different routes in Chacalilla as we could have found more target birds there (all seen in different sites). We also could have included a relaxing boat trip on the Rio El Tovar, as we had time to do so. We opted not to do as no ‘hard’ targets were there for us. We would include Paso Ancho on the way up from El Tuito towards San Blas.
In our trip, we feel we could do with 1-2 days less if you want to really focus on the top targets only. During the trip we were thinking of including Baja California, but we would have needed a few more days.
Date | Activity | Night |
14 Jan | Departure from Brussels Airport + arrival Guadalajara Airport | Hotel in Guadalajara |
15 Jan | Chapala area (Parque de la Cristiana + Ciénaga Ribera del Pilar + Sendero El Caracol) + drive | Chalet de Colombo Hotel in La Mesa |
16 Jan | Nevado de Colima | Chalet de Colombo Hotel in La Mesa |
17 Jan | Volcan de Fuego | Hotel in Comala |
18 Jan | Parque Ecologico La Campana + Camino a Piscila + Microondas La Cumbre | Hotel in Comala |
19 Jan | Microondas La Cumbre + drive + Camino Playa del Oro + drive + Camino La Bascula | Hotel in El Tuito |
20 Jan | Camino Bioto + Rancho Primavera + Jardina Botanico Vallarta + drive | Hotel in San Blas |
21 Jan | Chacalilla + Singayta + San Blas area (mangroves + wastewater treatment) | Hotel in San Blas |
22 Jan | Camino al Cocodrilario + Cascada del Cora + drive + Sierra de San Juan | Rancho La Noria |
23 Jan | Sierra de San Juan + drive | Hotel in El Palmito |
24 Jan | Chara Pinta / El Palmito area | Cabanas Chara Pinta |
25 Jan | Chara Pinta / El Palmito area + Haciendo Coyotes + Puente Baluarte | Hotel in El Palmito |
26 Jan | Chara Pinta / El Palmito area + Panuco Road / Copala + Camino Pantitlan + drive | Hotel in Mazatlan |
27 Jan | Camino a Los Ebanos + drive + Parque Ecologico de Tepic | Hostel in Tepic |
28 Jan | Parque Ecologico de Tepic + drive + Paso Ancho + drive + Cerro La Bufa | Hotel in San Sebastian del Oeste |
29 Jan | drive + Laguna Atotonilco + drive + Sendero El Caracol | Hotel in Chapala |
30 Jan | Parque de la Cristiania + departure from Guadalajara Airport |
31 Jan | Arrival Brussel Airport |
Map showing visited sites.
We booked a car online through Hertz. While the prices seemed quite low when booking from abroad, we were informed upon arrival at the rental booth that basic insurance was mandatory in Mexico. This significantly increased the initial price! We chose a car with high clearance, a Renault Captur, which proved to be very suitable. The high clearance was beneficial at several sites, including Volcan de Fuego and Cerro La Bufa.
For safety purposes, we were advised to use toll roads (“cuotas”) and refrain from traveling at night. We found the toll fees to be rather high and not always proportional to the distance traveled. As a result, we frequently checked the additional time required for the freeway (according to Google Maps) and often opted for the free alternative routes.
When you search for travel advice on your local foreign affairs website or look for online information about the safety conditions in these states, the results can be disheartening. The presence of various narco cartels is a common theme. It’s always challenging to make judgments from afar, so we reached out to several local birders/guides to get their opinions and recommendations. In summary:
All the birding sites we intended to visit were deemed safe, even for night birding.
It was advised to avoid traveling at night.
Random exploration of unknown birding sites (areas without eBird data) was discouraged.
Throughout our entire trip, we never felt unsafe. We’re not even certain if we encountered any narcos. Generally, people were very friendly and helpful - having a basic understanding of Spanish was certainly beneficial.
We didn’t take any malaria prophylaxis and only had the standard vaccinations apart from that.
We heavily made use of the mobile data to search for the latest news on our target species, searching and contacting accommodation, etc. We had an eSim which was topped beforehand and this worked out very smoothly!
Our timing was more planned in function of our agendas than the best birding time. It seems that most birding tours go in March-April-May. We had very enjoyable weather throughout with no rain at all. Mornings were a bit cilly in higher altitudes, but during the day it was sunny and warm to hot weather. By going in January we surely had no chance of finding the Sinaloa Martin on their breeding grounds, but they are not guaranteed later in the season anyway. We felt that birds weren't too responsive and in many sites, we expected more vocally active birds...
Hotels were easily found in all cities and towns. In cities, there was a good choice in price ranges, going from cheap hostels to exclusive luxury hotels. In smaller villages, choices were more limited and sometimes restricted to more basic accommodation. We mostly looked for accommodation on the spot to keep our flexibility in the itinerary. We only booked these in advance:
random hotel near the airport of Guadalajara (plenty of options)
the cabañas at Chara Pinta (getting in touch proved very hard, we never got a response from Santos +52 694 116 1989; Rene helped us out for which we are very grateful!)
Rancho La Noria at Sierra San Juan (via Paul Lopez +52 311 877 0494)
Mexico is about food! Plenty of options to eat all day, going from desayunos, to gorditos, taquerias, food stalls and upscale restaurants! In many cases, they said to have no vegetarian options, but almost always managed to make something upon request. And there is cilantro and salsa picante! In several places, restaurants closed surprisingly early, so we often opted to have dinner before night birding.
We got a tourist visa upon arrival.
ATMs were readily available in most towns. Credit cards were widely accepted, including at all gas stations, larger supermarkets, many hotels, and a few restaurants.
Bird identification:
A Guide to the Birds of Mexico and Northern Central America (Howell & Webb)
- Birds of Central America (Vallely & Dyer)
the handy Merlin app by the Cornell Lab, which comes with pictures, maps and sounds for most (not all!) species
- Sibley Birds 2nd Edition app
Bird sounds:
numerous recordings from the excellent Xeno-Canto sound repository
a great selection is featured in the Merlin app (see above)
a collection of commercial CD’s including: "Bird Songs of Guatemala, Belize and Mexico", "Bird Songs of SE Arizona and Sonora, Mexico", "Bird Songs of West America" and "Birds of Mexico".
Logistical & bird info:
Cloudbirders for trip reports
Here we only list the areas where we birded significantly, i.e. where we searched specifically for some species and did quite some effort to find them. On our trip, we also had many (sometimes random) roadside stops where we did not really ‘fully’ bird and those are left out in this overview.
Chapala area
Our trip didn’t start as smooth as hoped for: one of the checked bags did not arrive in Guadalajara. We were promised it would be shipped the next day. Hence, we decided not to travel too far away and pick up the missing luggage.
We drove south towards Lake Chapala and birded in the Parque de la Christiania, right in the middle of Chapala. About the first birds we saw after parking our car, was our main target! Several Black-backed Orioles were feeding in the trees at the entrance of the park (20.288989, -103.186980). Our very last morning was spent here as well, as we slept in Chapala which is located conveniently close to the GDL airport.
We moved on to the lake border at Ciénaga Ribera del Pilar (20.291970, -103.226871), where we tried to find some water birds. Water level seemed way too low to have any chance to find an Aztec Rail, so we decided to get it elsewhere later on the trip.
A short stroll along the Sendero El Caracol was entertaining but we didn’t see too many birds in the heat of the day. To reach it, one has to take one of the dirt tracks leading up into the hills. The trail itself starts at 20.326614, -103.221642. Here we sas our only Black-tailed Gnatcatcher for the trip. On our last evening, we gave it a try for night birding and found a single Elf Owl, 2 Western Screech Owls, a (Mountain) Northern Pygmy Owl and several Buff-collared Nightjars.

Black-backed Oriole
Nevado de Colima & Volcán de Fuego
These two sites are two different peaks in the same area. We were based at the Chalet de Colombo Hotel (19.631542, -103.503195), which is nicely and conveniently located in La Mesa very close to the Nevado de Colima. It is a bit pricey and there was only limited food service at the time of our visit. We easily found food in the direction of Ciudad de Guzman.
Our first day was spent along the Nevado de Colima. The turnoff is easy to find at 19.632508, -103.529420 and the dirt track is in fairly good condition. We made several different birding stops along the road up to the entrance gate of the National Park (19.593153, -103.593464) where an entrance fee must be paid. We did not enter as the better birding was done lower down. We made so many shorter and longer stops, it is hard to say exactly where we saw which species. During this day we found several Long-tailed Wood Partridges, good numbers of Mexican Violetear, some handsome Chestnut-sided Shrike Vireos, our first flock of noisy Transvolcanic Jays, noisy Grey-barred Wrens, a single Aztec Thrush, Green-striped Brush Finches, Cinnamon-bellied Flowerpiercers, our only Collared Towhees and many more other birds. At dusk we tried our luck at 19.628718, -103.534658 and had one singing Eared Poorwill and a Mexican Whip-poor-will.
Next day we moved to the Volcán de Fuego and started pre-dawn hoping to find another Eared Poorwill. The dirt track starts at 19.524905, -103.449475. Unfortunately there was quite a lot of traffic on this track by the people who work in the adjacent agricultural area. Banded Quails have been seen here, but to us it seemed very hard to find them with all the passing trucks. We explored a short sidetrack at 19.531496, -103.479575 and had our only Orange-billed Nightingale Thrush and Painted Bunting for the trip and our first Sinaloa Wrens, Rusty Sparrows and Spotted Wrens. In the lower oak zone a bit higher up (19.530211, -103.512136) we found birding slow/hard but managed to see the only White-throated Swifts of this trip and some more Transvolcanic Jays and Long-tailed Wood Partridges. We continued further up along the dirt track, parked the car at 19.532003, -103.523370 and birded several kilometers by foot along the ‘Camino Microondas’. Here we saw a Gray-collared Becard, a Dwarf Vireo, two (Mountain) Northern Pygmy Owls, more Transvolcanic Jays, Gray-barred Wrens, the first Rufous-capped Brush Finches and Happy Wrens and others. The track on this side is in much poorer condition than the one to Nevado de Colima, although still doable with a normal 2WD car.

Brown-backed Solitaire
Parque Ecológico La Campana (Colima)
While preparing our trip, we found out that this park at the northern edge of Colima city, seems a reliable site for Banded Quail. One early morning, we gave it a try, hoping we’d see it here and saving us time to look for it at other sites. It turned out well! We parked our car at the free parking lot at 19.268828, -103.728164. There were already lots of people around for an early morning workout.
The better area to search for them seems to be at the edge of the ruins. It took us a while and we even went into the archaeological site (entrance fee, but nice to visit) to look for the quails. In a far corner, we found a pool with water (19.268834, -103.724431) and the Banded Quails were not surprisingly around. Later on they moved into the nearby park again, where we could reconnect with them. We found the park pretty birdy and saw a lot of other/commoner species.

Banded Quail
Microondas La Cumbre & Camino a Piscila
Only 15 mins outside the city, this site is locally well known for hiking to see the sunset/sunrise above Colima. At 19.189445, -103.682943 there is a gate where a local family seems to be an unofficial guard. The gate is apparently locked at night, but the guy was very friendly (for a small tip) to leave it open some longer and open it again early in the morning so we could do some owling. This cobblestone road winds up all the way to some antennas at the top.
Before this we first explored the nearby Camino a Piscila (turnoff at 19.190598, -103.693304) during the heat of the day. This road was rather busy for birding with few decent locations for roadside birding. Nevertheless, we quickly found our first Colima Pygmy Owls for the trip, some beautiful Orange-breasted Buntings and a pair of very vocal Black-chested Sparrows (about here 19.187620, -103.696772).
Late afternoon we drove up slowly to the top towards the antennas, with a few stops along the road. Apart from some more Orange-breasted Buntings and several calling Lesser Ground Cuckoos, not much was seen.
Night birding started well with a tape responsive Buff-collared Nightjar right at the top and a few more perched birds on the road lower down. Somehow we failed to get a view of the calling Balsas Screech Owl, but next morning, in our pre-dawn attempt, we managed to see a very responsive pair at 19.186871, -103.690590. Mottled Owl was heard here as well.

Black-chested Sparrow
Camino Playa del Oro
Initially, this site was not included in our itinerary. We would drive from Colima towards Puerto Vallarta via the toll road passing by Guadalajara. As all our targets at La Cumbre were seen, we decided to take a different route, following the coast, and have a roadside stop here to break the journey. Basically, it is just a dirt road going to the beach - turnoff at 19.165391, -104.494757.
When we arrived, heath had already kicked in. We parked our car a bit further along the track in the shade and birded a bit back and forth along the road. We still had quite some bird activity. We encountered our first Lilac-crowned Parrots, Citreoline Trogons, West Mexican Euphonias, Fan-tailed Warbler, and our only Olive Sparrow of this trip as well as good numbers of White-bellied Wren. We didn’t stay too long as we wanted to reach El Tuito in time for night birding.

Citreoline Trogon
(Selva) El Tuito area
While preparing the trip, we saw that many tours preferred Playa del Oro (see above) above the Selva El Tuito region, probably for logistical reasons. We found the vast forested area of El Tuito more promising and chose Selva El Tuito to be the key site for the lowland species. We were based in the laid-backed town of El Tuito.
After a long drive, we arrived late in the afternoon. Our first site was the Camino La Bascula (and Rancho Los Otates). This dirt track starts at 20.354855, -105.316896. It first goes through some degraded area, but soon gets better pine-oak forest. Although still very hot, we had some bird activity and found a Colima Pygmy Owl and both our first Black-headed Siskins and Military Macaws. The main reason to be here was night birding. We enjoyed the sunset scenery with a beer at 20.351567, -105.294285. As soon as dusk came in, we had a pair of showy Buff-collared Nightjars. The top bird however, was a cooperative Eared Poorwill. Mottled Owl was heard here as well.
Next day, we spent the morning at the Camino Bioto. This dirt track starts at 20.304467, -105.377785. We basically birded the entire stretch of forest from the start of the track till the first large clearing (20.279519, -105.376920). Somehow, birding was slower than we expected/hoped. At the end of our morning, we were able to find quite a variety of species, including our first Elegant Trogons, some more Colima Pygmy Owls, our first Mexican Woodnymph, another Black-capped Vireo, the first of many Black-throated Magpie Jays, Happy, Sinaloa and White-bellied Wrens, a pair of responsive Rosy Thrush Tanagers, and some more Orange-breasted Buntings, etc
On the way back to el Tuito, we made a short stop at Rancho Primavera (turnoff at 20.337797, -105.352234). Its hotspot list features quite a lot of species, so we wanted to check this out. The friendly staff let us explore the grounds and have a look at the hummingbird feeders, but very little was seen during the heat of the day.

