John H. Langdon
Prepared for
The aquatic ape hypothesis
(AAH) has been supported primarily fromtwo lines of argument. First, there is a
long list of unusual humananatomical features that appear to be consistent with
aquaticadaptation. Secondly, it is argued that the hypothesis is
moreparsimonious than competing terrestrial models for explaining theevolved
human condition.
Parsimony does not
necessarily prove one hypothesis over another;nonetheless, it is an important
quality of an argument in science andleads us to favor one hypothesis over one
less parsimonious. I haveargued elsewhere that the structure of adaptationist
arguments inhuman evolution require separate hypotheses to explain
individualtraits and that an umbrella hypothesis that seems to encompass alarge
number of traits within a single explanatory framework does notnecessarily
increase parsimony (Langdon 1997). The AAH, inparticular, is no more
parsimonious in its treatment of individualanatomical features than available
terrestrial models. Furthermorethe underlying premise of major shifts in
habitat is inherentlyunparsimonious.
This paper continues that
argument in comparing the structure ofaquatic and terrestrial hypotheses. I
argue that the large number ofanatomical characters in question can be reduced
to a smaller numberof important adaptive problems. Most of the important
questions aboutthe evolution of the modern human body may be summed up in five
suchadaptive complexes. In these issues, the aquatic hypothesis is notmore
parsimonious. In fact, for specific explanations, the competingaquatic and
terrestrial models face the same problems.
Why are whales hairless?
In order to build the
argument that hairless humans were aquatic,it is not enough to point out that
many aquatic mammals are hairless.One must ask whether they are hairless for
the same reasons. Inaddition to aquatic or semiaquatic mammals such as whales,
porpoises,and hippos, terrestrial mammals including rhinoceros, elephants,
andnaked mole rats are also hairless. Making sense out of hair lossmeans
understanding the functional and selection factorsinvolved.
Are aquatic mammals
functionally hairless? Fully aquatic mammalsare hairless, but
"semiaquatic" mammals generally are not (Table1).
• All cetaceans are
hairless. Presumably the state ofconstant immersion in water negates the
insulating properties ofhair.
• Among the pinnipeds
(seals and their relatives), who aresufficiently committed to water that they
have become inefficient onland, only the three largest genera are mostly
hairless &emdash;Odobenus, walrus; Eumetopias, Steller's sea lion; and
Mirounga,elephant seal.
• Among 18 genera of
quadrupeds that spend significantamounts of time in the water, including wading
while foraging, onlytwo genera of hippopotamus are hairless. The water buffalo
and tapirhave sparse hair. The others have well developed coats of fur.
If human hairlessness is
evidence of aquatic adaptation, then thisdata tells us our ancestors spent a
period in which they never cameto land. They were expressly not semiaquatic.
Hair appears to be animportant adaptation for animals who move between dry and
On the other hand, there
are 17 genera of terrestrial mammals withloss or
reduction of hair (Table 2).
Six ofthese are elephants and rhinoceros &emdash; representing six of
theeight largest land mammals. Four are related genera of pigs; four arethe
clade of great apes and humans. The pangolin and giant armadilloare armored,
presenting a unique situation. The naked mole rat is asmall mammal that spends
its life in underground burrows.
Body hair functions in most
mammals as insulation to retain bodyheat. It also protects the skin from
parasites and is part of asensory organ. When it has been lost, it is because
one or more ofthose functions are no longer effective or appropriate.
The most common
circumstance in which body hair is lost is with alarge body size (greater than
1000 kg). Increased body mass, with adecreasing relative surface area, makes it
difficult to shed the heatgenerated by normal metabolism, including gut
fermentation. The largemammals that are exceptions to this pattern include the
giraffe, withan anomalously large surface area, and the American buffalo, eland,and yak &emdash; all at the lower limit of this range (Table3). In large mammals, loss of body
hair is probably an adaptationto reduce the insulation retaining body heat.
Many of these on theland will further cool themselves off by wallowing in
water, mud, ordust.
