23/12/2005 - 22/01/2006
Hans Matheve, Maarten Schurmans, Peter Collaerts & Erwin Collaerts

Picture by Maarten Schurmans ©


Many thanks go out to Mark Van Beirs, Filip Verbelen & Bernard Van Eleghem for their useful pre trip information. We met Ron Demey & Rita Swinnen in the Southern part and want to thank them for all useful birding and identification tips, interesting discussions and not the least for their cheerful company. Thanks to Paul Van Gasse for his accurate comments on our trip report.


23 dec

Departure from Paris CDG Airport + Arrival at Douala Airport - night at Douala

24 dec

Travel to Mount Cameroon + Birding Mount Cameroon - night on Mount Cameroon

25 dec

Birding Mount Cameroon - night on Mount Cameroon

26 dec

Birding Mount Cameroon + Travel to Buea - night at Buea

27 dec

Travel to Korup NP + Birding Korup NP - night in Korup NP

28 dec

Birding Korup NP - night in Korup NP

29 dec

Birding Korup NP - night in Korup NP

30 dec

Birding Korup NP - night in Korup NP

31 dec

Birding Korup NP - night at Mundemba

1 jan

Travel to Mount Kupé + Birding Mount Kupé (farmbush) - night at Nyasoso

2 jan

Birding Mount Kupé (Nature Trail and first part Max's Trail)) - night at Nyasoso

3 jan

Birding Mount Kupé (Max's Trail) - night at Nyasoso

4 jan

Travel to Bakossi Mountains + Birding Bakossi Mountains + Travel to Nyasoso - night at Nyasoso

5 jan

Birding Mount Kupé (Max's Trail) - night at Nyasoso

6 jan

Travel to Bafut-Ngemba FR + Birding Bafut-Ngemba FR - night at Bamenda

7 jan

Birding Bafut-Ngemba FR - night at Bamenda

8 jan

Travel to Ngaoundaba Ranch - night on night train

9 jan

Travel to Ngaoundaba Ranch + Birding Ngaoundaba Ranch - night at Ngaoundaba Ranch

10 jan

Birding Ngaoundaba Ranch - night at Ngaoundaba Ranch

11 jan

Birding Ngaoundaba Ranch - night at Ngaoundaba Ranch

12 jan

Birding Ngaoundaba Ranch - night at Ngaoundaba Ranch

13 jan

Birding Ngaoundaba Ranch + Travel to Benoué NP (stop at Dang Lake) + Birding Benoué NP - night in Benoué NP

14 jan

Birding Benoué NP - night in Benoué NP

15 jan

Birding Benoué NP - night in Benoué NP

16 jan

Travel to Waza (stop at Benoué River near Garoua) - night at Waza

17 jan

Birding Mora-Waza area - night at Waza

18 jan

Birding Waza NP - night at Waza

19 jan

Birding Mora-Waza area + Travel to Maroua - night at Maroua

20 jan

Travel to Douala - night on night train

21 jan

Travel to Douala (stop at Sanaga River near Edea) + Departure from Douala Airport - night on plain

22 jan

Arrival at Paris CDG Airport


In comparison to our initial planning, we stayed at least 1 day extra in Ngaoundaba Ranch, since we gained some time by travelling overnight (and planned to do so at the end of our trip). For the last week we had arranged a minibus + driver and were pinned on the arranged day, so we couldn't leave earlier.



We mainly used public transport and lots of (bush) taxis to get around in the South and a rented car with driver for the Northern part. It proved to be fairly easy to find and rather cheap. At times (mainly in the South) we were crammed like sardines in a hot and dusty car for many hours. Listed below are all durations of the different transport units we used during the trip.

Douala Airport - Hotel


20 min

Douala - Buea

public bus

1 hr

Buea - Kumba
Kumba - Mundemba


2,5 hrs
3,5 hrs

Mundemba - Kumba
Kumba - Tombel
Tombel - Nyasoso

bush taxi
bush taxi

5 hrs
1 hr
0,5 hr

Nyasoso - Kotmin

private car

2,5 hrs (1,5 hrs for the way back)

Nyasoso - Loum
Loum - Bamenda

bush taxi
private car

1 hr
4 hrs

Bamenda - Yaoundé
Yaoundé - Ngaoundéré
Ngaoundéré - Ngaoundaba Ranch

public bus
night train

6 hrs
16 hrs
45 min

Ngaoundaba Ranch - Ngaoundéré
Ngaoundéré - Dang Lake
Dang Lake - Benoué NP

rented minibus

50 min
15 min
2 hrs

Benoué NP - Benoué River
Benoué River - Maroua
Maroua - Waza

rented minibus

3 hrs
3,5 hrs
2 hrs

Maroua - Garoua
Garoua - Ngaoundéré

rented minibus
public bus

2,5 hrs
4 hrs

Ngaoundéré - Yaoundé
Yaoundé - Sanaga River
Sanaga River - Douala

night train

17 hrs
1,5 hrs
1 hr


Accommodation in Cameroon ranges from outstanding (Ngaoundaba) to basic (Korup), most of them are fairly cheap. Listed below are all visited hotels we stayed in during the trip.


Foyer du Marin

Mt Cameroon



Guesthouse of Ecotourism Centre

Korup NP

camping in basic huts


Boseme Hotel


Women's Guesthouse


Skyline Hotel

Ngaoundaba Ranch

Ngaoundaba Ranch

Benoué NP

Campement du Buffle Noir


Campement de Waza


Porte de Mayo


Listed below are all birding sites we've visited during this trip. Summarized access information is given and the trails or places where we've done some birding are mentioned.

Mount Cameroon
This mountain holds it's own endemic bird species: the Cameroon Francolin. From the tourist office in Buéa we drove to Bonakanda from where we took the trail to the Radio Station together with a compulsory guide and a few (facultative) porters. Along this track some good species were picked up like Cameroon Mountain Greenbul, White-tailed Warbler, Mountain Sawwing, Western Mountain-Greenbul, Cameroon Olive-Greenbul, Green Longtail, Mountain Robin-Chat, Cameroon Sunbird, Yellow-breasted Boubou and Fernando Po Oliveback. As soon as we reached the savannah Cameroon Speirops proved to be fairly common in the scattered forest patches. The forest past the abandoned Radio Station towards Nitele is said to be the best spot for the francolins. Actually they are said to be not uncommon here. Although we heard one bird calling on two days (dusk and dawn), we were unable to get any views of it. The dense understory and steep slopes make it a real challenge. We camped at the Radio Station with our own gear, but tents and sleeping bags can be rented at the tourist office.

Korup National Park
On the border with Nigeria and close to Mundemba Korup NP holds an extensive area of lowland rainforest. A guide and porters can be obtained in the (former) WWF office in Mundemba. We spent the nights in the basic Rengo Camp (some degraded shelters) in order to have a good chance to see the rockfowl. Although December is not the best time to see them, we sat silently for many hours at Picathartes Knoll without success. Forest Swallow was the only bird which did come to the rockfowl nests. Apart from the Knoll we did most of the birding along the Hunter's Trail, the N-S Line and Cave Hill Trail. Yellow-casqued and White-crested Hornbills were seen along the forest edge while Rock Pratincoles were present on the rocks in the river. Other birds we tried to see but failed to find them were Black Guineafowl and both Black-eared and Gray Ground-Thrush. We definitely could have used some more time here.

Mount Kupé
The best known birding site in Cameroon as it holds the restricted and enigmatic Mt. Kupé Bushshrike and Monteiro's Bushshrike. The forest can be reached on a daily base from Nyasoso. We spent most of the time birding Max's Trail which produced goodies as Black-necked Wattle-eye, Cameroon Mountain, Gray-headed and Cameroon Olive-Greenbul, Bocage's Akalat, Crossley's Ground-Thrush, White-tailed Warbler, Green Longtail, Cameroon Sunbird and Velvet-mantled Drongo. The higher part of the trail (close to and past Max's Camp) was good for White-throated Mountain-Babbler, Ursula's Sunbird, Western Mountain-Greenbul, Black-capped Woodland-Warbler, Mountain Robin-Chat and Fernando Po Oliveback. We also birded the Nature Trail and the adjacent farmbush and saw a good number of species not found in the forest itself. The Shrike Trail was left aside.

Bakossi Mountains
Not too far (in distance, not in time) from Mt Kupé there is another area that holds some of the Kupé specialities and some of them are even easier to find there. Near the village of Kotmin there's some decent forest left. To get there we hired a private 4WD which took us for a few kilometers but got stuck on a slippery slope. We walked back to Nyasoso and took just the biggest 4WD in town which ended on a slippery slope just before Kotmin. After a 20 min walk on the last part we had to undergo the obliged ceremony (drinking beer) with the local Chief and about the whole village staring at the door. A guide has to accompain you to find the trails. Louis is the only one who really knows the sounds of the bushshrikes and the spots were to see them. We experienced some vivid discussions among the "village council" as we insisted on having Louis as our guide. The company of an inexperienced local farmer was the result of our intervention in the growing tensions in the village. Great fun! But the ceremony to bring good luck to us seemed to work as we managed to obtain decent views of both Mt. Kupé and Green-breasted Bushshrike at the very same spot (a forested ridge). Other birds included: White-throated Mountain-Babbler (good numbers), Bar-tailed Trogon, Gray-headed Greenbul (fairly common!), Cameroon Pigeon (4 birds flying around regularly on our way back to the village), Black-capped Woodland-Warbler, Yellow-breasted Boubou and Fernando Po Oliveback.

Bafut-Nguemba Forest Reserve
This site is definitely the most degraded we've seen but the scarce and small forested patches near a few gullies and Lake Awing still holds the endangered and regional endemic specialities i.e. Banded Wattle-eye, Bannerman's Turaco and Bannerman's Weaver. From Bamenda take the road to Douala for about 18 km. Take a sign-posted (Lake Awing) dirt road to the left just past an obvious radio antenna on the right hand side. We found the forest patches near the parking lot of Lake Awing to offer the best birding (several turaco's), while the last forested gully before the parking was good for a couple Banded Wattle-eyes and their recently fledged chick. The other target birds were found within short time. Bangwa Scrub-Warbler is fairly common by voice and taped in very easily and Bannerman's Weavers are seen in small numbers all over the area. In the fields along the dirt road which forks off to the left just before the parking area we taped in (!) a Long-billed Pipit of the very local and distinctive subspecies bannermani. Other good birds seen were in this area are Cameroon Pigeon, Western Mountain-Greenbul, Green Longtail, Mountain Robin-Chat, Cameroon Sunbird, Yellow-breasted Boubou and Fernando Po Oliveback.

Ngaoundaba Ranch
About 35 km SE from Ngaoundéré Ngaoundaba Ranch overlooks a crater lake on the Adamawa Plateau. Besides savannah the area holds a variety of other habitats which makes the recorded birdlist impressive. We mostly birded the entrance road and the adjacent arid areas in search for Schlegel's Francolin which we did not see in contrary to Temminck's Courser and Brown-chested Lapwing. The gallery forest patch about 1 km from the entrance proved to be very productive with birds as Thrush Babbler, Puvel's Illadopsis, Ross' Turaco and Gray-winged Robin-Chat. In the surroundings of the lake and the ranch we saw some other species as Bamenda Apalis (regularly), Dybowksi's Twinspot and White-collared Starling. Just before the turn-off to the ranch (coming from Ngaoundéré) there is a marshy area which holds some different species as Marsh Tchagra, Red-necked Falcon and Red-winged Prinia.

Dang Lake
Dang Lake lies just North of Ngaoundéré along the road to Garoua. A 10 min stop can add several species to the trip list. No real target birds here though.

Benoué National Park
Benoué NP is situated about halfway between Ngaoundéré and Garoua. The park is only accessible with a vehicle as lions occur (regularly heard). Most of the birding was done in the vicinity of Campement du Buffle Noir and along the entrance road. Close to the river we saw Violet Turaco, Egyptian Plover and the restricted Adamawa Turtle-Dove gave good views after being taped in. Inside the park itself we encountered Abyssinian Ground-Hornbill and to our surprise a nice Emin's Shrike on our way out.

Benoué River
Just South of Garoua the road coming from Ngaoundéré follows the Benoué River for a while. Gray Pratincole, Egyptian Plover and African Skimmer can be seen here. We added just a few species here but did not find any pratincoles or skimmers. 2 Egyptian Plovers were present on one of the sandbanks.

Waza National Park
In the very North of the country this park is situated on the edge of the Sahel. Most of our time was spent in the Mora area in search for the Quail-plover which we didn't see. Cricket Longtail and White-bellied Bustard were easy to pick up while River Prinia took some more time. The pools along the main road just before Waza weren't that productive although we had our only Arabian Bustards there just by shear luck. In the acacia stands more South we easily taped in Sennar Penduline-Tit and had a Rose-ringed Parakeet. Scissor-tailed Kites were seen sporadically throughout.

Sanaga River
A well known stop on the way from Yaoundé to Douala to pick up Gray Pratincole and Egyptian Plover if missed in the North, while African Skimmer and Preuss' Swallow are present as well. Coming from Yaoundé just pass the centre of Edea and just after the second large bridge over the river take the first tarmac road left which goes to Dizangue. Soon it becomes a dirt road and after about 10 km from the turnoff the road comes close to the river. Just stop and check the larger sandbanks in the river. We found the pratincoles and skimmers immediately. As we had them already in the North, we didn't really go for the Egyptian Plover.


Taxonomy strictly follows Clements' 5th Edition (incl. updates). The list only contains species positively identified by at least one of our group. Birds identified by guides or other people only are not included, presumed species neither...

[557 species]

Ostrich Struthio camelus
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - ssp camelus - 4 birds seen inside the NP

Little Grebe Tachybaptus ruficollis
07/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - ssp capensis - 3 on Lake Awing
13/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp capensis - 1 on the crater lake
13/01/2006 - Dang Lake - ssp capensis - 3 on the lake

Great White Pelican Pelecanus onocrotalus
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - monotypic - a flock of 13 birds near one of the many waterholes

Pink-backed Pelican Pelecanus rufescens
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - monotypic - a flock of 20+ birds near a waterhole inside the NP

Long-tailed Cormorant Phalacrocorax africanus
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 1 on the crater lake
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 2 on the crater lake
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 1 on the crater lake
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 1 on the crater lake
13/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 3 on the crater lake
13/01/2006 - Dang Lake - ssp unspecified - 10+
16/01/2006 - Benoué River (near Garua) - ssp unspecified - 10+
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp unspecified - 10+
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - ssp unspecified - 1
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp unspecified - 1

Darter Anhinga melanogaster
24/12/2005 - En route (Douala - Bouea) - ssp unspecified - 1
27/12/2005 - En route (Bouea - Mundemba) - ssp unspecified - 1
31/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp unspecified - 1

Gray Heron Ardea cinerea
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp cinerea - 1 bird falling in the vegetation bordering the crater lake
16/01/2006 - Benoué River (near Garua) - ssp cinerea - 10+ on the sandbanks in the river

Black-headed Heron Ardea melanocephala
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 2
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 1
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 2
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 2
13/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 2
13/01/2006 - Dang Lake - monotypic - 1
16/01/2006 - Benoué River (near Garua) - monotypic - 10+
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - monotypic - fairly common
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - monotypic - common
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - monotypic - common

Purple Heron Ardea purpurea
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp purpurea - 2
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp purpurea - 1
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp purpurea - 1
13/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp purpurea - 1
13/01/2006 - Dang Lake - ssp purpurea - 3
16/01/2006 - Benoué River (near Garua) - ssp purpurea - 1

Great Egret Ardea alba
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp melanorhyncha - 1
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp melanorhyncha - 3
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp melanorhyncha - 2
13/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp melanorhyncha - 1
16/01/2006 - Benoué River (near Garua) - ssp melanorhyncha - 5+

Black Heron Egretta ardesiaca
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - monotypic - 2
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - monotypic - 4

Intermediate Egret Egretta intermedia
24/12/2005 - En route (Douala - Bouea) - ssp brachyrhyncha - a few flying by near Foyer du Marin, Douala

Little Egret Egretta garzetta
31/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp garzetta - 1
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp garzetta - 3
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp garzetta - 2
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp garzetta - 10+
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - ssp garzetta - 10+
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp garzetta - 5+
21/01/2006 - Sanaga River (near Edea) - ssp garzetta - a few

Squacco Heron Ardeola ralloides
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 3
13/01/2006 - Dang Lake - monotypic - 5+
16/01/2006 - Benoué River (near Garua) - monotypic - 4
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - monotypic - 1
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - monotypic - 3
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - monotypic - 1