Orange-breasted Bunting
Jardín Botánico Vallarta
Half an hour to the north from El Tuito, we made an afternoon stop in the botanical gardens (20.464911, -105.291518). The multitude of flowers are known to attract loads of hummingbirds. The garden itself was well organized and has an impressive orchid collection, but the entrance fee was pretty steep to us. It was a funny experience and we felt outcasts in this overly touristic area. Nevertheless, we encountered many foraging hummingbirds, which gave good looks: a single (Jalisco) Mexican Hermit, a single Sparkling-tailed Jummingbird, some Ruby-throateds, a single male Golden-crowned Emerald, and abundant Cinnamon Hummingbirds. The hummingbird feeders at the restaurant were surprisingly little visited by the hummers. Around 13:00, there was a feeding session with fruits that attracted loads of other birds, including several San Blas Jays.
Chacalilla area
This was one of the strangest places to bird, as it felt like just some agricultural environment. Just outside of the rusty village of Chacalilla, we stopped at a marshy area: 21.618840, -105.265667. We did encounter a good number of species, like our first Sinaloa Crows and our only Rufous-bellied Chachalacas! Eventually, we found a covey of Elegant Quails in the cultivated area at 21.628635, -105.270906. In hindsight, we might have birded the wrong places? For example, we did not explore the trail that goes east. Luckily, all species we ‘missed’ but expected here were eventually seen in other sites during our trip.
Singayta area
When we arrived in Singayta, it was already hot and bird activity was low. First we made a short walk along the Camino Vivero Singayta. We parked the car at 21.570801, -105.232934 and walked the track in several directions. Apart from two nice Black-capped Vireos we saw a Citreoline Trogon and a Fan-tailed Warbler.
On the other side of the main road, at the edge of the little village, a track starts at 21.575597, -105.232321. We drove along the track and made a few stops where we birded. We did not see any noteworthy birds here...
San Blas area
Our first stop in the San Blas area was at Puente Las Islitas (21.527225, -105.246284). Despite being the middle of the day and busy traffic of beachgoers, we had immediate success in finding Rufous-necked Wood Rail in the mangroves.
Some more mangrove birding was done along the 74 going out of San Blas. We made several short stops at sites known as Humedales de San Blas and Mangles de San Blas. We found the first dirt track just past the bridge the most promising: 21.545554, -105.273511. A bit further along the road, we found a single (West Mexican) Mangrove Vireo at 21.556480, -105.274132. Late afternoon, we went to the wastewater treatment (Estanque de Aguas Residuales de San Blas) at 21.532482, -105.272740 but we didn’t see any special birds there.
Next morning we birded along the Camino al Cocodrilario (start at 21.524147, -105.225599). We saw our only Bare-throated Tiger Heron for the trip, and finally a single White-throated Flycatcher.
Looking back, we could have included a late afternoon boat trip on the Rio La Tovara (21.531954, -105.247466). There were no real targets for us, but others regularly see Mangrove Cuckoo, Boat-billed Heron and Northern Potoo...

Yellow-crowned Night Heron
Cascada del Cora
When moving from the San Blas area towards the Sierra San Juan, we made a birding stop at this less visited (by birders) site. We found out there was a slight chance of finding the Great Swallow-tailed Swift. We parked our car at 21.416591, -105.123230 and walked/birded until the viewpoint for the waterfall. Along this short stretch, we found our only Flammulated Flycatcher for the trip, another Citreoline Trogon and some more Black-throated Magpie Jays. A Black-capped Vireo and a Fan-tailed Warbler were seen as well. No swifts though.
Reserva Ecológica Sierra de San Juan & Rancho La Noria
Just outside the boundaries of Tepic, Sierra de San Juan (an old volcano) is a very nice birding site. We took a less traveled shortcut taking the southern route when coming from Cascada del Cora, which turned out just fine. On top of the crest, the Rancho La Noria (21.485069, -104.993770) is a well located base to explore this area. We stayed in the rustic cabins. It might get busy during weekends, so we made sure to avoid that. Food service on the other hand is only available during weekends, so we just drove down towards El Ahuacate (not too far).
Early morning bird activity is booming in the open space, right at the cabins. A plethora of warblers, orioles, tanagers, sparrows etc were seen here. Noteworthy birds included our first Buff-breasted Flycatchers in the scrub, our only (Dickey’s) Audubon’s Oriole high up in the trees and some more Spotted Wrens.
Lower down at the old quarry. A bit further down near 21.503726, -104.975041 we had a nice flock with our first Red-headed Tanagers amongst others. It is a reliable site for Eared Quetzal as well, but we did not try for it here.
Lower down on the other side, in a sharp bend at 21.476729, -105.001395, we found our only Bumblebee Hummingbird in the company of 2 Mexican Woodnymphs. A pair of Golden-crowned Warblers were the only seen on this trip.
The main reason, however, to bird here and spend the night in La Noria, is night birding! Late afternoon we walked up towards the crest and waited at 21.475273, -104.982770 until the night fell. Another somewhat distant Eared Poorwill was heard but didn’t want to play the game (dense vegetation didn’t help). The same was true for a Northern Saw-whet Owl, but we didn’t pay too much attention to it. The star bird here was the Cinereous Owl. Two birds vocally responded and eventually, we were treated with a silent bird flying in and pearching just right above our heads. Too close for decent pics and it flew off without a single shout, but what a bird!
In the foothills of Sierra de San Juan, but coming from El Ahuacate, we tried the ‘Camino Cerro San Juan’ which starts at 21.506215, -104.939569. Other people regularly saw Sparkling-tailed Hummingbirds here, but we did not find any.

Northern Saw-whet Owl
Chara Pinta Reserve (and surroundings)
Once, the Carretera 40 was the main connection between Mazatlan and Durango. Since the opening of the toll road the old highway barely gets any traffic above Copala, which makes birding way more pleasant. This road used to have a bad reputation, but we never felt unsafe.
We stayed one night in the cabañas of the reserve. We might have gotten the newest one, as it was very fine with hot water and a fireplace. There is solar energy for lumination, but no charging options. No food services here, so we took away some burritos from the nearby village of El Palmito. The other nights were spent in a basic hotel in El Palmito as it is cheaper and we didn’t need to bird in the reserve itself. Making a reservation for the cabins is a good idea, but we failed to get in contact and got some help from Rene (thanks a lot!).
A few km above El Palmito, we birded along the main road (KM 195.8) near the cliffs at 23.578049, -105.838831. We focussed on the fruiting trees below the road in order to find the highly wanted quetzal as this is a known site to find it. To no avail - a Mountain Trogon was the closest we came. Driving a bit further north, we searched at several roadside stops until we finally hit the jackpot at 23.596500, -105.847545. An Eared Quetzal vocally responded, but played hard to see. We failed to see it on our first attempt, but persistence paid off and we found it perched high up in a tree on our second day! Bonus birds here were a mixed flock of the iconic Tufted Jays and Steller's Jays.
Right at the entrance road of the Chara Pinta Reserve (23.564747, -105.849042) and the nearby bend (KM 200.5), we had a lot of bird activity, including Mountain Trogon, Mexican Chickadees, etc. In The reserve itself we mainly birded right at the cabañas and along the Sendero Arroyo. At the latter place we had Tufted Jays and Red-headed Tanagers. Closer to the cabins, we saw some more Buff-breasted Flycatchers, several Aztec Thrushes and a single skulky Colima Warbler. At night we had a lot of fun and saw Stygian, Northern Saw-whet (both on the trail towards the mirador) and Whiskered Screech Owl (Arroyo trail). The Arroyo trail should be a good spot to find Quetzals, but despite some effort, we failed to find one.

Tufted Jay
Haciendo Coyotes
Along the Durango Highway, this site is well known as a stakeout for the Sierra Madre Sparrow. It is strictly private property with restricted access. Luckily for birders, there is a possibility to have a look into the land from a public track. Once in the village of El Salto, take the dirt road at 23.792349, -105.341148 and continue over the bridge, take left at 23.788319, -105.331362 and continue all the way to the waste dump. We parked our car there and walked along the track to 23.795715, -105.320935 from where you can scan the area. Pay special attention to the barb wires where loads of sparrows can be observed.
Amongst the abundant Striped Sparrows we also found good numbers of Clay-coloured, the only Vesper and Brewer’s for the trip and ultimately 2 Sierra Madre Sparrows! The only Chihuahuan Meadowlarks on this trip were seen here as well.
There have been issues with trespassing birders, so make sure to stay on the public tracks!

Striped Sparrow
Puente Baluarte
On our way back to El Palmito, we took the new toll road and made a stop at the food stalls just before this bridge (23.542730, -105.756890). We walked the dirt track downwards in the direction of the river. It seemed like a private road, but the people were friendly and welcomed us to walk around for birding.
Soon we found our first target for which this site is a known stake-out: a Five-striped Sparrow. To our surprise and delight, we also found a pair of Black-capped Gnatcatchers, which turned out to be the only ones for this trip. Others have seen Lucifer Hummingbirds here in the past as well, but the very dry vegetation held very few hummers at the moment of our visit.

Five-striped Sparrow
Copala & Panuco Road
The first hours of the day were spent near the Chara Pinta reserve (see above), but then we quickly headed down again towards the Panuco Road. Our first brief stop was in the picturesque town of Copala, where some Yellow Grosbeaks were instantly found at 23.395677, -105.938653. Thanks for the stakeout, Jan!
We moved on to the nearby Panuco Road, which starts at 23.402799, -105.936731. Just round the first corner, we explored a short track. While birding the wooded vegetation and keeping an eye on the sky, we finally found a flock of White-naped Swifts. Apparently, at this time of the year, they tend to be more reliable at this altitude than higher up near Chara Pinta. Other birds seen here included several flocks of Military Macaw, Black-throated Magpie Jays, Rusty-crowned Ground Sparrows, and some more West Mexican Euphonias.

Yellow Grosbeak
Camino Pantitlan
Late afternoon, when arriving into the Mazatlan area coming from the Durango Highway, we made a short stop at this site. Basically, it seems just a dirt track between the old and new highway. We turned onto the dirt track at 23.229734, -106.141090, parked the car and birded a few hundred meters further. Our main target was the Purplish-backed Jay, of which we rapidly encountered a noisy and cooperative flock.

Purplish-backed Jay
Camino a Los Ébanos
As we already successfully birded several lowland scrub sites, only few real targets were left at this site. Nevertheless, birding was really nice in the early morning. The start of the dirt track is at 23.419992, -106.341210. We parked our car near a gully (23.421377, -106.327022) and birded further along the same dirt road. Apart from a handful of friendly farmers, there was no other traffic.
We soon found Joachim’s target bird, the Red-breasted Chat, our second group of Purplish-backed Jays, some more Black-throated Magpie Jays, another Citreoline Trogon and our only White-fronted Parrot for the trip.

Golden-cheeked Woodpecker
Booby Rocks (Mazatlan)
When leaving the Mazatlan area behind us, we crossed right through the city and had a brief stop along the coast at the Mirador Paseo Centenario (23.188748, -106.426458). From this scenic viewpoint, we scanned the so-called Booby Rocks with its seabird colony and eventually found a Red-billed Tropicbird among the Blue-footed and Brown Boobies. A telescope definitely comes in handy, but with some effort we managed without it.
Parque Ecológico de Tepic
Beforehand, while preparing our trip at home, we felt this was the key site for Aztec Rail. Hence we included some birding time here: one late evening and an early morning. Just like most people, we only heard the Aztec Rail. The better area seemed to be the reedbeds between the two bridges and we heard 1-2 birds at 21.484629, -104.858043. Seeing them seems quite a challenge, albeit not impossible. One probably just needs some luck with a cooperative bird. As we heard from other birders (thanks, Stephan!) that the rail was much easier at Laguna Atotonilco, so we decided to move on and try for it at the latter site.
El Jorullo (Paso Ancho)
We only found out during our trip on eBird that this seems a reliable site for Great Swallow-tailed Swift. We should have included this site on our way up from El Tuito to San Blas. On the way back from Tepic towards the airport in Guadalajara, we made a detour to give it a very short try at 20.577951, -105.201744 Unfortunately, no swifts were encountered during our brief stop.
Cerro La Bufa
The route back to Guadalajara, we made an overnight stop in the touristic village of San Sebastian del Oeste. This way, we could include some more night birding on Cerro La Bufa. We drove up the mountain untill 20.730323, -104.825929. We didn’t find any extra Eared Poorwills, only some more Whiskered Screech Owls and a Northern Saw-whet. We didn’t spend too much longer and went for a well deserved drink in town. Next morning, we decided not to drive up again but use our time in the following sites as there were more ‘important’ birds to see.

Whiskered Screech Owl
Laguna Atotonilco (Villa Corona)
On the way from Cerro La Bufa back towards Guadalajara, we made a brief stop at this lake (20.411544, -103.677488 ). In hindsight, we shouldn’t have made a visit to the Parque Ecologico de Tepic. On the northern side of this large lake a road goes right through the marshy edges. Both the road and the cycling/walking path next to it are about 2 meters higher up and gives a great opportunity to see the Aztec Rails walking in the reedbeds. We easily found several tape responsive birds that gave good views. Mexican Ducks could be harder to see from here as the water is too far away. Luckily we had two flocks flying by at close distance.

