Prof. Dr. Haosheng Huang is Professor in GeoAI and Cartography at the Research Group CartoGIS at Ghent University, Belgium.
He was also an Adjunct Research Fellow (2016-2021) at the Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan.
He was previously a senior lecturer and research group leader at the GIScience Center of the Department of Geography at the University of Zurich, Switzerland;
a researcher and lecturer (Univ. Ass. Dr. techn.), and research assistant (Projektass) at Research Group Cartography, Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien), Austria;
and a visitng scholar at the Department of Geography at the The University of California, Santa Barbara, USA.
Haosheng Huang received his Ph.D. in Geoinformation from Vienna University of Technology in 2013 with Distinction/Honours. H
e holds MSc and BSc degrees in Computer Science from the South China Normal University.
Haosheng Huang is currently the Vice President of the International Cartographic Association (ICA) and the Founding Chair of the ICA Commission on Location Based Services.
He is Editor in Chief of the Journal of Location Based Services (Taylor & Francis) and Associate Editor of the Journal of Maps (Taylor & Francis).
He also serves as editorial board members of Cartography and Geographic Information Sciencee (Taylor & Francis), Geo-spatial Information Science (Taylor & Francis),
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information (IJGI, MDPI), Remote Sensing (MDPI), and Journal of Geovisualization and Spatial Analysis (Springer).
He has been guest editor in several international journals, including IJGIS, CEUS, EPB,IJGI, IJC, JLBS and IJDSN.
He has organized several international conferences and workshops, and has served as PC member in many international conferences and workshops.
Haosheng Huang's research interests lie in Geographic Information Science and Cartography, particularly on Location Big Data and GeoAI, Location Based Services (LBS),
Indoor and Outdoor Navigation, Spatial Cognition, and Sustainable Mobility and Urban Informatics.
He has authored and co-authored more than 90 refereed research papers published in journals and conference proceedings, and has edited 15 books and conference proceedings.