A second circumstance that
favors the loss of body hair isconstant immersion in water. Water is a natural
enemy of endothermicanimals, since large bodies of water are nearly always
colder thanthe body temperature. Many mammals and birds can maintain an
oiledcoat of hair or feathers that are waterproof up to a point. As longas they
can trap air pockets against the skin, such coats continue tofunction as
insulation. They are especially important when the animalcomes to land and
dries in the air. If the animals stays in thewater, however, eventually the
hair becomes saturated and looses itsability to insulate. Such animals have all
lost body hair and relyprimarily on fat for insulation.
A few hairless mammals are fossorial
(burrowing). Two of these&emdash; the giant armadillo and the pangolin
&emdash; are alsocovered with armored scales that partially preclude hair.
A third isthe naked mole rat.
We thus can recognize at
least three circumstances that favor hairreduction: constant immersion in
water, gigantism, and possiblyburrowing. Hominoids and pigs do not match any of
these three and mayrepresent a fourth habitat that favors hair reduction
&emdash; ashaded tropical niche, such as a forest.
Have humans lost hair for
the same reason as whales? If thatreason is stated in terms of aquatic
lifestyle, the answer is no. Ifthat reason is stated as the practical loss of
insulative properties,the answer is probably yes. In order to investigate this further,
weneed to understand better the patterns of hair reduction. Forexample, many
mammals have two different layers of hair, under furand guard hairs, that serve
different functions. When other mammalsare dichotomized as either naked or
hairy, the distinctions betweenthese layers is lost, though it is functionally
Why are we fat?
Humans are claimed to have
more fat cells and a greater percentageof body fat. To the extent that this is
true, our subcutaneous fatplays a role in an unusual metabolic strategy that
maintains a highenergy flow to develop and feed the brain and supports
prolongedbouts of exercise. A key element of this is a thermoregulatorystrategy
that uses a combination of hairlessness, sweating, andcutaneous vasodilation to
rid the body of excess heat. This strategyrelates a number of unusual human
traits that cannot be understood inisolation, but do make sense together:
However, fat is a
problematic characteristic. The amount of adultbody fat varies greatly in
different populations due to a combinationof genetic, behavioral, and economic
factors. Which population, ifany, can be considered characteristic of our
species? Certainly notmiddle-class North Americans. Is subcutaneous fat
sufficientlywidespread across the body to be an effective insulation? Pond
(1991)indicates that it exists in the same regions of the body as in
othermammals, though somewhat expanded in area. Many areas of skin aretherefore
without such protection.
Additional functions of fat
include storage of energy and oflipid-soluble molecules such as estrogens. Fat
therefore represents anutritional buffer in a variable environment. This may be
especiallyimportant in infants, where high levels of nutrients are needed bythe
growing brain. Indeed, humans infants to possess a strikingpercentage of body
The AAH explains the
unusual combination of hairless and fat as aparallel with many aquatic mammals,
thus indicating a similar aquaticadaptation for insulation and/or buoyancy.
Alternatively,understanding these are two of many traits functionally
integratedinto thermoregulation brings us to a single adaptive problem: Why
dowe have this unique thermoregulatory strategy? Hypotheses areavailable (e.g.,
Langdon and Nawrocki 1997).
It is not difficult to
recreate a gradual evolution of thiscomplex. None of these traits appear de
novo. Proliferation ofeccrine glands and relative hair reduction are shared
with livinghominoids, though humans carry these traits further (Montagna
1972).The fat reserves are mere expansions of deposits found in otherspecies.
The neural control makes sense only as a thermoregulatoryadaptation and not for
salt balance. There is no great evolutionaryleap that requires an extraordinary
Why are we bipedal?
Bipedalism has arisen several times &emdash; e.g., in dinosaurs,kangaroos, kangaroo rats, and possibly birds. Again there aredifferent stories for different taxa, but none of them involve water.Bipedalism in hominids has driven a large number of anatomical andbehavioral changes. Some of these are:
The AAH proposes that
bipedalism is an adaptation for wading thatsecondarily adapted us for swimming.
Independent hypotheses areproposed to account for increased vaginal depth,
frontal sex, andindependent respiratory control (Morgan 1990). If we recognize
thatmost, if not all, of these traits relate to the single adaptation
ofbipedalism, we can reduce them to a single evolutionary problem: Whydid we
become bipedal?
Obviously at some point our
ancestors shifted from an arborealclimbing niche to a non arboreal bipedal one.