Aztec Rail
Our list can be viewed as well as an ebird trip report.
Muscovy DuckCairina moschata
2024-01-26 | 1 | Panuco Road |
Blue-winged TealSpatula discors
2024-01-15 | 2 | Parque de la Cristiania |
2024-01-15 | 10 | Ciénaga Ribera del Pilar |
2024-01-21 | 10 | Estanque de Aguas Residuales de San Blas |
Northern ShovelerSpatula clypeata
2024-01-21 | X | Chacalilla (pueblo) |
2024-01-21 | X | Granja de Camarón Chacalilla |
2024-01-21 | X | Humedales de San Blas |
2024-01-26 | 1 | Panuco Road |
GadwallMareca strepera
2024-01-21 | 5 | Chacalilla (pueblo) |
2024-01-30 | 10 | Parque de la Cristiania |
Mexican DuckAnas diazi
2024-01-15 | 1 | Laguna Sayula |
2024-01-29 | 10 | Villa Corona |
Northern PintailAnas acuta
2024-01-15 | 3 | Ciénaga Ribera del Pilar |
Green-winged TealAnas crecca
2024-01-15 | 10 | Ciénaga Ribera del Pilar |
2024-01-21 | 5 | Granja de Camarón Chacalilla |
2024-01-26 | 10 | Panuco Road |
2024-01-30 | 10 | Parque de la Cristiania |
CanvasbackAythya valisineria
2024-01-15 | 15 | Ciénaga Ribera del Pilar |
Lesser ScaupAythya affinis
2024-01-21 | 2 | Granja de Camarón Chacalilla |
Ruddy DuckOxyura jamaicensis
2024-01-21 | 20 | Granja de Camarón Chacalilla |
Rufous-bellied ChachalacaOrtalis wagleri
2024-01-21 | 5 | Chacalilla (pueblo) |
West Mexican ChachalacaOrtalis poliocephala
2024-01-17 | 4 | Carretera Volcán de Fuego--Km 0.5 |
2024-01-18 | 3 | Parque Ecológico La Campana |
2024-01-19 | 1 | Camino Playa del Oro |
2024-01-19 | 1 | Camino La Bascula |
2024-01-20 | 3 | Selva El Tuito--Camino Bioto |
2024-01-20 | 1 | Jardín Botánico Vallarta |
Crested GuanPenelope purpurascens
2024-01-24 | 1 | Auto Selected (23.596, -105.847) |
Long-tailed Wood-PartridgeDendrortyx macroura
2024-01-16 | 3 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Carretera a Nevado de Colima |
2024-01-17 | 3 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Carretera Volcán de Fuego (encinar más bajo/lower oak zone) |
Banded QuailPhilortyx fasciatus
2024-01-18 | 10 | Parque Ecológico La Campana |
Elegant QuailCallipepla douglasii
2024-01-21 | 10 | Chacalilla (pueblo) |
Least GrebeTachybaptus dominicus
2024-01-21 | 3 | Chacalilla (pueblo) |
2024-01-21 | X | Granja de Camarón Chacalilla |
2024-01-26 | 2 | Panuco Road |
Rock PigeonColumba livia
2024-01-15 | X | Parque de la Cristiania |
2024-01-30 | X | Parque de la Cristiania |
Red-billed PigeonPatagioenas flavirostris
2024-01-19 | 5 | Camino Playa del Oro |
2024-01-20 | X | Selva El Tuito--Camino Bioto |
2024-01-23 | 1 | Reserva Ecológica Sierra de San Juan--La Noria |
Band-tailed PigeonPatagioenas fasciata
2024-01-16 | 5 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Carretera a Nevado de Colima |
2024-01-24 | X | Carretera 40/El Salto-Villa Unión--Km 195.8 |
Eurasian Collared-DoveStreptopelia decaocto
2024-01-15 | X | Ciénaga Ribera del Pilar |
2024-01-30 | X | Parque de la Cristiania |
Inca DoveColumbina inca
2024-01-15 | X | Parque de la Cristiania |
2024-01-15 | X | Ciénaga Ribera del Pilar |
2024-01-15 | X | Sendero El Caracol - Chapala |
2024-01-17 | X | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Carretera Volcán de Fuego (encinar más bajo/lower oak zone) |
2024-01-18 | X | Parque Ecológico La Campana |
2024-01-21 | X | Chacalilla (pueblo) |
2024-01-25 | X | Puente Baluarte (Durango) |
2024-01-27 | X | Camino a Los Ébanos |
2024-01-28 | X | Parque Ecológico de Tepic |
2024-01-29 | X | Sendero El Caracol - Chapala |
2024-01-30 | X | Parque de la Cristiania |
Common Ground DoveColumbina passerina
2024-01-21 | X | Chacalilla (pueblo) |
Ruddy Ground DoveColumbina talpacoti
2024-01-21 | X | Chacalilla (pueblo) |
White-tipped DoveLeptotila verreauxi
2024-01-17 | 1 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Carretera Volcán de Fuego (encinar más bajo/lower oak zone) |
2024-01-18 | 5 | Parque Ecológico La Campana |
2024-01-18 | 2 | Microondas La Cumbre |
2024-01-20 | 3 | Selva El Tuito--Camino Bioto |
2024-01-20 | 1 | Rancho Primavera |
2024-01-26 | 2 | Panuco Road |
2024-01-26 | 2 | Camino Pantitlan |
2024-01-29 | X | Sendero El Caracol - Chapala |
White-winged DoveZenaida asiatica
2024-01-15 | 5 | Parque de la Cristiania |
2024-01-17 | 3 | Carretera Volcán de Fuego--Km 0.5 |
2024-01-19 | 1 | Auto Selected (19.011, -104.246) |
2024-01-21 | X | Chacalilla (pueblo) |
2024-01-23 | X | Reserva Ecológica Sierra de San Juan--La Noria |
2024-01-27 | X | Camino a Los Ébanos |
2024-01-28 | X | Parque Ecológico de Tepic |
2024-01-30 | X | Parque de la Cristiania |
Mourning DoveZenaida macroura
2024-01-17 | 1 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Carretera Volcán de Fuego (encinar más bajo/lower oak zone) |
2024-01-20 | 1 | Jardín Botánico Vallarta |
Groove-billed AniCrotophaga sulcirostris
2024-01-15 | 1 | Ciénaga Ribera del Pilar |
2024-01-18 | X | Parque Ecológico La Campana |
2024-01-19 | 1 | Auto Selected (19.011, -104.246) |
2024-01-20 | 10 | Rancho Primavera |
2024-01-21 | X | Chacalilla (pueblo) |
2024-01-21 | X | Granja de Camarón Chacalilla |
2024-01-21 | 10 | Camino Vivero Singayta |
2024-01-27 | 5 | Camino a Los Ébanos |
Lesser Ground-CuckooMorococcyx erythropygus
2024-01-18 | 3 | Microondas La Cumbre |
Squirrel CuckooPiaya cayana
2024-01-15 | 1 | Sendero El Caracol - Chapala |
2024-01-17 | 1 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Camino Microondas |
2024-01-18 | 2 | Parque Ecológico La Campana |
2024-01-20 | 2 | Selva El Tuito--Camino Bioto |
Lesser NighthawkChordeiles acutipennis
2024-01-16 | 3 | Auto Selected (19.632, -103.504) |
Eared PoorwillNyctiphrynus mcleodii
2024-01-16 | 1 | Auto Selected (19.629, -103.535) |
2024-01-19 | 1 | Camino La Bascula |
2024-01-22 | 1 | Auto Selected (21.475, -104.983) |
Buff-collared NightjarAntrostomus ridgwayi
2024-01-18 | 3 | Microondas La Cumbre |
2024-01-19 | 2 | Camino La Bascula |
2024-01-29 | 3 | Sendero El Caracol - Chapala |
Mexican Whip-poor-willAntrostomus arizonae
2024-01-16 | 1 | Auto Selected (19.629, -103.535) |
White-naped SwiftStreptoprocne semicollaris
2024-01-26 | 25 | Panuco Road |
White-throated SwiftAeronautes saxatalis
2024-01-17 | 10 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Carretera Volcán de Fuego (encinar más bajo/lower oak zone) |
Mexican HermitPhaethornis mexicanus
2024-01-20 | 1 | Jardín Botánico Vallarta |
Mexican VioletearColibri thalassinus
2024-01-16 | 20 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Carretera a Nevado de Colima |
Rivoli's HummingbirdEugenes fulgens
2024-01-16 | 1 | Auto Selected (19.593, -103.593) |
Plain-capped StarthroatHeliomaster constantii
2024-01-15 | 1 | Sendero El Caracol - Chapala |
2024-01-20 | 1 | Rancho Primavera |
Blue-throated Mountain-gemLampornis clemenciae
2024-01-25 | 5 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta (Tufted Jay Preserve) |
2024-01-24 | 4 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta--Senda Arroyo |
2024-01-26 | 1 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta (Tufted Jay Preserve) |
Sparkling-tailed HummingbirdTilmatura dupontii
2024-01-20 | 1 | Jardín Botánico Vallarta |
Ruby-throated HummingbirdArchilochus colubris
2024-01-20 | 3 | Jardín Botánico Vallarta |
Black-chinned HummingbirdArchilochus alexandri
2024-01-16 | 1 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Carretera a Nevado de Colima |
2024-01-19 | 2 | Camino Playa del Oro |
Calliope HummingbirdSelasphorus calliope
2024-01-16 | 1 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Carretera a Nevado de Colima |
2024-01-17 | 2 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Camino Microondas |
2024-01-23 | 2 | Auto Selected (21.505, -104.94) |
2024-01-23 | 1 | Reserva Ecológica Sierra de San Juan--La Noria |
Rufous HummingbirdSelasphorus rufus
2024-01-16 | 1 | Auto Selected (19.593, -103.593) |
2024-01-23 | 2 | Auto Selected (21.505, -104.94) |
2024-01-23 | 2 | Reserva Ecológica Sierra de San Juan--La Noria |
2024-01-25 | 10 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta (Tufted Jay Preserve) |
2024-01-24 | 10 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta (Tufted Jay Preserve) |
2024-01-26 | X | Reserva de La Chara Pinta (Tufted Jay Preserve) |
Broad-tailed HummingbirdSelasphorus platycercus
2024-01-16 | 3 | Auto Selected (19.593, -103.593) |
2024-01-16 | 5 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Carretera a Nevado de Colima |
2024-01-17 | 2 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Carretera Volcán de Fuego (encinar más bajo/lower oak zone) |
2024-01-23 | 2 | Auto Selected (21.505, -104.94) |
2024-01-24 | 1 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta (Tufted Jay Preserve) |
Bumblebee HummingbirdSelasphorus heloisa
2024-01-22 | 1 | Reserva Ecológica Sierra de San Juan--El Cuarenteño |
Broad-billed HummingbirdCynanthus latirostris
2024-01-15 | 2 | Ciénaga Ribera del Pilar |
2024-01-19 | 3 | Rancho Los Otates |
2024-01-20 | 5 | Selva El Tuito--Camino Bioto |
2024-01-21 | 2 | Chacalilla (pueblo) |
2024-01-22 | 1 | Cascada del Cora |
2024-01-26 | 5 | Panuco Road |
2024-01-26 | 2 | Camino Pantitlan |
2024-01-27 | 5 | Camino a Los Ébanos |
Golden-crowned EmeraldCynanthus auriceps
2024-01-20 | 1 | Selva El Tuito--Camino Bioto |
2024-01-20 | 1 | Jardín Botánico Vallarta |
2024-01-22 | 1 | Cascada del Cora |
White-eared HummingbirdBasilinna leucotis
2024-01-16 | 20 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Carretera a Nevado de Colima |
2024-01-17 | 5 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Camino Microondas |
2024-01-22 | 1 | Reserva Ecológica Sierra de San Juan--El Cuarenteño |
2024-01-22 | 1 | Reserva Ecológica Sierra de San Juan--Camino a La Noria |
2024-01-23 | 5 | Reserva Ecológica Sierra de San Juan--La Noria |
2024-01-25 | X | Reserva de La Chara Pinta (Tufted Jay Preserve) |
2024-01-24 | X | Reserva de La Chara Pinta (Tufted Jay Preserve) |
2024-01-24 | 1 | Carretera 40/El Salto-Villa Unión--Km 195.8 |
2024-01-26 | X | Reserva de La Chara Pinta (Tufted Jay Preserve) |
Mexican WoodnymphEupherusa ridgwayi
2024-01-20 | 1 | Selva El Tuito--Camino Bioto |
2024-01-22 | 2 | Reserva Ecológica Sierra de San Juan--El Cuarenteño |
2024-01-23 | 1 | Reserva Ecológica Sierra de San Juan--El Cuarenteño |
Violet-crowned HummingbirdRamosomyia violiceps
2024-01-15 | 1 | Parque de la Cristiania |
2024-01-18 | 1 | Microondas La Cumbre |
2024-01-30 | 1 | Parque de la Cristiania |
Berylline HummingbirdSaucerottia beryllina
2024-01-17 | 5 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Camino Microondas |
2024-01-19 | 1 | Rancho Los Otates |
2024-01-22 | 1 | Cascada del Cora |
2024-01-22 | 1 | Reserva Ecológica Sierra de San Juan--Camino a La Noria |
2024-01-23 | 2 | Reserva Ecológica Sierra de San Juan--La Noria |
2024-01-25 | 1 | Puente Baluarte (Durango) |
2024-01-26 | 2 | Panuco Road |
2024-01-29 | 1 | Sendero El Caracol - Chapala |
Cinnamon HummingbirdAmazilia rutila
2024-01-18 | 2 | Parque Ecológico La Campana |
2024-01-19 | 5 | Camino Playa del Oro |
2024-01-20 | 10 | Selva El Tuito--Camino Bioto |
2024-01-20 | 1 | Rancho Primavera |
2024-01-20 | 15 | Jardín Botánico Vallarta |
2024-01-21 | 2 | Chacalilla (pueblo) |
2024-01-21 | 1 | Camino Vivero Singayta |
2024-01-22 | 2 | Cascada del Cora |
2024-01-26 | 1 | Panuco Road |
2024-01-27 | 3 | Camino a Los Ébanos |
Aztec RailRallus tenuirostris
2024-01-28 | 1 | Parque Ecológico de Tepic |
2024-01-29 | 5 | Villa Corona |
Rufous-necked Wood-RailAramides axillaris
2024-01-21 | 1 | Puente Las Islitas |
SoraPorzana carolina
2024-01-21 | 1 | Granja de Camarón Chacalilla |
2024-01-21 | 2 | Estanque de Aguas Residuales de San Blas |
2024-01-28 | 3 | Parque Ecológico de Tepic |
2024-01-30 | 1 | Parque de la Cristiania |
Common GallinuleGallinula galeata
2024-01-15 | 10 | Parque de la Cristiania |
2024-01-15 | 5 | Ciénaga Ribera del Pilar |
2024-01-21 | X | Granja de Camarón Chacalilla |
2024-01-21 | X | Estanque de Aguas Residuales de San Blas |
2024-01-30 | X | Parque de la Cristiania |
American CootFulica americana
2024-01-15 | 20 | Parque de la Cristiania |
2024-01-15 | X | Ciénaga Ribera del Pilar |
2024-01-21 | 10 | Chacalilla (pueblo) |
2024-01-21 | X | Granja de Camarón Chacalilla |
2024-01-26 | 10 | Panuco Road |
2024-01-30 | X | Parque de la Cristiania |
Purple GallinulePorphyrio martinica
2024-01-21 | 10 | Chacalilla (pueblo) |
2024-01-21 | 3 | Granja de Camarón Chacalilla |
2024-01-21 | X | Estanque de Aguas Residuales de San Blas |
LimpkinAramus guarauna
2024-01-21 | 1 | Camino Singayta |
2024-01-22 | 2 | Camino al Cocodrilario |
Black-necked StiltHimantopus mexicanus
2024-01-15 | 20 | Ciénaga Ribera del Pilar |
2024-01-21 | 1 | Chacalilla (pueblo) |
2024-01-21 | 20 | Granja de Camarón Chacalilla |
2024-01-21 | 1 | Mangles de San Blas |
2024-01-21 | X | Estanque de Aguas Residuales de San Blas |
2024-01-21 | 1 | Humedales de San Blas |
2024-01-30 | X | Parque de la Cristiania |
American AvocetRecurvirostra americana
2024-01-15 | 4 | Ciénaga Ribera del Pilar |
2024-01-21 | 5 | Granja de Camarón Chacalilla |
2024-01-29 | 1 | Villa Corona |
Black-bellied PloverPluvialis squatarola
2024-01-15 | 1 | Parque de la Cristiania |
KilldeerCharadrius vociferus
2024-01-15 | 5 | Ciénaga Ribera del Pilar |
2024-01-30 | 1 | Parque de la Cristiania |
Northern JacanaJacana spinosa
2024-01-15 | 3 | Parque de la Cristiania |
2024-01-15 | 5 | Ciénaga Ribera del Pilar |
2024-01-21 | 20 | Chacalilla (pueblo) |