Cattle Egret Bubulcus ibis
24/12/2005 - En route (Douala - Bouea) - ssp ibis - fairly common
27/12/2005 - En route (Bouea - Mundemba) - ssp ibis - a few
27/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp ibis - a few
01/01/2006 - En route (Mundemba - Nyasosso) - ssp ibis - 2
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp ibis - 50+
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp ibis - 20+
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp ibis - 20+
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp ibis - 20+
13/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp ibis - a few
13/01/2006 - En route (Ngaoundaba - Benoué) - ssp ibis - fairly common
13/01/2006 - Dang Lake - ssp ibis - fairly common
16/01/2006 - En route (Benoué - Waza) - ssp ibis - fairly common
16/01/2006 - Benoué River (near Garua) - ssp ibis - fairly common
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp ibis - fairly common
20/01/2006 - En route (Maroua - Yaoundé) - ssp ibis - a few

Striated Heron Butorides striata
24/12/2005 - En route (Douala - Bouea) - ssp atricapillus - 2 flying by near Foyer du Marin, Douala

Black-crowned Night-Heron Nycticorax nycticorax
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp nycticorax - 3 in the trees around the lake
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp nycticorax - 10+ flying above the crater lake at dusk
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp nycticorax - 5+ flying above the crater lake at dusk

Little Bittern Ixobrychus minutus
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 1 bird seen flying into around above the reedbed of the crater lake

Hamerkop Scopus umbretta
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp umbretta - 1
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp umbretta - 3
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp umbretta - 2
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp umbretta - 5+
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp umbretta - 2

Yellow-billed Stork Mycteria ibis
16/01/2006 - Benoué River (near Garua) - monotypic - 2
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - monotypic - 3
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - monotypic - 5+

African Openbill Anastomus lamelligerus
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp lamelligerus - 4
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp lamelligerus - 2

Woolly-necked Stork Ciconia episcopus
01/01/2006 - En route (Mundemba - Nyasosso) - ssp microscelis - 1
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp microscelis - 1
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - ssp microscelis - 1
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp microscelis - 1
21/01/2006 - Sanaga River (near Edea) - ssp microscelis - 2

White Stork Ciconia ciconia
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp ciconia - 20+ seen soaring

Saddle-billed Stork Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - monotypic - 1 seen flying by close to the river
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - monotypic - 1 flying by

Marabou Stork Leptoptilos crumeniferus
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - monotypic - 5+
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - monotypic - 20+
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - monotypic - 5+

Sacred Ibis Threskiornis aethiopicus
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp aethiopicus - 10+
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp aethiopicus - 8
13/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp aethiopicus - 10+
16/01/2006 - Benoué River (near Garua) - ssp aethiopicus - 8
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp aethiopicus - 5+
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - ssp aethiopicus - 10+
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp aethiopicus - 1

Hadada Ibis Bostrychia hagedash
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp brevirostris - 1
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp brevirostris - 1 seen + more heard
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp brevirostris - 2 seen + more heard
13/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp brevirostris - 3
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp brevirostris - 4
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp brevirostris - 2

White-faced Whistling-Duck Dendrocygna viduata
16/01/2006 - Benoué River (near Garua) - monotypic - 40+ on the sandbanks in the river
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - monotypic - fairly common at several pools inside the NP

Egyptian Goose Alopochen aegyptiacus
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - monotypic - 1 on a rock in Benoué River

Spur-winged Goose Plectropterus gambensis
13/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp gambensis - 8 birds flying by at the crater lake early morning and a group of 25 along the road to Ngaoundéré
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - ssp gambensis - 2 at a pool inside the NP

Comb Duck Sarkidiornis melanotos
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - ssp melanotos - 50+ seen in total at several pools inside the NP

Hartlaub's Duck Pteronetta hartlaubii Near-threatened (NT)
01/01/2006 - En route (Mundemba - Nyasosso) - monotypic - 1 seen flying along a river just outside Mundemba

African Pygmy-goose Nettapus auritus
13/01/2006 - Dang Lake - monotypic - at least 8 birds were present on the lake

Yellow-billed Duck Anas undulata
13/01/2006 - Dang Lake - ssp unspecified - 10+ on the lake

Northern Pintail Anas acuta
13/01/2006 - Dang Lake - monotypic - 1 at the lake

Garganey Anas querquedula
13/01/2006 - Dang Lake - monotypic - 2
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - monotypic - fairly common at several pools inside the NP

Osprey Pandion haliaetus
31/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp haliaetus - 1 hunting above the river
01/01/2006 - En route (Mundemba - Nyasosso) - ssp haliaetus - 1 flying near a river en route
06/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - ssp haliaetus - 1 at Lake Awing
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp haliaetus - 1 flying by at the river

Black-shouldered Kite Elanus caeruleus
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp caeruleus - 1
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp caeruleus - 1
13/01/2006 - En route (Ngaoundaba - Benoué) - ssp caeruleus - 1
16/01/2006 - En route (Benoué - Waza) - ssp caeruleus - 5+
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp caeruleus - 2
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - ssp caeruleus - 4
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp caeruleus - 3
20/01/2006 - En route (Maroua - Yaoundé) - ssp caeruleus - a few

Scissor-tailed Kite Chelictinia riocourii
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - monotypic - 2
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - monotypic - 2
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - monotypic - 2

Black Kite Milvus migrans
24/12/2005 - En route (Douala - Bouea) - ssp unspecified - common
24/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp unspecified - common
26/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp unspecified - 10+
27/12/2005 - En route (Bouea - Mundemba) - ssp unspecified - common
27/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp unspecified - a few
31/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp unspecified - fairly common
01/01/2006 - En route (Mundemba - Nyasosso) - ssp unspecified - fairly common
01/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp unspecified - fairly common
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - fairly common
13/01/2006 - En route (Ngaoundaba - Benoué) - ssp unspecified - fairly common
13/01/2006 - Dang Lake - ssp unspecified - fairly common
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp unspecified - 1
16/01/2006 - En route (Benoué - Waza) - ssp unspecified - 10+
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp unspecified - fairly common
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - ssp unspecified - fairly common
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp unspecified - fairly common
20/01/2006 - En route (Maroua - Yaoundé) - ssp unspecified - fairly common
21/01/2006 - Sanaga River (near Edea) - ssp unspecified - fairly common
21/01/2006 - En route (Yaoundé - Douala) - ssp unspecified - fairly common

African Fish-Eagle Haliaeetus vocifer
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - monotypic - 2 near the river
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - monotypic - 1 flying by near the river
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - monotypic - 1 immature bird perched near a pool inside the NP

Palm-nut Vulture Gypohierax angolensis
24/12/2005 - En route (Douala - Bouea) - monotypic - a few
31/12/2005 - Korup NP - monotypic - fairly common
01/01/2006 - En route (Mundemba - Nyasosso) - monotypic - fairly common

Hooded Vulture Necrosyrtes monachus
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 1
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 2
16/01/2006 - En route (Benoué - Waza) - monotypic - 10+
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - monotypic - a few
20/01/2006 - En route (Maroua - Yaoundé) - monotypic - a few

Egyptian Vulture Neophron percnopterus
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - ssp percnopterus - 3 birds inside the NP

White-backed Vulture Gyps africanus
02/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - monotypic - 3
03/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - monotypic - 1
05/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - monotypic - 1
07/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - monotypic - 1
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 1
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 1
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 4
13/01/2006 - En route (Ngaoundaba - Benoué) - monotypic - 1
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - monotypic - 5+
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - monotypic - 3

Rueppell's Griffon Gyps rueppellii
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - ssp rueppellii - 3+ positively identified inside the NP, maybe some more immature birds

Lappet-faced Vulture Torgos tracheliotus Vulnerable (VU)
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - ssp tracheliotus - 3 birds seen roosting in the NP

White-headed Vulture Trigonoceps occipitalis
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - monotypic - 1 soaring overhead

Short-toed Eagle Circaetus gallicus
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - monotypic - 1 bird seen perched in a dead tree
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - monotypic - 2 birds at least, as some some "snake-eagles spec" were seen but left unidentified

Brown Snake-Eagle Circaetus cinereus
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - monotypic - 1 soaring bird near the Campement

Bateleur Terathopius ecaudatus
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - monotypic - 1
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - monotypic - 3
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - monotypic - 1
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - monotypic - 1
20/01/2006 - En route (Maroua - Yaoundé) - monotypic - a few

Western Marsh-Harrier Circus aeruginosus
26/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp aeruginosus - 2
07/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - ssp aeruginosus - 1
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp aeruginosus - 1
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp aeruginosus - 3
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp aeruginosus - 2
13/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp aeruginosus - 2
13/01/2006 - Dang Lake - ssp aeruginosus - 5+
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp aeruginosus - 1 male
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - ssp aeruginosus - a few

Pallid Harrier Circus macrourus Near-threatened (NT)
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 1
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - monotypic - 3
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - monotypic - 5+
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - monotypic - 1

Montagu's Harrier Circus pygargus
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 2
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 1
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - monotypic - 4
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - monotypic - fairly common
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - monotypic - 3

African Harrier-Hawk Polyboroides typus
31/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp unspecified - 4
01/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp unspecified - 1
02/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp unspecified - 3
06/01/2006 - En route (Nyasosso - Bamenda) - ssp unspecified - 2
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 1
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 2
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp unspecified - 1
21/01/2006 - En route (Yaoundé - Douala) - ssp unspecified - 3

Lizard Buzzard Kaupifalco monogrammicus
01/01/2006 - En route (Mundemba - Nyasosso) - ssp monogrammicus - 1
02/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp monogrammicus - 2
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp monogrammicus - 2

Dark Chanting-Goshawk Melierax metabates
16/01/2006 - En route (Benoué - Waza) - ssp metabates - 4
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp metabates - 2
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - ssp metabates - 5+
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp metabates - 2

Gabar Goshawk Micronisus gabar
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp unspecified - 3
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - ssp unspecified - 4
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp unspecified - 2
20/01/2006 - En route (Maroua - Yaoundé) - ssp unspecified - 2

Red-chested Goshawk Accipiter toussenelii
25/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp unspecified - 1
01/01/2006 - En route (Mundemba - Nyasosso) - ssp unspecified - 2

Shikra Accipiter badius
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp sphenurus - 1
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp sphenurus - 1
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp sphenurus - 1
13/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp sphenurus - 1
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp sphenurus - 1
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp sphenurus - 1

Black Goshawk Accipiter melanoleucus
02/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp unspecified - 1 near the start of Max's seen perched from close distance

Grasshopper Buzzard Butastur rufipennis
13/01/2006 - Benoué NP - monotypic - 5+
16/01/2006 - En route (Benoué - Waza) - monotypic - 4
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - monotypic - 5+
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - monotypic - 3
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - monotypic - 4

Long-legged Buzzard Buteo rufinus
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp unspecified - 1
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - ssp unspecified - 1

Red-necked Buzzard Buteo auguralis
25/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - monotypic - 5+
26/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - monotypic - 1
01/01/2006 - En route (Mundemba - Nyasosso) - monotypic - a few
06/01/2006 - En route (Nyasosso - Bamenda) - monotypic - 1
06/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - monotypic - 2
07/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - monotypic - 1
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 1
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 1
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 3
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - monotypic - 1
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - monotypic - 1

Lesser Spotted Eagle Aquila pomarina
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - monotypic - 1
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - monotypic - 1

Tawny Eagle Aquila rapax
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp belisarius - 1 bird seen only

Steppe Eagle Aquila nipalensis
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp orientalis - 1 adult

Wahlberg's Eagle Aquila wahlbergi
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 1
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 1

Booted Eagle Aquila pennatus
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - monotypic - 2
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - monotypic - 1

Martial Eagle Polemaetus bellicosus
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - monotypic - 1 seen soaring near the Benoué River

Long-crested Eagle Lophaetus occipitalis
24/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - monotypic - 1
01/01/2006 - En route (Mundemba - Nyasosso) - monotypic - 1
01/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - monotypic - 3
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 1
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 2

Cassin's Hawk-Eagle Spizaetus africanus
02/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - monotypic - 2
04/01/2006 - Bakossi Mts - monotypic - 1

Secretary-bird Sagittarius serpentarius
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - monotypic - 1 bird seen soaring overhead near the pools near Waza (along the road to Mora)

Eurasian Kestrel Falco tinnunculus
07/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - ssp unspecified - 3
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 1
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 1
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - ssp unspecified - 3
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp unspecified - 1

Fox Kestrel Falco alopex
16/01/2006 - En route (Benoué - Waza) - monotypic - 4
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - monotypic - 2

Gray Kestrel Falco ardosiaceus
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 1 bird seen perched in a dead tree along the main road, just before the turnoff to the ranch
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - monotypic - 1 bird perched in a tree near the river close to the campement
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - monotypic - 1 bird perched in a tree near the river close to the campement, probably the same bird

Red-necked Falcon Falco chicquera
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp ruficollis - 1 almost flew into us while it was hunting down some widowbirds - superb views - in the pastures just before the tornoff to the ranch
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp ruficollis - 1 seen at the Quail-plover spot

Eurasian Hobby Falco subbuteo
31/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp subbuteo - 1

African Hobby Falco cuvierii
24/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - monotypic - 1

Lanner Falcon Falco biarmicus
07/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - ssp abyssinicus - 1 flying near the cliffs at the upper station in Bamenda
16/01/2006 - En route (Benoué - Waza) - ssp abyssinicus - 1 near a cliff just N of Maroua
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp abyssinicus - 1
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - ssp abyssinicus - 1

Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp unspecified - 1 bird only

Scaly Francolin Francolinus squamatus
25/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - monotypic - 1 seen + more heard
26/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - HO - monotypic - a few heard
02/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - monotypic - 2
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 1
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 2

Double-spurred Francolin Francolinus bicalcaratus
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp bicalcaratus - 5+ seen + more heard
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp bicalcaratus - 10+
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp bicalcaratus - 10+
13/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp bicalcaratus - 10+
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp bicalcaratus - fairly common
16/01/2006 - En route (Benoué - Waza) - ssp bicalcaratus - 10+

Clapperton's Francolin Francolinus clappertoni
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - monotypic - 5+
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - monotypic - fairly common
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - monotypic - 10+

Cameroon Francolin Francolinus camerunensis Endangered (EN) Country endemic
25/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - HO - monotypic - 1 heard in the forest patch below the radio station but didn't respond.
26/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - HO - monotypic - 1 (probably the same bird) heard in the forest patch below the radio station. despite lots of effort to tape it into view, the bird didn't approach and kept hidden in the understory. the steep and rocky slopes and the dense vegetation made it only more difficult to go for the calling bird. we tried it many times without success...