The AAH explains thisas a shift from arboreal resources to aquatic resources.
Terrestrialmodels suggest a shift from arboreal resources to ground
resources.There is little difference between them at this point.
Again, the evolution of
bipedalism required only a small amount oftinkering at any one time. Primates
are all facultatively bipedal.Hominoids in particular commonly position the
trunk in uprightpositions and support body weight on the lower limbs when
climbing.Contrary to the arguments of the AAT (e.g., Morgan 1990),
obligatebipedalism is a small step away.
Why can people talk?
Speech is a unique human
attribute, although a great facility forcomplex vocalizations can be observed
in some marine mammals and someterrestrial birds. There is no obvious tie
between speech and anaquatic habitat.
Speech has several
anatomical requirements:
It is not at all clear when
these developed. Chimpanzees have ahomologue of Wernicke's area (Gannon, et al.
1998), but are presumedto lack the specialized neural development for language
acquisition.Control over breathing presupposes only bipedalism. The narrow
spinalcanal in H. ergaster has been interpreted as evidence againstthe
neural control necessary for speech (MacLarnon 1993).Paleontologists disagree
over interpretations of the pharynx inarchaic Homo. The full set of
anatomical correlates of speechprobably evolved only in the past few hundred
thousand years,although it is difficult to infer from that exactly when
languagecommunication began.
How does the AAH explain these? It proposes four independenthypotheses.
Alternatively, the
anatomical design may have been driven by theadvantages of language. This
demands an answer only to one question:Why did speech evolve?
Why do humans use tools?
Since the 1960's, we have
been fascinated and amused by thediscovery of a variety of animals that use or
even make tools in thewild. The list includes chimpanzees, orangutans,
capuchins, otters,elephants, Egyptian vultures, Galapagos finches, New
Caledoniancrows, and insects.
Human dexterity with tools
also depend on a number of anatomicalcorrelates:
We are indebted to our
primate heritage for most of these.Fine-tuning motor control was a late
addition. Given the facility ofour closest hominoid relatives for manipulation
and the example ofchimpanzee culture, our ancestors needed only a reason to
The AAH proposed that tools
were used to process shellfish, byanalogy with otters. Terrestrial models can
point chimpanzees toargue that tools were equally useful for opening nuts. Our
question:What use of tools was of sufficient importance to drive selection
forcultural abilities?
Why don't all species
have large brains?
This question is central to human evolution. The problem is notthat there are no good answers, but that there are many and none haveoverwhelming evidence. Correlates of brain expansion include:
The AAH has offered the
challenges of shifting between terrestrialand aquatic habitats not once, but
twice, as the challenge thatspurred brain growth. Recent terrestrial models
have pointed to thefluctations in environmental conditions over the past five
millionyears as challenging cultural development (e.g., Potts 1996). Thesetwo
models do not differ substantively on this problem.
I have attempted to
consolidate the list of anatomical traits intoa few important adaptive
complexes that distinguish humans. It is theadaptive complexes, not a numerical
list of traits, that shouldcommand our attention. Some odd human characters
remain unexplained,but do not obviously relate to aquatic adaptations (e.g.,
"psychictears," milk composition, and breasts). We should be
suspicious,however, of any model that readily explains everything. Probably
someof the different sets of adaptations can are the result of
unrelatedselective pressures.
There are five critical
questions that, if answered, go far toexplaining human evolution.
1. Why (as a result of what
selective pressures) did we shift fromarboreal climbing to terrestrial
2. Why did we assume our
unique thermoregulatory physiology?
3. Why did speech evolve?
4. Why do we make better
tools than do other animals?
5. Why do we have a large
The answers to these
questions are the same, whether they comefrom terrestrial or aquatic models.
The best current answer to eachquestion is not "I don't know." Rather
it is "I don't know, but Ihave an idea." The AAH does not produce
answers that are moreparsimonious or better supported than those of terrestrial
models.There are no extraordinary evolutionary leaps involved that requireextraordinary
Could all of these
selective complexes have been the product of adiscreet aquatic phase in our
evolutionary past? To answer that, wemust ask when did this period of selection
did occur? During whichphase of human evolution were hominids committed to an
The model makes two
predictions. Relevant anatomical traits (thosewhich evolved because they were
adaptive in an aquatic niche)appeared during this period of aquatic selection.