2024-01-21 | 1 | Granja de Camarón Chacalilla |
2024-01-21 | 1 | Camino Singayta |
2024-01-21 | X | Estanque de Aguas Residuales de San Blas |
2024-01-30 | 5 | Parque de la Cristiania |
Long-billed DowitcherLimnodromus scolopaceus
2024-01-15 | 3 | Parque de la Cristiania |
2024-01-15 | 20 | Ciénaga Ribera del Pilar |
2024-01-30 | 5 | Parque de la Cristiania |
Wilson's SnipeGallinago delicata
2024-01-15 | 1 | Parque de la Cristiania |
2024-01-30 | 1 | Parque de la Cristiania |
Spotted SandpiperActitis macularius
2024-01-15 | 2 | Parque de la Cristiania |
2024-01-15 | 1 | Ciénaga Ribera del Pilar |
2024-01-20 | 1 | Rancho Primavera |
2024-01-21 | 3 | Estanque de Aguas Residuales de San Blas |
2024-01-30 | 2 | Parque de la Cristiania |
Lesser YellowlegsTringa flavipes
2024-01-21 | 2 | Estanque de Aguas Residuales de San Blas |
2024-01-21 | 1 | Humedales de San Blas |
WilletTringa semipalmata
2024-01-21 | 3 | Humedales de San Blas |
2024-01-30 | 1 | Parque de la Cristiania |
Least SandpiperCalidris minutilla
2024-01-15 | 1 | Parque de la Cristiania |
2024-01-15 | 5 | Ciénaga Ribera del Pilar |
Laughing GullLeucophaeus atricilla
2024-01-15 | 5 | Ciénaga Ribera del Pilar |
2024-01-21 | 1 | Granja de Camarón Chacalilla |
2024-01-22 | 1 | Auto Selected (21.556, -105.274) |
2024-01-27 | X | Booby Rocks (spotting observation point) |
Heermann's GullLarus heermanni
2024-01-22 | 5 | Arroyo Aticama--Desembocadura |
2024-01-27 | X | Booby Rocks (spotting observation point) |
Ring-billed GullLarus delawarensis
2024-01-15 | 15 | Parque de la Cristiania |
2024-01-22 | 1 | Arroyo Aticama--Desembocadura |
2024-01-30 | 10 | Parque de la Cristiania |
Herring GullLarus argentatus
2024-01-22 | 1 | Arroyo Aticama--Desembocadura |
Gull-billed TernGelochelidon nilotica
2024-01-22 | 10 | Auto Selected (21.556, -105.274) |
Caspian TernHydroprogne caspia
2024-01-15 | 3 | Parque de la Cristiania |
2024-01-19 | 3 | Auto Selected (19.011, -104.246) |
2024-01-21 | 2 | Granja de Camarón Chacalilla |
2024-01-21 | 1 | Mangles de San Blas |
2024-01-30 | 3 | Parque de la Cristiania |
Royal TernThalasseus maximus
2024-01-27 | 4 | Booby Rocks (spotting observation point) |
Red-billed TropicbirdPhaethon aethereus
2024-01-27 | 1 | Booby Rocks (spotting observation point) |
Wood StorkMycteria americana
2024-01-17 | 1 | Auto Selected (19.412, -103.525) |
2024-01-21 | 10 | Chacalilla (pueblo) |
2024-01-22 | X | Auto Selected (21.556, -105.274) |
Magnificent FrigatebirdFregata magnificens
2024-01-19 | 10 | Auto Selected (19.011, -104.246) |
2024-01-21 | 5 | Granja de Camarón Chacalilla |
2024-01-21 | X | Mangles de San Blas |
2024-01-22 | X | Arroyo Aticama--Desembocadura |
2024-01-22 | 1 | Cascada del Cora |
Brown BoobySula leucogaster
2024-01-27 | 30 | Booby Rocks (spotting observation point) |
Blue-footed BoobySula nebouxii
2024-01-27 | 30 | Booby Rocks (spotting observation point) |
AnhingaAnhinga anhinga
2024-01-21 | 2 | Granja de Camarón Chacalilla |
2024-01-21 | 1 | Puente Las Islitas |
Neotropic CormorantNannopterum brasilianum
2024-01-15 | X | Parque de la Cristiania |
2024-01-15 | X | Ciénaga Ribera del Pilar |
2024-01-19 | 5 | Auto Selected (19.011, -104.246) |
2024-01-22 | X | Arroyo Aticama--Desembocadura |
2024-01-30 | X | Parque de la Cristiania |
American White PelicanPelecanus erythrorhynchos
2024-01-15 | 30 | Parque de la Cristiania |
2024-01-15 | 2 | Ciénaga Ribera del Pilar |
2024-01-22 | 5 | Cascada del Cora |
2024-01-29 | 2 | Villa Corona |
2024-01-30 | 5 | Parque de la Cristiania |
Brown PelicanPelecanus occidentalis
2024-01-19 | 2 | Auto Selected (19.011, -104.246) |
2024-01-22 | X | Arroyo Aticama--Desembocadura |
2024-01-27 | X | Booby Rocks (spotting observation point) |
Bare-throated Tiger-HeronTigrisoma mexicanum
2024-01-22 | 1 | Camino al Cocodrilario |
Yellow-crowned Night HeronNyctanassa violacea
2024-01-21 | 1 | Chacalilla (pueblo) |
2024-01-21 | 1 | Mangles de San Blas |
Black-crowned Night HeronNycticorax nycticorax
2024-01-15 | 30 | Parque de la Cristiania |
2024-01-21 | X | Humedales de San Blas |
2024-01-22 | 1 | Auto Selected (21.556, -105.274) |
2024-01-30 | 2 | Parque de la Cristiania |
Little Blue HeronEgretta caerulea
2024-01-21 | 1 | Mangles de San Blas |
Tricolored HeronEgretta tricolor
2024-01-15 | 2 | Parque de la Cristiania |
2024-01-15 | 1 | Ciénaga Ribera del Pilar |
2024-01-21 | 1 | Granja de Camarón Chacalilla |
2024-01-21 | 2 | Camino Singayta |
2024-01-21 | 1 | Puente Las Islitas |
2024-01-21 | X | Humedales de San Blas |
2024-01-22 | 1 | Auto Selected (21.556, -105.274) |
Snowy EgretEgretta thula
2024-01-15 | 3 | Parque de la Cristiania |
2024-01-21 | 1 | Puente Las Islitas |
2024-01-21 | X | Humedales de San Blas |
2024-01-30 | 1 | Parque de la Cristiania |
Green HeronButorides virescens
2024-01-21 | 10 | Granja de Camarón Chacalilla |
2024-01-28 | 2 | Parque Ecológico de Tepic |
Western Cattle EgretBubulcus ibis
2024-01-15 | 2 | Ciénaga Ribera del Pilar |
2024-01-21 | X | Chacalilla (pueblo) |
2024-01-21 | 1 | Granja de Camarón Chacalilla |
2024-01-22 | X | Auto Selected (21.556, -105.274) |
2024-01-29 | X | Villa Corona |
Great EgretArdea alba
2024-01-15 | 2 | Parque de la Cristiania |
2024-01-18 | 5 | Camino a Piscila |
2024-01-21 | X | Chacalilla (pueblo) |
2024-01-21 | X | Granja de Camarón Chacalilla |
2024-01-21 | 1 | Humedales de San Blas |
2024-01-22 | X | Auto Selected (21.556, -105.274) |
2024-01-29 | X | Villa Corona |
2024-01-30 | 1 | Parque de la Cristiania |
Great Blue HeronArdea herodias
2024-01-15 | 3 | Parque de la Cristiania |
2024-01-15 | 4 | Ciénaga Ribera del Pilar |
2024-01-21 | 1 | Mangles de San Blas |
2024-01-22 | 1 | Camino al Cocodrilario |
2024-01-30 | 2 | Parque de la Cristiania |
White IbisEudocimus albus
2024-01-21 | 4 | Puente Las Islitas |
2024-01-21 | X | Humedales de San Blas |
2024-01-22 | 1 | Auto Selected (21.556, -105.274) |
White-faced IbisPlegadis chihi
2024-01-15 | 1 | Parque de la Cristiania |
2024-01-21 | 10 | Camino Singayta |
2024-01-22 | 5 | Camino al Cocodrilario |
2024-01-28 | X | Parque Ecológico de Tepic |
2024-01-30 | 1 | Parque de la Cristiania |
Roseate SpoonbillPlatalea ajaja
2024-01-19 | 1 | Auto Selected (18.923, -104.061) |
2024-01-21 | 2 | Chacalilla (pueblo) |
2024-01-21 | 2 | Camino Singayta |
2024-01-22 | 2 | Auto Selected (21.556, -105.274) |
2024-01-29 | 5 | Villa Corona |
Black VultureCoragyps atratus
2024-01-15 | 1 | Ciénaga Ribera del Pilar |
2024-01-15 | X | Sendero El Caracol - Chapala |
2024-01-16 | 1 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Carretera a Nevado de Colima |
2024-01-17 | X | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Camino Microondas |
2024-01-18 | X | Camino a Piscila |
2024-01-18 | X | Microondas La Cumbre |
2024-01-20 | X | Jardín Botánico Vallarta |
2024-01-21 | X | Granja de Camarón Chacalilla |
2024-01-21 | X | Camino Singayta |
2024-01-22 | X | Reserva Ecológica Sierra de San Juan--El Cuarenteño |
2024-01-22 | X | Cascada del Cora |
2024-01-26 | X | Copala (pueblo) |
2024-01-26 | X | Panuco Road |
2024-01-26 | X | Camino Pantitlan |
2024-01-27 | X | Camino a Los Ébanos |
2024-01-27 | X | Booby Rocks (spotting observation point) |
Turkey VultureCathartes aura
2024-01-15 | X | Ciénaga Ribera del Pilar |
2024-01-15 | X | Sendero El Caracol - Chapala |
2024-01-16 | 1 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Carretera a Nevado de Colima |
2024-01-17 | X | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Camino Microondas |
2024-01-18 | X | Camino a Piscila |
2024-01-18 | X | Microondas La Cumbre |
2024-01-19 | X | Camino Playa del Oro |
2024-01-19 | X | Rancho Los Otates |
2024-01-20 | X | Selva El Tuito--Camino Bioto |
2024-01-20 | X | Jardín Botánico Vallarta |
2024-01-21 | X | Granja de Camarón Chacalilla |
2024-01-21 | X | Camino Singayta |
2024-01-22 | X | Reserva Ecológica Sierra de San Juan--El Cuarenteño |
2024-01-22 | X | Cascada del Cora |
2024-01-23 | X | Auto Selected (21.505, -104.94) |
2024-01-24 | X | Reserva de La Chara Pinta (Tufted Jay Preserve) |
2024-01-25 | X | Haciendo Coyotes--Relleno Sanitario El Salto (acceso restringido) |
2024-01-25 | X | Puente Baluarte (Durango) |
2024-01-26 | X | Reserva de La Chara Pinta (Tufted Jay Preserve) |
2024-01-26 | X | Copala (pueblo) |
2024-01-26 | X | Panuco Road |
2024-01-26 | X | Camino Pantitlan |
2024-01-27 | X | Camino a Los Ébanos |
2024-01-27 | X | Booby Rocks (spotting observation point) |
OspreyPandion haliaetus
2024-01-26 | 1 | Auto Selected (23.193, -106.238) |
White-tailed KiteElanus leucurus
2024-01-19 | 1 | Auto Selected (18.931, -103.983) |
Snail KiteRostrhamus sociabilis
2024-01-21 | 1 | Mangles de San Blas |
Northern HarrierCircus hudsonius
2024-01-25 | 1 | Haciendo Coyotes--Relleno Sanitario El Salto (acceso restringido) |
Sharp-shinned HawkAccipiter striatus
2024-01-24 | 1 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta--(Km 200.5) |
2024-01-26 | 1 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta (Tufted Jay Preserve) |
2024-01-27 | 1 | Camino a Los Ébanos |
Cooper's HawkAccipiter cooperii
2024-01-25 | 1 | Haciendo Coyotes--Relleno Sanitario El Salto (acceso restringido) |
Common Black HawkButeogallus anthracinus
2024-01-20 | 1 | Rancho Primavera |
2024-01-22 | 1 | Cascada del Cora |
Gray HawkButeo plagiatus
2024-01-17 | 1 | Carretera Volcán de Fuego--Km 0.5 |
2024-01-18 | 1 | Camino a Piscila |
2024-01-21 | 1 | Chacalilla (pueblo) |
2024-01-27 | 1 | Camino a Los Ébanos |
Broad-winged HawkButeo platypterus
2024-01-23 | 1 | Auto Selected (21.505, -104.94) |
Short-tailed HawkButeo brachyurus
2024-01-17 | 1 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Camino Microondas |
2024-01-21 | 1 | Chacalilla (pueblo) |
2024-01-24 | 1 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta (Tufted Jay Preserve) |
Zone-tailed HawkButeo albonotatus
2024-01-15 | 1 | Ciénaga Ribera del Pilar |
2024-01-16 | 1 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Carretera a Nevado de Colima |
2024-01-17 | 1 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Camino Microondas |
2024-01-26 | 1 | Panuco Road |
Red-tailed HawkButeo jamaicensis
2024-01-15 | 2 | Sendero El Caracol - Chapala |
2024-01-16 | 2 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Carretera a Nevado de Colima |
2024-01-25 | 1 | Haciendo Coyotes--Relleno Sanitario El Salto (acceso restringido) |
2024-01-27 | 1 | Camino a Los Ébanos |
Whiskered Screech-OwlMegascops trichopsis
2024-01-24 | 1 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta--Senda Arroyo |
2024-01-28 | 2 | Cerro La Bufa |
Balsas Screech-OwlMegascops seductus
2024-01-18 | 2 | Microondas La Cumbre |
2024-01-19 | 2 | Microondas La Cumbre |
Western Screech-OwlMegascops kennicottii
2024-01-29 | 2 | Sendero El Caracol - Chapala |
Northern Pygmy-OwlGlaucidium gnoma
2024-01-17 | 2 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Camino Microondas |
2024-01-29 | 1 | Sendero El Caracol - Chapala |
Colima Pygmy-OwlGlaucidium palmarum
2024-01-18 | 2 | Camino a Piscila |
2024-01-19 | 1 | Camino La Bascula |
2024-01-20 | 3 | Selva El Tuito--Camino Bioto |
Ferruginous Pygmy-OwlGlaucidium brasilianum
2024-01-21 | 1 | Chacalilla (pueblo) |
2024-01-26 | 1 | Panuco Road |
2024-01-27 | 2 | Camino a Los Ébanos |
Elf OwlMicrathene whitneyi
2024-01-29 | 1 | Sendero El Caracol - Chapala |
Mottled OwlStrix virgata
2024-01-18 | 1 | Microondas La Cumbre |
2024-01-19 | 1 | Camino La Bascula |
Cinereous OwlStrix sartorii
2024-01-22 | 2 | Auto Selected (21.475, -104.983) |
Stygian OwlAsio stygius
2024-01-24 | 1 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta (Tufted Jay Preserve) |
Northern Saw-whet OwlAegolius acadicus
2024-01-22 | 1 | Auto Selected (21.475, -104.983) |
2024-01-24 | 1 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta (Tufted Jay Preserve) |
2024-01-28 | 1 | Cerro La Bufa |
Eared QuetzalEuptilotis neoxenus
2024-01-25 | 1 | Auto Selected (23.596, -105.847) |
2024-01-24 | 1 | Auto Selected (23.596, -105.847) |
Citreoline TrogonTrogon citreolus
2024-01-19 | 3 | Camino Playa del Oro |
2024-01-21 | 1 | Camino Vivero Singayta |
2024-01-21 | 1 | Puente Las Islitas |
2024-01-22 | 1 | Cascada del Cora |
2024-01-27 | 1 | Camino a Los Ébanos |
Elegant TrogonTrogon elegans
2024-01-20 | 2 | Selva El Tuito--Camino Bioto |
2024-01-21 | 1 | Chacalilla (pueblo) |
Mountain TrogonTrogon mexicanus
2024-01-24 | 1 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta--(Km 200.5) |
2024-01-24 | 1 | Carretera 40/El Salto-Villa Unión--Km 195.8 |
Russet-crowned MotmotMomotus mexicanus
2024-01-18 | 4 | Parque Ecológico La Campana |
2024-01-19 | 1 | Camino La Bascula |
2024-01-20 | 2 | Selva El Tuito--Camino Bioto |
Ringed KingfisherMegaceryle torquata
2024-01-21 | 1 | Mangles de San Blas |
2024-01-22 | 1 | Auto Selected (21.556, -105.274) |
Green KingfisherChloroceryle americana
2024-01-21 | 1 | Puente Las Islitas |
2024-01-22 | 1 | Auto Selected (21.556, -105.274) |
2024-01-28 | 1 | Parque Ecológico de Tepic |
Yellow-bellied SapsuckerSphyrapicus varius
2024-01-16 | 2 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Carretera a Nevado de Colima |
Acorn WoodpeckerMelanerpes formicivorus
2024-01-16 | 15 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Carretera a Nevado de Colima |
2024-01-17 | 4 | Carretera Volcán de Fuego--Km 0.5 |