Stone Partridge Ptilopachus petrosus
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - HO - ssp petrosus - a few heard
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp petrosus - 20+ seen + more heard
16/01/2006 - En route (Benoué - Waza) - ssp petrosus - 20+
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp petrosus - 10+

Helmeted Guineafowl Numida meleagris
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp galeatus - 30+
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp galeatus - 8
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - ssp galeatus - fairly common

Black Crowned-Crane Balearica pavonina Near-threatened (NT)
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp pavonina - 20+
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - ssp pavonina - fairly common
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp pavonina - a few

White-spotted Flufftail Sarothrura pulchra
29/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp unspecified - 1 taped in + 1 other heard
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 1
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 1
13/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 3

Nkulengu Rail Himantornis haematopus
31/12/2005 - Korup NP - HO - monotypic - 1 heard just before dawn at Rengo Calmp

African Rail Rallus caerulescens
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - HO - monotypic - 1 heard from the dense marshy vegetation near the crater lake
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - HO - monotypic - 1 heard from the dense marshy vegetation near the crater lake

Black Crake Amaurornis flavirostris
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 1
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 2
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 2
13/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 1

Purple Swamphen Porphyrio porphyrio
13/01/2006 - Dang Lake - ssp madagascariensis - 2 in the vegetation of the lake

Arabian Bustard Ardeotis arabs
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp stieberi - after we gave up the long drive in the park we had 3 birds which gave superb views when flying right over our heads as they were flushed by the local cattle - just a lot of luck

White-bellied Bustard Eupodotis senegalensis
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp senegalensis - 7 easily found when searching for the Quail-plover
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - ssp senegalensis - 3 birds inside the NP
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp senegalensis - 5+ on the Quail-plover spot

African Jacana Actophilornis africanus
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 2
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 4
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 3
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 4
13/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 3
13/01/2006 - Dang Lake - monotypic - fairly common

Greater Painted-snipe Rostratula benghalensis
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp benghalensis - 3 birds seen near a pool along the road from Waza to Mora

Black-winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus
16/01/2006 - En route (Benoué - Waza) - monotypic - 1
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - monotypic - 8
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - monotypic - 20+
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - monotypic - 10+

Egyptian Plover Pluvianus aegyptius
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - monotypic - 3 birds on the sandbanks in the river, all close to the campement
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - monotypic - 1 on a sandbank in the river
16/01/2006 - Benoué River (near Garua) - monotypic - 2 on a sandbank in the river

Temminck's Courser Cursorius temminckii
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 6 birds were found in a recently burnt area a few hundred meters past the turnoff towards the ranch coming from the main road
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 4 birds in the same area

Collared Pratincole Glareola pratincola
16/01/2006 - Benoué River (near Garua) - ssp unspecified - 10+ on a sandbank in the Benoué River

Rock Pratincole Glareola nuchalis
31/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp unspecified - 4 birds seen flying and sitting on the rocks in the river just before the entrance of the NP

Gray Pratincole Glareola cinerea
21/01/2006 - Sanaga River (near Edea) - monotypic - 20+ seen readily on one of the larger sandbanks in the Sanaga River

Spur-winged Plover Vanellus spinosus
13/01/2006 - Dang Lake - monotypic - 10+
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - monotypic - 1
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - monotypic - 1
16/01/2006 - Benoué River (near Garua) - monotypic - 4
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - monotypic - 1
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - monotypic - 10+
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - monotypic - 5+

Black-headed Lapwing Vanellus tectus
16/01/2006 - En route (Benoué - Waza) - ssp tectus - 5+
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp tectus - 10+
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - ssp tectus - fairly common
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp tectus - 10+

White-headed Lapwing Vanellus albiceps
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - monotypic - 5+ birds on the sandbanks in the river
21/01/2006 - Sanaga River (near Edea) - monotypic - 3 on a sandbank in the river

Wattled Lapwing Vanellus senegallus
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp senegallus - 2 birds in the pastures along the main road just before the turnoff to the ranch
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp senegallus - 5+
16/01/2006 - Benoué River (near Garua) - ssp senegallus - 2

Brown-chested Lapwing Vanellus superciliosus
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 2
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 2
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 4
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 3

Common Ringed Plover Charadrius hiaticula
21/01/2006 - Sanaga River (near Edea) - ssp unspecified - 1 on a sandbank in the Sanaga River

Three-banded Plover Charadrius tricollaris
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp tricollaris - 2
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp tricollaris - 2

White-fronted Plover Charadrius marginatus
21/01/2006 - Sanaga River (near Edea) - ssp mechowi - 3 on a sandbank

Common Snipe Gallinago gallinago
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp gallinago - 1
13/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp gallinago - 1

Common Greenshank Tringa nebularia
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - monotypic - 1
21/01/2006 - Sanaga River (near Edea) - monotypic - 2

Green Sandpiper Tringa ochropus
06/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - monotypic - 1
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 1
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - monotypic - 3
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - monotypic - 2
16/01/2006 - Benoué River (near Garua) - monotypic - 1
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - monotypic - 10+
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - monotypic - a few
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - monotypic - 5+
21/01/2006 - Sanaga River (near Edea) - monotypic - a few

Wood Sandpiper Tringa glareola
13/01/2006 - Dang Lake - monotypic - 2
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - monotypic - 3
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - monotypic - 2

Common Sandpiper Actitis hypoleucos
27/12/2005 - Korup NP - monotypic - 2
31/12/2005 - Korup NP - monotypic - 3
13/01/2006 - En route (Ngaoundaba - Benoué) - monotypic - 1
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - monotypic - 2
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - monotypic - 3
16/01/2006 - Benoué River (near Garua) - monotypic - 1
21/01/2006 - Sanaga River (near Edea) - monotypic - 4

Ruddy Turnstone Arenaria interpres
16/01/2006 - Benoué River (near Garua) - ssp interpres - 1 bird on a sandbank

Ruff Philomachus pugnax
16/01/2006 - Benoué River (near Garua) - monotypic - 200+ on the sandbanks in Benoué River

African Skimmer Rynchops flavirostris Near-threatened (NT)
21/01/2006 - Sanaga River (near Edea) - monotypic - an impressive flock of 200+ was present on one of the larger sandbanks in the Sanaga River

Chestnut-bellied Sandgrouse Pterocles exustus
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - ssp exustus - 100+ came to drink at a water hole

Four-banded Sandgrouse Pterocles quadricinctus
13/01/2006 - Benoué NP - monotypic - 8
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - monotypic - 1 female
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - monotypic - 4
16/01/2006 - En route (Benoué - Waza) - monotypic - 2 near Benoué NP

Speckled Pigeon Columba guinea
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp guinea - 5+
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp guinea - 5+
16/01/2006 - En route (Benoué - Waza) - ssp guinea - 5+
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - ssp guinea - 3

Cameroon Pigeon Columba sjostedti
04/01/2006 - Bakossi Mts - monotypic - 4
07/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - monotypic - 3 in the forest patch near Lake Awing

Eurasian Turtle-Dove Streptopelia turtur
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp unspecified - 20+
20/01/2006 - En route (Maroua - Yaoundé) - ssp unspecified - a few

Adamawa Turtle-Dove Streptopelia hypopyrrha
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - monotypic - 1 taped in and seen well near the river + 1 other heard

African Collared-Dove Streptopelia roseogrisea
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp unspecified - a few
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp roseogrisea - fairly common
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - ssp roseogrisea - fairly common
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp unspecified - a few
20/01/2006 - En route (Maroua - Yaoundé) - ssp unspecified - a few
21/01/2006 - Sanaga River (near Edea) - ssp unspecified - a few

African Mourning Dove Streptopelia decipiens
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp logonensis - a few
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp logonensis - a few
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp logonensis - a few
13/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp logonensis - a few
13/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp logonensis - a few
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp logonensis - a few
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp logonensis - a few
16/01/2006 - En route (Benoué - Waza) - ssp logonensis - a few
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp logonensis - fairly common
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - ssp logonensis - a few
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp logonensis - a few

Red-eyed Dove Streptopelia semitorquata
24/12/2005 - En route (Douala - Bouea) - monotypic - fairly common near Foyer du Marin, Douala
24/12/2005 - En route (Douala - Bouea) - monotypic - a few near Foyer du Marin, Douala
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - fairly common
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - fairly common
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - fairly common
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - fairly common
13/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - a few
13/01/2006 - Benoué NP - monotypic - a few
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - monotypic - a few
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - monotypic - a few
16/01/2006 - En route (Benoué - Waza) - monotypic - a few
21/01/2006 - En route (Yaoundé - Douala) - monotypic - a few

Vinaceous Dove Streptopelia vinacea
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - fairly common
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - fairly common
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - fairly common
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - fairly common
13/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - fairly common

Laughing Dove Streptopelia senegalensis
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp senegalensis - a few
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp senegalensis - a few
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp senegalensis - fairly common
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp senegalensis - fairly common
13/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp senegalensis - fairly common
13/01/2006 - Dang Lake - ssp senegalensis - a few
13/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp senegalensis - a few
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp senegalensis - a few
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp senegalensis - a few
16/01/2006 - En route (Benoué - Waza) - ssp senegalensis - a few
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp senegalensis - fairly common
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - ssp senegalensis - fairly common
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp senegalensis - fairly common

Black-billed Wood-Dove Turtur abyssinicus
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - monotypic - 10+
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - monotypic - fairly common

Blue-spotted Wood-Dove Turtur afer
24/12/2005 - En route (Douala - Bouea) - monotypic - 2 near Foyer du Marin, Douala
25/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - monotypic - a few
26/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - monotypic - a few
27/12/2005 - En route (Bouea - Mundemba) - monotypic - a few
01/01/2006 - En route (Mundemba - Nyasosso) - monotypic - a few
02/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - monotypic - a few seen + more heard
03/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - monotypic - a few seen + more heard
04/01/2006 - Bakossi Mts - monotypic - a few seen + more heard
05/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - HO - monotypic - a few heard
06/01/2006 - En route (Nyasosso - Bamenda) - monotypic - a few
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - a few
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - a few
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - a few
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - a few
13/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - a few
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - monotypic - 1 seen
21/01/2006 - Sanaga River (near Edea) - monotypic - a few

Tambourine Dove Turtur tympanistria
25/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - monotypic - 1
26/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - monotypic - a few
07/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - monotypic - 2
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 2
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 2
13/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 1
21/01/2006 - Sanaga River (near Edea) - monotypic - 1

Blue-headed Wood-Dove Turtur brehmeri
28/12/2005 - Korup NP - HO - ssp unspecified - fairly common heard
29/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp unspecified - 1 seen + more heard
30/12/2005 - Korup NP - HO - ssp unspecified - fairly common heard
31/12/2005 - Korup NP - HO - ssp unspecified - fairly common heard

Namaqua Dove Oena capensis
16/01/2006 - En route (Benoué - Waza) - ssp unspecified - 5+
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp unspecified - fairly common
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - ssp unspecified - fairly common
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp unspecified - fairly common

Bruce's Green-Pigeon Treron waalia
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 3
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 4
13/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 1
13/01/2006 - Benoué NP - monotypic - 1
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - monotypic - 10+
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - monotypic - 5+
16/01/2006 - En route (Benoué - Waza) - monotypic - a few
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - monotypic - 10+

African Green-Pigeon Treron calva
25/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp calva - 5+
26/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp calva - 2
27/12/2005 - En route (Bouea - Mundemba) - ssp calva - 5+
29/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp calva - 3
31/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp calva - 3
01/01/2006 - En route (Mundemba - Nyasosso) - ssp calva - 10+
02/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp calva - 10+
04/01/2006 - Bakossi Mts - ssp calva - 5+
05/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp calva - 5+
07/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - ssp calva - 2
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp calva - 10+
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp calva - 10+
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp calva - fairly common
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp calva - 10+
13/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp calva - 10+
13/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp calva - 10+
21/01/2006 - Sanaga River (near Edea) - ssp calva - a few

Rose-ringed Parakeet Psittacula krameri
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp krameri - 1 bird seen in an accacia area along the road between Mora and Waza

Red-headed Lovebird Agapornis pullarius
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp pullarius - 2
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp pullarius - 2

Gray Parrot Psittacus erithacus
24/12/2005 - En route (Douala - Bouea) - ssp erithacus - 20+ flying by near Foyer du Marin, Douala
28/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp erithacus - fairly common
31/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp erithacus - fairly common
01/01/2006 - En route (Mundemba - Nyasosso) - ssp erithacus - a few
21/01/2006 - Sanaga River (near Edea) - ssp erithacus - 5+

Senegal Parrot Poicephalus senegalus
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp senegalus - 2
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp senegalus - 2
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp senegalus - 2
13/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp senegalus - 10+
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp senegalus - 10+
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp senegalus - 10+

Great Blue Turaco Corythaeola cristata
28/12/2005 - Korup NP - HO - monotypic - a few heard
29/12/2005 - Korup NP - monotypic - 3 seen + more heard
30/12/2005 - Korup NP - HO - monotypic - a few heard
31/12/2005 - Korup NP - HO - monotypic - a few heard
01/01/2006 - En route (Mundemba - Nyasosso) - monotypic - fairly common

Guinea Turaco Tauraco persa
02/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp persa - 5+
03/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - HO - ssp persa - a few heard
04/01/2006 - Bakossi Mts - ssp persa - a few seen + more heard
05/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp persa - a few seen + more heard

White-crested Turaco Tauraco leucolophus
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 2
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 2 seen + more heard
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - monotypic - 1

Yellow-billed Turaco Tauraco macrorhynchus
24/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp verreauxii - 2 seen + more heard
25/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp verreauxii - 2 seen + more heard
26/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - HO - ssp verreauxii - fairly common heard
28/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp verreauxii - fairly common, mostly heard
29/12/2005 - Korup NP - HO - ssp verreauxii - fairly common heard
30/12/2005 - Korup NP - HO - ssp verreauxii - fairly common heard
31/12/2005 - Korup NP - HO - ssp verreauxii - fairly common heard
01/01/2006 - En route (Mundemba - Nyasosso) - ssp verreauxii - a few
02/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp verreauxii - a few seen + more heard
03/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp verreauxii - a few seen + more heard
04/01/2006 - Bakossi Mts - HO - ssp verreauxii - a few heard
05/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp verreauxii - a few seen + more heard

Bannerman's Turaco Tauraco bannermani Endangered (EN) Country endemic
06/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - monotypic - 2 seen in the forest patch behind the parking at Lake Awing
07/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - HO - monotypic - a few heard

Violet Turaco Musophaga violacea
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - monotypic - 2
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - monotypic - 5+

Ross' Turaco Musophaga rossae
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 1
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 2
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 2
13/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 2

Western Plantain-eater Crinifer piscator
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 5+
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 2
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 10+
13/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 5+
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - monotypic - 3
16/01/2006 - En route (Benoué - Waza) - monotypic - 5+

Levaillant's Cuckoo Clamator levaillantii
02/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - monotypic - 4
04/01/2006 - Bakossi Mts - monotypic - 1
05/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - monotypic - 1
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - monotypic - 1

Red-chested Cuckoo Cuculus solitarius
04/01/2006 - Bakossi Mts - HO - monotypic - 2 heard
05/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - monotypic - 1 seen + more heard

Black Cuckoo Cuculus clamosus
30/12/2005 - Korup NP - HO - ssp unspecified - 2 heard near Picathartes Knoll

African Cuckoo Cuculus gularis
07/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - monotypic - 2
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 1 seen + 1 heard
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - HO - monotypic - 2 heard

Olive Long-tailed Cuckoo Cercococcyx olivinus
29/12/2005 - Korup NP - monotypic - 1 seen + 1 heard
02/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - HO - monotypic - 1 heard
03/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - HO - monotypic - 1 heard
05/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - HO - monotypic - 1 heard

Klaas' Cuckoo Chrysococcyx klaas
24/12/2005 - En route (Douala - Bouea) - monotypic - 1 seen + more heard near Foyer du Marin, Douala
25/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - monotypic - 1 seen + more heard
02/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - HO - monotypic - a few heard
03/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - HO - monotypic - a few heard
04/01/2006 - Bakossi Mts - monotypic - 1 seen + more heard
05/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - HO - monotypic - a few heard
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 1 seen + more heard
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - HO - monotypic - a few heard
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 1 seen + more heard
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - monotypic - 1 seen + more heard
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - monotypic - 3

African Emerald Cuckoo Chrysococcyx cupreus
25/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - HO - ssp cupreus - 1 heard
26/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - HO - ssp cupreus - 1 heard
28/12/2005 - Korup NP - HO - ssp cupreus - a few heard
31/12/2005 - Korup NP - HO - ssp cupreus - 2 heard
01/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - HO - ssp cupreus - 1 heard
02/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp cupreus - 2 seen + more heard
03/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - HO - ssp cupreus - a few heard
04/01/2006 - Bakossi Mts - HO - ssp cupreus - a few heard
05/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - HO - ssp cupreus - a few heard
21/01/2006 - Sanaga River (near Edea) - HO - ssp cupreus - 1 heard

Yellowbill Ceuthmochares aereus
28/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp aereus - 4 seen + more heard
29/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp aereus - a few seen + more heard
30/12/2005 - Korup NP - HO - ssp aereus - a few heard
31/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp aereus - a few seen + more heard
03/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp aereus - 1 seen + more heard
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp aereus - 1
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp aereus - 5+

Black-throated Coucal Centropus leucogaster
31/12/2005 - Korup NP - HO - ssp efulensis - 1 heard

Blue-headed Coucal Centropus monachus
01/01/2006 - En route (Mundemba - Nyasosso) - ssp fischeri - a few
01/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp fischeri - a few
04/01/2006 - Bakossi Mts - ssp fischeri - 2

Senegal Coucal Centropus senegalensis
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp senegalensis - 2
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp senegalensis - 3
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp senegalensis - 5+
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp senegalensis - 5+
13/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp senegalensis - 5+
13/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp senegalensis - 5+
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp senegalensis - 5+
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp senegalensis - 10+
16/01/2006 - En route (Benoué - Waza) - ssp senegalensis - 10+
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp senegalensis - 10+
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp senegalensis - 3

Barn Owl Tyto alba
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - HO - ssp affinis - 1 heard
16/01/2006 - En route (Benoué - Waza) - ssp affinis - 2 seen + more heard near Campement de Waza
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp affinis - 2 seen + more heard near Campement de Waza
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - ssp affinis - 1 seen + more heard near Campement de Waza