Also, hominidsduring this period were not less adapted to water than are
modernhumans. With these in mind, we can turn to the fossil and
comparativerecord. Not all of the anatomical evidence cited to support the
AAHcan be expected to show up in the fossil record,
but a number can beplaced in an appropriate chronology (Table4).
Of all the anatomical
traits identifiable in fossil hominids thatare argued to represent aquatic
adaptation, only one is not expressedas well in modern humans as in extinct
populations. Verhaegen (1993)has suggested that the great mass and density of
bone in theposterior cranium and the cortex of limb bones of Homo erectuswere
adaptations to make it easier to dive. I note this is oddlycontrary to the
notion of fat as needed to increase bouyancy. Othertraits claimed to be
associated with the aquatic niche appearindependently at different times
throughout hominid history.
Some traits show evidence
of selection in more than one timeperiod. The brain has expanded continually
thoughout the past 3.0million years (Figure 1). Brain evolution has thus been a
gradualprocess, representing continuous or repeated selective forces at
workthroughout the hominid lineage. Bipedalism evolved in a least twospurts.
The earliest australopithecines are bipedal by 4.0 Mya, whileHomo ergaster
shows a modernization of the postcranium formore effective bipedalism after 2.0
Myr. Elements relating to breathcontrol and speech appear at different times,
as well.
Each symbol represents the endocranial volume of a fossil
black squares: Australopithecus
red diamonds: Homo
Vertical scale = cranial
capacity (c.c.)
Horizontal scale = millions
of years
Therefore, if all of these elements
of our anatomy really doreflect aquatic adaptation, such selection must have
been acting onhominids continually from at least the Late Miocene to the
LatePleistocene, if not the present. This is a more extreme statement ofthe AAH
than Morgan has discussed, but corresponds to ideas thatVerhaegen has promoted.
It suggests that humans today are as aquaticas hominids have ever been. Homo
sapiens is the aquaticape.
How complete is our
committment to the water? The answers areinferred from published argument.
• Our committment is
complete enough that it has lead tosubstantial reshaping of the body for
wading, swimming, anddiving.
• Our committment is
complete enough that it has lead to aloss of traits useful on land but without
function in the water. Forexample, our sense of smell is much diminished
presumably because weno longer spend enough time out of the water to use it.
• Our committment is
complete enough that it has lead toanatomical changes that were maladaptive on
land. For example, duringthe evolution of bipedal posture and locomotion our
body mass wasconsistently supported by water so that mechanical forces that
wouldhave discouraged the assumption of bipedalism on land werenegated.
• Our committment is
complete enough that reproduction andchild care, if not childbirth itself,
occurred in the water. Thusestrus was lost because olfactory signals were
irrelevant; childbirthoccurs easily in the water; breasts evolved to suckle
children in thewater; and women have long hair to give young children something
tohold onto.
Unfortunately, these
statements do not describe the behavior ofany modern humans, many of whom live
in desert conditions or whomnever interact with significant bodies of water.
Certainly humansexploit aquatic resources for food, drink, and recreation.
However,there is not sufficient evidence to suggest that our relationshipwith
an aquatic niche has influenced the course of humanevolution.