2024-01-23 | 5 | Reserva Ecológica Sierra de San Juan--La Noria |
Golden-cheeked WoodpeckerMelanerpes chrysogenys
2024-01-18 | 5 | Parque Ecológico La Campana |
2024-01-19 | 3 | Camino Playa del Oro |
2024-01-20 | 5 | Selva El Tuito--Camino Bioto |
2024-01-21 | 2 | Chacalilla (pueblo) |
2024-01-27 | 2 | Camino a Los Ébanos |
Gila WoodpeckerMelanerpes uropygialis
2024-01-21 | 4 | Chacalilla (pueblo) |
2024-01-26 | 1 | Copala (pueblo) |
2024-01-27 | 5 | Camino a Los Ébanos |
Golden-fronted WoodpeckerMelanerpes aurifrons
2024-01-15 | 2 | Parque de la Cristiania |
2024-01-15 | 1 | Ciénaga Ribera del Pilar |
2024-01-15 | 2 | Sendero El Caracol - Chapala |
2024-01-30 | 2 | Parque de la Cristiania |
Ladder-backed WoodpeckerDryobates scalaris
2024-01-17 | 1 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Carretera Volcán de Fuego (encinar más bajo/lower oak zone) |
2024-01-18 | 1 | Parque Ecológico La Campana |
Hairy WoodpeckerDryobates villosus
2024-01-16 | 2 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Carretera a Nevado de Colima |
2024-01-25 | 1 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta (Tufted Jay Preserve) |
Arizona WoodpeckerDryobates arizonae
2024-01-16 | 1 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Carretera a Nevado de Colima |
2024-01-17 | 2 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Camino Microondas |
2024-01-22 | 1 | Reserva Ecológica Sierra de San Juan--El Cuarenteño |
2024-01-23 | 2 | Reserva Ecológica Sierra de San Juan--La Noria |
2024-01-24 | 1 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta--Senda Arroyo |
2024-01-24 | 1 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta (Tufted Jay Preserve) |
Pale-billed WoodpeckerCampephilus guatemalensis
2024-01-20 | 1 | Selva El Tuito--Camino Bioto |
2024-01-21 | 1 | Estanque de Aguas Residuales de San Blas |
Lineated WoodpeckerDryocopus lineatus
2024-01-20 | 1 | Selva El Tuito--Camino Bioto |
2024-01-27 | 2 | Camino a Los Ébanos |
Gray-crowned WoodpeckerColaptes auricularis
2024-01-17 | 1 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Camino Microondas |
2024-01-23 | 1 | Auto Selected (21.505, -104.94) |
2024-01-23 | 1 | Reserva Ecológica Sierra de San Juan--La Noria |
2024-01-24 | 1 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta--(Km 200.5) |
Laughing FalconHerpetotheres cachinnans
2024-01-21 | 1 | Camino Singayta |
2024-01-22 | 2 | Camino al Cocodrilario |
Collared Forest-FalconMicrastur semitorquatus
2024-01-20 | 1 | Selva El Tuito--Camino Bioto |
2024-01-21 | 1 | Camino Vivero Singayta |
Crested CaracaraCaracara plancus
2024-01-17 | 1 | Carretera Volcán de Fuego--Km 0.5 |
2024-01-19 | 2 | Auto Selected (18.931, -103.983) |
2024-01-21 | 1 | Camino Singayta |
2024-01-27 | 5 | Camino a Los Ébanos |
American KestrelFalco sparverius
2024-01-15 | 1 | Parque de la Cristiania |
2024-01-15 | 2 | Sendero El Caracol - Chapala |
2024-01-17 | 1 | Carretera Volcán de Fuego--Km 0.5 |
Bat FalconFalco rufigularis
2024-01-16 | 1 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Carretera a Nevado de Colima |
2024-01-20 | 1 | Selva El Tuito--Camino Bioto |
2024-01-22 | 2 | Cascada del Cora |
Monk ParakeetMyiopsitta monachus
2024-01-15 | 20 | Parque de la Cristiania |
2024-01-30 | 30 | Parque de la Cristiania |
White-fronted ParrotAmazona albifrons
2024-01-27 | 1 | Camino a Los Ébanos |
Orange-fronted ParakeetEupsittula canicularis
2024-01-18 | 5 | Parque Ecológico La Campana |
2024-01-20 | 10 | Selva El Tuito--Camino Bioto |
2024-01-20 | 3 | Jardín Botánico Vallarta |
2024-01-26 | 10 | Copala (pueblo) |
2024-01-26 | 15 | Panuco Road |
2024-01-27 | 3 | Camino a Los Ébanos |
Olivaceous WoodcreeperSittasomus griseicapillus
2024-01-22 | 1 | Reserva Ecológica Sierra de San Juan--Camino a La Noria |
Ivory-billed WoodcreeperXiphorhynchus flavigaster
2024-01-20 | 2 | Selva El Tuito--Camino Bioto |
2024-01-23 | 1 | Reserva Ecológica Sierra de San Juan--Camino a La Noria |
2024-01-26 | 1 | Panuco Road |
White-striped WoodcreeperLepidocolaptes leucogaster
2024-01-16 | 5 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Carretera a Nevado de Colima |
2024-01-22 | 1 | Reserva Ecológica Sierra de San Juan--El Cuarenteño |
2024-01-24 | 2 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta--Senda Arroyo |
2024-01-24 | 2 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta (Tufted Jay Preserve) |
2024-01-24 | 2 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta--(Km 200.5) |
Masked TityraTityra semifasciata
2024-01-19 | 1 | Camino Playa del Oro |
2024-01-20 | 1 | Selva El Tuito--Camino Bioto |
2024-01-20 | 2 | Jardín Botánico Vallarta |
2024-01-27 | 1 | Camino a Los Ébanos |
Gray-collared BecardPachyramphus major
2024-01-17 | 1 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Camino Microondas |
Rose-throated BecardPachyramphus aglaiae
2024-01-18 | 1 | Parque Ecológico La Campana |
2024-01-19 | 1 | Camino Playa del Oro |
2024-01-20 | 4 | Selva El Tuito--Camino Bioto |
2024-01-21 | 3 | Camino Vivero Singayta |
2024-01-22 | 1 | Reserva Ecológica Sierra de San Juan--El Cuarenteño |
2024-01-27 | 1 | Camino a Los Ébanos |
Northern Beardless-TyrannuletCamptostoma imberbe
2024-01-19 | 1 | Camino Playa del Oro |
2024-01-20 | 5 | Selva El Tuito--Camino Bioto |
2024-01-29 | 1 | Sendero El Caracol - Chapala |
Greenish ElaeniaMyiopagis viridicata
2024-01-18 | 1 | Parque Ecológico La Campana |
2024-01-20 | 1 | Selva El Tuito--Camino Bioto |
2024-01-22 | 1 | Camino al Cocodrilario |
Tufted FlycatcherMitrephanes phaeocercus
2024-01-16 | 3 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Carretera a Nevado de Colima |
2024-01-17 | 4 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Camino Microondas |
2024-01-22 | 3 | Reserva Ecológica Sierra de San Juan--El Cuarenteño |
2024-01-22 | 2 | Reserva Ecológica Sierra de San Juan--Camino a La Noria |
2024-01-23 | 1 | Reserva Ecológica Sierra de San Juan--Camino a La Noria |
2024-01-23 | 1 | Reserva Ecológica Sierra de San Juan--El Cuarenteño |
2024-01-23 | 3 | Reserva Ecológica Sierra de San Juan--La Noria |
Olive-sided FlycatcherContopus cooperi
2024-01-16 | 2 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Carretera a Nevado de Colima |
Greater PeweeContopus pertinax
2024-01-17 | 2 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Camino Microondas |
2024-01-18 | 5 | Parque Ecológico La Campana |
2024-01-19 | 3 | Rancho Los Otates |
2024-01-22 | 1 | Reserva Ecológica Sierra de San Juan--El Cuarenteño |
2024-01-22 | 1 | Reserva Ecológica Sierra de San Juan--Camino a La Noria |
2024-01-24 | 2 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta--(Km 200.5) |
2024-01-27 | 1 | Camino a Los Ébanos |
2024-01-29 | 1 | Sendero El Caracol - Chapala |
White-throated FlycatcherEmpidonax albigularis
2024-01-22 | 1 | Camino al Cocodrilario |
Least FlycatcherEmpidonax minimus
2024-01-17 | 1 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Camino Microondas |
Hammond's FlycatcherEmpidonax hammondii
2024-01-24 | 1 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta (Tufted Jay Preserve) |
2024-01-29 | 1 | Sendero El Caracol - Chapala |
Dusky FlycatcherEmpidonax oberholseri
2024-01-29 | 1 | Sendero El Caracol - Chapala |
Western FlycatcherEmpidonax difficilis
2024-01-18 | 2 | Parque Ecológico La Campana |
2024-01-18 | 1 | Microondas La Cumbre |
2024-01-19 | 4 | Camino Playa del Oro |
2024-01-20 | X | Selva El Tuito--Camino Bioto |
2024-01-21 | 1 | Chacalilla (pueblo) |
2024-01-21 | 2 | Camino Vivero Singayta |
2024-01-21 | 2 | Camino Singayta |
2024-01-22 | 1 | Reserva Ecológica Sierra de San Juan--El Cuarenteño |
2024-01-26 | 1 | Copala (pueblo) |
2024-01-27 | 3 | Camino a Los Ébanos |
Buff-breasted FlycatcherEmpidonax fulvifrons
2024-01-23 | 4 | Reserva Ecológica Sierra de San Juan--La Noria |
2024-01-25 | 2 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta (Tufted Jay Preserve) |
2024-01-26 | 2 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta (Tufted Jay Preserve) |
Black PhoebeSayornis nigricans
2024-01-27 | 1 | Camino a Los Ébanos |
Say's PhoebeSayornis saya
2024-01-25 | 1 | Haciendo Coyotes--Relleno Sanitario El Salto (acceso restringido) |
Vermilion FlycatcherPyrocephalus rubinus
2024-01-15 | 3 | Parque de la Cristiania |
2024-01-15 | 4 | Ciénaga Ribera del Pilar |
2024-01-15 | 5 | Sendero El Caracol - Chapala |
2024-01-18 | 1 | Parque Ecológico La Campana |
2024-01-18 | 1 | Camino a Piscila |
2024-01-21 | 1 | Granja de Camarón Chacalilla |
2024-01-22 | 1 | Camino al Cocodrilario |
2024-01-25 | 2 | Haciendo Coyotes--Relleno Sanitario El Salto (acceso restringido) |
2024-01-28 | 1 | Parque Ecológico de Tepic |
Flammulated FlycatcherRamphotrigon flammulatum
2024-01-22 | 1 | Cascada del Cora |
Bright-rumped AttilaAttila spadiceus
2024-01-20 | 2 | Selva El Tuito--Camino Bioto |
Dusky-capped FlycatcherMyiarchus tuberculifer
2024-01-15 | 1 | Parque de la Cristiania |
2024-01-17 | 5 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Camino Microondas |
2024-01-17 | 3 | Carretera Volcán de Fuego--Km 0.5 |
2024-01-20 | 2 | Selva El Tuito--Camino Bioto |
2024-01-23 | 1 | Auto Selected (21.505, -104.94) |
2024-01-27 | 1 | Camino a Los Ébanos |
2024-01-29 | 1 | Sendero El Caracol - Chapala |
Ash-throated FlycatcherMyiarchus cinerascens
2024-01-15 | 5 | Sendero El Caracol - Chapala |
Brown-crested FlycatcherMyiarchus tyrannulus
2024-01-18 | 1 | Camino a Piscila |
2024-01-18 | 2 | Microondas La Cumbre |
2024-01-19 | 5 | Camino Playa del Oro |
2024-01-20 | 10 | Selva El Tuito--Camino Bioto |
2024-01-21 | 3 | Camino Vivero Singayta |
2024-01-22 | 1 | Cascada del Cora |
2024-01-23 | 1 | Auto Selected (21.505, -104.94) |
2024-01-27 | 3 | Camino a Los Ébanos |
Great KiskadeePitangus sulphuratus
2024-01-15 | 5 | Parque de la Cristiania |
2024-01-15 | X | Ciénaga Ribera del Pilar |
2024-01-17 | 3 | Carretera Volcán de Fuego--Km 0.5 |
2024-01-18 | X | Parque Ecológico La Campana |
2024-01-21 | X | Chacalilla (pueblo) |
2024-01-28 | X | Parque Ecológico de Tepic |
2024-01-30 | X | Parque de la Cristiania |
Boat-billed FlycatcherMegarynchus pitangua
2024-01-20 | 1 | Selva El Tuito--Camino Bioto |
Social FlycatcherMyiozetetes similis
2024-01-15 | 5 | Parque de la Cristiania |
2024-01-18 | X | Parque Ecológico La Campana |
2024-01-18 | 4 | Camino a Piscila |
2024-01-20 | X | Jardín Botánico Vallarta |
2024-01-21 | X | Chacalilla (pueblo) |
2024-01-28 | X | Parque Ecológico de Tepic |
2024-01-30 | X | Parque de la Cristiania |
Tropical KingbirdTyrannus melancholicus
2024-01-15 | X | Parque de la Cristiania |
2024-01-21 | X | Chacalilla (pueblo) |
2024-01-21 | X | Granja de Camarón Chacalilla |
Cassin's KingbirdTyrannus vociferans
2024-01-15 | 4 | Parque de la Cristiania |
2024-01-15 | 1 | Ciénaga Ribera del Pilar |
2024-01-15 | 2 | Sendero El Caracol - Chapala |
2024-01-17 | 2 | Carretera Volcán de Fuego--Km 0.5 |
2024-01-17 | 1 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Carretera Volcán de Fuego (encinar más bajo/lower oak zone) |
2024-01-25 | 1 | Haciendo Coyotes--Relleno Sanitario El Salto (acceso restringido) |
Thick-billed KingbirdTyrannus crassirostris
2024-01-17 | 4 | Carretera Volcán de Fuego--Km 0.5 |
2024-01-18 | X | Parque Ecológico La Campana |
2024-01-19 | 1 | Camino Playa del Oro |
2024-01-22 | 2 | Cascada del Cora |
2024-01-26 | 1 | Copala (pueblo) |
2024-01-26 | 1 | Panuco Road |
Chestnut-sided Shrike-VireoVireolanius melitophrys
2024-01-16 | 3 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Carretera a Nevado de Colima |
2024-01-17 | 3 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Camino Microondas |
Golden VireoVireo hypochryseus
2024-01-17 | 2 | Carretera Volcán de Fuego--Km 0.5 |
2024-01-18 | 3 | Parque Ecológico La Campana |
2024-01-20 | 3 | Selva El Tuito--Camino Bioto |
2024-01-20 | 1 | Jardín Botánico Vallarta |
2024-01-21 | 3 | Chacalilla (pueblo) |
2024-01-22 | 2 | Reserva Ecológica Sierra de San Juan--Camino a La Noria |
Black-capped VireoVireo atricapilla
2024-01-20 | 1 | Selva El Tuito--Camino Bioto |
2024-01-21 | 2 | Camino Vivero Singayta |
2024-01-22 | 1 | Cascada del Cora |
Dwarf VireoVireo nelsoni
2024-01-17 | 1 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Camino Microondas |
Mangrove VireoVireo pallens
2024-01-22 | 1 | Auto Selected (21.556, -105.274) |
Bell's VireoVireo bellii
2024-01-22 | 2 | Camino al Cocodrilario |
Hutton's VireoVireo huttoni
2024-01-16 | 4 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Carretera a Nevado de Colima |
Cassin's VireoVireo cassinii
2024-01-17 | 3 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Camino Microondas |
2024-01-18 | 1 | Parque Ecológico La Campana |
2024-01-20 | 3 | Selva El Tuito--Camino Bioto |
2024-01-22 | 2 | Reserva Ecológica Sierra de San Juan--Camino a La Noria |
2024-01-23 | 1 | Auto Selected (21.505, -104.94) |
2024-01-26 | 1 | Panuco Road |
Plumbeous VireoVireo plumbeus
2024-01-17 | 2 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Camino Microondas |
Warbling VireoVireo gilvus
2024-01-16 | 5 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Carretera a Nevado de Colima |
2024-01-17 | 20 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Camino Microondas |
2024-01-17 | 1 | Carretera Volcán de Fuego--Km 0.5 |
2024-01-18 | 5 | Camino a Piscila |
2024-01-19 | 10 | Camino Playa del Oro |
2024-01-20 | 10 | Selva El Tuito--Camino Bioto |
2024-01-21 | 10 | Camino Vivero Singayta |