African Scops-Owl Otus senegalensis
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - HO - ssp senegalensis - 5+ heard
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp senegalensis - 1 taped in and seen well + more heard
13/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp senegalensis - 1
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - HO - ssp senegalensis - a few heard
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - HO - ssp senegalensis - 1 heard

Grayish Eagle-Owl Bubo cinerascens
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 1 seen roosting in a tree near the crater lake
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 1

African Wood-Owl Strix woodfordii
28/12/2005 - Korup NP - HO - ssp nuchalis - 1 heard
29/12/2005 - Korup NP - HO - ssp nuchalis - 1 heard
30/12/2005 - Korup NP - HO - ssp nuchalis - 1 heard

Pearl-spotted Owlet Glaucidium perlatum
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - HO - ssp perlatum - 1 heard
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp perlatum - 1 taped in
13/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp perlatum - 3 seen during daytime
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp perlatum - 1 seen during daytime + more heard

Black-shouldered Nightjar Caprimulgus nigriscapularis
24/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - HO - monotypic - 1 heard only

Long-tailed Nightjar Caprimulgus climacurus
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 1
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp unspecified - 1

Black Spinetail Telacanthura melanopygia
06/01/2006 - En route (Nyasosso - Bamenda) - monotypic - 1 in a flock Little Swifts just outside Nyasosso

African Palm-Swift Cypsiurus parvus
24/12/2005 - En route (Douala - Bouea) - ssp unspecified - fairly common
24/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp unspecified - fairly common
27/12/2005 - En route (Bouea - Mundemba) - ssp unspecified - a few
29/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp unspecified - common
30/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp unspecified - common
31/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp unspecified - 1
06/01/2006 - En route (Nyasosso - Bamenda) - ssp unspecified - fairly common
07/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - ssp unspecified - 1
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - fairly common
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - fairly common
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - fairly common
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - fairly common
13/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - fairly common
13/01/2006 - En route (Ngaoundaba - Benoué) - ssp unspecified - fairly common
13/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp unspecified - fairly common
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp unspecified - fairly common
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp unspecified - fairly common
16/01/2006 - En route (Benoué - Waza) - ssp unspecified - fairly common
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp unspecified - fairly common
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - ssp unspecified - a few
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp unspecified - a few
20/01/2006 - En route (Maroua - Yaoundé) - ssp unspecified - a few
21/01/2006 - Sanaga River (near Edea) - ssp unspecified - a few
21/01/2006 - En route (Yaoundé - Douala) - ssp unspecified - a few

Alpine Swift Tachymarptis melba
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 1
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 3

Common Swift Apus apus
28/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp apus - common
31/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp apus - common
01/01/2006 - En route (Mundemba - Nyasosso) - ssp apus - fairly common
04/01/2006 - Bakossi Mts - ssp apus - a few
05/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp apus - a few

African Swift Apus barbatus
07/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - ssp serlei - 10+ birds around the rocks

Little Swift Apus affinis
24/12/2005 - En route (Douala - Bouea) - ssp aerobates - fairly common
25/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp aerobates - 10+
26/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp aerobates - 10+
27/12/2005 - En route (Bouea - Mundemba) - ssp aerobates - fairly common
01/01/2006 - En route (Mundemba - Nyasosso) - ssp aerobates - fairly common
02/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp aerobates - fairly common
03/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp aerobates - fairly common
05/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp aerobates - a few
06/01/2006 - En route (Nyasosso - Bamenda) - ssp aerobates - fairly common
07/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - ssp aerobates - fairly common
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp aerobates - fairly common
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp aerobates - a few
13/01/2006 - En route (Ngaoundaba - Benoué) - ssp aerobates - a few
16/01/2006 - En route (Benoué - Waza) - ssp aerobates - fairly common
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp aerobates - a few
20/01/2006 - En route (Maroua - Yaoundé) - ssp aerobates - a few
21/01/2006 - Sanaga River (near Edea) - ssp aerobates - a few
21/01/2006 - En route (Yaoundé - Douala) - ssp aerobates - a few

Bates' Swift Apus batesi
04/01/2006 - Bakossi Mts - monotypic - 5+
06/01/2006 - En route (Nyasosso - Bamenda) - monotypic - a few

Speckled Mousebird Colius striatus
24/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp nigricollis - 10+
25/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp nigricollis - 10+
26/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp nigricollis - 5+
01/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp nigricollis - 5+
02/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp nigricollis - 10+
03/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp nigricollis - 10+
05/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp nigricollis - 5+
06/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - ssp nigricollis - fairly common
07/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - ssp nigricollis - fairly common
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp nigricollis - 10+
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp nigricollis - fairly common
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp nigricollis - fairly common
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp nigricollis - fairly common
13/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp nigricollis - fairly common
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp nigricollis - a few
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp nigricollis - 5+

Blue-naped Mousebird Urocolius macrourus
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp macrourus - 20+
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - ssp macrourus - 5+
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp unspecified - 15+

Bare-cheeked Trogon Apaloderma aequatoriale
29/12/2005 - Korup NP - HO - monotypic - 4 heard
30/12/2005 - Korup NP - monotypic - 1 seen + more heard
31/12/2005 - Korup NP - HO - monotypic - a few heard

Bar-tailed Trogon Apaloderma vittatum
04/01/2006 - Bakossi Mts - monotypic - 2 seen + more heard
05/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - monotypic - 1

Malachite Kingfisher Alcedo cristata
27/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp cristata - 1
31/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp cristata - 1
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp cristata - 1
13/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp cristata - 2
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp cristata - 1
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp cristata - 1
21/01/2006 - Sanaga River (near Edea) - ssp cristata - 1

White-bellied Kingfisher Alcedo leucogaster
29/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp leucogaster - 1
30/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp leucogaster - 1

African Pygmy-Kingfisher Ispidina picta
28/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp ferruginea - 1
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp picta - 2
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp picta - 4
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp picta - 3
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp picta - 3
13/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp picta - 2
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp picta - 1

Gray-headed Kingfisher Halcyon leucocephala
01/01/2006 - En route (Mundemba - Nyasosso) - ssp leucocephala - 1
07/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - ssp leucocephala - 1
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp leucocephala - 3
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp leucocephala - 4
13/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp leucocephala - 2
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp leucocephala - 10+
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp leucocephala - 10+
16/01/2006 - En route (Benoué - Waza) - ssp leucocephala - 1
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp leucocephala - 1
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp leucocephala - 1
21/01/2006 - Sanaga River (near Edea) - ssp leucocephala - 1

Woodland Kingfisher Halcyon senegalensis
24/12/2005 - En route (Douala - Bouea) - ssp unspecified - fairly common
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 2
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 3
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 2

Blue-breasted Kingfisher Halcyon malimbica
29/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp malimbica - 1
30/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp malimbica - 1
01/01/2006 - En route (Mundemba - Nyasosso) - ssp malimbica - 1
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - HO - ssp malimbica - 1

Striped Kingfisher Halcyon chelicuti
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 1
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp unspecified - 1
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp unspecified - 1

Giant Kingfisher Megaceryle maximus
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp unspecified - 2
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp unspecified - 2

Pied Kingfisher Ceryle rudis
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp rudis - 2
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp rudis - 2
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp rudis - 2
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp rudis - 2
13/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp rudis - 2
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp rudis - 2
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp rudis - 2
21/01/2006 - Sanaga River (near Edea) - ssp rudis - 5+

Black Bee-eater Merops gularis
02/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp australis - 1
21/01/2006 - Sanaga River (near Edea) - ssp australis - 3

Red-throated Bee-eater Merops bulocki
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp bulocki - 10+
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp bulocki - 10+
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp bulocki - 5+
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp bulocki - 10+
13/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp bulocki - 10+
13/01/2006 - En route (Ngaoundaba - Benoué) - ssp bulocki - fairly common
13/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp bulocki - 10+
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp bulocki - fairly common
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp bulocki - fairly common
16/01/2006 - En route (Benoué - Waza) - ssp bulocki - 10+

Little Bee-eater Merops pusillus
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp pusillus - 2
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp pusillus - 8
21/01/2006 - Sanaga River (near Edea) - ssp pusillus - 4

Blue-breasted Bee-eater Merops variegatus
07/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - ssp loringi - 5+

White-throated Bee-eater Merops albicollis
24/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - monotypic - 8
31/12/2005 - Korup NP - monotypic - a few
01/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - monotypic - 50+
02/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - monotypic - 50+
04/01/2006 - Bakossi Mts - monotypic - 20+
21/01/2006 - Sanaga River (near Edea) - monotypic - 10+

Green Bee-eater Merops orientalis
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp viridissimus - 2
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - ssp viridissimus - 5+
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp viridissimus - 10+

Northern Carmine Bee-eater Merops nubicus
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - monotypic - 2
16/01/2006 - En route (Benoué - Waza) - monotypic - fairly common
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - monotypic - 7
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - monotypic - 1
20/01/2006 - En route (Maroua - Yaoundé) - monotypic - a few

Abyssinian Roller Coracias abyssinica
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 1
13/01/2006 - Benoué NP - monotypic - 5+
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - monotypic - 10+
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - monotypic - 5+
16/01/2006 - En route (Benoué - Waza) - monotypic - a few
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - monotypic - 10+
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - monotypic - fairly common
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - monotypic - 5+
20/01/2006 - En route (Maroua - Yaoundé) - monotypic - a few

Rufous-crowned Roller Coracias naevia
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp naevia - 1
20/01/2006 - En route (Maroua - Yaoundé) - ssp naevia - 1

Blue-bellied Roller Coracias cyanogaster
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 2
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - monotypic - 3

Eurasian Hoopoe Upupa epops
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp epops - 1
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp epops - 1
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - ssp epops - 4
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp epops - 3

Green Woodhoopoe Phoeniculus purpureus
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 4
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 1
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 1
13/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp unspecified - 3
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp unspecified - 5+
16/01/2006 - En route (Benoué - Waza) - ssp unspecified - 1 near Benoué NP

Black Scimitar-bill Rhinopomastus aterrimus
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp aterrimus - 3
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 5+
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp aterrimus - 5+
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp aterrimus - 2
16/01/2006 - En route (Benoué - Waza) - ssp aterrimus - a few

White-crested Hornbill Tockus albocristatus
30/12/2005 - Korup NP - HO - ssp cassini - a few heard
31/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp cassini - 1 seen flying over the river
01/01/2006 - En route (Mundemba - Nyasosso) - ssp cassini - 2

Red-billed Dwarf Hornbill Tockus camurus
28/12/2005 - Korup NP - monotypic - 1
29/12/2005 - Korup NP - monotypic - 4
30/12/2005 - Korup NP - monotypic - 2

Red-billed Hornbill Tockus erythrorhynchus
13/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp erythrorhynchus - 5+
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp erythrorhynchus - 2
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp erythrorhynchus - 10+
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - ssp erythrorhynchus - common
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp erythrorhynchus - fairly common
20/01/2006 - En route (Maroua - Yaoundé) - ssp erythrorhynchus - a few

African Pied Hornbill Tockus fasciatus
24/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp unspecified - 1
27/12/2005 - En route (Bouea - Mundemba) - ssp unspecified - 5+
31/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp unspecified - 1
01/01/2006 - En route (Mundemba - Nyasosso) - ssp unspecified - fairly common
04/01/2006 - Bakossi Mts - ssp unspecified - 3
05/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp unspecified - 5+
06/01/2006 - En route (Nyasosso - Bamenda) - ssp unspecified - 5+
21/01/2006 - Sanaga River (near Edea) - ssp unspecified - a few

African Gray Hornbill Tockus nasutus
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp nasutus - 5+
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp nasutus - 2
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp nasutus - 3
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp nasutus - 5+
13/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp nasutus - 10+
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp nasutus - 5+
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp nasutus - 5+
16/01/2006 - En route (Benoué - Waza) - ssp nasutus - a few
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - ssp nasutus - a few

Piping Hornbill Ceratogymna fistulator
27/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp sharpii - 2
30/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp sharpii - a few seen + more heard
31/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp sharpii - a few seen + more heard
01/01/2006 - En route (Mundemba - Nyasosso) - ssp sharpii - a few
06/01/2006 - En route (Nyasosso - Bamenda) - ssp sharpii - 1
16/01/2006 - En route (Benoué - Waza) - ssp unspecified - 1

White-thighed Hornbill Ceratogymna albotibialis
21/01/2006 - Sanaga River (near Edea) - monotypic - 1 bird sene perched in a dead tree along the road close to the Sanaga River

Yellow-casqued Hornbill Ceratogymna elata Near-threatened (NT)
27/12/2005 - Korup NP - monotypic - 2
31/12/2005 - Korup NP - monotypic - 1 seen flying over the river
01/01/2006 - En route (Mundemba - Nyasosso) - monotypic - 1

Abyssinian Ground-Hornbill Bucorvus abyssinicus
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - monotypic - only 3 birds seen foraging in a recently burnt area in the park

Naked-faced Barbet Gymnobucco calvus
25/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp calvus - 10+
26/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp calvus - a few seen + more heard
01/01/2006 - En route (Mundemba - Nyasosso) - ssp calvus - a few
01/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp calvus - fairly common
02/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp calvus - common
03/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp calvus - common
04/01/2006 - Bakossi Mts - ssp calvus - fairly common
05/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp calvus - common

Speckled Tinkerbird Pogoniulus scolopaceus
01/01/2006 - En route (Mundemba - Nyasosso) - ssp flavisquamatus - 1
02/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp flavisquamatus - 2

Western Tinkerbird Pogoniulus coryphaeus
25/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp coryphaeus - 5 seen + more heard
26/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp coryphaeus - a few seen + more heard
04/01/2006 - Bakossi Mts - ssp coryphaeus - 4
05/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp coryphaeus - 3

Red-rumped Tinkerbird Pogoniulus atroflavus
29/12/2005 - Korup NP - HO - monotypic - a few heard
30/12/2005 - Korup NP - HO - monotypic - a few heard
02/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - monotypic - 2 seen + more heard

Yellow-throated Tinkerbird Pogoniulus subsulphureus
28/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp flavimentum - 2 seen + more heard
29/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp flavimentum - a few seen + more heard
30/12/2005 - Korup NP - HO - ssp flavimentum - a few heard
31/12/2005 - Korup NP - HO - ssp flavimentum - fairly common heard
21/01/2006 - Sanaga River (near Edea) - HO - ssp flavimentum - a few heard

Yellow-rumped Tinkerbird Pogoniulus bilineatus
24/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp leucolaima - 3 + more heard
25/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp leucolaima - 5+ seen + more heard
26/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp leucolaima - a few seen + more heard
01/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp leucolaima - fairly common
02/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp leucolaima - fairly common
03/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - HO - ssp leucolaima - a few heard
07/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - ssp leucolaima - 4
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp leucolaima - 2

Yellow-fronted Tinkerbird Pogoniulus chrysoconus
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp chrysoconus - 1
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp chrysoconus - 4
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp chrysoconus - 2
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp chrysoconus - 4
13/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp chrysoconus - 3
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp chrysoconus - 1

Yellow-spotted Barbet Buccanodon duchaillui
24/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - monotypic - 1
28/12/2005 - Korup NP - HO - monotypic - fairly common heard
29/12/2005 - Korup NP - HO - monotypic - fairly common heard
30/12/2005 - Korup NP - HO - monotypic - fairly common heard
31/12/2005 - Korup NP - HO - monotypic - fairly common heard
01/01/2006 - En route (Mundemba - Nyasosso) - monotypic - a few
01/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - monotypic - 2
02/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - monotypic - a few seen + more heard
03/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - monotypic - a few seen + more heard
04/01/2006 - Bakossi Mts - monotypic - 5+ seen + more heard
05/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - monotypic - 5 seen + more heard

Hairy-breasted Barbet Tricholaema hirsuta
03/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - HO - ssp flavipunctata - 1 heard in the farmbush

Vieillot's Barbet Lybius vieilloti
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 2
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 2
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp unspecified - 2
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp unspecified - 3

Double-toothed Barbet Lybius bidentatus
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp bidentatus - 5+
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp bidentatus - 3
13/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp bidentatus - 1

Bearded Barbet Lybius dubius
13/01/2006 - Benoué NP - monotypic - 5+
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - monotypic - 1

Yellow-billed Barbet Trachyphonus purpuratus
02/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp purpuratus - 2
03/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp purpuratus - 1
05/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - HO - ssp purpuratus - 1 heard

Greater Honeyguide Indicator indicator
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 1 seen + 1 heard
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - monotypic - 1 seen + more heard
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - monotypic - 1 seen + 2 heard
16/01/2006 - En route (Benoué - Waza) - monotypic - 1 at Maroua

