Guillaume Crevecoeur (°1981) is full professor at Ghent University. With his team, he conducts research at the intersection of system identification, control and machine learning for physical dynamic systems. His goal is to endow mechatronic, industrial robotic, and energy systems with improved functionalities and capabilities when interacting with uncertain environments, other systems and humans. He is member of Flanders Make in which he leads the Ghent University activities within the MIRO core lab on Machines, Intelligence, Robotics, and electromechanical systems.
Guillaume received his Master (June 2004) and PhD (May 2009) in Engineering Physics from Ghent University. The focus of his PhD research was the development of model-based optimization and inverse problem techniques, mainly for neuroscience applications. After obtaining his PhD he became a postdoctoral fellow of the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO) where he put his model-based techniques in a more dynamic context for real-world applications. In the winter 2011 he was a visiting researcher at the Technical University Ilmenau and the Physikalische Technische Bundesanstalt, Berlin, Germany, deepening his knowledge on optimization and inverse problem techniques.
Since his appointment as associate professor (Oct 2014) within the Department of Electromechanical, Systems and Metal Engineering he has been working on the modelling, optimization and control of mechatronic, industrial robotic and energy systems. He teaches numerical optimization, modelling of dynamical systems, mechatronics and robotics. His research team follows a multidisciplinary approach when closing the loop from sensors to actuators to improve and unlock their functionalities and capabilities. This, by advancing upon the hardware design, dynamical system models and control algorithms in which the information world works closely together with the physical world. His research is focused on the synergetic treatment of data and physical knowledge, nonlinear control and machine learning. This to improve the efficiency, performance, robustness, autonomy of safety-critical physical dynamic systems.
Here is my scientific CV.
If you are interested in doing your PhD or visiting our lab, consider to join my group at the Ghent University. I am looking for excellent students seeking to address challenges at the intersection of mechatronics, system identification, controls and machine learning.
My list of publications is available here.
Modeling and simulation of dynamical systems
ICT & Mechatronics
Servo- and robotics
Numerical optimization
Prof. dr. ir. Guilllaume Crevecoeur
Tech Lane Ghent Science Park 131
B-9052 Gent, Belgium
Department of Electromechanical, Systems and Metal Engineering
Faculty of Engineering and Architecture
Ghent University
T: +32 9 264 34 21
Secretariat: +32 9 264 34 18
We live in decisive times with global climate change, AI entering real life, have sustainable and workable jobs. How we will shape these years through scientific and societal impact will, with every little step, make a difference and not the least to our own lives.
I believe in mechanical and electrical engineering tech that is human-centered and sustainable.
I am curious in other disciplines and am eager to interact with passionate colleagues having skilled expertise in their research fields.
I am fascinated by the history of science, the rises and falls, the small stories with large implications, and witnessing at the forefront the more recent scientific developments.
Next to research and teaching, I love being around my family and see my children grow, play, learn and the so many other things kids do.
I love nature and enjoy its wonders the best by taking sometimes very long walks and runs on trails. One of my multi-year personal projects is to connect the North Sea with the Mediterranean sea through the GR5; and I participate in ultra-trail races having up to 100 mile distances. I have been selected to participate in 2025 to the iconic UTMB Ultra-Trail Mont-Blanc.
Finally, I am fascinated by passionate people making music and art.