2024-01-25 | 5 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta (Tufted Jay Preserve) |
2024-01-24 | 5 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta--Senda Arroyo |
2024-01-25 | 1 | Puente Baluarte (Durango) |
2024-01-27 | 1 | Camino a Los Ébanos |
Loggerhead ShrikeLanius ludovicianus
2024-01-15 | 1 | Ciénaga Ribera del Pilar |
2024-01-25 | 1 | Haciendo Coyotes--Relleno Sanitario El Salto (acceso restringido) |
Black-throated Magpie-JayCalocitta colliei
2024-01-20 | 1 | Selva El Tuito--Camino Bioto |
2024-01-22 | 6 | Cascada del Cora |
2024-01-26 | 10 | Panuco Road |
2024-01-27 | 15 | Camino a Los Ébanos |
White-throated Magpie-JayCalocitta formosa
2024-01-18 | 8 | Microondas La Cumbre |
2024-01-20 | 5 | Selva El Tuito--Camino Bioto |
Tufted JayCyanocorax dickeyi
2024-01-24 | 3 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta--Senda Arroyo |
2024-01-24 | 10 | Auto Selected (23.596, -105.847) |
Green JayCyanocorax yncas
2024-01-20 | 8 | Jardín Botánico Vallarta |
2024-01-23 | 4 | Auto Selected (21.505, -104.94) |
San Blas JayCyanocorax sanblasianus
2024-01-20 | 4 | Jardín Botánico Vallarta |
Purplish-backed JayCyanocorax beecheii
2024-01-26 | 4 | Camino Pantitlan |
2024-01-27 | 4 | Camino a Los Ébanos |
Steller's JayCyanocitta stelleri
2024-01-24 | 2 | Auto Selected (23.596, -105.847) |
2024-01-25 | 4 | Haciendo Coyotes--Relleno Sanitario El Salto (acceso restringido) |
Transvolcanic JayAphelocoma ultramarina
2024-01-16 | 6 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Carretera a Nevado de Colima |
2024-01-17 | 5 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Camino Microondas |
2024-01-17 | 2 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Carretera Volcán de Fuego (encinar más bajo/lower oak zone) |
Sinaloa CrowCorvus sinaloae
2024-01-21 | 25 | Chacalilla (pueblo) |
2024-01-22 | 5 | Camino al Cocodrilario |
2024-01-22 | 10 | Arroyo Aticama--Desembocadura |
2024-01-26 | 20 | Auto Selected (23.194, -106.286) |
Common RavenCorvus corax
2024-01-15 | 2 | Sendero El Caracol - Chapala |
2024-01-16 | 1 | Auto Selected (19.593, -103.593) |
2024-01-22 | 3 | Cascada del Cora |
2024-01-23 | 5 | Reserva Ecológica Sierra de San Juan--La Noria |
2024-01-25 | 10 | Haciendo Coyotes--Relleno Sanitario El Salto (acceso restringido) |
2024-01-26 | 1 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta (Tufted Jay Preserve) |
Mexican ChickadeePoecile sclateri
2024-01-16 | 3 | Auto Selected (19.593, -103.593) |
2024-01-16 | 4 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Carretera a Nevado de Colima |
2024-01-24 | 3 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta--Senda Arroyo |
2024-01-24 | 2 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta--(Km 200.5) |
Bridled TitmouseBaeolophus wollweberi
2024-01-24 | 2 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta--Senda Arroyo |
2024-01-24 | 3 | Carretera 40/El Salto-Villa Unión--Km 195.8 |
Mangrove SwallowTachycineta albilinea
2024-01-21 | 5 | Granja de Camarón Chacalilla |
Violet-green SwallowTachycineta thalassina
2024-01-16 | 2 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Carretera a Nevado de Colima |
2024-01-17 | 1 | Carretera Volcán de Fuego--Km 0.5 |
2024-01-19 | 2 | Camino Playa del Oro |
Northern Rough-winged SwallowStelgidopteryx serripennis
2024-01-15 | 1 | Sendero El Caracol - Chapala |
2024-01-19 | 5 | Camino Playa del Oro |
2024-01-27 | 1 | Camino a Los Ébanos |
2024-01-27 | X | Booby Rocks (spotting observation point) |
2024-01-29 | X | Sendero El Caracol - Chapala |
Barn SwallowHirundo rustica
2024-01-15 | X | Parque de la Cristiania |
2024-01-18 | 10 | Parque Ecológico La Campana |
2024-01-21 | X | Chacalilla (pueblo) |
2024-01-21 | X | Estanque de Aguas Residuales de San Blas |
BushtitPsaltriparus minimus
2024-01-16 | 3 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Carretera a Nevado de Colima |
2024-01-17 | 3 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Camino Microondas |
2024-01-29 | 3 | Sendero El Caracol - Chapala |
Ruby-crowned KingletCorthylio calendula
2024-01-16 | 10 | Auto Selected (19.593, -103.593) |
2024-01-16 | 10 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Carretera a Nevado de Colima |
2024-01-17 | 10 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Camino Microondas |
2024-01-23 | 2 | Reserva Ecológica Sierra de San Juan--La Noria |
2024-01-25 | 5 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta (Tufted Jay Preserve) |
2024-01-24 | 5 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta--Senda Arroyo |
2024-01-24 | 5 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta--(Km 200.5) |
2024-01-24 | 5 | Carretera 40/El Salto-Villa Unión--Km 195.8 |
2024-01-29 | 1 | Sendero El Caracol - Chapala |
White-breasted NuthatchSitta carolinensis
2024-01-16 | 2 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Carretera a Nevado de Colima |
2024-01-24 | 1 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta--Senda Arroyo |
Pygmy NuthatchSitta pygmaea
2024-01-16 | 2 | Auto Selected (19.593, -103.593) |
2024-01-24 | 1 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta--Senda Arroyo |
Brown CreeperCerthia americana
2024-01-16 | 1 | Auto Selected (19.593, -103.593) |
2024-01-24 | 3 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta (Tufted Jay Preserve) |
2024-01-24 | 1 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta--(Km 200.5) |
2024-01-24 | 2 | Carretera 40/El Salto-Villa Unión--Km 195.8 |
Blue-gray GnatcatcherPolioptila caerulea
2024-01-15 | 10 | Parque de la Cristiania |
2024-01-15 | X | Ciénaga Ribera del Pilar |
2024-01-15 | 5 | Sendero El Caracol - Chapala |
2024-01-17 | 2 | Carretera Volcán de Fuego--Km 0.5 |
2024-01-18 | X | Parque Ecológico La Campana |
2024-01-18 | X | Camino a Piscila |
2024-01-19 | X | Camino Playa del Oro |
2024-01-19 | 6 | Rancho Los Otates |
2024-01-19 | X | Camino La Bascula |
2024-01-20 | X | Selva El Tuito--Camino Bioto |
2024-01-21 | 2 | Camino Vivero Singayta |
2024-01-22 | X | Camino al Cocodrilario |
2024-01-22 | X | Reserva Ecológica Sierra de San Juan--Camino a La Noria |
2024-01-23 | 2 | Reserva Ecológica Sierra de San Juan--Camino a La Noria |
2024-01-25 | 10 | Puente Baluarte (Durango) |
2024-01-26 | 1 | Copala (pueblo) |
2024-01-26 | 1 | Camino Pantitlan |
2024-01-27 | 1 | Camino a Los Ébanos |
2024-01-28 | X | Parque Ecológico de Tepic |
2024-01-30 | X | Parque de la Cristiania |
Black-tailed GnatcatcherPolioptila melanura
2024-01-29 | 1 | Sendero El Caracol - Chapala |
Black-capped GnatcatcherPolioptila nigriceps
2024-01-25 | 2 | Puente Baluarte (Durango) |
House WrenTroglodytes aedon
2024-01-15 | 1 | Parque de la Cristiania |
2024-01-17 | 1 | Carretera Volcán de Fuego--Km 0.5 |
2024-01-17 | 1 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Carretera Volcán de Fuego (encinar más bajo/lower oak zone) |
2024-01-18 | 2 | Parque Ecológico La Campana |
2024-01-23 | 2 | Reserva Ecológica Sierra de San Juan--La Noria |
2024-01-25 | 2 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta (Tufted Jay Preserve) |
2024-01-25 | 1 | Haciendo Coyotes--Relleno Sanitario El Salto (acceso restringido) |
2024-01-26 | 1 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta (Tufted Jay Preserve) |
2024-01-26 | 1 | Copala (pueblo) |
2024-01-26 | 2 | Panuco Road |
Marsh WrenCistothorus palustris
2024-01-15 | 1 | Parque de la Cristiania |
2024-01-15 | 1 | Ciénaga Ribera del Pilar |
Bewick's WrenThryomanes bewickii
2024-01-15 | 1 | Parque de la Cristiania |
Gray-barred WrenCampylorhynchus megalopterus
2024-01-16 | 6 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Carretera a Nevado de Colima |
2024-01-17 | 4 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Camino Microondas |
Spotted WrenCampylorhynchus gularis
2024-01-16 | 2 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Carretera a Nevado de Colima |
2024-01-17 | 3 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Carretera Volcán de Fuego (encinar más bajo/lower oak zone) |
2024-01-23 | 5 | Reserva Ecológica Sierra de San Juan--La Noria |
Happy WrenPheugopedius felix
2024-01-17 | 2 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Camino Microondas |
2024-01-20 | 1 | Selva El Tuito--Camino Bioto |
2024-01-26 | 2 | Panuco Road |
Sinaloa WrenThryophilus sinaloa
2024-01-17 | 1 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Camino Microondas |
2024-01-17 | 2 | Carretera Volcán de Fuego--Km 0.5 |
2024-01-20 | 1 | Selva El Tuito--Camino Bioto |
2024-01-20 | 1 | Jardín Botánico Vallarta |
2024-01-21 | 1 | Chacalilla (pueblo) |
2024-01-23 | 1 | Auto Selected (21.505, -104.94) |
White-bellied WrenUropsila leucogastra
2024-01-19 | 8 | Camino Playa del Oro |
2024-01-20 | 1 | Selva El Tuito--Camino Bioto |
Gray-breasted Wood-WrenHenicorhina leucophrys
2024-01-16 | 2 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Carretera a Nevado de Colima |
Blue MockingbirdMelanotis caerulescens
2024-01-16 | 2 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Carretera a Nevado de Colima |
2024-01-17 | 2 | Carretera Volcán de Fuego--Km 0.5 |
2024-01-22 | 1 | Reserva Ecológica Sierra de San Juan--Camino a La Noria |
Curve-billed ThrasherToxostoma curvirostre
2024-01-15 | 1 | Ciénaga Ribera del Pilar |
2024-01-17 | 2 | Carretera Volcán de Fuego--Km 0.5 |
Northern MockingbirdMimus polyglottos
2024-01-15 | 1 | Ciénaga Ribera del Pilar |
Eastern BluebirdSialia sialis
2024-01-16 | 1 | Auto Selected (19.632, -103.504) |
2024-01-23 | 3 | Reserva Ecológica Sierra de San Juan--La Noria |
2024-01-25 | 3 | Haciendo Coyotes--Relleno Sanitario El Salto (acceso restringido) |
Brown-backed SolitaireMyadestes occidentalis
2024-01-16 | 25 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Carretera a Nevado de Colima |
2024-01-17 | 5 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Camino Microondas |
2024-01-17 | 3 | Carretera Volcán de Fuego--Km 0.5 |
2024-01-22 | 2 | Reserva Ecológica Sierra de San Juan--Camino a La Noria |
2024-01-23 | 1 | Auto Selected (21.505, -104.94) |
2024-01-23 | 1 | Reserva Ecológica Sierra de San Juan--La Noria |
2024-01-25 | X | Reserva de La Chara Pinta (Tufted Jay Preserve) |
2024-01-24 | X | Reserva de La Chara Pinta (Tufted Jay Preserve) |
2024-01-24 | X | Carretera 40/El Salto-Villa Unión--Km 195.8 |
2024-01-26 | 3 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta (Tufted Jay Preserve) |
2024-01-29 | 1 | Sendero El Caracol - Chapala |
Orange-billed Nightingale-ThrushCatharus aurantiirostris
2024-01-17 | 1 | Carretera Volcán de Fuego--Km 0.5 |
Russet Nightingale-ThrushCatharus occidentalis
2024-01-16 | 4 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Carretera a Nevado de Colima |
2024-01-25 | 3 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta (Tufted Jay Preserve) |
2024-01-24 | 1 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta--Senda Arroyo |
Ruddy-capped Nightingale-ThrushCatharus frantzii
2024-01-16 | 1 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Carretera a Nevado de Colima |
Hermit ThrushCatharus guttatus
2024-01-24 | 1 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta--Senda Arroyo |
2024-01-26 | 1 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta (Tufted Jay Preserve) |
Aztec ThrushRidgwayia pinicola
2024-01-16 | 1 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Carretera a Nevado de Colima |
2024-01-25 | 3 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta (Tufted Jay Preserve) |
White-throated ThrushTurdus assimilis
2024-01-16 | 3 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Carretera a Nevado de Colima |
2024-01-20 | 3 | Jardín Botánico Vallarta |
2024-01-23 | 1 | Auto Selected (21.505, -104.94) |
2024-01-23 | 2 | Reserva Ecológica Sierra de San Juan--La Noria |
2024-01-25 | 4 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta (Tufted Jay Preserve) |
2024-01-24 | 5 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta--Senda Arroyo |
2024-01-26 | 5 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta (Tufted Jay Preserve) |
American RobinTurdus migratorius
2024-01-25 | 5 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta (Tufted Jay Preserve) |
2024-01-24 | 3 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta (Tufted Jay Preserve) |
2024-01-26 | 10 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta (Tufted Jay Preserve) |
Rufous-backed RobinTurdus rufopalliatus
2024-01-15 | 2 | Ciénaga Ribera del Pilar |
2024-01-20 | 1 | Selva El Tuito--Camino Bioto |
2024-01-20 | 1 | Jardín Botánico Vallarta |
2024-01-21 | 1 | Camino Singayta |
2024-01-22 | 1 | Cascada del Cora |
2024-01-30 | 1 | Parque de la Cristiania |
Gray Silky-flycatcherPtiliogonys cinereus
2024-01-17 | 1 | Carretera Volcán de Fuego--Km 0.5 |
2024-01-17 | 20 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Carretera Volcán de Fuego (encinar más bajo/lower oak zone) |
2024-01-23 | 1 | Reserva Ecológica Sierra de San Juan--La Noria |
2024-01-25 | 6 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta (Tufted Jay Preserve) |
2024-01-24 | 10 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta--(Km 200.5) |
2024-01-26 | 5 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta (Tufted Jay Preserve) |
Olive WarblerPeucedramus taeniatus
2024-01-16 | 1 | Auto Selected (19.593, -103.593) |
2024-01-16 | 5 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Carretera a Nevado de Colima |