Lesser Honeyguide Indicator minor
13/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp riggenbachi - 2 seen + 1 heard close to the crater lake

Thick-billed Honeyguide Indicator conirostris
05/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp conirostris - 1
06/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - ssp conirostris - 1

Willcock's Honeyguide Indicator willcocksi
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 1
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 2

Cassin's Honeyguide Prodotiscus insignis
02/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp insignis - 1 near the start of Max's Trail

Eurasian Wryneck Jynx torquilla
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp torquilla - 2 birds flushed while searching for the Quail-plover

African Piculet Sasia africana
02/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - monotypic - 3 seen + more heard
03/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - HO - monotypic - a few heard
05/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - monotypic - 1

Fine-spotted Woodpecker Campethera punctuligera
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp punctuligera - 3
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp punctuligera - 2

Green-backed Woodpecker Campethera cailliautii
24/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp permista - 1
01/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp permista - 1
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp permista - 1

Tullberg's Woodpecker Campethera tullbergi
24/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp tullbergi - 1
25/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp tullbergi - 1

Buff-spotted Woodpecker Campethera nivosa
28/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp nivosa - 3
29/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp nivosa - 1
03/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp nivosa - 2

Cardinal Woodpecker Dendropicos fuscescens
24/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp unspecified - 1
02/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp unspecified - 4
04/01/2006 - Bakossi Mts - ssp unspecified - 1
05/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp unspecified - 2
06/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - ssp unspecified - 4
07/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - ssp unspecified - 5+
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 1
13/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 1
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp unspecified - 1
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp unspecified - 1

Gabon Woodpecker Dendropicos gabonensis
29/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp reichenowi - 1 female
31/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp reichenowi - 1

Elliot's Woodpecker Dendropicos elliotii
25/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp unspecified - 3
05/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp unspecified - 2

Gray Woodpecker Dendropicos goertae
24/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp goertae - 1
07/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - ssp goertae - 1
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp goertae - 2
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp goertae - 1
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp goertae - 3
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp goertae - 4
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp goertae - 1
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp goertae - 1
16/01/2006 - En route (Benoué - Waza) - ssp goertae - 1 at Maroua
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - ssp goertae - 2

Brown-backed Woodpecker Dendropicos obsoletus
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp obsoletus - 2
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp obsoletus - 1
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp obsoletus - 1
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp obsoletus - 1

Gray-headed Broadbill Smithornis sharpei
03/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp zenkeri - 1 seen + 1 heard
04/01/2006 - Bakossi Mts - HO - ssp zenkeri - 1 heard

Rufous-sided Broadbill Smithornis rufolateralis
28/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp rufolateralis - 2
29/12/2005 - Korup NP - HO - ssp rufolateralis - 3 heard
30/12/2005 - Korup NP - HO - ssp rufolateralis - a few heard
02/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - HO - ssp rufolateralis - 1 heard

Singing Bushlark Mirafra cantillans
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp chadensis - 5+
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp chadensis - 5+

Chestnut-backed Sparrow-Lark Eremopterix leucotis
16/01/2006 - En route (Benoué - Waza) - ssp melanocephala - 1 near Benoué NP
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp melanocephala - 10+
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - ssp melanocephala - common
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp melanocephala - common

Crested Lark Galerida cristata
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp alexanderi - 3
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp alexanderi - 4

Sun Lark Galerida modesta
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp strumpelli - 1
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp strumpelli - 1
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp strumpelli - 2
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp strumpelli - 3

Bank Swallow Riparia riparia
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp riparia - 10+
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - ssp riparia - a few

Gray-rumped Swallow Pseudhirundo griseopyga
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp melbina - 1
16/01/2006 - En route (Benoué - Waza) - ssp melbina - a few

Rock Martin Ptyonoprogne fuligula
07/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - ssp bansoensis - 3 birds near the parking lot of Lake Awing

Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica
24/12/2005 - En route (Douala - Bouea) - ssp rustica - fairly common
24/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp rustica - fairly common
25/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp rustica - fairly common
26/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp rustica - fairly common
27/12/2005 - En route (Bouea - Mundemba) - ssp rustica - fairly common
27/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp rustica - fairly common
28/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp rustica - fairly common
31/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp rustica - fairly common
01/01/2006 - En route (Mundemba - Nyasosso) - ssp rustica - fairly common
05/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp rustica - a few
06/01/2006 - En route (Nyasosso - Bamenda) - ssp rustica - fairly common
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp rustica - 1
13/01/2006 - Dang Lake - ssp rustica - 5+
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp rustica - a few
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp rustica - 10+
21/01/2006 - Sanaga River (near Edea) - ssp rustica - a few
21/01/2006 - En route (Yaoundé - Douala) - ssp rustica - a few

Ethiopian Swallow Hirundo aethiopica
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp aethiopica - 1
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp aethiopica - 2
13/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp aethiopica - 2

Wire-tailed Swallow Hirundo smithii
13/01/2006 - En route (Ngaoundaba - Benoué) - ssp smithii - 1
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp smithii - a few
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp smithii - 10+

White-throated Blue Swallow Hirundo nigrita
31/12/2005 - Korup NP - monotypic - 3 flying low over the river
21/01/2006 - Sanaga River (near Edea) - monotypic - 1

Lesser Striped-Swallow Cecropis abyssinica
24/12/2005 - En route (Douala - Bouea) - ssp maxima - a few near Foyer du Marin, Douala
01/01/2006 - En route (Mundemba - Nyasosso) - ssp maxima - fairly common
01/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp maxima - fairly common
06/01/2006 - En route (Nyasosso - Bamenda) - ssp maxima - fairly common

Preuss' Swallow Petrochelidon preussi
27/12/2005 - En route (Bouea - Mundemba) - monotypic - 50+
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - monotypic - 20+
21/01/2006 - Sanaga River (near Edea) - monotypic - 10+

Forest Swallow Petrochelidon fuliginosa
30/12/2005 - Korup NP - monotypic - 4 seen late afternoon when they approached the old nests of the rockfowl - strange behaviour

House Martin Delichon urbica
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp urbica - 50+
13/01/2006 - Dang Lake - ssp urbica - 20+

Square-tailed Sawwing Psalidoprocne nitens
02/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp nitens - fairly common
03/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp nitens - fairly common

Mountain Sawwing Psalidoprocne fuliginosa
24/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - monotypic - 5+
25/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - monotypic - 10+
26/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - monotypic - 5+

Black Sawwing Psalidoprocne holomelas
02/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp petiti - 1
04/01/2006 - Bakossi Mts - ssp petiti - 10+
05/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp petiti - 3

African Pied Wagtail Motacilla aguimp
01/01/2006 - En route (Mundemba - Nyasosso) - ssp vidua - 1
13/01/2006 - En route (Ngaoundaba - Benoué) - ssp vidua - 1
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp vidua - 5+
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp vidua - 3
21/01/2006 - Sanaga River (near Edea) - ssp vidua - 2

Yellow Wagtail Motacilla flava
01/01/2006 - En route (Mundemba - Nyasosso) - ssp unspecified - 1
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - fairly common
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - fairly common
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - fairly common
13/01/2006 - Dang Lake - ssp unspecified - a few
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - ssp unspecified - 1
21/01/2006 - Sanaga River (near Edea) - ssp unspecified - 1

Gray Wagtail Motacilla cinerea
27/12/2005 - En route (Bouea - Mundemba) - ssp unspecified - a few
31/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp unspecified - 5+
01/01/2006 - En route (Mundemba - Nyasosso) - ssp cinerea - a few
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp cinerea - 1

Yellow-throated Longclaw Macronyx croceus
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 1 sean in the fields along the main road 100m before the the turnoff to the ranch (coming from Ngaoundéré)

Plain-backed Pipit Anthus leucophrys
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp zenkeri - 1
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp zenkeri - 4
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp zenkeri - 2

African Pipit Anthus cinnamomeus
25/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp camaroonensis - 10+
26/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp camaroonensis - 10+

Long-legged Pipit Anthus pallidiventris
01/01/2006 - En route (Mundemba - Nyasosso) - ssp unspecified - 1 bird seen in some fields along the dirt road going out of Mundemba

Long-billed Pipit Anthus similis
07/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - ssp bannermani - 1 bird of this distinctive subspecies taped in (!) in the fields near Lake Awing

Tree Pipit Anthus trivialis
26/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - HO - ssp trivialis - 1 heard
04/01/2006 - Bakossi Mts - ssp trivialis - 5
06/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - ssp trivialis - 10+
07/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - ssp trivialis - 5+
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp trivialis - fairly common
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp trivialis - fairly common
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp trivialis - fairly common
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp trivialis - fairly common
13/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp trivialis - a few
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp trivialis - 5+
16/01/2006 - En route (Benoué - Waza) - ssp trivialis - a few

White-breasted Cuckoo-shrike Coracina pectoralis
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 5+
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 3
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 5+

Blue Cuckoo-shrike Coracina azurea
28/12/2005 - Korup NP - HO - monotypic - 1 heard
29/12/2005 - Korup NP - HO - monotypic - 1 heard
02/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - monotypic - 2

Gray Cuckoo-shrike Coracina caesia
03/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp pura - 2
04/01/2006 - Bakossi Mts - ssp pura - 5+
05/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp pura - 1
07/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - ssp pura - 2

Petit's Cuckoo-shrike Campephaga petiti
02/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - monotypic - 1 female
05/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - monotypic - 1

Red-shouldered Cuckoo-shrike Campephaga phoenicea
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 1 female
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 1
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 1 female
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 2

Common Bulbul Pycnonotus barbatus
24/12/2005 - En route (Douala - Bouea) - ssp unspecified - common
24/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp unspecified - common
25/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp unspecified - fairly common
26/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp unspecified - a few
27/12/2005 - En route (Bouea - Mundemba) - ssp unspecified - a few
01/01/2006 - En route (Mundemba - Nyasosso) - ssp unspecified - fairly common
01/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp unspecified - fairly common
02/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp unspecified - common
03/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp unspecified - common
04/01/2006 - Bakossi Mts - ssp unspecified - common
05/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp unspecified - common
06/01/2006 - En route (Nyasosso - Bamenda) - ssp unspecified - fairly common
07/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - ssp unspecified - 10+
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - fairly common
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - fairly common
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - fairly common
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - fairly common
13/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - fairly common
13/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp unspecified - fairly common
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp unspecified - fairly common
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp unspecified - fairly common
16/01/2006 - En route (Benoué - Waza) - ssp unspecified - fairly common
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp unspecified - a few
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - ssp unspecified - a few
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp unspecified - 3
21/01/2006 - Sanaga River (near Edea) - ssp unspecified - a few
21/01/2006 - En route (Yaoundé - Douala) - ssp unspecified - a few

Cameroon Mountain Greenbul Andropadus montanus Near-threatened (NT)
25/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - monotypic - 2
01/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - monotypic - 2
02/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - monotypic - 2
07/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - monotypic - 1

Little Greenbul Andropadus virens
24/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp virens - a few + more heard
25/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp virens - a few + more heard

Gray Greenbul Andropadus gracilis
03/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp gracilis - 4 birds seen with certainity

Ansorge's Greenbul Andropadus ansorgei
29/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp ansorgei - 1
30/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp ansorgei - 1

Slender-billed Greenbul Andropadus gracilirostris
28/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp gracilirostris - 1
29/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp gracilirostris - 1
31/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp gracilirostris - 3

Yellow-whiskered Bulbul Andropadus latirostris
28/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp latirostris - 1
29/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp latirostris - 1
30/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp latirostris - 5+ seen + more heard
31/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp latirostris - a few
02/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp latirostris - fairly common
03/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp latirostris - a few

Western Mountain-Greenbul Andropadus tephrolaemus
24/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp bamendae - a few seen + more heard
25/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp bamendae - fairly common
26/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp bamendae - common
03/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp tephrolaemus - fairly common
05/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp tephrolaemus - 10+
06/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - ssp tephrolaemus - 5+
07/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - ssp tephrolaemus - 10+

Golden Greenbul Calyptocichla serina
29/12/2005 - Korup NP - monotypic - 1
30/12/2005 - Korup NP - monotypic - 1

Honeyguide Greenbul Baeopogon indicator
04/01/2006 - Bakossi Mts - ssp indicator - 1 seen in the farmbush just outside the forest near Kotmin

Sjostedt's Greenbul Baeopogon clamans
04/01/2006 - Bakossi Mts - monotypic - 1 bird heard calling and eventually seen seen high up in a tree in the Kotmin area

Yellow-throated Greenbul Chlorocichla flavicollis
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp flavicollis - 10+
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp flavicollis - 5+
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp flavicollis - 5+
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp flavicollis - 1
13/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp flavicollis - 3

Yellow-necked Greenbul Chlorocichla falkensteini
01/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp unspecified - 1 seen in a fruiting tree in the farmbush

Swamp Greenbul Thescelocichla leucopleura
02/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - monotypic - 1 bird seen well in the farmbush

Leaf-love Phyllastrephus scandens
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 5+
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 3
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 2

Cameroon Olive-Greenbul Phyllastrephus poensis
25/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - monotypic - 3+
26/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - HO - monotypic - 1 heard
05/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - monotypic - 2

Gray-headed Greenbul Phyllastrephus poliocephalus Near-threatened (NT)
03/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - monotypic - 3
04/01/2006 - Bakossi Mts - monotypic - fairly common
05/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - monotypic - 10+

Icterine Greenbul Phyllastrephus icterinus
28/12/2005 - Korup NP - monotypic - fairly common
29/12/2005 - Korup NP - monotypic - fairly common
30/12/2005 - Korup NP - monotypic - fairly common
31/12/2005 - Korup NP - monotypic - fairly common

Xavier's Greenbul Phyllastrephus xavieri
28/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp unspecified - 5+
29/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp unspecified - a few
30/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp unspecified - a few
31/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp unspecified - a few

Common Bristlebill Bleda syndactyla
30/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp syndactyla - 4
31/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp syndactyla - 5+

Lesser Bristlebill Bleda notata
28/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp notata - 3
29/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp notata - 4
30/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp notata - 3
31/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp notata - 5+

Yellow-spotted Nicator Nicator chloris
29/12/2005 - Korup NP - monotypic - 1 seen + fairly common heard
30/12/2005 - Korup NP - HO - monotypic - fairly common heard
31/12/2005 - Korup NP - HO - monotypic - fairly common heard
01/01/2006 - En route (Mundemba - Nyasosso) - HO - monotypic - a few heard
03/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - monotypic - 1
05/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - HO - monotypic - 1 heard

Red-tailed Greenbul Criniger calurus
28/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp calurus - fairly common
29/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp calurus - fairly common
30/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp calurus - fairly common
31/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp calurus - fairly common

Eastern Bearded-Greenbul Criniger chloronotus
28/12/2005 - Korup NP - monotypic - 5+
29/12/2005 - Korup NP - monotypic - 5+
30/12/2005 - Korup NP - monotypic - 3
31/12/2005 - Korup NP - monotypic - 5+

White-bearded Greenbul Criniger ndussumensis
28/12/2005 - Korup NP - monotypic - fairly common
29/12/2005 - Korup NP - monotypic - fairly common
30/12/2005 - Korup NP - monotypic - fairly common
31/12/2005 - Korup NP - monotypic - fairly common

Rufous Flycatcher-Thrush Neocossyphus fraseri
28/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp rubicunda - 1
02/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp rubicunda - 1

White-tailed Ant-Thrush Neocossyphus poensis
28/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp poensis - 1
30/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp poensis - 3
31/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp poensis - 3
03/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp poensis - 1
05/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp poensis - 2

Blue Rock-Thrush Monticola solitarius
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp solitarius - 1 on the rocks near Campement de Waza

Crossley's Ground-Thrush Zoothera crossleyi Near-threatened (NT)
03/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp crossleyi - 1 seen + 1 heard along the lower part of Max's Trail

African Thrush Turdus pelios
24/12/2005 - En route (Douala - Bouea) - ssp saturatus - 3 near Foyer du Marin, Douala
25/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp nigrilorum - 3+
01/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp saturatus - a few
03/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp saturatus - 10+
04/01/2006 - Bakossi Mts - ssp saturatus - 5+
05/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp saturatus - 5+
06/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - ssp saturatus - 5+
07/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - ssp saturatus - 5+
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp saturatus - 4
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp saturatus - 3
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp saturatus - 5+
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp saturatus - 5+
13/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp saturatus - 5+
13/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp saturatus - 3
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp saturatus - 10+
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp saturatus - 10+
16/01/2006 - En route (Benoué - Waza) - ssp saturatus - a few

