Old pictures of the month

Picture taken in Petra, wonderful 2000 year old historical site in Jordan.

Welcome to this new addition to the guitar family ... how much more beautiful can a guitar get?

On holiday in Sicily, we learned to know this special 'brioche and ice cream' treat, which is perfect as a lunch on a very hot day (no, I don't know how many calories this represents). Apparently, this is a Sicilian speciality.

Recently, I saw the great movie "Don't look up". I would rather say "look up", don't close your eyes and see the beauty around you, here the moon 49 hours past new moon. Also, please don't close your eyes for all the horror curently going on in Ukraine!

On holiday in Nothern Greece, we found really low passages!

Not so easy to find new catchy pictures in Covid times, but I like this one: the moon, together with Saturn and Jupiter. A few days later, Saturn and Jupiter were in conjunction, never closer together in the last 800 years.

Finished version of my new guitar synth (kit from Parasit Studio). Usually, I'm not very good in nicely finishing my DIY stuff, but I'm happy with the result this time. I also learned to work with waterslide decal paper. I still have to explore all the possible settings, but the synth sure sounds impressive!

Brand new 44 m long painting in Ledeberg, quite appropriate in 'black lives matter' times. I find the clouds really add to the drama.

On of the 'trains' of satellites (Starlink 6 series) from Elon Musk, shortly after lauch, as seen from our garden.

In Corona lockdown-times, it is hard not to work the entire time, having online meetings and editing papers. This might look like work, but it's hobby time. This should become a guitar synthesizer ... to be continued.

After my last 2019 physics class, I got this as a (quite appropriate!) present from a student.

View of the Saint Peter church in Ghent, from the water tower on the highest point of the city.

On holiday with Hilde in Sardinia: there are beautiful beaches, there is clear water and great cheese, but there is much more!

View of the Maghellanic clouds, as seen from a lodge in the Kariega game reserve, South-Africa ... sometimes, the surroundings are at least as interesting as the presentations in a conference.

Rehearsal of the Stoneage Romeos; both Tineke and I will be singing a few songs at the occasion of a performance... exciting!

Proudly presenting the new spectrophotometry equipment in the lab: two Perkin Elmer L1050 instruments, with all bells and whistles.

Frigadebirds looking for food; you can see the Isla São Sebastião - also called Ilhabelo (Brazil) in the background. Scientific conferences don't have to be boring!

4000 m high village Ulley in Ladakh, India. We were there on holiday in July 2018: magical place!

Historical picture (dating back to 2013) with the very first evidence for the valence change of Dysprosium in a persistent phosphor.

Picture of PhD student Jiaren and me, disguised as "Bassie en Adriaan" on the occasion of the PhD of Heleen Sijbom.

Visiting the Great Wall in China with students from the University of Geosciences, the most wonderful guides ever!

Laser harp, built at the occasion of the celebration of 200 years Ghent University.

Theatre lamp (from ballet of Flanders) bought at a flea market, to be cleaned up for the living room.

The shade of mount Teide (Tenerife) at sunrise (picture taken at the top). Probably the weirdest picture I've ever taken.

Magnificent old refractor telescope and night sky at Boyden observatory, South-Africa.

Goofy picture made at the occasion of the PhD of Jonas Joos, mimicking the Dorenbos 'chair' model for energy levels of rare earth ions.

Statue in Paris. It seems this man has just heard the outcome of the elections in the USA (in 2016).

Fake paper made at the occasion of the 30th marriage anniversary of Hilde and me, by my beloved colleagues.

Lumilab running team in December 2016, at the Warmathon in Ghent, a charity event.