2024-01-17 | 3 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Camino Microondas |
2024-01-24 | 2 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta--(Km 200.5) |
House SparrowPasser domesticus
2024-01-15 | X | Parque de la Cristiania |
2024-01-15 | X | Ciénaga Ribera del Pilar |
2024-01-21 | 20 | Chacalilla (pueblo) |
2024-01-25 | X | Haciendo Coyotes--Relleno Sanitario El Salto (acceso restringido) |
2024-01-30 | X | Parque de la Cristiania |
West Mexican EuphoniaEuphonia godmani
2024-01-19 | 2 | Camino Playa del Oro |
2024-01-20 | 1 | Selva El Tuito--Camino Bioto |
2024-01-21 | 1 | Chacalilla (pueblo) |
2024-01-26 | 1 | Copala (pueblo) |
2024-01-26 | 2 | Panuco Road |
House FinchHaemorhous mexicanus
2024-01-15 | 3 | Ciénaga Ribera del Pilar |
2024-01-17 | 3 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Carretera Volcán de Fuego (encinar más bajo/lower oak zone) |
2024-01-21 | 1 | Chacalilla (pueblo) |
2024-01-25 | 5 | Haciendo Coyotes--Relleno Sanitario El Salto (acceso restringido) |
2024-01-30 | 5 | Parque de la Cristiania |
Black-headed SiskinSpinus notatus
2024-01-19 | 2 | Rancho Los Otates |
2024-01-23 | 5 | Reserva Ecológica Sierra de San Juan--La Noria |
2024-01-25 | 20 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta (Tufted Jay Preserve) |
2024-01-24 | 5 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta (Tufted Jay Preserve) |
2024-01-24 | 5 | Carretera 40/El Salto-Villa Unión--Km 195.8 |
2024-01-26 | 10 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta (Tufted Jay Preserve) |
Lesser GoldfinchSpinus psaltria
2024-01-15 | 2 | Parque de la Cristiania |
2024-01-24 | 5 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta (Tufted Jay Preserve) |
2024-01-26 | 10 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta (Tufted Jay Preserve) |
2024-01-29 | X | Villa Corona |
Rosy Thrush-TanagerRhodinocichla rosea
2024-01-20 | 2 | Selva El Tuito--Camino Bioto |
Stripe-headed SparrowPeucaea ruficauda
2024-01-18 | 2 | Parque Ecológico La Campana |
2024-01-18 | 3 | Camino a Piscila |
2024-01-21 | 5 | Chacalilla (pueblo) |
2024-01-22 | 1 | Camino al Cocodrilario |
Black-chested SparrowPeucaea humeralis
2024-01-18 | 2 | Camino a Piscila |
Olive SparrowArremonops rufivirgatus
2024-01-19 | 1 | Camino Playa del Oro |
Chipping SparrowSpizella passerina
2024-01-15 | 10 | Sendero El Caracol - Chapala |
2024-01-23 | 10 | Reserva Ecológica Sierra de San Juan--La Noria |
2024-01-25 | 5 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta (Tufted Jay Preserve) |
2024-01-24 | 10 | Carretera 40/El Salto-Villa Unión--Km 195.8 |
2024-01-25 | 10 | Haciendo Coyotes--Relleno Sanitario El Salto (acceso restringido) |
2024-01-26 | 20 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta (Tufted Jay Preserve) |
Clay-colored SparrowSpizella pallida
2024-01-25 | 10 | Haciendo Coyotes--Relleno Sanitario El Salto (acceso restringido) |
Brewer's SparrowSpizella breweri
2024-01-25 | 1 | Haciendo Coyotes--Relleno Sanitario El Salto (acceso restringido) |
Five-striped SparrowAmphispizopsis quinquestriata
2024-01-25 | 1 | Puente Baluarte (Durango) |
Lark SparrowChondestes grammacus
2024-01-15 | 1 | Sendero El Caracol - Chapala |
2024-01-18 | 3 | Parque Ecológico La Campana |
2024-01-21 | 5 | Chacalilla (pueblo) |
2024-01-25 | 10 | Haciendo Coyotes--Relleno Sanitario El Salto (acceso restringido) |
2024-01-25 | 3 | Puente Baluarte (Durango) |
Green-striped BrushfinchArremon virenticeps
2024-01-16 | 10 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Carretera a Nevado de Colima |
Dark-eyed JuncoJunco hyemalis
2024-01-25 | 3 | Haciendo Coyotes--Relleno Sanitario El Salto (acceso restringido) |
2024-01-26 | 1 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta (Tufted Jay Preserve) |
Yellow-eyed JuncoJunco phaeonotus
2024-01-16 | 2 | Auto Selected (19.593, -103.593) |
2024-01-16 | 5 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Carretera a Nevado de Colima |
2024-01-25 | 5 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta (Tufted Jay Preserve) |
2024-01-24 | 5 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta--Senda Arroyo |
2024-01-24 | 5 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta (Tufted Jay Preserve) |
2024-01-24 | 3 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta--(Km 200.5) |
2024-01-26 | 10 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta (Tufted Jay Preserve) |
Striped SparrowOriturus superciliosus
2024-01-25 | 30 | Haciendo Coyotes--Relleno Sanitario El Salto (acceso restringido) |
Vesper SparrowPooecetes gramineus
2024-01-25 | 4 | Haciendo Coyotes--Relleno Sanitario El Salto (acceso restringido) |
Savannah SparrowPasserculus sandwichensis
2024-01-15 | 3 | Ciénaga Ribera del Pilar |
2024-01-25 | 5 | Haciendo Coyotes--Relleno Sanitario El Salto (acceso restringido) |
Sierra Madre SparrowXenospiza baileyi
2024-01-25 | 2 | Haciendo Coyotes--Relleno Sanitario El Salto (acceso restringido) |
Lincoln's SparrowMelospiza lincolnii
2024-01-15 | 3 | Parque de la Cristiania |
2024-01-17 | 3 | Carretera Volcán de Fuego--Km 0.5 |
2024-01-21 | 20 | Chacalilla (pueblo) |
2024-01-21 | 10 | Granja de Camarón Chacalilla |
2024-01-22 | 5 | Camino al Cocodrilario |
2024-01-23 | 5 | Reserva Ecológica Sierra de San Juan--La Noria |
2024-01-25 | 1 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta (Tufted Jay Preserve) |
2024-01-24 | 5 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta (Tufted Jay Preserve) |
2024-01-24 | 3 | Carretera 40/El Salto-Villa Unión--Km 195.8 |
2024-01-25 | 4 | Haciendo Coyotes--Relleno Sanitario El Salto (acceso restringido) |
2024-01-26 | 5 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta (Tufted Jay Preserve) |
Rusty-crowned Ground-SparrowMelozone kieneri
2024-01-17 | 1 | Carretera Volcán de Fuego--Km 0.5 |
2024-01-26 | 2 | Panuco Road |
2024-01-29 | 5 | Sendero El Caracol - Chapala |
Canyon TowheeMelozone fusca
2024-01-15 | 3 | Ciénaga Ribera del Pilar |
2024-01-15 | 5 | Sendero El Caracol - Chapala |
Rusty SparrowAimophila rufescens
2024-01-17 | 1 | Carretera Volcán de Fuego--Km 0.5 |
2024-01-23 | 3 | Reserva Ecológica Sierra de San Juan--La Noria |
Green-tailed TowheePipilo chlorurus
2024-01-15 | 1 | Sendero El Caracol - Chapala |
2024-01-21 | 5 | Chacalilla (pueblo) |
2024-01-25 | 1 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta (Tufted Jay Preserve) |
2024-01-25 | 2 | Haciendo Coyotes--Relleno Sanitario El Salto (acceso restringido) |
2024-01-25 | 2 | Puente Baluarte (Durango) |
2024-01-27 | 2 | Camino a Los Ébanos |
Spotted TowheePipilo maculatus
2024-01-25 | 2 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta (Tufted Jay Preserve) |
2024-01-26 | 2 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta (Tufted Jay Preserve) |
Collared TowheePipilo ocai
2024-01-16 | 2 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Carretera a Nevado de Colima |
Rufous-capped BrushfinchAtlapetes pileatus
2024-01-17 | 5 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Camino Microondas |
2024-01-25 | 4 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta (Tufted Jay Preserve) |
2024-01-24 | 2 | Carretera 40/El Salto-Villa Unión--Km 195.8 |
2024-01-26 | 2 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta (Tufted Jay Preserve) |
Yellow-breasted ChatIcteria virens
2024-01-18 | 1 | Parque Ecológico La Campana |
2024-01-21 | 2 | Chacalilla (pueblo) |
2024-01-22 | 1 | Camino al Cocodrilario |
Yellow-headed BlackbirdXanthocephalus xanthocephalus
2024-01-15 | X | Parque de la Cristiania |
Chihuahuan MeadowlarkSturnella lilianae
2024-01-25 | 3 | Haciendo Coyotes--Relleno Sanitario El Salto (acceso restringido) |
Yellow-winged CaciqueCassiculus melanicterus
2024-01-18 | 4 | Parque Ecológico La Campana |
2024-01-19 | 3 | Camino Playa del Oro |
2024-01-20 | 20 | Jardín Botánico Vallarta |
2024-01-21 | X | Chacalilla (pueblo) |
2024-01-26 | 1 | Copala (pueblo) |
2024-01-26 | 5 | Panuco Road |
Orchard OrioleIcterus spurius
2024-01-15 | 2 | Ciénaga Ribera del Pilar |
Hooded OrioleIcterus cucullatus
2024-01-17 | 1 | Carretera Volcán de Fuego--Km 0.5 |
2024-01-21 | 1 | Camino Vivero Singayta |
Streak-backed OrioleIcterus pustulatus
2024-01-18 | X | Parque Ecológico La Campana |
2024-01-20 | X | Selva El Tuito--Camino Bioto |
2024-01-20 | 5 | Jardín Botánico Vallarta |
2024-01-25 | 1 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta (Tufted Jay Preserve) |
2024-01-26 | 1 | Copala (pueblo) |
2024-01-26 | 3 | Panuco Road |
2024-01-27 | X | Camino a Los Ébanos |
2024-01-28 | X | Parque Ecológico de Tepic |
2024-01-30 | 5 | Parque de la Cristiania |
Bullock's OrioleIcterus bullockii
2024-01-16 | 2 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Carretera a Nevado de Colima |
2024-01-17 | 10 | Carretera Volcán de Fuego--Km 0.5 |
2024-01-18 | 2 | Parque Ecológico La Campana |
2024-01-19 | 2 | Rancho Los Otates |
2024-01-23 | X | Reserva Ecológica Sierra de San Juan--La Noria |
Audubon's OrioleIcterus graduacauda
2024-01-23 | 1 | Reserva Ecológica Sierra de San Juan--La Noria |
Black-backed OrioleIcterus abeillei
2024-01-15 | 2 | Parque de la Cristiania |
2024-01-30 | 2 | Parque de la Cristiania |
Scott's OrioleIcterus parisorum
2024-01-17 | 1 | Carretera Volcán de Fuego--Km 0.5 |
2024-01-24 | 1 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta--Senda Arroyo |
2024-01-24 | 2 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta--(Km 200.5) |
2024-01-26 | 3 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta (Tufted Jay Preserve) |
Red-winged BlackbirdAgelaius phoeniceus
2024-01-21 | 1 | Chacalilla (pueblo) |
Bronzed CowbirdMolothrus aeneus
2024-01-15 | 20 | Ciénaga Ribera del Pilar |
Great-tailed GrackleQuiscalus mexicanus
2024-01-15 | X | Parque de la Cristiania |
2024-01-15 | X | Ciénaga Ribera del Pilar |
2024-01-20 | X | Jardín Botánico Vallarta |
2024-01-21 | X | Chacalilla (pueblo) |
2024-01-21 | X | Granja de Camarón Chacalilla |
2024-01-22 | X | Camino al Cocodrilario |
2024-01-28 | X | Parque Ecológico de Tepic |
2024-01-30 | X | Parque de la Cristiania |
OvenbirdSeiurus aurocapilla
2024-01-27 | 1 | Camino a Los Ébanos |
Louisiana WaterthrushParkesia motacilla
2024-01-26 | 1 | Copala (pueblo) |
Black-and-white WarblerMniotilta varia
2024-01-16 | 1 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Carretera a Nevado de Colima |
2024-01-17 | 3 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Camino Microondas |
2024-01-18 | 1 | Microondas La Cumbre |
2024-01-22 | 1 | Auto Selected (21.556, -105.274) |
2024-01-22 | 1 | Cascada del Cora |
2024-01-22 | 1 | Reserva Ecológica Sierra de San Juan--Camino a La Noria |
2024-01-23 | 3 | Reserva Ecológica Sierra de San Juan--Camino a La Noria |
2024-01-23 | 1 | Reserva Ecológica Sierra de San Juan--El Cuarenteño |
2024-01-24 | 1 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta--(Km 200.5) |
Crescent-chested WarblerOreothlypis superciliosa
2024-01-16 | 5 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Carretera a Nevado de Colima |
2024-01-17 | 5 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Camino Microondas |
2024-01-20 | 1 | Selva El Tuito--Camino Bioto |
2024-01-22 | 1 | Reserva Ecológica Sierra de San Juan--Camino a La Noria |
2024-01-23 | 2 | Reserva Ecológica Sierra de San Juan--Camino a La Noria |
Orange-crowned WarblerLeiothlypis celata
2024-01-16 | 2 | Auto Selected (19.593, -103.593) |
2024-01-17 | 5 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Camino Microondas |
2024-01-18 | 3 | Camino a Piscila |
2024-01-22 | 1 | Cascada del Cora |
2024-01-23 | 2 | Reserva Ecológica Sierra de San Juan--La Noria |
2024-01-25 | 1 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta (Tufted Jay Preserve) |
2024-01-26 | 1 | Panuco Road |
2024-01-27 | 5 | Camino a Los Ébanos |
2024-01-29 | 1 | Sendero El Caracol - Chapala |
Colima WarblerLeiothlypis crissalis
2024-01-25 | 1 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta (Tufted Jay Preserve) |
Lucy's WarblerLeiothlypis luciae
2024-01-15 | 1 | Parque de la Cristiania |
2024-01-18 | 5 | Camino a Piscila |
2024-01-22 | 1 | Camino al Cocodrilario |
2024-01-27 | 2 | Camino a Los Ébanos |
Nashville WarblerLeiothlypis ruficapilla
2024-01-15 | 2 | Ciénaga Ribera del Pilar |
2024-01-16 | 3 | Auto Selected (19.593, -103.593) |
2024-01-16 | 15 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Carretera a Nevado de Colima |
2024-01-17 | 1 | Carretera Volcán de Fuego--Km 0.5 |
2024-01-18 | X | Parque Ecológico La Campana |
2024-01-18 | 2 | Camino a Piscila |
2024-01-18 | 5 | Microondas La Cumbre |
2024-01-19 | 5 | Camino Playa del Oro |
2024-01-19 | 10 | Rancho Los Otates |
2024-01-19 | X | Camino La Bascula |
2024-01-20 | X | Selva El Tuito--Camino Bioto |
2024-01-20 | 3 | Jardín Botánico Vallarta |
2024-01-21 | 1 | Camino Vivero Singayta |
2024-01-22 | 1 | Reserva Ecológica Sierra de San Juan--El Cuarenteño |
2024-01-23 | 1 | Auto Selected (21.505, -104.94) |
2024-01-26 | 2 | Panuco Road |
MacGillivray's WarblerGeothlypis tolmiei
2024-01-17 | 5 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Camino Microondas |
2024-01-18 | 5 | Parque Ecológico La Campana |
2024-01-19 | 1 | Rancho Los Otates |
2024-01-21 | 2 | Chacalilla (pueblo) |
2024-01-25 | 1 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta (Tufted Jay Preserve) |
2024-01-26 | 1 | Panuco Road |