Brown-chested Alethe Alethe poliocephala
28/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp compsonota - 1 bird taped in and seen

Fire-crested Alethe Alethe diademata
30/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp castanea - 1
03/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp castanea - 1

Whistling Cisticola Cisticola lateralis
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp lateralis - a group of 4 birds near the crater lake

Chattering Cisticola Cisticola anonymus
26/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - monotypic - 2 in the scrub just before the start of the trail
21/01/2006 - Sanaga River (near Edea) - monotypic - a few

Chubb's Cisticola Cisticola chubbi
24/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp discolor - 1
25/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp discolor - common
26/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp discolor - common
04/01/2006 - Bakossi Mts - ssp adametzi - 5+
06/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - ssp adametzi - fairly common
07/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - ssp adametzi - fairly common

Rock-loving Cisticola Cisticola aberrans
16/01/2006 - En route (Benoué - Waza) - ssp admiralis - 1 near a rocky area just N of Maroua
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp admiralis - 4

Red-pate Cisticola Cisticola ruficeps
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp guinea - fairly common
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - ssp guinea - a few
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp guinea - a few

Dorst's Cisticola Cisticola dorsti Data deficient (DD)
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - monotypic - 2 taped in and both seen and heard well

Winding Cisticola Cisticola galactotes
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp zalingei - 3
16/01/2006 - En route (Benoué - Waza) - ssp zalingei - a few

Rufous Cisticola Cisticola rufus
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - monotypic - 5+ were identified positively with playback, probably overlooked

Pectoral-patch Cisticola Cisticola brunnescens
07/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - ssp lynesi - 4 birds in the scrubby area near Lake Awing

Tawny-flanked Prinia Prinia subflava
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 2
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 1
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 10+
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 10+
13/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 10+
13/01/2006 - Dang Lake - ssp unspecified - 10+
13/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp unspecified - 5+
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp unspecified - fairly common
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp unspecified - fairly common
16/01/2006 - En route (Benoué - Waza) - ssp unspecified - a few
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp unspecified - 10+
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - ssp unspecified - a few
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp unspecified - a few
21/01/2006 - Sanaga River (near Edea) - ssp unspecified - a few

River Prinia Prinia fluviatilis
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - monotypic - 4
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - monotypic - 3

White-chinned Prinia Prinia leucopogon
01/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp leucopogon - fairly common
02/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp leucopogon - fairly common
03/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp leucopogon - a few
05/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp leucopogon - 3
06/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - ssp leucopogon - 10+
07/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - ssp leucopogon - a few
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp leucopogon - 3
21/01/2006 - Sanaga River (near Edea) - ssp leucopogon - a few

Banded Prinia Prinia bairdii
24/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp bairdii - 1 seen + more heard
25/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp bairdii - 1 seen + more heard

Red-winged Prinia Prinia erythroptera
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp erythroptera - 2
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp erythroptera - 2
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp erythroptera - 3

Red-winged Gray Warbler Drymocichla incana
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 4
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 3
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - monotypic - 2

Green Longtail Urolais epichlora
24/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp unspecified - 3 seen + more heard
25/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp unspecified - fairly common
26/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp unspecified - a few seen + more heard
01/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp unspecified - a few
03/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp unspecified - 3
05/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp unspecified - 1
07/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - ssp unspecified - 5+

Cricket Longtail Spiloptila clamans
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - monotypic - 3 birds immediately seen when birding the Quail-Plover site

Black-collared Apalis Apalis pulchra
06/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - ssp pulchra - 2
07/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - ssp pulchra - 10+

Black-capped Apalis Apalis nigriceps
02/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp nigriceps - 2
05/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp nigriceps - 1

Black-throated Apalis Apalis jacksoni
02/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp bambuluensis - 5+
04/01/2006 - Bakossi Mts - ssp bambuluensis - 5+

Masked Apalis Apalis binotata
03/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - HO - monotypic - a few heard
04/01/2006 - Bakossi Mts - monotypic - 1 seen + more heard
05/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - HO - monotypic - a few heard

Yellow-breasted Apalis Apalis flavida
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp caniceps - 2

Buff-throated Apalis Apalis rufogularis
29/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp rufogularis - 1
30/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp rufogularis - 1
05/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp rufogularis - 2

Bamenda Apalis Apalis bamendae Country endemic
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 1
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 1
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 2

Gray Apalis Apalis cinerea
25/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - HO - ssp sclateri - a few heard
26/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp sclateri - 4

Oriole Warbler Hypergerus atriceps
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 5+
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 1
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 2
13/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 2

Green-backed Camaroptera Camaroptera brachyura
24/12/2005 - En route (Douala - Bouea) - ssp unspecified - 1 near Foyer du Marin, Douala
27/12/2005 - En route (Bouea - Mundemba) - ssp unspecified - 3
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - a few
13/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp unspecified - 1
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp unspecified - 10+
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp unspecified - 10+
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp unspecified - fairly common
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - ssp unspecified - 2
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp unspecified - 10+

Yellow-browed Camaroptera Camaroptera superciliaris
29/12/2005 - Korup NP - HO - monotypic - 1 heard

Olive-green Camaroptera Camaroptera chloronota
02/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - HO - ssp chloronota - a few heard
04/01/2006 - Bakossi Mts - HO - ssp chloronota - a few heard
05/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp chloronota - 2 seen + more heard

Cameroon Scrub-Warbler Bradypterus lopezi
24/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - HO - ssp camerunensis - 1 heard
25/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp camerunensis - 1 seen + more heard
26/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - HO - ssp camerunensis - a few heard

Bangwa Scrub-Warbler Bradypterus bangwaensis Near-threatened (NT)
06/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - monotypic - 1 taped in and seen very well + several more heard
07/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - monotypic - 1 seen + more heard

Black-faced Rufous-Warbler Bathmocercus rufus
25/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - HO - ssp rufus - a few heard
26/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - HO - ssp rufus - 1 heard
02/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp rufus - 2 seen + more heard
03/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp rufus - 3 seen + more heard
04/01/2006 - Bakossi Mts - HO - ssp rufus - a few heard
05/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - HO - ssp rufus - a few heard

Moustached Grass-Warbler Melocichla mentalis
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp mentalis - 1
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp mentalis - 1
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp mentalis - 1

Sedge Warbler Acrocephalus schoenobaenus
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 1
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 1
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 1
13/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 1

Eurasian Reed-Warbler Acrocephalus scirpaceus
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp scirpaceus - 1
13/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp scirpaceus - 3

Great Reed-Warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp arundinaceus - 1 seen in the reed edge of the crater lake

Greater Swamp-Warbler Acrocephalus rufescens
02/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp rufescens - 1

Western Olivaceous Warbler Hippolais opaca
07/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - monotypic - 1 in the accacia patch near the parking at Lake Awing
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - monotypic - 1

White-tailed Warbler Poliolais lopezi Near-threatened (NT)
25/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp alexanderi - 3
03/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp manengubae - 1

Yellow-bellied Eremomela Eremomela icteropygialis
13/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp unspecified - 1
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp unspecified - 2
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp unspecified - 3

Senegal Eremomela Eremomela pusilla
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 5+
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 10+
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - fairly common
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - fairly common
13/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 10+
13/01/2006 - Benoué NP - monotypic - 5+
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - monotypic - 5+
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - monotypic - 10+
16/01/2006 - En route (Benoué - Waza) - monotypic - a few

Rufous-crowned Eremomela Eremomela badiceps
01/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp badiceps - 2
02/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp badiceps - 5+
05/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp badiceps - 5+

Green Crombec Sylvietta virens
02/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp virens - 1 bird only seen in the farmbush just before the start off Max's Trail

Northern Crombec Sylvietta brachyura
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 2
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 1
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 2
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 4
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp unspecified - 2
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp unspecified - 2

Yellow Longbill Macrosphenus flavicans
28/12/2005 - Korup NP - HO - ssp flavicans - a few heard
29/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp flavicans - 1 seen + fairly common heard
30/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp flavicans - 1 seen + fairly common heard
31/12/2005 - Korup NP - HO - ssp flavicans - fairly common heard
02/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp flavicans - 2 seen + fairly common heard
03/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - HO - ssp flavicans - a few heard
04/01/2006 - Bakossi Mts - ssp flavicans - a few seen + more heard
05/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp flavicans - 1 seen + more heard

Gray Longbill Macrosphenus concolor
27/12/2005 - Korup NP - monotypic - 1 taped in and seen well on our way in

Green Hylia Hylia prasina
24/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - HO - ssp prasina - 1 heard
25/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp prasina - 2 seen + more heard
28/12/2005 - Korup NP - HO - ssp prasina - a few heard
29/12/2005 - Korup NP - HO - ssp prasina - a few heard
30/12/2005 - Korup NP - HO - ssp prasina - a few heard
31/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp prasina - a few heard
02/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp prasina - a few seen + more heard
03/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - HO - ssp prasina - a few heard
04/01/2006 - Bakossi Mts - HO - ssp prasina - a few heard
05/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - HO - ssp prasina - a few heard

Black-capped Woodland-Warbler Phylloscopus herberti
03/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp camerunensis - 5+ seen + more heard
04/01/2006 - Bakossi Mts - ssp camerunensis - a few seen + more heard
05/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp camerunensis - 5+ seen + more heard

Willow Warbler Phylloscopus trochilus
25/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp unspecified - 2
26/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp unspecified - 2
04/01/2006 - Bakossi Mts - ssp unspecified - 5+
05/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp unspecified - 2
07/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - ssp unspecified - 5+
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - a few
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 5+
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 10+
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 5+
13/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - a few
13/01/2006 - Dang Lake - ssp unspecified - a few
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp unspecified - 2
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp unspecified - 1
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp unspecified - a few

Wood Warbler Phylloscopus sibilatrix
24/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - monotypic - 2
01/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - monotypic - 4
02/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - monotypic - 3+
03/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - monotypic - 2
05/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - monotypic - 5+

Yellow-bellied Hyliota Hyliota flavigaster
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp flavigaster - 2
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp flavigaster - 2
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp flavigaster - 3
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp flavigaster - 2

Garden Warbler Sylvia borin
04/01/2006 - Bakossi Mts - ssp borin - 1
07/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - ssp borin - 1

Greater Whitethroat Sylvia communis
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp communis - 4
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp communis - 1
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp communis - 2
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp communis - 5+
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - ssp communis - 2
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp communis - 5+

Lesser Whitethroat Sylvia curruca
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp curruca - 1
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - ssp curruca - 1

Pale Flycatcher Bradornis pallidus
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 2
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 4
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 10+
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 10+
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp unspecified - 1
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp unspecified - 1

Northern Black-Flycatcher Melaenornis edolioides
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 5+
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - a few
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 3
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 5+
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp unspecified - 10+
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp unspecified - 10+

White-browed Forest-Flycatcher Fraseria cinerascens
28/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp ruthae - 1
31/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp ruthae - 2

Gambaga Flycatcher Muscicapa gambagae
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 2
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 2

Sooty Flycatcher Muscicapa infuscata
29/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp infuscata - 1 seen perched high up in a tree

Swamp Flycatcher Muscicapa aquatica
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp aquatica - 2 near the riverside

African Dusky Flycatcher Muscicapa adusta
25/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp obscura - 5+
26/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp obscura - 10+
06/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - ssp obscura - fairly common
07/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - ssp obscura - fairly common

Yellow-footed Flycatcher Muscicapa sethsmithi
28/12/2005 - Korup NP - monotypic - 1
02/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - monotypic - 4
03/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - monotypic - 3
04/01/2006 - Bakossi Mts - monotypic - 1
05/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - monotypic - 2

Dusky-blue Flycatcher Muscicapa comitata
24/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp camerunensis - 1
26/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp camerunensis - 2
01/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp comitata - 1
02/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp comitata - 5+
04/01/2006 - Bakossi Mts - ssp comitata - 5+

Cassin's Flycatcher Muscicapa cassini
31/12/2005 - Korup NP - monotypic - 1 near the water edge along the river
01/01/2006 - En route (Mundemba - Nyasosso) - monotypic - 1

Gray Tit-Flycatcher Myioparus plumbeus
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp plumbeus - 1 in the trees near Campement du Buffle Noir

European Pied Flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 5+
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 5+
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 5+
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 5+
13/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 1
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp unspecified - 10+
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp unspecified - 5+
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp unspecified - 1

Forest Robin Stiphrornis erythrothorax
28/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp gabonensis - 1
29/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp gabonensis - 1
30/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp gabonensis - 4
31/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp gabonensis - 2 seen + more heard

Bocage's Akalat Sheppardia bocagei
05/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp granti - 1 seen + 1 other heard along the lower part of Max's Trail

White-bellied Robin-Chat Cossyphicula roberti
03/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp roberti - 2 seen + more heard
04/01/2006 - Bakossi Mts - HO - ssp roberti - 1 heard
05/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp roberti - 1

Mountain Robin-Chat Cossypha isabellae
24/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp isabellae - fairly common
25/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp isabellae - fairly common
26/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp isabellae - fairly common
03/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp batesi - 1 seen
06/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - ssp batesi - 2
07/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - ssp batesi - 1

Gray-winged Robin-Chat Cossypha polioptera
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp tessmanni - 2
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp tessmanni - 1
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp tessmanni - 2

Snowy-crowned Robin-Chat Cossypha niveicapilla
06/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - ssp unspecified - 1
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 1
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp unspecified - 3

White-crowned Robin-Chat Cossypha albicapilla
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp giffardi - 1
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp giffardi - 5+
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp giffardi - 4
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp giffardi - 5+
13/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp giffardi - 5+

Rufous-tailed Scrub-Robin Cercotrichas galactotes
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp unspecified - 10+
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - ssp unspecified - 2
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp unspecified - 10+

Black Scrub-Robin Cercotrichas podobe
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp podobe - 20+
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp podobe - 10+

Whinchat Saxicola rubetra
01/01/2006 - En route (Mundemba - Nyasosso) - monotypic - 1
06/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - monotypic - 3
07/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - monotypic - 1
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 5+
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 3
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - fairly common
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - fairly common
13/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - fairly common
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - monotypic - 1

African Stonechat Saxicola torquata
25/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp salax - fairly common
26/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp salax - fairly common
06/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - ssp salax - fairly common
07/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - ssp salax - fairly common
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp salax - 1

Northern Wheatear Oenanthe oenanthe
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 1
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 3
13/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 2
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp unspecified - 2
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp unspecified - 3
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp unspecified - 10+

Heuglin's Wheatear Oenanthe heuglini
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 1
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 1
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 5+
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 5+
13/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 4
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - monotypic - 5+
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - monotypic - a few

Familiar Chat Cercomela familiaris
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp falkensteini - 5+
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp falkensteini - 5+

Northern Anteater-Chat Myrmecocichla aethiops
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp aethiops - 5+
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - ssp aethiops - 5+
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp aethiops - 5+

Sooty Chat Myrmecocichla nigra
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 1
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 1, probably the same bird

White-fronted Black-Chat Myrmecocichla albifrons
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp unspecified - 1 bird seen and heard singing near a recently burnt area along the main road

Mocking Cliff-Chat Thamnolaea cinnamomeiventris
16/01/2006 - En route (Benoué - Waza) - ssp coronata - 1 near a rocky area just N of Maroua
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp coronata - 2 taped in
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp coronata - 4

African Shrike-flycatcher Megabyas flammulatus
02/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp flammulatus - 2 birds seen in the farmbush

Black-and-white Shrike-flycatcher Bias musicus
01/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp musicus - 1
02/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp musicus - 2
03/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp musicus - 1
04/01/2006 - Bakossi Mts - ssp musicus - 1

Brown-throated Wattle-eye Platysteira cyanea
24/12/2005 - En route (Douala - Bouea) - ssp cyanea - 1 near Foyer du Marin, Douala
24/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp cyanea - 2
25/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp cyanea - 3
28/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp cyanea - a few
01/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp cyanea - 1
02/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp cyanea - 3
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp cyanea - 2
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp cyanea - 4
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp cyanea - 2
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp cyanea - 4
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp cyanea - 2
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp cyanea - 3
21/01/2006 - En route (Yaoundé - Douala) - ssp cyanea - 1 near Foyer du Marin, Douala

Banded Wattle-eye Platysteira laticincta Endangered (EN) Country endemic
07/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - monotypic - a couple was seen feeding their fledgling in the wooded gully the closest to Lake Awing

Chestnut Wattle-eye Platysteira castanea
28/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp castanea - 5+
29/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp castanea - 3
30/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp castanea - 5+
31/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp castanea - 2

White-spotted Wattle-eye Platysteira tonsa
31/12/2005 - Korup NP - monotypic - 1 bird only