Fully aquatic mammals
Cetacea &emdash; all |
whales, dolphins and relatives |
hairless |
Sirenia &emdash; all |
manatees and relatives |
hairless |
Mostly aquatic mammals
&emdash; pinnipeds (in order of size)
Mirounga |
elephant seal |
variable hair |
3500 kg |
Odobenus |
walrus |
sparse hair |
1700 |
Eumetopias |
Steller's sea lion |
sparse |
1100 |
Hydrurga |
leopard seal |
furred |
500 |
Leptonychotes |
Weddell seal |
furred |
450 |
Cystophora |
hooded seal |
furred |
400 |
Zalophus |
California sea lion |
furred |
400 |
Arctocephalus |
southern fur seal |
furred |
363 |
Erignathus |
bearded seal |
furred |
360 |
Otaria |
South American sea lion |
furred |
350 |
Halichoerus |
gray seal |
furred |
310 |
Neophoca |
Australian sea lion |
furred |
300 |
Monachus |
monk seal |
furred |
300 |
Lobodon |
crab-eater seal |
furred |
300 |
Ommatophoca |
ross seal |
furred |
216 |
Phoca |
ringed seal |
furred |
148 |
Callorhinus |
northern fur seal |
furred |
50 |
Highly aquatic Quadrupeds
Hippopotamus |
hippopotamus |
hairless |
4500 kf. |
Thalarctos |
polar bear |
furred |
800 |
Choeropsis |
pygmy hippopotamus |
hairless |
270 |
Enhydra |
sea otter |
furred |
45 |
Pteronura |
giant otter |
furred |
34 |
Aonyx |
clawless otter |
furred |
34 |
Castor |
beaver |
furred |
32 |
Lutra |
river otter |
furred |
14 |
Mustela |
American mink |
furred |
2 |
Wading and aquatic browsing mammals
Bubalus |
water buffalo |
sparse |
1200 kg. |
Alces |
moose |
furred |
825 |
Kobus |
waterbuck |
furred |
500 |
Tapirus |
tapir |
sparse |
320 |
Blastocerus |
swamp deer |
furred |
150 |
Hydrochoerus |
capybara |
furred |
50 |
Hydropotes |
water deer |
furred |
30 |
Nasalis |
proboscis monkey |
furred |
22 |
Cynogale |
otter civet |
furred |
5 |
Body mass represents top of
normal range. Data from Nowak 1991 andParker 1990.
Mammals lacking normal body
covering (in order of size):
Loxodonta |
African elephant |
hairless |
6300 kg |
Elephas |
Asian elephant |
hairless |
5400 |
Rhinoceros |
Indian rhino |
hairless |
2200 |
Ceratotherium |
white rhino |
hairless |
3600 |
Diceros |
African rhino |
hairless |
1800 |
Dicerorhinus |
Asiatic rhino |
hairless |
1000 |
Sus |
wild boar |
sparse |
350 |
Hylochoerus |
forest hog |
sparse |
275 |
Gorilla |
gorilla |
"often sparse" |
275 |
Phacochoerus |
wart hog |
sparse |
150 |
Babyrousa |
babirusa |
hairless |
100 |
Pongo |
orangutan |
"never thick" |
90 |
Homo |
human |
hairless |
75 |
Pan |
chimpanzee |
sparse |
70 |
Priodontes |
giant armadillo |
hairless |
60 |
Manis |
pangolin |
hairless |
33 |
Heterocephalus |
naked mole rat |
hairless |
.08 |
Body mass represents top of
normal range. Data from Nowak 1991 andParker 1990.
Giraffa |
giraffe |
1930 kg. |
Bison |
American buffalo |
1000 |
Bos |
yak |
1000 |
Taurotragus |
eland |
1000 |
Synceros |
African buffalo |
900 |
Body mass represents top of
normal range. Data from Nowak 1991 andParker 1990.
Time period |
Traits |
Evidence |
Aquatic Function |
pre-Miocene (primate ancestry) |
dextrous hands |
shared character |
aquatic feeding |
by Late Miocene (last
common ancestor) |
rudimentary tool use encephalization to ape
grade |
shared character shared character |
shellfish feeding habitat shift |
Pliocene (Australopithecines) |
bipedalism plantigrady toes shortened toes subequal adducted hallux elongated foot hip extension ?decreased olfaction paranasal sinuses |
fossils, footprints some fossils facial shortening fossils |
wading or swimming swimming wading swimming swimming swimming swimming (non-adaptive) buoyancy |
Late Pliocene (early Homo) |
stone tools encephalization beyond
600 cc |
archaeological record fossil Homo |
shellfish feeding habitat shift |
Pleistocene (Homo erectus grade) |
refinement of bipedalism limb elongation toe shortening barrel thorax descended larynx? external nose dense occipital, limb bones encephalization |
ribcage structure basicranial anatomy facial anatomy fossils fossils |
wading swimming swimming diving diving swimming/diving swimming, buoyancy
control habitat shift |
Late Pleistocene (archaic
and modern Homo) |
motor control of
diaphragm? encephalization |
vertebral canal fossils |
diving habitat shift |
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