2024-01-27 | 1 | Camino a Los Ébanos |
Common YellowthroatGeothlypis trichas
2024-01-15 | 3 | Parque de la Cristiania |
2024-01-15 | 2 | Ciénaga Ribera del Pilar |
2024-01-21 | 1 | Chacalilla (pueblo) |
2024-01-22 | 1 | Camino al Cocodrilario |
2024-01-28 | 3 | Parque Ecológico de Tepic |
2024-01-29 | X | Villa Corona |
American RedstartSetophaga ruticilla
2024-01-18 | 1 | Parque Ecológico La Campana |
2024-01-21 | 1 | Chacalilla (pueblo) |
2024-01-21 | 1 | Puente Las Islitas |
2024-01-22 | 1 | Auto Selected (21.556, -105.274) |
Tropical ParulaSetophaga pitiayumi
2024-01-21 | 1 | Camino Vivero Singayta |
Yellow WarblerSetophaga petechia
2024-01-16 | 1 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Carretera a Nevado de Colima |
2024-01-21 | 5 | Chacalilla (pueblo) |
2024-01-21 | 2 | Granja de Camarón Chacalilla |
2024-01-21 | 2 | Camino Vivero Singayta |
2024-01-21 | 1 | Mangles de San Blas |
2024-01-22 | 5 | Auto Selected (21.556, -105.274) |
2024-01-26 | 1 | Panuco Road |
2024-01-30 | 2 | Parque de la Cristiania |
Yellow-rumped WarblerSetophaga coronata
2024-01-15 | X | Parque de la Cristiania |
2024-01-17 | 1 | Carretera Volcán de Fuego--Km 0.5 |
2024-01-18 | X | Parque Ecológico La Campana |
2024-01-19 | 1 | Camino La Bascula |
2024-01-23 | 5 | Reserva Ecológica Sierra de San Juan--La Noria |
2024-01-24 | 3 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta--Senda Arroyo |
2024-01-24 | 2 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta--(Km 200.5) |
2024-01-25 | 1 | Haciendo Coyotes--Relleno Sanitario El Salto (acceso restringido) |
2024-01-26 | X | Reserva de La Chara Pinta (Tufted Jay Preserve) |
2024-01-26 | 1 | Camino Pantitlan |
2024-01-27 | 2 | Camino a Los Ébanos |
2024-01-30 | X | Parque de la Cristiania |
Grace's WarblerSetophaga graciae
2024-01-19 | 1 | Rancho Los Otates |
2024-01-23 | 1 | Reserva Ecológica Sierra de San Juan--La Noria |
2024-01-25 | 1 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta (Tufted Jay Preserve) |
2024-01-24 | 2 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta--(Km 200.5) |
2024-01-24 | 1 | Carretera 40/El Salto-Villa Unión--Km 195.8 |
Black-throated Gray WarblerSetophaga nigrescens
2024-01-15 | 2 | Sendero El Caracol - Chapala |
2024-01-16 | 1 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Carretera a Nevado de Colima |
2024-01-17 | 5 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Camino Microondas |
2024-01-17 | 1 | Carretera Volcán de Fuego--Km 0.5 |
2024-01-17 | 1 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Carretera Volcán de Fuego (encinar más bajo/lower oak zone) |
2024-01-19 | 1 | Rancho Los Otates |
2024-01-20 | 2 | Selva El Tuito--Camino Bioto |
2024-01-21 | 2 | Camino Vivero Singayta |
2024-01-22 | 1 | Cascada del Cora |
2024-01-24 | 1 | Carretera 40/El Salto-Villa Unión--Km 195.8 |
2024-01-25 | 1 | Puente Baluarte (Durango) |
2024-01-26 | 3 | Panuco Road |
2024-01-27 | 5 | Camino a Los Ébanos |
Townsend's WarblerSetophaga townsendi
2024-01-16 | 5 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Carretera a Nevado de Colima |
2024-01-22 | 1 | Reserva Ecológica Sierra de San Juan--El Cuarenteño |
2024-01-22 | 1 | Reserva Ecológica Sierra de San Juan--Camino a La Noria |
2024-01-23 | 1 | Auto Selected (21.505, -104.94) |
2024-01-23 | 5 | Reserva Ecológica Sierra de San Juan--Camino a La Noria |
2024-01-23 | 1 | Reserva Ecológica Sierra de San Juan--La Noria |
2024-01-24 | 5 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta--Senda Arroyo |
2024-01-24 | 2 | Carretera 40/El Salto-Villa Unión--Km 195.8 |
Hermit WarblerSetophaga occidentalis
2024-01-16 | 4 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Carretera a Nevado de Colima |
2024-01-17 | 2 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Camino Microondas |
2024-01-23 | 1 | Reserva Ecológica Sierra de San Juan--Camino a La Noria |
2024-01-24 | 1 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta--(Km 200.5) |
Black-throated Green WarblerSetophaga virens
2024-01-16 | 2 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Carretera a Nevado de Colima |
2024-01-17 | 2 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Camino Microondas |
2024-01-19 | 2 | Rancho Los Otates |
Fan-tailed WarblerBasileuterus lachrymosus
2024-01-19 | 1 | Camino Playa del Oro |
2024-01-21 | 1 | Camino Vivero Singayta |
2024-01-22 | 1 | Cascada del Cora |
2024-01-26 | 1 | Copala (pueblo) |
2024-01-26 | 1 | Panuco Road |
Rufous-capped WarblerBasileuterus rufifrons
2024-01-16 | 2 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Carretera a Nevado de Colima |
2024-01-17 | 10 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Camino Microondas |
2024-01-17 | 1 | Carretera Volcán de Fuego--Km 0.5 |
2024-01-19 | 3 | Rancho Los Otates |
2024-01-23 | 2 | Reserva Ecológica Sierra de San Juan--La Noria |
Golden-browed WarblerBasileuterus belli
2024-01-16 | 8 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Carretera a Nevado de Colima |
2024-01-25 | 3 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta (Tufted Jay Preserve) |
2024-01-24 | 2 | Carretera 40/El Salto-Villa Unión--Km 195.8 |
Golden-crowned WarblerBasileuterus culicivorus
2024-01-23 | 2 | Reserva Ecológica Sierra de San Juan--El Cuarenteño |
Wilson's WarblerCardellina pusilla
2024-01-16 | 1 | Auto Selected (19.593, -103.593) |
2024-01-16 | 5 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Carretera a Nevado de Colima |
2024-01-17 | X | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Camino Microondas |
2024-01-17 | 5 | Carretera Volcán de Fuego--Km 0.5 |
2024-01-19 | 2 | Rancho Los Otates |
2024-01-19 | 1 | Camino La Bascula |
2024-01-20 | 10 | Selva El Tuito--Camino Bioto |
2024-01-20 | 2 | Jardín Botánico Vallarta |
2024-01-21 | 1 | Camino Vivero Singayta |
2024-01-22 | 1 | Reserva Ecológica Sierra de San Juan--El Cuarenteño |
2024-01-22 | X | Cascada del Cora |
2024-01-25 | 5 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta (Tufted Jay Preserve) |
2024-01-24 | 5 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta--Senda Arroyo |
2024-01-24 | 5 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta (Tufted Jay Preserve) |
2024-01-26 | 1 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta (Tufted Jay Preserve) |
2024-01-26 | 1 | Copala (pueblo) |
2024-01-26 | 2 | Panuco Road |
2024-01-26 | 1 | Camino Pantitlan |
2024-01-27 | 1 | Camino a Los Ébanos |
2024-01-28 | 1 | Parque Ecológico de Tepic |
2024-01-29 | 1 | Sendero El Caracol - Chapala |
Red-faced WarblerCardellina rubrifrons
2024-01-16 | 1 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Carretera a Nevado de Colima |
2024-01-17 | 2 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Camino Microondas |
2024-01-22 | 2 | Reserva Ecológica Sierra de San Juan--El Cuarenteño |
2024-01-23 | 1 | Reserva Ecológica Sierra de San Juan--El Cuarenteño |
2024-01-24 | 2 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta--Senda Arroyo |
2024-01-24 | 1 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta--(Km 200.5) |
Red WarblerCardellina rubra
2024-01-16 | 2 | Auto Selected (19.593, -103.593) |
2024-01-16 | 7 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Carretera a Nevado de Colima |
2024-01-17 | 1 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Camino Microondas |
2024-01-24 | 2 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta--Senda Arroyo |
Painted RedstartMyioborus pictus
2024-01-16 | 20 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Carretera a Nevado de Colima |
2024-01-17 | 2 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Camino Microondas |
2024-01-17 | 1 | Carretera Volcán de Fuego--Km 0.5 |
2024-01-19 | 1 | Rancho Los Otates |
2024-01-23 | 1 | Auto Selected (21.505, -104.94) |
2024-01-23 | 1 | Reserva Ecológica Sierra de San Juan--Camino a La Noria |
2024-01-23 | 1 | Reserva Ecológica Sierra de San Juan--El Cuarenteño |
2024-01-24 | 2 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta (Tufted Jay Preserve) |
2024-01-24 | 1 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta--(Km 200.5) |
2024-01-26 | 1 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta (Tufted Jay Preserve) |
2024-01-29 | 1 | Sendero El Caracol - Chapala |
Slate-throated RedstartMyioborus miniatus
2024-01-24 | 1 | Carretera 40/El Salto-Villa Unión--Km 195.8 |
2024-01-26 | 1 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta (Tufted Jay Preserve) |
Hepatic TanagerPiranga flava
2024-01-16 | 1 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Carretera a Nevado de Colima |
2024-01-19 | 1 | Rancho Los Otates |
2024-01-23 | 1 | Reserva Ecológica Sierra de San Juan--Camino a La Noria |
2024-01-23 | 5 | Reserva Ecológica Sierra de San Juan--La Noria |
2024-01-24 | 5 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta--Senda Arroyo |
2024-01-24 | 5 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta--(Km 200.5) |
2024-01-24 | 5 | Carretera 40/El Salto-Villa Unión--Km 195.8 |
Summer TanagerPiranga rubra
2024-01-17 | 3 | Carretera Volcán de Fuego--Km 0.5 |
2024-01-19 | 1 | Camino Playa del Oro |
2024-01-21 | 1 | Camino Vivero Singayta |
2024-01-21 | 1 | Camino Singayta |
Western TanagerPiranga ludoviciana
2024-01-18 | 1 | Parque Ecológico La Campana |
2024-01-18 | 1 | Microondas La Cumbre |
2024-01-20 | 1 | Selva El Tuito--Camino Bioto |
2024-01-26 | 1 | Panuco Road |
Flame-colored TanagerPiranga bidentata
2024-01-22 | 1 | Reserva Ecológica Sierra de San Juan--Camino a La Noria |
2024-01-23 | 3 | Auto Selected (21.505, -104.94) |
2024-01-23 | 1 | Reserva Ecológica Sierra de San Juan--Camino a La Noria |
2024-01-26 | 1 | Copala (pueblo) |
Red-headed TanagerPiranga erythrocephala
2024-01-22 | 2 | Reserva Ecológica Sierra de San Juan--Camino a La Noria |
2024-01-23 | 1 | Auto Selected (21.505, -104.94) |
2024-01-23 | 4 | Reserva Ecológica Sierra de San Juan--Camino a La Noria |
2024-01-24 | 2 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta--Senda Arroyo |
Yellow GrosbeakPheucticus chrysopeplus
2024-01-26 | 3 | Copala (pueblo) |
Black-headed GrosbeakPheucticus melanocephalus
2024-01-16 | 5 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Carretera a Nevado de Colima |
2024-01-17 | 10 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Camino Microondas |
2024-01-17 | 1 | Carretera Volcán de Fuego--Km 0.5 |
2024-01-17 | 10 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Carretera Volcán de Fuego (encinar más bajo/lower oak zone) |
2024-01-18 | 2 | Parque Ecológico La Campana |
2024-01-23 | 1 | Reserva Ecológica Sierra de San Juan--La Noria |
2024-01-25 | 2 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta (Tufted Jay Preserve) |
2024-01-24 | 1 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta (Tufted Jay Preserve) |
2024-01-24 | 1 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta--(Km 200.5) |
2024-01-24 | 2 | Carretera 40/El Salto-Villa Unión--Km 195.8 |
2024-01-25 | 3 | Puente Baluarte (Durango) |
2024-01-26 | 1 | Reserva de La Chara Pinta (Tufted Jay Preserve) |
Red-breasted ChatGranatellus venustus
2024-01-27 | 3 | Camino a Los Ébanos |
Blue BuntingCyanocompsa parellina
2024-01-18 | 3 | Parque Ecológico La Campana |
2024-01-18 | 1 | Microondas La Cumbre |
2024-01-20 | 2 | Selva El Tuito--Camino Bioto |
Blue GrosbeakPasserina caerulea
2024-01-18 | 1 | Microondas La Cumbre |
2024-01-19 | 5 | Camino Playa del Oro |
2024-01-21 | 1 | Camino Vivero Singayta |
2024-01-25 | 1 | Puente Baluarte (Durango) |
Lazuli BuntingPasserina amoena
2024-01-15 | 1 | Sendero El Caracol - Chapala |
2024-01-26 | 1 | Panuco Road |
Orange-breasted BuntingPasserina leclancherii
2024-01-18 | 6 | Camino a Piscila |
2024-01-18 | 5 | Microondas La Cumbre |
2024-01-19 | 2 | Camino Playa del Oro |
2024-01-20 | 2 | Selva El Tuito--Camino Bioto |
Varied BuntingPasserina versicolor
2024-01-17 | 1 | Carretera Volcán de Fuego--Km 0.5 |
2024-01-18 | 1 | Microondas La Cumbre |
2024-01-19 | 5 | Camino Playa del Oro |
2024-01-19 | 1 | Rancho Los Otates |
2024-01-21 | 2 | Chacalilla (pueblo) |
2024-01-23 | 1 | Reserva Ecológica Sierra de San Juan--La Noria |
2024-01-25 | 2 | Puente Baluarte (Durango) |
2024-01-26 | 5 | Panuco Road |
Painted BuntingPasserina ciris
2024-01-17 | 1 | Carretera Volcán de Fuego--Km 0.5 |
2024-01-18 | 1 | Parque Ecológico La Campana |
2024-01-21 | 3 | Chacalilla (pueblo) |
2024-01-26 | 2 | Panuco Road |
Cinnamon-bellied FlowerpiercerDiglossa baritula
2024-01-16 | 10 | PN Volcán Nevado de Colima--Carretera a Nevado de Colima |
Blue-black GrassquitVolatinia jacarina
2024-01-18 | 4 | Parque Ecológico La Campana |
2024-01-21 | 4 | Chacalilla (pueblo) |
2024-01-21 | 1 | Granja de Camarón Chacalilla |
2024-01-26 | 5 | Panuco Road |
Cinnamon-rumped SeedeaterSporophila torqueola
2024-01-15 | 2 | Parque de la Cristiania |
2024-01-15 | 3 | Ciénaga Ribera del Pilar |
2024-01-18 | 2 | Parque Ecológico La Campana |
2024-01-23 | 2 | Reserva Ecológica Sierra de San Juan--La Noria |
2024-01-30 | 1 | Parque de la Cristiania |
Cinnamon-bellied SaltatorSaltator grandis
2024-01-18 | 3 | Parque Ecológico La Campana |
2024-01-20 | 5 | Selva El Tuito--Camino Bioto |
2024-01-21 | 3 | Chacalilla (pueblo) |
2024-01-21 | 3 | Camino Vivero Singayta |
2024-01-26 | 1 | Copala (pueblo) |
2024-01-26 | 1 | Panuco Road |
2024-01-27 | 1 | Camino a Los Ébanos |
2024-01-28 | 1 | Parque Ecológico de Tepic |