Black-necked Wattle-eye Platysteira chalybea
05/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - monotypic - 1 bird in the undergrowth just above Zenker's Camp

Yellow-bellied Wattle-eye Platysteira concreta
31/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp graueri - 1
05/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp graueri - 1

Senegal Batis Batis senegalensis
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 1 male
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 1
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - monotypic - 3
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - monotypic - 2

Gray-headed Batis Batis orientalis
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp chadensis - 1 seen near a rocky area on the way to Maroua

Black-headed Batis Batis minor
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp erlangeri - 2
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp erlangeri - 3
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp erlangeri - 5+

African Blue-Flycatcher Elminia longicauda
26/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp teresita - 1
01/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp teresita - fairly common
02/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp teresita - fairly common
03/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp teresita - 10+
04/01/2006 - Bakossi Mts - ssp teresita - 5+
05/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp teresita - 5+
07/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - ssp teresita - 2
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp teresita - 5+
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp teresita - 5+
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp teresita - 3
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp teresita - 4
13/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp teresita - 5+
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp teresita - 4
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp teresita - 5+

Dusky Crested-Flycatcher Elminia nigromitrata
29/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp unspecified - 1
02/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp unspecified - 2

White-bellied Crested-Flycatcher Elminia albiventris
24/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp unspecified - 1
25/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp unspecified - 5+
26/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp unspecified - 3+
03/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp unspecified - 3
04/01/2006 - Bakossi Mts - ssp unspecified - 1
07/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - ssp unspecified - 1

Blue-headed Crested-Flycatcher Trochocercus nitens
29/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp unspecified - 1
30/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp unspecified - 1
03/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp unspecified - 1
04/01/2006 - Bakossi Mts - ssp unspecified - 1

Black-headed Paradise-Flycatcher Terpsiphone rufiventer
28/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp neumanni - 10+
29/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp neumanni - 5+
30/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp neumanni - fairly common
31/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp neumanni - fairly common
02/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp neumanni - 1
05/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp neumanni - 3

Rufous-vented Paradise-Flycatcher Terpsiphone rufocinerea
27/12/2005 - Korup NP - monotypic - 1 male in Korup was a surprise

Bates' Paradise-Flycatcher Terpsiphone batesi
02/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp batesi - 2
03/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp batesi - 2
05/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp batesi - 1

African Paradise-Flycatcher Terpsiphone viridis
01/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp unspecified - 1
06/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - ssp unspecified - 1
07/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - ssp unspecified - 1
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 4
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 3
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 4
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 3
13/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 2

Blackcap Illadopsis Illadopsis cleaveri
28/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp batesi - 2 birds taped in allowed good views

Puvel's Illadopsis Illadopsis puveli
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp strenuipes - 1 bird seen hopping on the ground and then taped in in the gallery forest patch

Pale-breasted Illadopsis Illadopsis rufipennis
28/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp rufipennis - 2
30/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp rufipennis - 5+
31/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp rufipennis - 5+

Brown Illadopsis Illadopsis fulvescens
29/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp fulvescens - 1 seen + more heard
30/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp fulvescens - 10+
31/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp fulvescens - 5+

African Hill Babbler Illadopsis abyssinica
24/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp monachus - 4
25/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp monachus - fairly common
26/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp monachus - fairly common
06/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - ssp atriceps - 1
07/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - ssp atriceps - 5+

Gray-chested Illadopsis Kakamega poliothorax
24/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - HO - monotypic - 1 heard
25/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - HO - monotypic - 1 heard
03/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - monotypic - 3 seen

Thrush Babbler Ptyrticus turdinus
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp harterti - 2 birds taped in in the gallery forest patch gave good views

Blackcap Babbler Turdoides reinwardtii
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp stictilaemus - 5+
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp stictilaemus - 5+
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp stictilaemus - 5+

Brown Babbler Turdoides plebejus
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 5+
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 10+
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 10+
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 10+
13/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 5+
13/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp unspecified - 10+
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp unspecified - 10+
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp unspecified - 20+
16/01/2006 - En route (Benoué - Waza) - ssp unspecified - a few
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp unspecified - 5+

White-throated Mountain-Babbler Kupeornis gilberti Endangered (EN)
04/01/2006 - Bakossi Mts - monotypic - 20+
05/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - monotypic - 10+

White-shouldered Black Tit Melaniparus guineensis
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 8
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 3
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 5+
13/01/2006 - Benoué NP - monotypic - 2
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - monotypic - 4
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - monotypic - 5+

Spotted Creeper Salpornis spilonotus
13/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp emini - 2
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp emini - 3
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp emini - 2

Sennar Penduline-Tit Anthoscopus punctifrons
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - monotypic - 2 birds seen high up in accacia trees and taped in to very close distance

Scarlet-tufted Sunbird Deleornis fraseri
28/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp cameroonensis - 3
29/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp cameroonensis - 2
30/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp cameroonensis - 5+
31/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp cameroonensis - 10+

Western Violet-backed Sunbird Anthreptes longuemarei
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp longuemarei - 1
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp longuemarei - 1
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp longuemarei - 3
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp longuemarei - 2
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp longuemarei - 2
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp longuemarei - 4

Green Sunbird Anthreptes rectirostris
02/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp tephrolaema - 5+
05/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp tephrolaema - a few

Collared Sunbird Hedydipna collaris
24/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp somereni - a few
25/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp somereni - 10+
26/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp somereni - a few
27/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp somereni - a few
28/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp somereni - a few
29/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp somereni - a few

Pygmy Sunbird Hedydipna platura
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 5+
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - fairly common
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - fairly common
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - fairly common
13/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - fairly common
13/01/2006 - Benoué NP - monotypic - fairly common
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - monotypic - fairly common
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - monotypic - fairly common
16/01/2006 - En route (Benoué - Waza) - monotypic - fairly common
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - monotypic - 10+
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - monotypic - fairly common
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - monotypic - 10+
20/01/2006 - En route (Maroua - Yaoundé) - monotypic - a few

Reichenbach's Sunbird Anabathmis reichenbachii
24/12/2005 - En route (Douala - Bouea) - monotypic - 1 near Foyer du Marin, Douala

Green-headed Sunbird Cyanomitra verticalis
24/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp unspecified - 1
01/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp unspecified - 1
02/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp unspecified - 2
03/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp unspecified - 1
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 5+
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 1
13/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 2

Blue-throated Brown Sunbird Cyanomitra cyanolaema
29/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp octaviae - 1 male
30/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp octaviae - 4
02/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp octaviae - 1 female

Cameroon Sunbird Cyanomitra oritis
24/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp oritis - 2
25/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp oritis - 5+
26/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp oritis - 3+
03/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp bansoensis - 3
06/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - ssp bansoensis - 1
07/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - ssp bansoensis - 10+

Western Olive-Sunbird Cyanomitra obscura
28/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp cephaelis - 5+
29/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp cephaelis - fairly common
30/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp cephaelis - fairly common
31/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp cephaelis - fairly common
01/01/2006 - En route (Mundemba - Nyasosso) - ssp cephaelis - a few
01/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp cephaelis - fairly common
02/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp cephaelis - fairly common
03/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp cephaelis - fairly common
04/01/2006 - Bakossi Mts - ssp cephaelis - fairly common
05/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp cephaelis - fairly common

Green-throated Sunbird Chalcomitra rubescens
31/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp unspecified - 1 female
01/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp unspecified - 5+

Scarlet-chested Sunbird Chalcomitra senegalensis
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp unspecified - 3
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp unspecified - 5+

Olive-bellied Sunbird Cinnyris chloropygius
24/12/2005 - En route (Douala - Bouea) - ssp chloropygius - 3+ near Foyer du Marin, Douala
27/12/2005 - En route (Bouea - Mundemba) - ssp chloropygius - 1
01/01/2006 - En route (Mundemba - Nyasosso) - ssp chloropygius - a few
02/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp chloropygius - 1
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp chloropygius - 10+
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp chloropygius - fairly common
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp chloropygius - fairly common
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp chloropygius - fairly common
13/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp chloropygius - fairly common
21/01/2006 - Sanaga River (near Edea) - ssp chloropygius - a few

Northern Double-collared Sunbird Cinnyris preussi
25/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp preussi - fairly common
26/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp preussi - fairly common
04/01/2006 - Bakossi Mts - ssp preussi - fairly common
06/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - ssp preussi - 10+
07/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - ssp preussi - 10+

Orange-tufted Sunbird Cinnyris bouvieri
25/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - monotypic - 2 males
07/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - monotypic - 5+

Splendid Sunbird Cinnyris coccinigaster
01/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - monotypic - 2
07/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - monotypic - 1
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 1
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 1
13/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 1

Superb Sunbird Cinnyris superbus
01/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp superbus - 1
05/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp superbus - 1

Variable Sunbird Cinnyris venustus
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp venustus - 5+
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp venustus - 5+
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp venustus - 5+
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp venustus - 10+
13/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp venustus - 5+
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp venustus - 2
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp venustus - 2

Ursula's Sunbird Cinnyris ursulae Near-threatened (NT) Country endemic
03/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - monotypic - 5+ mostly above Max's Camp

Bates' Sunbird Cinnyris batesi
02/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - monotypic - 1 bird only

Cameroon Speirops Speirops melanocephalus Vulnerable (VU) Country endemic
25/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - monotypic - 10+
26/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - monotypic - 5+

African Yellow White-eye Zosterops senegalensis
24/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp stenocricotus - fairly common
25/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp stenocricotus - 10+
26/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp stenocricotus - 5+
01/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp stenocricotus - fairly common
02/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp stenocricotus - 1
04/01/2006 - Bakossi Mts - ssp stenocricotus - 2
05/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp stenocricotus - 5+
07/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - ssp stenocricotus - 4
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp senegalensis - 10+
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp senegalensis - 10+
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp senegalensis - 10+
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp senegalensis - 10+
13/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp senegalensis - 5+
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp senegalensis - 3
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp senegalensis - 10+
16/01/2006 - En route (Benoué - Waza) - ssp senegalensis - a few

African Golden Oriole Oriolus auratus
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp auratus - 1
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp auratus - 3
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp auratus - 4
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp auratus - 5+
13/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp auratus - 2
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp auratus - 2
16/01/2006 - En route (Benoué - Waza) - ssp auratus - 1

Western Black-headed Oriole Oriolus brachyrhynchus
25/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - HO - ssp laetior - 2 heard
28/12/2005 - Korup NP - HO - ssp laetior - 1 heard
29/12/2005 - Korup NP - HO - ssp laetior - a few heard
30/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp laetior - 1 seen + more heard
02/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp laetior - 1 seen + more heard

Black-winged Oriole Oriolus nigripennis
03/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp unspecified - 3 seen + more heard
04/01/2006 - Bakossi Mts - ssp unspecified - a few
05/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp unspecified - 1

Emin's Shrike Lanius gubernator
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - monotypic - 1 bird seen perched in a tree top was a real surprise

Southern Gray Shrike Lanius meridionalis
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp unspecified - 5+
20/01/2006 - En route (Maroua - Yaoundé) - ssp unspecified - 1

Mackinnon's Shrike Lanius mackinnoni
24/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - monotypic - 2
02/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - monotypic - 2
03/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - monotypic - 2
04/01/2006 - Bakossi Mts - monotypic - 1
05/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - monotypic - 1
06/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - monotypic - 1
07/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - monotypic - 5+

Common Fiscal Lanius collaris
07/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - ssp smithii - 1
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp smithii - 5+
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp smithii - 10+
13/01/2006 - En route (Ngaoundaba - Benoué) - ssp smithii - a few

Masked Shrike Lanius nubicus
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - monotypic - 2
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - monotypic - 2

Woodchat Shrike Lanius senator
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 2
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp unspecified - 1
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - ssp unspecified - 1

Yellow-billed Shrike Corvinella corvina
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 5+
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 2
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 5+
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 5+
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp unspecified - 5+
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp unspecified - 4

Brubru Nilaus afer
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp camerunensis - 1 seen + more heard
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp camerunensis - 3 seen + more heard
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp camerunensis - 3
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp camerunensis - 5+
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - HO - ssp camerunensis - 1 heard

Northern Puffback Dryoscopus gambensis
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp gambensis - 1
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp gambensis - 1
13/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp gambensis - 2
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp gambensis - 2
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp gambensis - 2

Red-eyed Puffback Dryoscopus senegalensis
02/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - monotypic - 5+ seen mainly in the farmbush

Pink-footed Puffback Dryoscopus angolensis
02/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp unspecified - 1
04/01/2006 - Bakossi Mts - ssp unspecified - 2
05/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp unspecified - 2

Large-billed Puffback Dryoscopus sabini
05/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - HO - ssp melanoleucus - 1 heard in the farmbush

Marsh Tchagra Tchagra minuta
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp minuta - 2 birds in a reed-like area along the main road to Ngaoundéré, about 200m from the turnoff to the Ranch

Black-crowned Tchagra Tchagra senegala
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 1
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 1
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 5+
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 2
13/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp unspecified - 5+
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp unspecified - 5+
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp unspecified - 5+
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp unspecified - 5+
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp unspecified - 4

Luehder's Bushshrike Laniarius luehderi
26/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - HO - monotypic - 1 heard
01/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - monotypic - 1 taped in and seen well

Tropical Boubou Laniarius aethiopicus
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp major - 5+
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp major - fairly common
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp major - a few seen + more heard
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp major - fairly common
13/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - HO - ssp major - fairly common heard
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp major - 1 seen + more heard
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp major - 5+

Black-headed Gonolek Laniarius erythrogaster
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - monotypic - 2 taped in
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - HO - monotypic - 1 heard

Yellow-breasted Boubou Laniarius atroflavus
24/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp unspecified - 3
25/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp unspecified - 10+
26/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp unspecified - 10+
04/01/2006 - Bakossi Mts - ssp unspecified - 1
06/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - ssp unspecified - 5+
07/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - ssp unspecified - 5+

Mountain Sooty Boubou Laniarius poensis
24/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp camerunensis - 2 seen + more heard
25/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp camerunensis - 5+
26/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp camerunensis - 2 seen + more heard
03/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp camerunensis - 3 + more heard
04/01/2006 - Bakossi Mts - ssp camerunensis - a few seen + more heard
05/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp camerunensis - a few seen + more heard

Gray-green Bushshrike Telophorus bocagei
25/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - HO - ssp bocagei - a few heard
26/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - HO - ssp bocagei - 1 heard
01/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp bocagei - 3 birds taped in
03/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp bocagei - 1 seen

Sulphur-breasted Bushshrike Telophorus sulfureopectus
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp sulfureopectus - 1
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp sulfureopectus - 1
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp sulfureopectus - 1
13/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp sulfureopectus - 2
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp sulfureopectus - 3

Many-colored Bushshrike Telophorus multicolor
02/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp unspecified - 1 bird taped in and seen eventually

Mt. Kupe Bushshrike Telophorus kupeensis Endangered (EN) Country endemic
04/01/2006 - Bakossi Mts - monotypic - 1 taped in and seen failry well on a forested ridge near Kotmin (place called Lo by the local people).

Green-breasted Bushshrike Malaconotus gladiator Vulnerable (VU)
03/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - HO - monotypic - 2 heard
04/01/2006 - Bakossi Mts - monotypic - 2 taped in
05/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - HO - monotypic - 1 heard

Gray-headed Bushshrike Malaconotus blanchoti
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 3
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - HO - ssp unspecified - a few heard
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - HO - ssp unspecified - a few heard
13/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 1 seen + more heard
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - HO - ssp unspecified - a few heard
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - HO - ssp unspecified - a few heard

White Helmetshrike Prionops plumatus
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp concinnatus - 10+
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp concinnatus - 10+
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp concinnatus - 10+
13/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp concinnatus - 5+
13/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp concinnatus - 5+
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp concinnatus - a few
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp concinnatus - 5+

Shining Drongo Dicrurus atripennis
28/12/2005 - Korup NP - monotypic - 2
29/12/2005 - Korup NP - monotypic - 3
30/12/2005 - Korup NP - monotypic - 5+
31/12/2005 - Korup NP - monotypic - 2
04/01/2006 - Bakossi Mts - monotypic - 2

Fork-tailed Drongo Dicrurus adsimilis
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp divaricatus - 5+
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp divaricatus - fairly common
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp divaricatus - fairly common
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp divaricatus - fairly common
13/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp divaricatus - fairly common
13/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp divaricatus - fairly common
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp divaricatus - 5+
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp divaricatus - 5+

Velvet-mantled Drongo Dicrurus modestus Near-threatened (NT)
05/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp coracinus - 1 bird seen inside the forest in the Kotmin area

Piapiac Ptilostomus afer
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - a flock of 15+ birds close to to turnoff at the main road

Pied Crow Corvus albus
24/12/2005 - En route (Douala - Bouea) - monotypic - a few
24/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - monotypic - a few
26/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - monotypic - 2
27/12/2005 - En route (Bouea - Mundemba) - monotypic - fairly common
31/12/2005 - Korup NP - monotypic - fairly common
06/01/2006 - En route (Nyasosso - Bamenda) - monotypic - fairly common
06/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - monotypic - fairly common
07/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - monotypic - fairly common
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - fairly common
13/01/2006 - En route (Ngaoundaba - Benoué) - monotypic - fairly common
16/01/2006 - En route (Benoué - Waza) - monotypic - a few
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - monotypic - a few
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - monotypic - 10+
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - monotypic - a few

Wattled Starling Creatophora cinerea
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 5+
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - a few

Greater Blue-eared Glossy-Starling Lamprotornis chalybaeus
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp chalybaeus - 4
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp chalybaeus - a few
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp chalybaeus - a few
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp chalybaeus - a few
13/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp chalybaeus - a few
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp chalybaeus - a few

Lesser Blue-eared Glossy-Starling Lamprotornis chloropterus
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp chloropterus - fairly common
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp chloropterus - fairly common
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp chloropterus - fairly common
13/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp chloropterus - a few
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp chloropterus - a few
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - ssp chloropterus - a few
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp chloropterus - a few

Bronze-tailed Glossy-Starling Lamprotornis chalcurus
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - a few
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - a few

Splendid Glossy-Starling Lamprotornis splendidus
02/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp splendidus - 5+
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp splendidus - a few

Purple Glossy-Starling Lamprotornis purpureus
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - a few
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - a few
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - a few
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - monotypic - a few
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - monotypic - a few

Long-tailed Glossy-Starling Lamprotornis caudatus
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - monotypic - 6
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - monotypic - 5+

Chestnut-bellied Starling Lamprotornis pulcher
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - monotypic - 10+
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - monotypic - 10+

Purple-headed Glossy-Starling Lamprotornis purpureiceps
02/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - monotypic - only 3 birds seen, maybe overlooked

Violet-backed Starling Cinnyricinclus leucogaster
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp leucogaster - 2
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp leucogaster - 5+
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp leucogaster - 5+
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp leucogaster - 5+
13/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp leucogaster - 2

Waller's Starling Onychognathus walleri
04/01/2006 - Bakossi Mts - ssp preussi - 2 birds seen perched in a tree in the forest near Kotmin

Narrow-tailed Starling Poeoptera lugubris
24/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - monotypic - 1 flying over
26/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - monotypic - 10+
01/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - monotypic - a few
05/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - monotypic - 1
06/01/2006 - En route (Nyasosso - Bamenda) - monotypic - 5+

White-collared Starling Grafisia torquata
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 4
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 10+
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 5+
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 10+
13/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 2

Yellow-billed Oxpecker Buphagus africanus
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp africanus - 4
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - ssp africanus - 5+

Gray-headed Sparrow Passer griseus
24/12/2005 - En route (Douala - Bouea) - ssp griseus - fairly common
24/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp griseus - common
26/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp griseus - fairly common
27/12/2005 - En route (Bouea - Mundemba) - ssp griseus - fairly common
31/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp griseus - fairly common
01/01/2006 - En route (Mundemba - Nyasosso) - ssp griseus - fairly common
01/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp griseus - fairly common
02/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp griseus - fairly common
03/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp griseus - fairly common
04/01/2006 - Bakossi Mts - ssp griseus - a few
05/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp griseus - a few
06/01/2006 - En route (Nyasosso - Bamenda) - ssp griseus - fairly common
07/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - ssp griseus - fairly common
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp griseus - fairly common
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp griseus - 5+
13/01/2006 - En route (Ngaoundaba - Benoué) - ssp griseus - fairly common
13/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp griseus - fairly common
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp griseus - fairly common
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp griseus - fairly common
16/01/2006 - En route (Benoué - Waza) - ssp griseus - a few
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp laeneni - fairly common
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - ssp laeneni - fairly common
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp laeneni - fairly common
20/01/2006 - En route (Maroua - Yaoundé) - ssp griseus - a few
21/01/2006 - En route (Yaoundé - Douala) - ssp griseus - a few

Bush Petronia Petronia dentata
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - fairly common
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - fairly common
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - fairly common
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - fairly common
13/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - fairly common
13/01/2006 - Benoué NP - monotypic - fairly common
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - monotypic - fairly common
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - monotypic - fairly common
16/01/2006 - En route (Benoué - Waza) - monotypic - a few
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - monotypic - fairly common
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - monotypic - fairly common
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - monotypic - fairly common

White-billed Buffalo-Weaver Bubalornis albirostris
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - monotypic - 15+
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - monotypic - fairly common
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - monotypic - 10+

Speckle-fronted Weaver Sporopipes frontalis
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp frontalis - fairly common
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - ssp frontalis - fairly common
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp frontalis - fairly common

Chestnut-crowned Sparrow-Weaver Plocepasser superciliosus
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp unspecified - 10+
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp unspecified - 2
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp unspecified - fairly common

Bannerman's Weaver Ploceus bannermani Vulnerable (VU)
06/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - monotypic - 10+
07/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - monotypic - 10+

Baglafecht Weaver Ploceus baglafecht
06/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - ssp neumanni - 1
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp neumanni - 2
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp neumanni - a few
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp neumanni - a few
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp neumanni - a few

Little Weaver Ploceus luteolus
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp luteolus - fairly common
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - ssp luteolus - a few

Spectacled Weaver Ploceus ocularis
02/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp crocatus - 3
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp crocatus - 1

Black-necked Weaver Ploceus nigricollis
24/12/2005 - En route (Douala - Bouea) - ssp unspecified - a few near Foyer du Marin, Douala
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp unspecified - 5+
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp unspecified - 3

Black-billed Weaver Ploceus melanogaster
25/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp melanogaster - 10+
04/01/2006 - Bakossi Mts - ssp melanogaster - 1
07/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - ssp melanogaster - 1

Vitelline Masked-Weaver Ploceus vitellinus
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp vitellinus - fairly common
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp vitellinus - fairly common

Village Weaver Ploceus cucullatus
24/12/2005 - En route (Douala - Bouea) - ssp cucullatus - common
24/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp cucullatus - common
02/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp cucullatus - fairly common
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp cucullatus - a few
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp cucullatus - a few
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp cucullatus - 2
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp cucullatus - fairly common
13/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp cucullatus - fairly common
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp cucullatus - a few
21/01/2006 - Sanaga River (near Edea) - ssp cucullatus - a few

Vieillot's Weaver Ploceus nigerrimus
24/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp nigerrimus - 2+
25/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp nigerrimus - 10+
26/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp nigerrimus - 10+
01/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp nigerrimus - 1
02/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp nigerrimus - fairly common
03/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp nigerrimus - fairly common
05/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp nigerrimus - fairly common

Forest Weaver Ploceus bicolor
25/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp tephronotus - 2
04/01/2006 - Bakossi Mts - ssp tephronotus - 5+
05/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp tephronotus - 5+

Preuss' Weaver Ploceus preussi
01/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - monotypic - 5+
03/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - monotypic - 2

Brown-capped Weaver Ploceus insignis
26/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp unspecified - 3
07/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - ssp unspecified - 3

Rachel's Malimbe Malimbus racheliae
28/12/2005 - Korup NP - monotypic - 1 female
29/12/2005 - Korup NP - monotypic - 1 male
30/12/2005 - Korup NP - monotypic - 1 female

Red-vented Malimbe Malimbus scutatus
01/01/2006 - En route (Mundemba - Nyasosso) - ssp scutopartitus - 10+ seen along the dirt road out of Mundemba

Gray's Malimbe Malimbus nitens
28/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp unspecified - 2
29/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp unspecified - 2
30/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp unspecified - 2
31/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp unspecified - 1

Crested Malimbe Malimbus malimbicus
28/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp malimbicus - 1 male
29/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp malimbicus - 2
30/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp malimbicus - 3

Red-headed Malimbe Malimbus rubricollis
05/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp rubricollis - 2

Red-headed Weaver Anaplectes rubriceps
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 1
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp leuconotus - 1 male making a nest near the first buildings of the campement
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp leuconotus - 1 other bird at the same site

Red-billed Quelea Quelea quelea
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp quelea - abundant
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - ssp quelea - abundant
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp quelea - common

Yellow Bishop Euplectes capensis
25/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp phoenicomerus - common
26/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp phoenicomerus - common
06/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - ssp phoenicomerus - fairly common
07/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - ssp phoenicomerus - 5+

Yellow-shouldered Widowbird Euplectes macrourus
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp macrourus - 30+
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp macrourus - 20+
13/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp macrourus - 5+

Woodhouse's Antpecker Parmoptila woodhousei
30/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp woodhousei - 3
31/12/2005 - Korup NP - ssp woodhousei - 1
02/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp woodhousei - 1 in the farmbush

White-breasted Negrofinch Nigrita fusconota
24/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - HO - ssp fusconota - 1 heard
01/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp fusconota - 2
02/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp fusconota - 10+

Chestnut-breasted Negrofinch Nigrita bicolor
01/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp brunnescens - 2 in the farmbush below the Women's Guetshouse
05/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp brunnescens - 1 in the farmbush on the way to the Nature Trail

Pale-fronted Negrofinch Nigrita luteifrons
25/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp luteifrons - 1
01/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp luteifrons - a few
02/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp luteifrons - 2

Gray-headed Negrofinch Nigrita canicapilla
24/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp canicapilla - 1
01/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp canicapilla - fairly common
02/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp canicapilla - 10+
05/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp canicapilla - 1

Fernando Po Oliveback Nesocharis shelleyi
25/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp shelleyi - 10+
03/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp bansoensis - 10+
04/01/2006 - Bakossi Mts - ssp bansoensis - 5+
05/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp bansoensis - a few
07/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - ssp bansoensis - 2

Gray-headed Oliveback Nesocharis capistrata
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 1
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 3
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 2
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - monotypic - 2
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - monotypic - 4

Red-winged Pytilia Pytilia phoenicoptera
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp phoenicoptera - 1 bird seen in the burnt area

Green-winged Pytilia Pytilia melba
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp citerior - 20+
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - ssp citerior - 4
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp citerior - 10+

Red-faced Pytilia Pytilia hypogrammica
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 2
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 1 female
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 3

Green-backed Twinspot Mandingoa nitidula
25/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp schlegeli - 2 birds along the track to the radio station

Red-faced Crimson-wing Cryptospiza reichenovii
25/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp reichenovii - 10+
04/01/2006 - Bakossi Mts - ssp reichenovii - 5+

Western Bluebill Spermophaga haematina
24/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp pustulata - 1 seen + more heard
03/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp pustulata - 1

Brown Twinspot Clytospiza monteiri
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 4
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 3
13/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 4

Dybowski's Twinspot Euschistospiza dybowskii
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 2
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 2
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 5+

Bar-breasted Firefinch Lagonosticta rufopicta
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp rufopicta - 3
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp rufopicta - 2
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp rufopicta - 5+

Red-billed Firefinch Lagonosticta senegala
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp unspecified - 10+
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp unspecified - 10+
16/01/2006 - En route (Benoué - Waza) - ssp unspecified - a few
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp unspecified - 10+
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - ssp unspecified - a few
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp unspecified - 10+

Black-bellied Firefinch Lagonosticta rara
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp rara - 3
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp rara - 2

African Firefinch Lagonosticta rubricata
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp ugandae - 5+
13/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp ugandae - 5+

Red-cheeked Cordonbleu Uraeginthus bengalus
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp bengalus - 2
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp bengalus - fairly common
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp bengalus - fairly common
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp bengalus - fairly common
13/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp bengalus - 10+
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp bengalus - 20+
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp bengalus - 10+
16/01/2006 - En route (Benoué - Waza) - ssp bengalus - a few
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp bengalus - fairly common
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - ssp bengalus - fairly common
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp bengalus - fairly common
20/01/2006 - En route (Maroua - Yaoundé) - ssp bengalus - a few

Lavender Waxbill Estrilda caerulescens
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - monotypic - 2 seen near a rocky area on route to Maroua

Orange-cheeked Waxbill Estrilda melpoda
02/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp unspecified - 10+
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 5+
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 5+
13/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp unspecified - 3
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp unspecified - 20+
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp unspecified - 10+
21/01/2006 - Sanaga River (near Edea) - ssp unspecified - 3

Black-rumped Waxbill Estrilda troglodytes
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - monotypic - 10+
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - monotypic - 10+
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - monotypic - a few

Common Waxbill Estrilda astrild
04/01/2006 - Bakossi Mts - ssp occidentalis - 10+
07/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - ssp occidentalis - 20+

Black-crowned Waxbill Estrilda nonnula
24/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp nonnula - 2
25/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp nonnula - common
26/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp nonnula - common
01/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp nonnula - 10+
02/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp nonnula - fairly common
04/01/2006 - Bakossi Mts - ssp nonnula - fairly common
05/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp nonnula - 10+
06/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - ssp nonnula - fairly common
07/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - ssp nonnula - 10+
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp nonnula - fairly common
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp nonnula - fairly common
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp nonnula - fairly common
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp nonnula - fairly common
13/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp nonnula - fairly common

Black-headed Waxbill Estrilda atricapilla
25/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp atricapilla - 5+ seen along the lower part of the track to the radio station

African Silverbill Euodice cantans
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp cantans - 10+
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - ssp cantans - 10+
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp cantans - 10+

Bronze Mannikin Spermestes cucullatus
24/12/2005 - En route (Douala - Bouea) - ssp cucullatus - fairly common
24/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp cucullatus - fairly common
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp cucullatus - 50+
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp cucullatus - 20+
13/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp cucullatus - 10+
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp cucullatus - 10+
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp cucullatus - 10+

Black-and-white Mannikin Spermestes bicolor
24/12/2005 - En route (Douala - Bouea) - ssp unspecified - fairly common
25/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp unspecified - a few
27/12/2005 - En route (Bouea - Mundemba) - ssp unspecified - a few
01/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp unspecified - a few
02/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp unspecified - 10+
04/01/2006 - Bakossi Mts - ssp unspecified - 5+

Cut-throat Amadina fasciata
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - ssp fasciata - a group of 3 birds inside the NP were the only for the trip

Village Indigobird Vidua chalybeata
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - ssp unspecified - 1 bird - identified by it's host species

Pin-tailed Whydah Vidua macroura
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 10+
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 1
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - monotypic - 1

Long-tailed Paradise-Whydah Vidua interjecta
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - monotypic - 1 male

Northern Paradise-Whydah Vidua orientalis
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - monotypic - 5+
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - monotypic - 5+
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - monotypic - 1

Oriole Finch Linurgus olivaceus
25/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp olivaceus - 10+
26/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp olivaceus - fairly common
06/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - ssp olivaceus - 10+
07/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - ssp olivaceus - 5+

White-rumped Seedeater Serinus leucopygius
17/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp riggenbachi - 5 birds mostly close to the pools along the Waza-Mora road
18/01/2006 - Waza NP - ssp riggenbachi - 1

Yellow-fronted Canary Serinus mozambicus
25/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp unspecified - 2
05/01/2006 - Mt Kupé - ssp unspecified - 1
07/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - ssp unspecified - 4
09/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 5+
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 5+
11/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 10+
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - fairly common
13/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp unspecified - 5+
13/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp unspecified - 5+
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp unspecified - fairly common
15/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp unspecified - fairly common
16/01/2006 - En route (Benoué - Waza) - ssp unspecified - a few

Streaky-headed Seedeater Serinus gularis
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp montanorum - 1 near Campement du Buffle Noir

Thick-billed Seedeater Serinus burtoni
25/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp burtoni - 3
26/12/2005 - Mt Cameroon - ssp burtoni - 5+
06/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - ssp burtoni - 10+
07/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - ssp burtoni - fairly common

Cinnamon-breasted Bunting Emberiza tahapisi
07/01/2006 - Bafut-Nguemba FR - ssp goslingi - 1
10/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp goslingi - 1
12/01/2006 - Ngaoundaba Ranch - ssp goslingi - 2
16/01/2006 - En route (Benoué - Waza) - ssp goslingi - 10+
19/01/2006 - Mora-Waza area - ssp goslingi - 3

Cabanis' Bunting Emberiza cabanisi
14/01/2006 - Benoué NP - ssp cabanisi - 3 birds along the entrance road